7 research outputs found

    Analysis and Synthesis of Realizable Non-equilibrium Dissipative Structures

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    Computation complexity of a broad variety of practical design problems is known to be strongly depending on an algebraic complexity of corresponding mathematical system representations. Especially some vector-matrix models are frequently used in numerous interdisciplinary fields. One way to overcome the complexity problems is based on some special algebraic structures of low order model approximations, such as e.g. balanced representations. Another approach based on the concept of sparse matrices has also become very popular. As a very successful special case of sparse matrix based approach a class of tridiagonal system representations [1] has found applications in solution of partial differential equations, digital signal processing, image processing, computational fluid dynamics, spline curve fitting and many others. In this contribution a generalized sparse matrix motivated multi-diagonal method is proposed and some new results, based on state space energy motivated causal system representations are presented, too [2]

    A new chaotic system based on state space energy feedback

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    Multi-wing chaotic attractors are highly complex nonlinear dynamical systems. A new four-scroll chaotic attractor was found by energy feedback controlling method in this paper. Spectral analysis shows that the system in the four-wing chaotic mode has very broad frequency bandwidth, verifying its random nature, and indicating the prospect for engineering applications such as secure communications, biology, etc. Creating a chaotic system with a more complicated topological structure such as a multi-scroll or multi-wing attractor, therefore, becomes a desirable task and sometimes a key issue for many engineering applications

    Generalized tellegen principle used for energy method for systems modeling

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    This paper deals with dissipativity, stability, chaotic behavior and related structural properties of a relatively broad class of finite dimensional strictly causal systems. The class of nonlinear systems under consideration is described in the state-space representation form. System properties are investigated by a new approach based on a new abstract state energy concept, and on a proper generalization of the well known Tellegen's theorem as a form of the energy conservation principle. The resulting energy function is induced by the output signal power and determines both, the structure of a proper system representation as well as the corresponding system state space topology. The state minimality, as well as parameter minimality requirements plays a crucial role in the proposed method. Several examples are solved, and results of simulation are shown for illustration of fundamental ideas and basic attributes of the proposed method

    Nanostrukturní titan - aplikace pro dentální implantáty

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    Pro dentální náhrady jsou vyvíjeny nové materiály, lépe vyhovující požadavkům medicíny. Perspektivním materiálem je nanostrukturní titan (nTi). V práci je (nTi) porovnán s ostatními materiály pro dentální aplikace. nTi je bioinertní, neobsahuje žádné, ani jen potenciálně toxické ani alergenní přísady a má vyšší měrné pevnostní vlastnosti než jakýkoliv materiál používaný pro dentální implantáty. Z nTi byly vyrobeny šroubové implantáty Nanoimplant® o průměru 2.4 mm a délce intraosseální části 12 mm. Ty byly použity ve dvou klinických aplikacích. Průběh hojení i časného pooperačního období byl bez jakýchkoliv komplikací. Jedná se o ve světě prvou aplikaci nTi dentálního implantátu.New materials for dental substitutes are developed. Nanostructured titanium (nTi) is a perspective material for these purposes. This paper compares its properties with that of other materials used for the same purpose. nTi is bio inert, it contains neither even potentially toxic nor allergenetic additives and has significantly higher specific strength properties than any other material used for dental implants. Cylindrical threaded screw implants Nanoimplant® were made-up from nTi. Implants were used in two clinical applications. No complications were noticed during the early postoperative period and early loading. It was the first application of the nTi dental implant in the world reported