16 research outputs found

    Between Rationality and Uncertainty: Exploring the Finest Strategy to Manage Disaster Governance and Budgetary Perspective

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    Massive damage and loss of natural hazards occurred in Indonesia, raising numerous questions about the government's capacity to minimize disaster risk through appropriate disaster governance strategy. This article explores the strategy to manage the disaster and budgetary mechanism currently underpinned by the rationalist principle. However, during the dynamic situation and high degree of uncertainty, the effectiveness and efficiency of the rationalist principle remain questionable. It has been supported by a set of notorious consequences of the disaster that the government has undertaken in recent years. Therefore, by using a qualitative approach, this article aims to seek the performance's description and shortcomings of current strategy based on theoretical analysis and literature study. The findings illustrate the vague mechanism, particularly local disaster strategy, political decision-making, and flexibility of reimbursement mechanisms. Finally, this article also gives a specific recommendation for policymakers to give plenty of space for a current strategy to be more adaptive toward any turbulences in the future

    Evaluasi Program Desa Tangguh Bencana dalam Perspektif Flood Risk Management

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    Pacitan district is one of the five districts included in the highest disaster risk region in East Java. One of the area with a big threat of destructive flood disaster is Sirnoboyo Village, which is located between Grindulu and Jelok River. An attempt to improve community preparedness in the midst of flood hazard are carried out through Village Disaster Resilience Program. Village disaster resilience program is a form of flood risk management (FRM) as a community-based disaster risk reduction by building up self-sufficiency and adaptation. FRM is a theoritical analytic-based that is used in conjuction with Context, Input, Process, and Product (CIPP) evaluation model. The qualitative-descriptive approach was chosen to describe chronologically the evaluation of village disaster resilience program, which encounters several obstacles such as lack of active community and youth participation and under-capacity of the volunteer team. This study offers a reconstruction of  village disaster resilience program execution in accordance with the FRM framework to effectively maximize community readyness over the threat of flood hazard that stakeout throughout a year

    How to Improve Disaster Governance for Non-Natural Disaster? A Literatur Study Evaluating Indonesian Government Management of Disaster during The Covid-19 Pademic

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    Infection with the COVID-19 virus since the end of 2019 has become the biggest pandemic tragedy of this century. In a short time, this virus spread throughout the country infecting millions of people and causing an increase in the world's death toll. At the beginning of the spread of COVID-19, government of Indonesia showed no sense of crisis and had weak disaster management system. The response to control COVID-19 impacts in Indonesia is interesting to analyze. This study adopted a quantitative systematic literature review of academic articles on Indonesian government response to the Covid-19 pandemic published in national and international journals. There were four main topics in the study of disaster management, namely government policy, intergovernmental relations, crisis communication phases, and mitigation and preparedness. This study found that that the government had to improve the communication strategies to deliver data of COVID-19 and mitigation strategies to keep COVID-19 under controlled. Thus, it is necessary to develop a model for handling non-natural disasters in the perspective of disaster governance to strengthen interactions between institutions, communication channels in the midst of crisis conditions, and develop emergency response and preparedness procedures

    Pemilu 2014: Politisi Pencari Kursi di Senayan

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    General Elections can be used as evidence as well as evaluation of the recruitment process, political circulation. This paper proves that in the 2014 Election there has been a stagnation in political circulation. As well as, the 2014 elections, where many candidates for people's representatives are still filled by old politicians. After becoming a member of the House of Representatives for a long time, he became a member of the DPD, and vice versa. As a result, there is still a strong intervention by political parties in placing their cadres. As a result, there is often political decay like corruption

    Penta-helix Collaboration in the Development of Papua Province's Creative Economy

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    Disparities of development in Papua Province contrast with the level of poverty and low HDI in several Papua Province regions. Improving the welfare of the Papuans may be accomplished by implementing the concept of the creative economy, which is indicated by the creative economy's potential for national exports and increased workforce involvement. This demonstrates the possibilities that may be realized by adopting the Penta Helix Collaboration concept. A literature review method with a qualitative approach was used in this research. The Papua Provincial Government, the private sector, academics, the community, and the media are the actors in the Penta Helix Collaboration. As the initiator and mediator, the Papua Provincial Government provides policy facilities and legal guarantees for other actors to participate. The private sector can help with funding and technology transfer, the community can help with creative economy development needs, and academics can help with knowledge transfer to creative economy actors. The media plays a role in developing brand image and widely and massively promoting products to expand the marke


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    Many deaths and victims caused by catastrophic natural hazard occurred in Indonesia has proven the weakness of government to create a community disaster resilience among society. Under this circumstance any efforts of government are expected to be solution to stop or at least reduce the nightmare of society when the disaster occurred. This paper elaborates the discussion about building community disaster resilience through collaborative governance performed by Banyuwangi local government in Indonesia. Furthermore, the discussion about community disaster resilience and collaborative governance will be tied up by institutional and socio-ecological context. Therefore, this paper will highlight the role of actors, collaborative process and organization performance rather than any technical attributes from disaster resilience. The finding of this study reveals that there are some inhibiting factors influencing collaboration among actor to build community disaster resilience. The failure to manage these factors has resulting lack of collaboration and lead to weak community resilience in Banyuwangi

    Analisis Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan Desa Wisata di Indonesi

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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi oleh pentingnya partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata di Indonesia. Masyarakat sebagai subjek utama dalam program pengembangan Desa Wisata di Indonesia yang akan mengelola serta mengembangan Desa Wisata. Masyarakat lokal yang mengetahui akan potensi serta seluk beluk dari desanya itu sendiri sehingga penting untuk terlibat aktif dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui, mendeskripsikan, serta menganalisis terkait partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata di Indonesia. Jenis penelitian ini adalah pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian literature review. Fokus penelitian ini menggunakan teori dari Cohen dan Uphoff (1979) yang membagi partisipasi masyarakat ke dalam 4 bentuk, yaitu partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengambilan keputusan (participation in decision making), partisipasi masyarakat dalam pelaksanaan (participation in implementation), partisipasi masyarakat dalam menerima manfaat (participation in benefit), dan partisipasi masyarakat dan evaluasi (participation in evaluation). Metode analisis literature review menggunakan analisis data model Tranfield. Hasil penelitian ini memberikan model partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan Desa Wisata, model tersebut berasal dari tiga model partisipasi masyarakat Cohen dan Uphoff (1979). Model partisipasi masyarakat dalam penelitian ini membahas partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengambilan keputusan, pelaksanaan, manfaat serta evaluasi. Hingga outcomes dari model partisipasi masyarakat, yaitu partisipasi aktif masyarakat. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh pada penelitian ini adalah bahwa model partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengembangan desa wisata di Indonesia masih tergolong kurang dan perlu untuk dikembangkan kembali, terutama pada segi sumber daya manusia (SDM) dalam menunjuang program desa wisata. Perlu adanya sosialiasi terkait pentingnya desa wisata bagi kesejahteraan masyarakat, perlu adanya pelatihan dan pembinaan khusus pada masyarakat terkait desa wisata, serta perlu adanya kerjasama yang baik antar stakeholders