21 research outputs found


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    Vast amounts of knowledge about the proton- and metal-binding properties of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in natural waters have been obtained in studies on isolated humic and fulvic (hydrophobic) acids. Although macromolecular hydrophilic acids normally make up about one-third of DOM, their proton- and metal-binding properties are poorly known. Here, we investigated the acid-base and Cu-binding properties of the hydrophobic (fulvic) acid fraction and two hydrophilic fractions isolated from a soil solution. Proton titrations revealed a higher total charge for the hydrophilic acid fractions than for the hydrophobic acid fraction. The most hydrophilic fraction appeared to be dominated by weak acid sites, as evidenced by increased slope of the curve of surface charge versus pH at pH values above 6. The titration curves were poorly predicted by both Stockholm Humic Model (SHM) and NTCA-Donnan model calculations using generic parameter values, but could be modelled accurately after optimisation of the proton-binding parameters (pH &lt;= 9). Cu-binding isotherms for the three fractions were determined at pH values of 4, 6 and 9. With the optimised proton-binding parameters, the SHM model predictions for Cu binding improved, whereas the NICA-Donnan predictions deteriorated. After optimisation of Cu-binding parameters, both models described the experimental data satisfactorily. Iron(III) and aluminium competed strongly with Cu for binding sites at both pH 4 and pH 6. The SHM model predicted this competition reasonably well, but the NICA-Donnan model underestimated the effects significantly at pH 6. Overall, the Cu-binding behaviour of the two hydrophilic acid fractions was very similar to that of the hydrophobic acid fraction, despite the differences observed in proton-binding characteristics. These results show that for modelling purposes, it is essential to include the hydrophilic acid fraction in the pool of 'active' humic substances.QC 20100525</p

    Projecting impacts of climate change on metal mobilization at contaminated sites: Controls by the groundwater level

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    Heavy metal and metalloid contamination of topsoils from atmospheric deposition and release from landfills, agriculture, and industries is a widespread problem that is estimated to affect &gt;50% of the EU\u27s land surface. Influx of contaminants from soil to groundwater and their further downstream spread and impact on drinking water quality constitute a main exposure risk to humans. There is increasing concern that the present contaminant loading of groundwater and surface water systems may be altered, and potentially aggravated, by ongoing climate change, through large-scale impacts on recharge and groundwater levels. We investigated this issue by performing hydrogeological-geochemical model projections of changes in metal(loid) (As and Pb) mobilization in response to possible (climate-driven) future shifts in groundwater level and fluctuation amplitudes. We used observed initial conditions and boundary conditions for contaminated soils in the temperate climate zone. The results showed that relatively modest increases (0.2 m) in average levels of shallow groundwater systems, which may occur in Northern Europe within the coming two decades, can increase mass flows of metals through groundwater by a factor of 2–10. There is a similar risk of increased metal mobilization in regions subject to increased (seasonal or event-scale) amplitude of groundwater levels fluctuations. Neglecting groundwater level dynamics in predictive models can thus lead to considerable and systematic underestimation of metal mobilization and future changes. More generally, our results suggest that the key to quantifying impacts of climate change on metal mobilization is to understand how the contact between groundwater and the highly water-conducting and geochemically heterogeneous topsoil layers will change in the future

    Aula de innovación educativa

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    El artículo forma parte de una sección de la revista dedicada a acción comunitariaLa violencia se aprende mediante los diferentes sistemas socializadores. En las escuelas se debe desaprender la violencia partiendo del conocimiento de la génesis de comportamientos basados en la desigualdad entre sexos y con la ayuda de recursos que hoy aporta el sistema educativo incluidos en la LOE : La presencia de la educación social especializada en el ámbito de la educación formal para prevenir y tratar situaciones de violencia de género.CataluñaConsejería de Educación, Formación y Empleo. Servicio de Publicaciones y Estadística; Avda. de la Fama, 15; 30006 Murcia; +34 968279685; +34 968279835; [email protected]

    Spruce forest afforestation leading to increased Fe mobilization from soils

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    Increasing exports of Fe and DOC from soils, causing browning of freshwaters, have been reported in recent decades in many regions of the northern hemisphere. Afforestation, and in particular an increase of Norway spruce forest in certain regions, is suggested as a driver behind these trends in water chemistry. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that the gradual accumulation of organic soil layers in spruce forests, and subsequent increase in organic acid concentrations and acidity enhances mobilization of Fe. First generation Norway spruce stands of different ages (35, 61, 90 years) and adjacent arable control plots were selected to represent the effects of aging forest. Soil solutions were sampled from suction lysimeters at two depths (below organic soil layer and in mineral soil) during two years, and analyzed for Fe concentration, Fe speciation (XAS analysis), DOC, metals, major anions and cations. Solution Fe concentrations were significantly higher in shallow soils under older spruce stands (by 5- and 6-fold) than in control plots and the youngest forest. Variation in Fe concentration was best explained by variation in DOC concentration and pH. Moreover, Fe in all soil solutions was present as mononuclear Fe(III)-OM complexes, showing that this phase is dominating Fe translocation. Fe speciation in the soil was also analyzed, and found to be dominated by Fe oxides with minor differences between plots. These results confirmed that Fe mobilization, by Fe(III)-OM complexes, was higher from mature spruce stands, which supports that afforestation with spruce may contribute to rising concentrations of Fe in surface waters

    Reactivity of dissolved organic matter in response to acid deposition

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    Fluvial export of organic matter from the terrestrial catchment to the aquatic system is a large and increasing carbon flux. The successful reduction in sulfuric acid deposition since the 1980s has been shown to enhance the mobility of organic matter in the soil, with more terrestrially derived dissolved organic matter (DOM) reaching aquatic systems. Changes in soil acidity also affect the quality of the DOM. In this study we explore the consequences this may have on the reactivity and turnover of the terrestrially derived DOM as it reaches the aquatic system. DOM of different quality (estimated by absorbance, fluorescence and size exclusion chromatography) was produced through extraction of boreal forest O-horizon soils from podzol at two sulfuric acid concentrations corresponding to natural throughfall in spruce forest in Southern Sweden around 1980 and today. Extraction was done using two different methods, i.e. field leaching and laboratory extraction. The DOM extracts were used to assess if differences in acidity generate DOM of different reactivity. Three reactivity experiments were performed: photodegradation by UV exposure, biodegradation by bacteria, and biodegradation after UV exposure. Reactivity was assessed by measuring loss of dissolved organic carbon and absorbance, change in fluorescence and molecular weight, and bacterial production. DOM extracted at lower sulfuric acid concentration was more susceptible to photooxidation, and less susceptible to bacterial degradation, than DOM extracted at a higher sulfuric acid concentration. Thus the relative importance of these two turnover processes may be altered with changes in acid deposition

    Characterization of iron in floating surface films of some natural waters using EXAFS

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    Floating, iron bearing films have been observed in a wide range of environments, including wetlands, seep waters in ground water discharge areas, small rivers and lakes. To date, knowledge about their formation and composition is scarce. We have investigated the form of iron in floating iron-rich films of different origin, including a pond and a brook, as well as seep water pools of a groundwater discharge area. Sampling sites were located in southern (pond, brook) and central (seep pools) Sweden. Synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy (EXAFS and XANES) allowed identification of the iron precipitates present in the films, without any pretreatment. The EXAFS data showed that the iron containing phase formed in the floating films varied in composition between the sites investigated. In the films from two ground water discharge areas, characterized by out-flowing iron(II) rich ground water being high in pH and low in DOC, the iron phase was completely dominated by ferrihydrite. In contrast, surface films sampled from the brook and the pond, the iron speciation showed a mixture of iron(III)-organic complexes and iron (hydr)oxide (most likely ferrihydrite). These waters were oxic and contained higher concentration of DOC than the seep water pools in the ground water discharge areas. The position of the pre-edge peak, which is sensitive to the oxidation state of iron, did not indicate occurrence of iron (II) in any of the films. Elemental composition of one film (seep water), suggested that films contained about one third of organic matter. Ferrihydrite is probably present as small particles with humic material sorbed onto surfaces or included in the particles, making the particles sufficiently hydrophobic to not settle without physical disturbance. The films are fragile and break easily down and become suspended upon disturbance. More studies are warranted in order to understand the mechanism of the formation of these fascinating films and their biogeochemical role.QC 20121203</p