102 research outputs found

    Evolution of populations expanding on curved surfaces

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    The expansion of a population into new habitat is a transient process that leaves its footprints in the genetic composition of the expanding population. How the structure of the environment shapes the population front and the evolutionary dynamics during such a range expansion is little understood. Here, we investigate the evolutionary dynamics of populations consisting of many selectively neutral genotypes expanding on curved surfaces. Using a combination of individual-based off-lattice simulations, geometrical arguments, and lattice-based stepping-stone simulations, we characterise the effect of individual bumps on an otherwise flat surface. Compared to the case of a range expansion on a flat surface, we observe a transient relative increase, followed by a decrease, in neutral genetic diversity at the population front. In addition, we find that individuals at the sides of the bump have a dramatically increased expected number of descendants, while their neighbours closer to the bump's centre are far less lucky. Both observations can be explained using an analytical description of straight paths (geodesics) on the curved surface. Complementing previous studies of heterogeneous flat environments, the findings here build our understanding of how complex environments shape the evolutionary dynamics of expanding populations.Comment: This preprint has also been posted to http://www.biorxiv.org with doi: 10.1101/406280. Seven pages with 5 figures, plus an appendix containing 3 pages with 1 figur

    Lassoing saddle splay and the geometrical control of topological defects

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    Systems with holes, such as colloidal handlebodies and toroidal droplets, have been studied in the nematic liquid crystal (NLC) 4-cyano-4'-pentylbiphenyl (5CB): both point and ring topological defects can occur within each hole and around the system, while conserving the system's overall topological charge. However, what has not been fully appreciated is the ability to manipulate the hole geometry with homeotropic (perpendicular) anchoring conditions to induce complex, saddle-like deformations. We exploit this by creating an array of holes suspended in an NLC cell with oriented planar (parallel) anchoring at the cell boundaries. We study both 5CB and a binary mixture of bicyclohexane derivatives (CCN-47 and CCN-55). Through simulations and experiments, we study how the bulk saddle deformations of each hole interact to create novel defect structures, including an array of disclination lines, reminiscent of those found in liquid crystal blue phases. The line locations are tunable via the NLC elastic constants, the cell geometry, and the size and spacing of holes in the array. This research lays the groundwork for the control of complex elastic deformations of varying length scales via geometrical cues in materials that are renowned in the display industry for their stability and easy manipulability.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, 1 supplementary figur

    Biceps Femoris Long Head Muscle Fascicles Actively Lengthen During the Nordic Hamstring Exercise

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    Current debate exists around whether a presumed eccentric exercise, the Nordic hamstring exercise (NHE), actually causes active hamstring muscle lengthening. This is because of the decoupling that can occur between the muscle fascicle and muscle-tendon unit (MTU) length changes in relatively compliant human lower-limb MTUs, which results in MTU lengthening not necessarily causing muscle fascicle lengthening. This missing knowledge complicates the interpretation of why the NHE is effective at reducing running-related hamstring muscle injury risk in athletes previously unfamiliar with performing this exercise. The purpose of the study was therefore to investigate if the most-commonly injured hamstring muscle, the biceps femoris long head (BF), exhibits active muscle lengthening (i.e. an eccentric muscle action) during the NHE up until peak force in Nordic novices. External reaction force at the ankle, knee flexion angle, and BF and semitendinosus muscle activities were recorded from the left leg of 14 participants during the NHE. Simultaneously, BF muscle architecture was imaged using B-mode ultrasound imaging, and muscle architecture changes were tracked using two different tracking algorithms. From ~85 to 100% of peak NHE force, both tracking algorithms detected that BF muscle fascicles (n = 10) significantly lengthened (p < 0.01) and had a mean positive lengthening velocity (p ≤ 0.02), while knee extension velocity remained positive (17°·s−1) over knee flexion angles from 53 to 37° and a duration of 1.6 s. Despite some individual cases of brief isometric fascicle behavior and brief fascicle shortening during BF MTU lengthening, the predominant muscle action was eccentric under a relatively high muscle activity level (59% of maximum). Eccentric hamstring muscle action therefore does occur during the NHE in relatively strong (429 N) Nordic novices, which might contribute to the increase in resting BF muscle fascicle length and reduction in running-related injury risk, which have previously been reported following NHE training. Whether an eccentric BF muscle action occurs in individuals accustomed to the NHE remains to be tested

    Elasticity-Dependent Self-assembly of Micro-Templated Chromonic Liquid Crystal Films

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    We explore micropatterned director structures of aqueous lyotropic chromonic liquid crystal (LCLC) films created on square lattice cylindrical-micropost substrates. The structures are manipulated by modulating the LCLC mesophases and their elastic properties via concentration through drying. Nematic LCLC films exhibit preferred bistable alignment along the diagonals of the micropost lattice. Columnar LCLC films, dried from nematics, form two distinct director and defect configurations: a diagonally aligned director pattern with local squares of defects, and an off-diagonal configuration with zig-zag defects. The formation of these states appears to be tied to the relative splay and bend free energy costs of the initial nematic films. The observed nematic and columnar configurations are understood numerically using a Landau-de Gennes free energy model. Among other attributes, the work provide first examples of quasi-2D micropatterning of LC films in the columnar phase and lyotropic LC films in general, and it demonstrates alignment and configuration switching of typically difficult-to-align LCLC films via bulk elastic properties.Comment: 9 pages; 9 figures; accepted for publication in Soft Matte

    Elastocapillary driven assembly of particles at free-standing smectic-A films

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    Colloidal particles at complex fluid interfaces and within films assemble to form ordered structures with high degrees of symmetry via interactions that include capillarity, elasticity, and other fields like electrostatic charge. Here we study microparticle interactions within free-standing smectic-A films, in which the elasticity arising from the director field distortion and capillary interactions arising from interface deformation compete to direct the assembly of motile particles. New colloidal assemblies and patterns, ranging from 1D chains to 2D aggregates, sensitive to the initial wetting conditions of particles at the smectic film, are reported. This work paves the way to exploiting LC interfaces as a means to direct spontaneously formed, reconfigurable, and optically active materials.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures. Supplementary Materials: 3 pages, 3 figure

    Tunable colloid trajectories in nematic liquid crystals near wavy walls

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    The ability to dictate colloid motion is an important challenge in fields ranging from materials science to living systems. Here, by embedding energy landscapes in confined nematic liquid crystals, we design a versatile platform to define colloidal migration. This is achieved by placing a wavy wall, with alternating hills and wells, in nematic liquid crystals, to impose a smooth elastic energy field with alternating splay and bend distortions. This domain generates (meta) stable loci that act as attractors and unstable loci that repel colloids over distances large compared to the colloid radius. Energy gradients in the vicinity of these loci are exploited to dictate colloid trajectories. We demonstrate several aspects of this control, by studying transitions between defect configurations, propelling particles along well defined paths and exploiting multistable systems to send particles to particular sites within the domain. Such tailored landscapes have promise in reconfigurable systems and in microrobotics applicationsComment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Templated self-assembly of gold nanoparticles in smectic liquid crystals confined at 3D printed curved surfaces

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    The fabrication of assembled structures of topological defects in liquid crystals (LCs) has attracted much attention during the last decade, stemming from the potential application of these defects in modern technologies. A range of techniques can be employed to create large areas of engineered defects in LCs, including mechanical shearing, chemical surface treatment, external fields, or geometric confinement. The technology of 3D printing has recently emerged as a powerful method to fabricate novel patterning topographies inaccessible by other microfabrication techniques, especially confining geometries with curved topographies. In this work, we show the advantages of using 3D-printed curved surfaces and controlled anchoring properties to confine LCs and engineer new structures of topological defects, whose structure we elucidate by comparison with a novel application of Landau-de Gennes free energy minimization to the smectic A-nematic phase transition. We also demonstrate the ability of these defects to act as a scaffold for assembling gold (Au) nanoparticles (NPs) into reconfigurable 3D structures. We discuss the characteristics of this templated self-assembly (TSA) approach and explain the relationship between NP concentrations and defect structures with insights gained from numerical modeling. This work paves the way for a versatile platform of LC defect-templated assembly of a range of functional nanomaterials useful in the field of energy technology.Comment: Main text: 30 pages, 6 figures. Supplementary Information: 5 pages, 4 figure
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