50 research outputs found

    “Roble Huacho”

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    Con el propósito de cuantificar los niveles iónicos plasmáticos, intraglobulares y urinarios del hombre, en condiciones normales y patológicas, se diseñó un método sencillo y rápido que puede ser utilizado en la práctica clínica para investigar trastornos electrolíticos. Esencialmente, el procedimiento requiere la extracción de muestras de sangre venosa heparinizada, separando el plasma por centrifugación y aspiración, centrifugando de nuevo las células a 3000 rpm durante 30 minutos, descartando el plasma remanente y la capa superior de eritrocitos por aspiración al vacío. Luego los eritrocitos puros son hemolizados, desproreinizados y filtrados por algodón lavado y el líquido límpido es refrigerado hasta el momento de efectuar las determinaciones iónicas por los métodos convencionales. Simultáneamente, se recolectan muestras de orina emitida durante 24 horas, de acuerdo a instrucciones previas dadas a los pacientes. Todos los valores obtenidos, normales y patológicos, fueron bastante similares a los reportados por otros autores que utilizaron radio isótopos o biopsia de tejidos. Se sugiere que este método podría ser utilizado especialmente en el laboratorio clínico de emergencia para confirmar cualquier diagnóstico presuntivo de alteraciones del balance hidrosalino.   PALABRAS CLAVES: electrólitos, iones intraglobulares, iones urinarios.   ABSTRACT   With the purpose of quantifying ionic plasma, intraglobular and urinary levels of the roan, in normal and pathological conditions, a simple and fast method was designed, which can be used in clinical practice to investigate electrolytic disturbances. Essencially, the procedure requires extraction of heparinized venous blood samples, separating plasma by centrifugation and aspiration, centrifuging again the celis at 3000 rpm during 30 minutes, descarding the remaining plasma and the upper erythrocyte layer by vacuum aspiration. Then, free erythrocytes are hemolized, de-proteinized and filtered through washed cotton wool and the clear filtrate refrigerated until the ionic determinations are carried out by conventional methods. Simultaneously, 24-hour urine samples are collected, according to previous instructions given to patients. All the values obteined, normal and pathological, were enough similar to those reported by other autors who used radioisotopes or tissue biopsies. It is suggested that this method should be used, specially in clinical emergency laboratories, to confmn any presumptive diagnosis of hydrosaline balance alterations.   KEY WORDS: electrolytes, intraglobular ions, urinary ions

    Aplicación del taller “Mitología Amazónica” para mejorar la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del 1° grado de educación secundaria I. E. P. E. B. R. Técnica Industrial Agropecuaria, Kumpanamá, distrito de Balsapuerto, provincia de Alto Amazonas, Región Loreto 2017

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    La investigación estuvo basada en tratar de solucionar la problemática en torno a la comprensión lectora de estudiantes del nivel secundario de una institución, lo cuales han venido presentando en los últimos años bajas calificaciones tanto a nivel, literal, inferencial como también al nivel crítico, lo que demuestra que los alumnos no entienden lo que leen o no llegan a comprender sobre un determinado tema y por tal razón se planteó realizar un taller para lograr la mejora en este aspecto. En consecuencia la investigación presento como titulo: Aplicación del taller “Mitología Amazónica” para mejorar la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes del 1° grado de educación secundaria I. E. P. E. B. R. técnica industrial agropecuaria, kumpanamá, distrito de balsapuerto, provincia de alto amazonas, región loreto 2017, con el objetivo de determinar el efecto de la aplicación del taller “mitología amazónica” en la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes del 1er grado educación secundaria I. E. P. E. B. R. Técnica Industrial Agropecuaria Kumpanama, Distrito de Balsapuerto, Provincia de Alto amazonas, Región Loreto 2017. En cuanto a su metodología fue de tipo aplicada con un nivel longitudinal y diseño experimental pre y post test. Precisamente el instrumento empleado fue un test para evaluar el antes y después del nivel de comprensión lectora. Obtenidose como resultado que la diferencia de medias es de 2,567 puntos, posteriormente luego de realizar el análisis de igualdad de medias observamos que con una probabilidad de error del 0%, se acepta la hispotesis general que menciona: La aplicación del taller “mitología amazónica” tiene efecto positivo en la comprensión lectora de los estudiantes del 1er grado educación secundaria I. E. P. E. B. R. Técnica Industrial Agropecuaria Kumpanama, Distrito de Balsapuerto, Provincia de Alto Amazonas, Región Loreto 2017. En conclusión se puede determinar que al emplear este taller, el nivel de comprensión de los alumnos mejora considerablemente.The research was based on trying to solve the problem regarding the reading comprehension of students of the secondary level of an institution, which have been presenting in the last years low qualifications as much at the level, literal, inferential as at the critical level, which shows that students do not understand what they read or do not understand about a certain topic and for that reason they decided to hold a workshop to achieve improvement in this aspect. Consequently the research presented as title: Application of the workshop "Amazonian Mythology" to improve reading comprehension in the students of the 1st grade of secondary education IEPEBR agricultural industrial technique, kumpanamá, district of balsapuerto, province of alto amazonas, loreto region 2017, with the objective of determining the effect of the application of the workshop "Amazon mythology" in the reading comprehension of students of the 1st grade secondary education IEPEBR Kumpanama Agricultural Industrial Technique, Balsapuerto District, Alto Amazonas Province, Loreto Region 2017. Regarding his methodology was of type applied with a longitudinal level and experimental design pre and post test. Precisely the instrument used was a test to evaluate the before and after the level of reading comprehension. Obtained as a result that the difference of means is 2,567 points, then after performing the analysis of equality of means we observe that with a probability of error of 0%, we accept the general hisphotisis that mentions: The application of the workshop "Amazon mythology" It has a positive effect on the reading comprehension of the 1st grade students. Secondary education IEPEBR Agricultural Industrial Technique Kumpanama, Balsapuerto District, Alto Amazonas Province, Loreto Region 2017. In conclusion, it can be determined that by using this workshop, the level of understanding of the students improves considerably.TesisAp

    Functional responses of aquatic macroinvertebrates to flow regulation are shaped by natural flow intermittence in Mediterranean streams

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    Running waters in Mediterranean regions are strongly regulated by dams, which produce significant alterations to natural flow regimes. Climate change will reduce discharge and increase flow intermittence in Mediterranean streams, which will lead to an intensified flow regulation to meet water demands. Very little is known about how the functional features of aquatic communities vary along combined anthropogenic flow alteration and natural intermittence gradients. As intermittent streams are subjected to natural stress (droughts and flash floods), the flow regime alteration effect may differ from that observed in perennial rivers. Consequently, studies that aim to determine the effects of flow regulation on the functioning of aquatic communities in a global change context are crucial. By applying linear mixed‐effect models and null models to the macroinvertebrate communities from 65 stream sites in the Segura River Basin (south‐east Spain), we assessed the separate effects of natural flow intermittence and flow regulation, as well as their interaction, on biological traits and functional diversity indices. Natural flow intermittence and flow regulation were mainly associated with loss of taxa with semivoltine or univoltine cycles and more sensitive aquatic stages (i.e. eggs), and with the replacement by taxa with multivoltine cycles and more resistant aquatic stages (i.e. adults). Flow regulation intensified the impact of natural flow intermittence on some biological traits, producing synergistic effects (i.e. decreasing interstitial taxa and tegument breathers and increasing taxa with aquatic adult stages). At the same time, antagonistic (life cycle) and opposing (shredders) interaction effects were also observed. Functional diversity, functional dispersion, and functional redundancy underwent a non‐random decrease as the flow regime alteration increased, and a significant antagonistic interaction was also found between both stressors for functional redundancy. In general, flow regulation effects were stronger in perennial than in intermittent streams because natural intermittence imposes a previous eco‐evolutionary pressure on aquatic biota by selecting those resistant or recovery traits that confer resilience to anthropogenic flow regime alterations. Thus, the natural flow regime influences the functional sensibility of communities to anthropogenic flow alteration.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Structural and functional responses of invertebrate communities to climate change and flow regulation in alpine catchments

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    Understanding and predicting how biological communities respond to climate change is critical for assessing biodiversity vulnerability and guiding conservation efforts. Glacier‐ and snow‐fed rivers are one of the most sensitive ecosystems to climate change, and can provide early warning of wider‐scale changes. These rivers are frequently used for hydropower production but there is minimal understanding of how biological communities are influenced by climate change in a context of flow regulation. This study sheds light on this issue by disentangling structural (water temperature preference, taxonomic composition, alpha, beta and gamma diversities) and functional (functional traits, diversity, richness, evenness, dispersion and redundancy) effects of climate change in interaction with flow regulation in the Alps. For this, we compared environmental and aquatic invertebrate data collected in the 1970s and 2010s in regulated and unregulated alpine catchments. We hypothesized a replacement of cold‐adapted species by warming‐tolerant ones, high temporal and spatial turnover in taxa and trait composition, along with reduced taxonomic and functional diversities in consequence of climate change. We expected communities in regulated rivers to respond more drastically due to additive or synergistic effects between flow regulation and climate change. We found divergent structural but convergent functional responses between free‐flowing and regulated catchments. Although cold‐adapted taxa decreased in both of them, greater colonization and spread of thermophilic species was found in the free‐flowing one, resulting in higher spatial and temporal turnover. Since the 1970s, taxonomic diversity increased in the free flowing but decreased in the regulated catchment due to biotic homogenization. Colonization by taxa with new functional strategies (i.e. multivoltine taxa with small body size, resistance forms, aerial dispersion and reproduction by clutches) increased functional diversity but decreased functional redundancy through time. These functional changes could jeopardize the ability of aquatic communities facing intensification of ongoing climate change or new anthropogenic disturbances.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Structural and functional responses of invertebrate communities to climate change and flow regulation in alpine catchments

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    Understanding and predicting how biological communities respond to climate change is critical for assessing biodiversity vulnerability and guiding conservation efforts. Glacier‐ and snow‐fed rivers are one of the most sensitive ecosystems to climate change, and can provide early warning of wider‐scale changes. These rivers are frequently used for hydropower production but there is minimal understanding of how biological communities are influenced by climate change in a context of flow regulation. This study sheds light on this issue by disentangling structural (water temperature preference, taxonomic composition, alpha, beta and gamma diversities) and functional (functional traits, diversity, richness, evenness, dispersion and redundancy) effects of climate change in interaction with flow regulation in the Alps. For this, we compared environmental and aquatic invertebrate data collected in the 1970s and 2010s in regulated and unregulated alpine catchments. We hypothesized a replacement of cold‐adapted species by warming‐tolerant ones, high temporal and spatial turnover in taxa and trait composition, along with reduced taxonomic and functional diversities in consequence of climate change. We expected communities in regulated rivers to respond more drastically due to additive or synergistic effects between flow regulation and climate change. We found divergent structural but convergent functional responses between free‐flowing and regulated catchments. Although cold‐adapted taxa decreased in both of them, greater colonization and spread of thermophilic species was found in the free‐flowing one, resulting in higher spatial and temporal turnover. Since the 1970s, taxonomic diversity increased in the free flowing but decreased in the regulated catchment due to biotic homogenization. Colonization by taxa with new functional strategies (i.e. multivoltine taxa with small body size, resistance forms, aerial dispersion and reproduction by clutches) increased functional diversity but decreased functional redundancy through time. These functional changes could jeopardize the ability of aquatic communities facing intensification of ongoing climate change or new anthropogenic disturbances.reprin

    Balanceo distribuido del encaminamiento para topologías fat-tree sobre redes Infiniband

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    Las redes de interconexión juegan un papel importante en el rendimiento de los sistemas de altas prestaciones. Actualmente la gestión del encaminamiento de los mensajes es un factor determinante para mantener las prestaciones de la red. Nuestra propuesta es trabajar sobre un algoritmo de encaminamiento adaptativo, que distribuye el encaminamiento de los mensajes para evitar los problemas de congestión en las redes de interconexión, que aparecen por el gran volumen de comunicaciones de aplicaciones científicas ó comerciales. El objetivo es ajustar el algoritmo a una topología muy utilizada en los sistemas actuales como lo es el fat-tree, e implementarlo en una tecnología Infiniband. En la experimentación realizada comparamos el método de control de congestión de la arquitectura Infiniband, con nuestro algoritmo. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que mejoramos los niveles de latencia por encima de un 50% y de throughput entre un 38% y un 81%.Les xarxes de interconnexió juguen un paper molt important en el rendiment dels sistemes d'altes prestacions. Actualment la gestió de l'encaminament dels missatges és un factor determinant per mantenir les prestacions de la xarxa. La nostra proposta és dissenyar un algorisme de encaminament adaptatiu que distribueixi el encaminament dels missatges per evitar els problemes de congestió en les xarxes de interconnexió, els quals apareixen pel gran volum de comunicacions de aplicacions científiques o comercials. L'objectiu és ajustar l'algorisme a una topologia molt utilitzada en els sistemes actuals como ho es el fat-tree, i implementar-ho per a una tecnologia Infiniband. En l'experimentació realitzada comparem el mètode de control de congestió de lʹarquitectura Infiniband amb el nostre algorisme. Els resultats obtinguts mostren que millorem els nivells de latència per sobre dʹun 50% i de throughput entre un 38% i un 81%.Interconnection networks play an important role in the throughput of high performance systems. Currently, the message routing management is a key factor to maintain network performance. Our proposal is to work on an adaptive routing algorithm, which distributes message routing to avoid congestion problems on interconnection networks that appear due to the large volume of scientific or commercial application communications. The aim is to adjust the algorithm to a topology that is widely used in existing systems such as fat-tree, and couple it with Infiniband technology. In our experiments we compare the control congestion method on Infiniband architecture, with our algorithm. The results obtained shown that latency levels have been improved above 50% and throughput between 38% and 81%

    Dinámica espacial y temporal de las ocupaciones prehispánicas en la cuenca hidrográfica del rio Limari (30° Lat. S.).

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    Este trabajo discute la secuencia de desarrollo histórico prehispánico en el Norte Semiárido de Chile a partir del estudio de las dinámicas espaciales y temporales de las ocupaciones humanas en la cuenca hidrográfica del río Limarí. A partir del estudio de asentamientos, materiales depositados en colecciones y arte rupestre se observa una secuencia de transformaciones y desarrollo desde el Arcaico Temprano hasta el período Incaico que diverge de lo tradicionalmente planteado para la región, reconociéndose ritmos de cambios sociales diferenciales dentro de la misma zona, especialmente en relación con la tradicional asociación entre incorporación de cerámica y la constitución de un modo de vida agrícola. La incorporación del arte rupestre permite articular sus características espaciales y representacionales con procesos más amplios, discutiéndose las relaciones establecidas entre dinámicas y cambios sociales con los flujos de información que producen las representaciones rupestres y sus respectivas audiencias.This paper discusses the pre-Hispanic sequence of historical development in the semiarid north of Chile through the study of spatial and temporal dynamics of human occupation in the Limari valley. Based on the study of settlements, museum collections and rock art, a sequence of transformations and development between the Early Archaic and Inca Period is observed that differs from what is traditionally known of the area. In this time frame, social changes such as the adoption of pottery and the constitution of an agrarian way of life, occur at different paces in both time and space within the same Limari valley. We discuss spatial and representational characteristics of rock art in relation to pre-hispanic social processes, emphasizing the links between audiences, flows of information and the dynamics of social life.Fil: Troncoso, Andrés. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Vergara, Francisco. No especifica;Fil: Pavlovic, Daniel. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: González, Paola. No especifica;Fil: Pino, Mariela. No especifica;Fil: Larach, Pablo. No especifica;Fil: Escudero, Antonia. No especifica;Fil: La Mura, Natalia. No especifica;Fil: Moya, Francisca. No especifica;Fil: Pérez, Isidora. No especifica;Fil: Gutiérrez, Renata. No especifica;Fil: Pascual, Daniel. No especifica;Fil: Belmar, Carolina. No especifica;Fil: Basile, Mara Valeria. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Museo Etnográfico "Juan B. Ambrosetti"; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: López, Patricio. Universidad de Chile; ChileFil: Dávila, Cristian. No especifica;Fil: Vásquez, María José. No especifica;Fil: Urzúa, Paula. No especifica

    Determination of the respiratory compensation point by detecting changes in intercostal muscles oxygenation by using near-infrared spectroscopy

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    This study aimed to evaluate if the changes in oxygen saturation levels at intercostal muscles (SmO2-m.intercostales) assessed by near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) using a wearable device could determine the respiratory compensation point (RCP) during exercise. Fifteen healthy competitive triathletes (8 male; 29±6 years; height 167.6±25.6 cm; weight 69.2±9.4 kg; V ̇O2-máx 58.4±8.1 mL·kg-1·min-1) were evaluated in a cycle ergometer during the maximal oxygen-uptake test (V ̇O2-máx), while lung ventilation (V ̇E), power output (watts, W) and SmO2-m.intercostales were measured. RCP was determined by visual method (RCPvisual: changes at ventilatory equivalents (V ̇E·V ̇CO2-1, V ̇E·V ̇O2-1) and end-tidal respiratory pressure (PetO2, PetCO2) and NIRS method (RCPNIRS: breakpoint of fall in SmO2-m.intercostales). During exercise, SmO2-m.intercostales decreased continuously showing a higher decrease when V ̇E increased abruptly. A good agreement between methods used to determine RCP was found (visual vs NIRS) at %V ̇O2-máx, V ̇O2, V ̇E, and W (Bland-Altman test). Correlations were found to each parameters analyzed (r=0.854; r=0.865; r=0.981; and r=0,968; respectively. p<0.001 in all variables, Pearson test), with no differences (p<0.001 in all variables, t-student test) between methods used (RCPvisual and RCPNIRS). We concluded that changes at SmO2-m.intercostales measured by NIRS could adequately determine RCP in triathletes