126 research outputs found

    Exploratory factor structure of the social perception of security

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    Security have concern authorities and civil society during last years. Different society’s substrates have different perceptions on security. Present document explores reliability and validity of an instrument which measures security perception in bachelor’s students by reviewing seven dimensions: territorial, national, public (government), human, public (self-protection), private and internaut. Accordingly, setting values and residual permitted to accept the null hypothesis significant relationship between the theoretical dimensions with respect to the weighted factorsLa seguridad ha preocupado a las autoridades y la sociedad civil durante los últimos años. Los diferentes estratos de la sociedad tienen diferentes percepciones sobre la seguridad. El presente artículo explora la confiabilidad y la validez de un instrumento que mide la percepción de la seguridad en estudiantes universitarios revisando siete dimensiones: territorial, nacional, pública (gobierno), humana, pública (autoprotección), privada, e internauta. En consecuencia, se analizan cuantitativamente los valores y los residuos permitidos de cara a aceptar la hipótesis nula de una relación significativa entre las dimensiones teóricas con respecto a los factores considerado

    GAN Augmentation: Augmenting Training Data using Generative Adversarial Networks

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    One of the biggest issues facing the use of machine learning in medical imaging is the lack of availability of large, labelled datasets. The annotation of medical images is not only expensive and time consuming but also highly dependent on the availability of expert observers. The limited amount of training data can inhibit the performance of supervised machine learning algorithms which often need very large quantities of data on which to train to avoid overfitting. So far, much effort has been directed at extracting as much information as possible from what data is available. Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) offer a novel way to unlock additional information from a dataset by generating synthetic samples with the appearance of real images. This paper demonstrates the feasibility of introducing GAN derived synthetic data to the training datasets in two brain segmentation tasks, leading to improvements in Dice Similarity Coefficient (DSC) of between 1 and 5 percentage points under different conditions, with the strongest effects seen fewer than ten training image stacks are available

    To Sandwich Technetium: Highly Functionalized Bis‐Arene Complexes [99mTc(η6‐arene)2]+ Directly from Water and [99mTcO4]−

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    The labeling of (bio)molecules with metallic radionuclides such as 99mTc demands conjugated, multidentate chelators. However, this is not always necessary since phenyl rings can directly serve as integrated, organometallic ligands. Bis‐arene sandwich complexes are generally prepared by the Fischer–Hafner reaction. In extension of this, we show that [99mTc(η6‐C6R6)2]+‐type complexes are directly accessible from water and [99mTcO4]−, even using arenes incompatible with Fischer–Hafner conditions. To unambiguously confirm the nature of these unprecedented 99mTc complexes, their rhenium homologous have been prepared by substituting naphthalene ligands in [Re(η6‐C10H8)2]+ with the corresponding phenyl groups. The ease with which highly stable [99mTc(η6‐C6R6)2]+ complexes are formed under standard labeling conditions enables a multitude of new potential imaging agents based on commercial pharmaceuticals or lead structures

    Speech-language rehabilitation in patients with cochlear implant at Pepe Portilla Provincial Pediatric Hospital

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    Introducción: el aprendizaje de la lengua materna constituye para muchos la mayor hazaña intelectual que el hombre realiza. El lenguaje oral está basado principalmente en la información acústica. En los pacientes con hipoacusia neurosensorial bilateral severa o profunda el implante coclear es una de las vías de solución para recibir y procesar las aferencias auditivas.Objetivo: caracterizar el comportamiento de la rehabilitación logofoniátrica de los pacientes con implante coclear en la provincia de Pinar del Río, atendidos en el Hospital Pediátrico Pepe Portilla, en el período 2005-2021.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional, descriptivo, longitudinal y retrospectivo tomando los datos de la historia clínica logofoniátrica que fueron procesados mediante el sistema estadístico InfStat 1.0. El universo y la muestra quedaron constituidos por 40 pacientes que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión.Resultados: en la muestra la frecuencia acumulada indica que un 65 % de los pacientes se implantó antes de los ocho años; siete de los pacientes en que la edad del implante fue antes de los tres años, se encuentran en el nivel de reconocimiento-comprensión; en los pacientes con un implante precoz a medida que avanza la edad auditiva, aumenta el nivel de rehabilitación logofoniátrica y se utiliza como modalidad de rehabilitación la terapia auditivo- verbal. Varía la frecuencia de asistencia de los pacientes a la terapia en el centro provincial.Conclusiones: el diagnóstico precoz de la hipoacusia neurosensorial bilateral severa o profunda, el implante coclear oportuno y el trabajo unido de padres y rehabilitadores son fundamentales en el éxito del alcance del desarrollo de las habilidades lingüísticas del paciente.Introduction: the learning of the mother tongue constitutes for many the greatest intellectual feat that man can perform. Oral language is mainly based on acoustic information. In patients with severe or profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, the cochlear implant is one of the answers to receive and process auditory afferents.Objective: to characterize the behavior of the speech-language rehabilitation of patients with cochlear implant in Pinar del Río, province attended Pepe Portilla Pediatric Hospital, in the period 2005-2021.Methods: an observational, descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study was carried out, taking data from the speech-language clinical history, which data were processed by means of the statistical system InfStat 1.0. The target group and the sample consisted of 40 patients who met the inclusion criteria.Results: in the sample, the cumulative frequency indicates that 65 % of the patients were implanted before the 8 years old; 7 of the patients who were implanted before 3 years old, are at the recognition-comprehension level; in patients with an early implant, as hearing age advances, the level of speech-language rehabilitation increases and auditory-verbal therapy is used as a rehabilitation modality. The frequency of attendance of patients to therapy in the provincial center varies.Conclusions: early diagnosis of severe or profound bilateral sensorineural hearing loss, timely cochlear implantation and the combined work of parents and rehabilitators are essential for the successful development of the patient's language skills

    Modelo para la optimización del costo de operación de un campo de pozos en acuíferos

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    Ramos-Arzola, L. C., Cabrera-Estupiñán, E., Molina-Pérez, D., Hernández-Valdés, A. O., & Marón-Domínguez, D. E. (mayo-junio, 2017). Modelo para la optimización del costo de operación de un campo de pozos en acuíferos. Tecnología y Ciencias del Agua, 8(3), 39-53. El componente de mayor costo en la producción de agua subterránea en un sistema de suministro (una vez que los pozos están construidos) es el bombeo de agua desde los pozos. En la presente contribución se propone un nuevo módulo en MADA (modelo de administración de acuíferos), que se basa en la inclusión de un modelo de simulaciónoptimización para la minimización del costo de operación en acuíferos. La propuesta utiliza un modelo de simulación bidimensional del flujo del agua subterránea (AQÜIMPE) basado en el método de los elementos finitos. Se emplea el enfoque matriz respuesta para vincular AQÜIMPE con un problema de programación cuadrática, que se resuelve empleando la función quadprog del asistente matemático MATLAB. Se aplica el modelo en la administración de la explotación del acuífero Cuenca Sur y se obtiene una política de explotación que permite un 15% de ahorro del costo de bombeo en relación con el costo de la explotación real del año 2007. Además, el patrón de explotación obtenido satisface un conjunto de restricciones de demanda, de niveles en el acuífero y de capacidad instalada en cada pozo de explotación

    The Rapid Antigen Detection Test for SARS-CoV-2 Underestimates the Identification of COVID-19 Positive Cases and Compromises the Diagnosis of the SARS-CoV-2 (K417N/T, E484K, and N501Y) Variants

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    Timely detection of severe acute respiratory syndrome due to coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) by reverse transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) has been the gold- strategy for identifying positive cases during the current pandemic. However, faster and less expensive methodologies are also applied for the massive diagnosis of COVID-19. In this way, the rapid antigen test (RAT) is widely used. However, it is necessary to evaluate its detection efficiency considering the current pandemic context with the circulation of new viral variants. In this study, we evaluated the sensitivity and specificity of RAT (SD BIOSENSOR, South Korea), widely used for testing and SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis in Santiago of Chile. The RAT showed a 90% (amplification range of 20 ≤ Cq 30. In SARS-CoV-2 variant detection, RAT had a 42.8% detection sensitivity in samples with RT-qPCR amplification range 20 ≤ Cq <25 containing the single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) K417N/T, N501Y and E484K, associated with beta or gamma SARS-CoV-2 variants. This study alerts for the special attention that must be paid for the use of RAT at a massive diagnosis level, especially in the current scenario of appearance of several new SARS-CoV-2 variants which could generate false negatives and the compromise of possible viral outbreaks

    Factores en el pronóstico de mortalidad en pacientes con hemorragia intracerebral espontánea

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    Introduction: spontaneous intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) is considered, among all strokes, the one having the most devastating effect, the estimated mortality rate per month ranges between 35 and 52 %.Objective: to determine the factors that influence 30-day mortality rate in patients with Spontaneous Intracerebral Hemorrhage.Methods: a cross-sectional, analytical, observational study conducted at Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay Military Hospital over a period of 3 years (2017 to 2019). The target group comprised 75 patients. Demographic, clinical and tomographic variables were studied. Descriptive statistics was applied: absolute and relative frequency, arithmetic mean and standard deviation; along with inferential statistics: logistic regression using the Odds Ratio with a 95 % confidence interval, for a positive significance on p <0.05.Results: the age group from 48 to 75 years prevailed with 45 patients (60 %), male sex 44 patients (58. 7%), and white race 33 (44 %). Hypertension predominated as the main antecedent in 61 patients (81. 3 %). Significantly positive results were obtained for ages over 80 (p = 0,001); the severe state according to Glasgow Coma Scale (p = 0,005); the presence of ventricular extension (p = 0,001) and treatment with oral anticoagulants (p = 0.023).Conclusions: intracerebral hemorrhage is evidence for extensive mortality rates. People over 80 years old, treated with oral anticoagulants have a higher risk of death due to this entity. Ventricular extension and a low score on the Glasgow Coma Scale worsen the prognosis.Introducción: la hemorragia intracerebral espontánea se considera, entre todos los ictus, el efecto más devastador, la mortalidad mensual estimada, oscila entre el 35 y el 52 %.Objetivo: determinar los factores que influyen en la mortalidad, a los 30 días, en pacientes con hemorragia intracerebral espontánea.Métodos: se realizó un estudio observacional analítico transversal en el Hospital Dr. Carlos Juan Finlay, en un periodo de tres años. El universo lo constituyeron 75 pacientes. Se estudiaron variables demográficas, clínicas y tomográficas. Se aplicaron estadígrafos descriptivos: frecuencia absoluta y relativa, media y desviación típica; y estadígrafos inferenciales: regresión logística mediante el Odds Ratio con intervalo de confianza del 95 %, para una significación positiva al ser p<0,05.Resultados: el grupo etario de 48 a 75 años predominó con 45 pacientes (60 %), el sexo masculino con 44 pacientes (58,7 %) y 33 de la raza blanca (44 %). Predominó la hipertensión arterial como principal antecedente con 61 pacientes para un 81,3 %. Se obtuvieron resultados significativamente positivos para la edad mayor de 80 años (p=0,001); el estado grave según la escala de coma de Glasgow (p=0,005); la presencia de extensión ventricular (p=0,001) y el tratamiento con anticoagulantes orales (p=0,023).Conclusiones: la hemorragia intracerebral se presenta con valores considerables de mortalidad. Las personas mayores de 80 años, con tratamiento con anticoagulantes orales presentan mayor riesgo de mortalidad. La extensión ventricular y bajo puntaje en la escala de coma de Glasgow, empeoran el pronóstico

    Composites of polypropylene/Candelilla fiber (Euphorbia antisyphilitica): Synergic of wax-polypropylene grafted Maleic anhydride

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    ABSTRACT: Previous studies of Candelilla bagasse fiber (CBF) have demonstrated the improvement of fiber-polymer adhesion; in the present investigation, the CBF was used to reinforce fiber of Polypropylene composites varying the amount of fiber (0, 20 and 30 wt%), using Maleic anhydride as compatibilizer. The total wax of cuticle/intercuticular varies between 9.5 and 10.5 wt%; according to the TAPPI standard Polypropylene/candellia fiber, composites were realized with intercuticular wax. The amount of fiber of 20% and 30% varied in the composite, with and without compatibilizer. In this paper, we will demonstrate that this cuticular fiber wax acts in synergy with the composite in mechanical properties, mechanical dynamics analysis to observe adherence and in "cole-cole" diagrams