603 research outputs found

    Multi-Mission Power Analysis Tool

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    Multi-Mission Power Analysis Tool (MMPAT) Version 2 simulates spacecraft power generation, use, and storage in order to support spacecraft design, mission planning, and spacecraft operations. It can simulate all major aspects of a spacecraft power subsystem. It is parametrically driven to reduce or eliminate the need for a programmer. A user-friendly GUI (graphical user interface) makes it easy to use. Multiple deployments allow use on the desktop, in batch mode, or as a callable library. It includes detailed models of solar arrays, radioisotope thermoelectric generators, nickel-hydrogen and lithium-ion batteries, and various load types. There is built-in flexibility through user-designed state models and table-driven parameters

    Aerosol and Surface Parameter Retrievals for a Multi-Angle, Multiband Spectrometer

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    This software retrieves the surface and atmosphere parameters of multi-angle, multiband spectra. The synthetic spectra are generated by applying the modified Rahman-Pinty-Verstraete Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) model, and a single-scattering dominated atmosphere model to surface reflectance data from Multiangle Imaging SpectroRadiometer (MISR). The aerosol physical model uses a single scattering approximation using Rayleigh scattering molecules, and Henyey-Greenstein aerosols. The surface and atmosphere parameters of the models are retrieved using the Lavenberg-Marquardt algorithm. The software can retrieve the surface and atmosphere parameters with two different scales. The surface parameters are retrieved pixel-by-pixel while the atmosphere parameters are retrieved for a group of pixels where the same atmosphere model parameters are applied. This two-scale approach allows one to select the natural scale of the atmosphere properties relative to surface properties. The software also takes advantage of an intelligent initial condition given by the solution of the neighbor pixels

    Aspects Of The Dispersal Ecology Of Solanum Dulcamara L (solanaceae) Near London, Ontario

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    Field and laboratory studies of aspects of the dispersal ecology of Solanum dulcamara, a perennial species bearing fleshy fruits, were conducted near London, Ontario. Although there were annual and inter-habitat variations, 51.9% of the dispersant fruits were not ripe. Each fruit type contained some viable seeds, but germination and seedling emergence were more rapid from ripe fruits. Seeds from which the flesh had been removed produced seedlings at a faster rate than seeds sown within intact fruits. Seeds sown within intact fruits were more likely to produce seedlings in later years. In one such study the bulk of seedlings emerged in the second rather than first year. Annual differences in the number of fruits, the probability of dispersal, and the retention period of dispersant fruits at various stages of development were observed in the field habitats. More fruits were set per inflorescence early in the season, but later fruits had more flesh and higher flesh-to-seed dry weight ratios when ripe. There were no seasonal differences in the retention period of dispersant fruits. Seeds from early fruits germinated more slowly than those from later fruits. Differences in the attributes of ripe fruits were mostly the results of adjustments to the flesh rather than the seeds, and inter-habitat differences may have been the result of phenotypic plasticity. The highest percentage of unripe fruits dispersed in the seasonally flooded and heavily shaded swamp habitat. The number of buds per inflorescence, the number of inflorescences per stem, the probability of fruit-set, and the probability of dispersal were generally low at the swamp, however. Fruits ripened most rapidly at the more open riverbank, where the number of buds per inflorescence, the number of inflorescences per stem, the percentage fruit-set and the probability of dispersal were high. Comparable patterns at the seasonally flooded marsh habitat and field-edge environment of the field station habitat were intermediate. However values at the marsh tended to parallel those at the swamp, and the values at the field station approached those at the riverbank

    G-DYN Multibody Dynamics Engine

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    G-DYN is a multi-body dynamic simulation software engine that automatically assembles and integrates equations of motion for arbitrarily connected multibody dynamic systems. The algorithm behind G-DYN is based on a primal-dual formulation of the dynamics that captures the position and velocity vectors (primal variables) of each body and the interaction forces (dual variables) between bodies, which are particularly useful for control and estimation analysis and synthesis. It also takes full advantage of the spare matrix structure resulting from the system dynamics to numerically integrate the equations of motion efficiently. Furthermore, the dynamic model for each body can easily be replaced without re-deriving the overall equations of motion, and the assembly of the equations of motion is done automatically. G-DYN proved an essential software tool in the simulation of spacecraft systems used for small celestial body surface sampling, specifically in simulating touch-and-go (TAG) maneuvers of a robotic sampling system from a comet and asteroid. It is used extensively in validating mission concepts for small body sample return, such as Comet Odyssey and Galahad New Frontiers proposals

    Relative Astrometry of Compact Flaring Structures in Sgr A* with Polarimetric VLBI

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    We demonstrate that polarimetric interferometry can be used to extract precise spatial information about compact polarized flares of Sgr A*. We show that, for a faint dynamical component, a single interferometric baseline suffices to determine both its polarization and projected displacement from the quiescent intensity centroid. A second baseline enables two-dimensional reconstruction of the displacement, and additional baselines can self-calibrate using the flare, enhancing synthesis imaging of the quiescent emission. We apply this technique to simulated 1.3-mm wavelength observations of a "hot spot" embedded in a radiatively inefficient accretion disk around Sgr A*. Our results indicate that, even with current sensitivities, polarimetric interferometry with the Event Horizon Telescope can achieve ~5 microarcsecond relative astrometry of compact flaring structures near Sgr A* on timescales of minutes.Comment: 9 Pages, 4 Figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Masses of Nearby Supermassive Black Holes with Very-Long Baseline Interferometry

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    Dynamical mass measurements to date have allowed determinations of the mass M and the distance D of a number of nearby supermassive black holes. In the case of Sgr A*, these measurements are limited by a strong correlation between the mass and distance scaling roughly as M ~ D^2. Future very-long baseline interferometric (VLBI) observations will image a bright and narrow ring surrounding the shadow of a supermassive black hole, if its accretion flow is optically thin. In this paper, we explore the prospects of reducing the correlation between mass and distance with the combination of dynamical measurements and VLBI imaging of the ring of Sgr A*. We estimate the signal to noise ratio of near-future VLBI arrays that consist of five to six stations, and we simulate measurements of the mass and distance of Sgr A* using the expected size of the ring image and existing stellar ephemerides. We demonstrate that, in this best-case scenario, VLBI observations at 1 mm can improve the error on the mass by a factor of about two compared to the results from the monitoring of stellar orbits alone. We identify the additional sources of uncertainty that such imaging observations have to take into account. In addition, we calculate the angular diameters of the bright rings of other nearby supermassive black holes and identify the optimal targets besides Sgr A* that could be imaged by a ground-based VLBI array or future space-VLBI missions allowing for refined mass measurements.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures, 2 tables, refereed version, accepted for publication in Ap

    Geometric Reasoning for Automated Planning

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    An important aspect of mission planning for NASA s operation of the International Space Station is the allocation and management of space for supplies and equipment. The Stowage, Configuration Analysis, and Operations Planning teams collaborate to perform the bulk of that planning. A Geometric Reasoning Engine is developed in a way that can be shared by the teams to optimize item placement in the context of crew planning. The ISS crew spends (at the time of this writing) a third or more of their time moving supplies and equipment around. Better logistical support and optimized packing could make a significant impact on operational efficiency of the ISS. Currently, computational geometry and motion planning do not focus specifically on the optimized orientation and placement of 3D objects based on multiple distance and containment preferences and constraints. The software performs reasoning about the manipulation of 3D solid models in order to maximize an objective function based on distance. It optimizes for 3D orientation and placement. Spatial placement optimization is a general problem and can be applied to object packing or asset relocation

    SATPLOT for Analysis of SECCHI Heliospheric Imager Data

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    Determining trajectories of solar transients such as coronal mass ejections is not always easy. White light images from SECCHI's (Sun Earth Connection Coronal and Heliospheric Investigation) heliospheric imagers are difficult to interpret because they represent a line-of-sight projection of optically thin solar wind structures. A structure's image by itself gives no information about its angle of propagation relative to the Sunspacecraft line, and an image may show a superposition of several structures, all propagating at different angles. Analyzing SECCHI heliospheric imager data using plots of elongation (angle from the Sun) versus time at fixed position angle (aka Jplots ) has proved extremely useful in understanding the observed solar wind structures. This technique has been used to study CME (coronal mass ejection) propagation, CIRs (corotating interaction regions), and blobs. SATPLOT software was developed to create and analyze such elongation versus time plots. The tool uses a library of cylindrical maps of the data for each spacecraft s panoramic field-of-view. Each map includes data from three SECCHI white-light telescopes (the COR2 coronagraph and both heliospheric imagers) at one time for one spacecraft. The maps are created using a Plate Carree projection, optimized for creating the elongation versus time plots. The tool can be used to analyze the observed tracks of features seen in the maps, and the tracks are then used to extract information, for example, on the angle of propagation of the feature

    A Generalized Class of Exponentiated Modified Weibull Distribution with Applications

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    In this paper, a new class of five parameter gamma-exponentiated or generalized modified Weibull (GEMW) distribution which includes exponential, Rayleigh, Weibull, modified Weibull, exponentiated Weibull, exponentiated exponential, exponentiated modified Weibull, exponentiated modified exponential, gamma-exponentiated exponential, gamma-exponentiated Rayleigh, gamma-modified Weibull, gamma-modified exponential, gamma-Weibull, gamma-Rayleigh and gamma-exponential distributions as special cases is proposed and studied. Mathematical properties of this new class of distributions including moments, mean deviations, Bonferroni and Lorenz curves, distribution of order statistics and Renyi entropy are presented. Maximum likelihood estimation technique is used to estimate the model parameters and applications to real data sets presented in order to illustrate the usefulness of this new class of distributions and its sub-models

    Measuring the Ellipticity of M 87* Images

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    The Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) images of the supermassive black hole at the center of the galaxy M 87 provided the first image of the accretion environment on horizon scales. General relativity predicts that the image of the shadow should be nearly circular, given the inclination angle of the black hole M 87*. A robust detection of ellipticity in the image reconstructions of M 87* could signal new gravitational physics on horizon scales. Here we analyze whether the imaging parameters used in EHT analyses are sensitive to ring ellipticity and measure the constraints on the ellipticity of M 87*. We find that the top set is unable to recover ellipticity. Even for simple geometric models, the true ellipticity is biased low, preferring circular rings. Therefore, to place a constraint on the ellipticity of M 87*, we measure the ellipticity of 550 simulated data sets of GRMHD simulations. We find that images with intrinsic axis ratios of 2:1 are consistent with the ellipticity seen from the EHT image reconstructions.Comment: accepted for publication to Ap