706 research outputs found

    Mathematical modeling of the Drosophila neuromuscular junction

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    Poster presentation: An important challenge in neuroscience is understanding how networks of neurons go about processing information. Synapses are thought to play an essential role in cellular information processing however quantitative and mathematical models of the underlying physiologic processes that occur at synaptic active zones are lacking. We are generating mathematical models of synaptic vesicle dynamics at a well-characterized model synapse, the Drosophila larval neuromuscular junction. This synapse's simplicity, accessibility to various electrophysiological recording and imaging techniques, and the genetic malleability intrinsic to Drosophila system make it ideal for computational and mathematical studies. We have employed a reductionist approach and started by modeling single presynaptic boutons. Synaptic vesicles can be divided into different pools; however, a quantitative understanding of their dynamics at the Drosophila neuromuscular junction is lacking [4]. We performed biologically realistic simulations of high and low release probability boutons [3] using partial differential equations (PDE) taking into account not only the evolution in time but also the spatial structure in two dimensions (the extension to three dimensions will be implemented soon). PDEs are solved using UG, a program library for the calculation of multi-dimensional PDEs solved using a finite volume approach and implicit time stepping methods leading to extended linear equation systems be solvedwith multi-grid methods [3,4]. Numerical calculations are done on multi-processor computers for fast calculations using different parameters in order to asses the biological feasibility of different models. In preliminary simulations, we modeled vesicle dynamics as a diffusion process describing exocytosis as Neumann streams at synaptic active zones. The initial results obtained with these models are consistent with experimental data. However, this should be regarded as a work in progress. Further refinements will be implemented, including simulations using morphologically realistic geometries which were generated from confocal scans of the neuromuscular junction using NeuRA (a Neuron Reconstruction Algorithm). Other parameters such as glutamate diffusion and reuptake dynamics, as well as postsynaptic receptor kinetics will be incorporated as well

    Monitorização do processo de negócio com recurso a dashboards: o caso do CTCV Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro

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    O presente relatório de estágio descreve o trabalho desenvolvido e o conhecimento adquirido no decurso dos 7 meses do estágio curricular do 2º ano do Mestrado em Sistemas de Informação de Gestão, do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração de Coimbra (ISCAC), que decorreu na entidade Centro Tecnológico da Cerâmica e do Vidro (CTCV). É objetivo deste trabalho conhecer a realidade dos diversos serviços da organização de acolhimento do estágio, reunir as principais necessidades de gestão e entender os processos do negócio e os principais requisitos. Para tanto, foram identificadas e caracterizadas as fontes de dados disponíveis para efetuar uma análise que possa informar e apoiar, em tempo útil, os processos de tomada de decisão. A concretização desses objetivos compreendeu a criação de um conjunto de indicadores chave de desempenho (Key Performance Indicators, KPI), e o desenvolvimento de um modelo analítico, tendo em vista a implementação dos indicadores num dashboard, elaborado com recurso à ferramenta de Business Intelligence (BI) da Microsoft, o Power BI. A proposta de dashboard foi criada de acordo com um modelo analítico de suporte e submetida a vários testes, os quais envolveram várias etapas de ajustes nos processos de recolha e de integração dos dados e outros ajustes de detalhe, sendo, posteriormente, validada pela organização. Como resultado final, foram apresentados três dashboards e respetivos relatórios, com o propósito de utilização diária na entidade, e que servirão de apoio à gestão e à tomada de decisões, ao nível operacional e estratégico, permitindo aos decisores ter acesso a informação relevante em tempo real e de forma dinâmica e interativa

    Rede de colaboração social para universidades brasileiras : um estudo de caso de implantação e desenvolvimento distribuído de uma plataforma livre na Universidade de Brasília

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, Engenharia de Software, 2013.Este trabalho de conclusão de curso apresenta os resultados de um estudo para viabilizar a implantação de uma rede de colaboração para a Universidade de Brasília (UnB), que atue como um ambiente virtual para a criação e o compartilhamento de conhecimento de forma colaborativa e horizontal. Para isso, escolhemos utilizar a plataforma brasileira para redes sociais livres Noosfero, por entender que esta satisfaz as necessidades imediatas do projeto, de acordo com estudos feitos pela Universidade de São Paulo, quando adotou a mesma. Além da implantação em si na UnB, este estudo contemplou um levantamento de requisitos e a implementação de um conjunto de funcionalidades e melhorias para a plataforma em questão, de forma que atendesse as necessidades básicas para podermos realizar estudos de caso com alunos da UnB Gama. Dessa forma, indicando como podemos oficializar a rede Comunidade.UnB, bem como quais os próximos passos para que melhor atenda o público dessa universidade. Adicionalmente, os esforços e conhecimento adquiridos neste trabalho foram repassados para uma equipe de desenvolvedores na UnB Gama, o que proporcionará a continuidade e concretização da implantação desta rede na UnB, em 2014. __________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis course conclusion work presents the results of a study to enable the deployment of a collaborative network for the University of Brasilia (UNB), which acts as a virtual environment for the creation and sharing of knowledge in a collaborative and horizontal way. For this, we choose to use a Brazilian free social networks platform Noosfero, under- standing that it satisfies the immediate needs of this proposal, according to studies from University of São Paulo, when it adopted the same. Besides the implementation itself at UNB, this study includes a requirements elicitation and the implementation of a set of features and enhancements to the proposed platform, so that it would meet the basic needs for us to perform case studies with students from UnB Gama. Also, we pointed out steps that will enable the continuity and the officialisation of the Comunidade.UnB network and it’s constant evolution. Additionally, our efforts and knowledge acquired in this work were transferred to a team of developers at UNB Gama, which will provide continuity to the deployment and implementation of this network in UNB, in 2014

    A concept for optimizing motor control parameters using Bayesian optimization

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    Electrical motors need specific parametrizations to run in highly specialized use cases. However, finding such parametrizations may need a lot of time and expert knowledge. Furthermore, the task gets more complex as multiple optimization goals interplay. Thus, we propose a novel approach using Bayesian Optimization to find optimal configuration parameters for an electric motor. In addition, a multi-objective problem is present as two different and competing objectives must be optimized. At first, the motor must reach a desired revolution per minute as fast as possible. Afterwards, it must be able to continue running without fluctuating currents. For this task, we utilize Bayesian Optimization to optimize parameters. In addition, the evolutionary algorithm NSGA-II is used for the multi-objective setting, as NSGA-II is able to find an optimal pareto front. Our approach is evaluated using three different motors mounted to a test bench. Depending on the motor, we are able to find good pa rameters in about 60-100%

    Detection of hyperbilirubinaemia in jaundiced full-term neonates by eye or by bilirubinometer?

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    The aim of this study was to compare predictions of hyperbilirubinaemia by eye, performed by trained physicians and nurses, with predictions obtained using two commercial bilirubinometers. Jaundice was assessed in 92 white and 48 non-white healthy full-term neonates using three non-invasive methods and by total serum bilirubin as the reference method. Clinical assessment of cephalocaudal progression of jaundice was carried out independently by a physician and by nurses. Simultaneously, the Minolta Airshields JM-102 was applied on the sternum, the BiliCheck on both the forehead and the sternum, and finally, serum bilirubin concentrations were determined. The Minolta JM-102 showed the best performance with r2=0.90, an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) of 0.93, and a 95% confidence interval (CI) of ±4units (approx. 56µmol/l). The BiliCheck performed slightly better on the forehead than over the sternum with r2=0.90, an ICC of 0.88, and a CI of ±62µmol/l. Assessment of jaundice by eye was least accurate with r2=0.74, an ICC of 0.67, and a CI of ±1.5 zones (corresponding to ±75µmol/l). Skin pigmentation and ambient light both adversely affected non-invasive bilirubin estimation. Conclusion:All three non-invasive methods are well suited for estimation of serum bilirubin but show large confidence intervals. In healthy term newborns, hyperbilirubinaemia (>250µmol/l) can be safely ruled out by eye if jaundice does not reach the abdomen or the extremities (Kramer zones 1 and 2), with <22 units (<230µmol/l) for the Minolta JM-102, or with a cut-off of 190µmol/l for the BiliCheck. If these respective thresholds are exceeded, serum bilirubin concentrations should be measure