109 research outputs found

    Software Design of Single Purpose Machine for Visual Inspection

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    V rámci tejto práce je riešená problematika strojového videnia a praktické implementovanie takejto úlohy. V rešeršnej časti sú rozoberané základné možnosti získavania a spracovania obrazu naprieč počtom analyzovaných dimenzií. V praktickej časti je vypracovaný návrh algoritmu pre rozmerovú kontrolu pomocou 3D kamery. Tento algoritmus je potom implementovaný do jednoúčelového stroja pre optickú rozmerovú kontrolu.This master’s thesis deals with the fundamentals of machine vision application and its practical implementation. The research part is focused on the basic possibilities of image acquisition and image processing in different dimensions. The practical part describes the design of the dimension control algorithm using a 3D camera. This algorithm is then implemented in a single-purpose machine for optical dimension control.

    Automated system for installing and configuring GNU/Linux virtual hosts

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    Práce se zabývá možnostmi správy virtuálních strojů (především z programátorského hlediska) a dostupnými metodami pro automatickou instalaci distribucí operačního systému GNU/Linux. Úvodní část je věnována virtualizačním technologiím a možnostem jejich ovládání s využitím knihovny libvirt. Je zde popsán způsob definice a popisu jednotlivých součástí virtualizovaného prostředí (virtuální stroje, disky, sítě) za pomoci XML. Dále jsou probrány možnosti automatické instalace linuxových distribucí založených na RedHatu a Debianu s přihlédnutím k virtualizovanému prostředí. Je zde zmíněna možnost kopírování existujícího disku s nainstalovaným systémem. V praktické části je navržena a realizována serverová aplikace pro ovládání a správu virtuálních strojů včetně automatické instalace operačního systému.This work deals with possibilities of administration of virtual machines (mainly from the developer's point of view) and available methods for automatic installation of GNU/Linux distributions. First part contains the information about virtualisation technologies and possibilities to configure them with a libvirt library. The definition and specification of each part of virtualisation environment (virtual machines, disks, networks) using XML is described. Further more the possibilities of automatic installation of Linux distributions based on RedHat and Debian considering the virtualisation environment are discussed. The possibility of copying an existing disk with installed system is also mentioned. In a practical part a server application for control and management of virtual machines including automatic installation of operating system is proposed and realised.

    OpenSource SW for data traffic inspection

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    Práce se zabývá využitím svobodného a otevřeného software pro filtrování síťového provozu a jeho nasazením v hraničních branách malých a středně velkých sítí. Zvláštní pozornost je kladena na filtrování provozu protokolu http na úrovni aplikační vrstvy. V úvodu je krátce probrán pojem svobodný a otevřený software s některými výhodami plynoucími z jeho použití. Je zde také zdůvodněn výběr distribuce Debian GNU/Linux. Dále jsou probrány možnosti filtrování síťového provozu na úrovni paketového a stavového filtru a s tím související program iptables. Hlavní část se zabývá filtrováním http provozu na úrovni aplikační vrstvy s pomocí programů Squid a DansGuardian. V praktické části je představena instalace a konfigurace operačního systému Debian GNU/Linux a základních služeb (ssh server, DNS a DHCP server). Dále pak instalace a konfigurace programu Squid a DansGuardian. K programu DansGuardian je vytvořeno webové konfigurační rozhraní.This work deals with a usage of free and open software for filtering of network traffic and its installation in network gateway in small and middle-sized networks. Main focus is on filtering the http protocol on the level of a application layer. At the start a problems of free and open software is analyzed along with its advantages that result from its usage.There are as well given reasons for choosing the Debian GNU/Linux distribution. Further there are discussed possibilities of filtering network traffic on packets level and status filter along with the soft- ware iptables. Main part focuses on a filtering of http traffic on the application layer level using program Squid and DansGuardian. In a practical part the installation and configuration of operating system Debian GNU/Linux is presented including base services (ssh, DNS and DHCP server). Further more there are installations and configurations of softwares Squid and DansGuardian demonstrated. For DansGuardian there is a web configuration interface created.

    An experimental study of laboratory hybrid power system with the hydrogen technologies

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    This paper presents very small laboratory hybrid photovoltaic-hydrogen power system. The system was primarily assembled to verify the operability of the control algorithms and practical deployment of available commercial hydrogen technologies that are directly usable for storage of electricity produced from renewable energy sources in a small island system. This energetic system was installed and tested in Laboratory of fuel cells that is located in the university campus of VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. The energetic system consists of several basic components: a photovoltaic field, accumulators bank, water commercial electrolyzer and compact fuel cell system. The weather conditions recorded in two different weeks as model weather and solar conditions are used as case studies to test the energetic system and the results for two different cases are compared each other. The results show and illustrate selected behaviour curves of the power system and also average energy storage efficiency for accumulation subsystem based on hydrogen technologies or at the energetic system embedded components. On the basis of real measurement and its evaluation the ideal parameters of the photovoltaic field were calculated as well as the hydrogen technologies for supposed purpose and the power requirements

    Silica nanoparticles-coated poly(glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate) co-polymer beads containing organic phase change materials

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    Macroporous sorbent beads of large and small sizes were prepared by the AIBN-initiated suspension radical polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate and ethylene dimethacrylate monomers in the presence of an inert porogen. The large and small microspheres were loaded with paraffin and cetyl alcohol PCMs, respectively, and coated with silica nanoparticles after sol-gel synthesis of trimethoxy(methyl)silane hydrolysate. The energy storing capacity of the form-stabilized PCM containing composite particles was monitored by differential scanning calorimetry. Accelerated thermal cycling tests were carried out to determine the thermal reliability of the microencapsulated PCMs. Paraffin and cetyl alcohol content of the microcapsules was 42.9 % and 48.9 %, respectively. The microcomposites with higher PCM content showed correspondingly higher latent heat storage capacity (melting and solidification enthalpies were 96.1 J/g and 94.7 J/g). However, there was low enthalpy change observed after 1000 thermal cycles of cetyl alcohol containing capsules, which indicated that its leakage from the microcomposites was not substantial

    Encapsulation of human serum albumin in submicrometer magnetic poly(lactide-co-glycolide) particles as a model system for targeted drug delivery

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    Two types of iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized by coprecipitation of Fe(II) and Fe(III) chlorides: water-dispersible γ-Fe2O3 and organic solvent-dispersible oleic acid-coated Fe3O4 particles. The nanoparticles, together with human serum albumin (HSA) serving as a model for a protein-type drug, were then incorporated in poly(lactide-co-glycolide) (PLGA) particles using double emulsion solvent evaporation technique. Morphology, size and particle size distribution of the resulting particles was analyzed by electron microscopy and dynamic light scattering. Iron oxide and HSA encapsulating efficiency was determined by Prussian Blue staining and micro-BCA assay, respectively

    Automatic Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition Using Colour Segmentation and Shape Identification

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    The paper describes a colour-based segmentation method of European traffic signs for detection in an image and a feature-based recognition method for categorizing them into given classes. At first, we have performed analysis of several well-known colour spaces as the RGB, HSV and YCbCr often used for segmentation purposes. The HSV colour space has been chosen as the most convenient for segmentation step and colour-based models of traffic signs representatives were created. Next, the fast radial symmetry (FRS) detection method and the Harris corner detector were used to recognize circles, triangles and squares as main geometrical shapes of the traffic signs. For these purposes a new gallery of real-life images containing traffic signs has been created and analysed. Overall efficiency of our recognition method is approx. 93 % on our gallery and is usable for real-time implementations

    Silica-coated poly(glycidyl methacrylate-ethylene dimethacrylate) beads containing organic phase change materials

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    Macroporous sorbents differing in size were prepared by the 2,2ʹ-azobis(isobutyronitrile) (AIBN)-initiated suspension radical polymerization of glycidyl methacrylate and ethylene dimethacrylate in the presence of an inert porogen. The microspheres were loaded with paraffin and cetyl alcohol phase change materials (PCMs) and coated with silica by sol-gel method using trimethoxy(methyl)silane hydrolysate. The energy storing capacity of the PCM-containing composite particles was monitored by differential scanning calorimetry. Accelerated thermal cycling tests were carried out to determine the thermal reliability of the microencapsulated PCMs. Paraffin and cetyl alcohol content in the microcapsules was 42.9 wt.% and 48.9 wt.%, respectively. The microcomposites with higher PCM content showed correspondingly higher latent heat storage capacity (melting and solidification enthalpies were 96.1 J/g and 94.5 J/g, respectively). However, there was low enthalpy change observed after 1000 thermal cycles of cetyl alcohol-containing capsules, which indicated that PCM leakage from the microspheres was minimal