21 research outputs found

    A Sonic Net Excludes Birds from an Airfield: Implications for Reducing Bird Strike and Crop Losses

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    Collisions between birds and aircraft cause billions of dollars of damages annually to civil, commercial, and military aviation. Yet technology to reduce bird strike is not generally effective, especially over longer time periods. Previous information from our lab indicated that filling an area with acoustic noise, which masks important communication channels for birds, can displace European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) from food sources. Here we deployed a spatially controlled noise (termed a “sonic net”), designed to overlap with the frequency range of bird vocalizations, at an airfield. By conducting point counts, we monitored the presence of birds for four weeks before deployment of our sonic net, and for four weeks during deployment. We found an 82% reduction in bird presence in the sonic net area compared with change in the reference areas. This effect was as strong in the fourth week of exposure as in the first week. We also calculated the potential costs avoided resulting from this exclusion. We propose that spatially controlled acoustic manipulations that mask auditory communication for birds may be an effective long term and fairly benign way of excluding problem birds from areas of socioeconomic importance, such as airfields, agricultural sites, and commercial properties

    A Sonic Net Excludes Birds from an Airfield: Implications for Reducing Bird Strike and Crop Losses

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    Collisions between birds and aircraft cause billions of dollars of damages annually to civil, commercial, and military aviation. Yet technology to reduce bird strike is not generally effective, especially over longer time periods. Previous information from our lab indicated that filling an area with acoustic noise, which masks important communication channels for birds, can displace European Starlings (Sturnus vulgaris) from food sources. Here we deployed a spatially controlled noise (termed a “sonic net”), designed to overlap with the frequency range of bird vocalizations, at an airfield. By conducting point counts, we monitored the presence of birds for four weeks before deployment of our sonic net, and for four weeks during deployment. We found an 82% reduction in bird presence in the sonic net area compared with change in the reference areas. This effect was as strong in the fourth week of exposure as in the first week. We also calculated the potential costs avoided resulting from this exclusion. We propose that spatially controlled acoustic manipulations that mask auditory communication for birds may be an effective long term and fairly benign way of excluding problem birds from areas of socioeconomic importance, such as airfields, agricultural sites, and commercial properties

    A fine-scale, broadly applicable index of vocal performance: frequency excursion

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    Our understanding of the evolution and function of animal displays has been advanced through studies of vocal performance. A widely used metric of vocal performance, vocal deviation, is limited by being applicable only to vocal trills, and also overlooks certain fine-scale aspects of song structure that might reflect vocal performance. In light of these limitations we here introduce a new index of vocal performance, \u27frequency excursion\u27. Frequency excursion calculates, for any given song or song segment, the sum of frequency modulations both within and between notes on a per-time basis. We calculated and compared the two performance metrics in three species: chipping sparrows, Spizella passerina, swamp sparrows, Melospiza georgiana, and song sparrows, Melospiza melodia. The two metrics correlated as expected, yet frequency excursion accounted for subtle variations in performance overlooked by vocal deviation. In swamp sparrows, frequency excursion values varied significantly by song type but not by individual. Moreover, song type performance in swamp sparrows, according to both metrics, varied negatively with the extent to which song types were shared among neighbours. In song sparrows, frequency excursion values of trilled song segments exceeded those of nontrilled song segments, although not to a statistically significant degree. We suggest that application of frequency excursion in birds and other taxa will provide new insights into diverse open questions concerning vocal performance, function and evolution. (c) 2016 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    The effects of anthropogenic noise and urban habitats on song structure in a vocal mimic; the gray catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) sings higher frequencies in noisier habitats

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    In urban and human-modified landscapes, animals face novel selection pressures resulting from differences in habitat structure and increased anthropogenic noise. Urban noise pollution can negatively impact songbirds because low-frequency noise often masks portions of birds’ mating signals and reduces signal transmission. Previous research has demonstrated that the songs of birds in more urban habitats have structural differences that can enhance signal transmission when noise is present. The majority of these studies have focused on species that deliver short, stereotyped songs and have limited repertoires. Gray catbirds (Dumetella carolinensis, family: Mimidae) sing long bouts containing imitated, improvised, and invented song elements, and therefore may have an increased ability to vary songs in response to noise. We hypothesized that aspects of developed habitats including loud anthropogenic noise and changes to land cover would impact catbirds’ song structural parameters, including song minimum, peak, and maximum frequency, frequency bandwidth, and entropy. We recorded and processed songs from 42 male catbirds and analyzed over 18,000 song elements from sites along an urban gradient from western Virginia to the Washington, DC metropolitan region. We quantified the urban intensity at each site-centroid based on percent canopy cover, percent impervious surface, and noise level. Song features such as minimum, maximum, and peak frequency increased significantly as noise levels increased, demonstrating that catbirds in noisier areas sing higher frequency songs compared to individuals in quieter habitats. Land cover variables also significantly predicted certain song features such as maximum frequency (impervious surface) or entropy (canopy cover). These structural differences in catbird song can limit the negative effects of environmental noise-masking, even for their long song bouts, and suggest that vocal mimics respond to anthropogenic noise. Future studies could investigate repertoire size and composition along an urban gradient and if these structural differences lead to functional consequences for the songs of vocal mimics

    New England Medical Center Posterior Circulation Stroke Registry: I. Methods, Data Base, Distribution of Brain Lesions, Stroke Mechanisms, and Outcomes

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    Among 407 New England Medical Center Posterior Circulation Registry (NEMC-PCR) patients, 59% had strokes without transient ischemic attacks (TIAs), 24% had TIAs before strokes, and 16% had only posterior circulation TIAs. Embolism was the commonest stroke mechanism accounting for 40% of cases (24% cardiac origin, 14% arterial origin, 2% had potential cardiac and arterial sources). In 32%, large artery occlusive lesions caused hemodynamic brain infarction. Stroke mechanisms in the posterior and anterior circulation are very similar. Infarcts most often included the distal posterior circulation territory (rostral brainstem, superior cerebellum and occipital and temporal lobes), while the proximal (medulla and posterior inferior cerebellum) and middle (pons and anterior inferior cerebellum) territories were equally involved. Infarcts that included the distal territory were twice as common as those that included the proximal or middle territories. Most distal territory infarcts were attributable to embolism. Thirty day mortality was low (3.6%). Embolic stroke mechanism, distal territory location, and basilar artery occlusive disease conveyed the worst prognosis

    The James Webb Space Telescope Mission

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    Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies, expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m4m. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people realized that vision as the 6.5m6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000 team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure