20 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamics of galaxy mergers with supermassive black holes: is there a last parsec problem ?

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    We study the formation of a supermassive black hole (SMBH) binary and the shrinking of the separation of the two holes to sub-pc scales starting from a realistic major merger between two gas-rich spiral galaxies with mass comparable to our Milky Way. The simulations, carried out with the Adaptive Mesh Refinement (AMR) code RAMSES, are capable of resolving separations as small as 0.1 pc. The collision of the two galaxies produces a gravo-turbulent rotating nuclear disk with mass (10^9 Msun) and size (60 pc) in excellent agreement with previous SPH simulations with particle splitting that used a similar setup (Mayer et al. 2007) but were limited to separations of a few parsecs. The AMR results confirm that the two black holes sink rapidly as a result of dynamical friction onto the gaseous background, reaching a separation of 1 pc in less than 10^7 yr. We show that the dynamical friction wake is well resolved by our model and we find good agreement with analytical predictions of the drag force as a function of the Mach number. Below 1 pc, black hole pairing slows down significantly, as the relative velocity between the sinking SMBH becomes highly subsonic and the mass contained within their orbit falls below the mass of the binary itself, rendering dynamical friction ineffective. In this final stage, the black holes have not opened a gap as the gaseous background is highly pressurized in the center. Non-axisymmetric gas torques do not arise to restart sinking in absence of efficient dynamical friction, at variance with previous calculations using idealized equilibrium nuclear disk models. (abridged)Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS. 10 pages, 6 figure

    On the link between Architectural Description Models and Modelica Analyses Models

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    When designing complex systems such as Aircraft, harmonizing the way we describe and analyze sys-tems physical architectures is important in order to reduce costs, lead-time, and to increase systems ma-turity at entry into service. As Modelica has interest-ing multi-domain modeling capabilities, we define a harmonization approach that is based on the use of Modelica in an Integrated Development Environ-ment

    Galactic star formation in parsec-scale resolution simulations

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    The interstellar medium (ISM) in galaxies is multiphase and cloudy, with stars forming in the very dense, cold gas found in Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs). Simulating the evolution of an entire galaxy, however, is a computational problem which covers many orders of magnitude, so many simulations cannot reach densities high enough or temperatures low enough to resolve this multiphase nature. Therefore, the formation of GMCs is not captured and the resulting gas distribution is smooth, contrary to observations. We investigate how star formation (SF) proceeds in simulated galaxies when we obtain parsec-scale resolution and more successfully capture the multiphase ISM. Both major mergers and the accretion of cold gas via filaments are dominant contributors to a galaxy's total stellar budget and we examine SF at high resolution in both of these contexts.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. To appear in the proceedings for IAU Symposium 270: Computational Star Formation (eds. Alves, Elmegreen, Girart, Trimble

    Galactic star formation in parsec-scale resolution simulations

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    The interstellar medium (ISM) in galaxies is multiphase and cloudy, with stars forming in the very dense, cold gas found in Giant Molecular Clouds (GMCs). Simulating the evolution of an entire galaxy, however, is a computational problem which covers many orders of magnitude, so many simulations cannot reach densities high enough or temperatures low enough to resolve this multiphase nature. Therefore, the formation of GMCs is not captured and the resulting gas distribution is smooth, contrary to observations. We investigate how star formation (SF) proceeds in simulated galaxies when we obtain parsec-scale resolution and more successfully capture the multiphase ISM. Both major mergers and the accretion of cold gas via filaments are dominant contributors to a galaxy's total stellar budget and we examine SF at high resolution in both of these context

    The impact of ISM turbulence, clustered star formation and feedback on galaxy mass assembly through cold flows and mergers

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    Two of the dominant channels for galaxy mass assembly are cold flows (cold gas supplied via the filaments of the cosmic web) and mergers. How these processes combine in a cosmological setting, at both low and high redshift, to produce the whole zoo of galaxies we observe is largely unknown. Indeed there is still much to understand about the detailed physics of each process in isolation. While these formation channels have been studied using hydrodynamical simulations, here we study their impact on gas properties and star formation (SF) with some of the first simulations that capture the multiphase, cloudy nature of the interstellar medium (ISM), by virtue of their high spatial resolution (and corresponding low temperature threshold). In this regime, we examine the competition between cold flows and a supernovae(SNe)-driven outflow in a very high-redshift galaxy (z {\approx} 9) and study the evolution of equal-mass galaxy mergers at low and high redshift, focusing on the induced SF. We find that SNe-driven outflows cannot reduce the cold accretion at z {\approx} 9 and that SF is actually enhanced due to the ensuing metal enrichment. We demonstrate how several recent observational results on galaxy populations (e.g. enhanced HCN/CO ratios in ULIRGs, a separate Kennicutt Schmidt (KS) sequence for starbursts and the population of compact early type galaxies (ETGs) at high redshift) can be explained with mechanisms captured in galaxy merger simulations, provided that the multiphase nature of the ISM is resolved.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of IAUS 277, 'Tracing the ancestry of galaxies', eds Carignan, Freeman & Combes. 4 pages, 2 figure

    Hydrodynamics of high-redshift galaxy collisions: From gas-rich disks to dispersion-dominated mergers and compact spheroids

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    Disk galaxies at high redshift (z~2) are characterized by high fractions of cold gas, strong turbulence, and giant star-forming clumps. Major mergers of disk galaxies at high redshift should then generally involve such turbulent clumpy disks. Merger simulations, however, model the ISM as a stable, homogeneous, and thermally pressurized medium. We present the first merger simulations with high fractions of cold, turbulent, and clumpy gas. We discuss the major new features of these models compared to models where the gas is artificially stabilized and warmed. Gas turbulence, which is already strong in high-redshift disks, is further enhanced in mergers. Some phases are dispersion-dominated, with most of the gas kinetic energy in the form of velocity dispersion and very chaotic velocity fields, unlike merger models using a thermally stabilized gas. These mergers can reach very high star formation rates, and have multi-component gas spectra consistent with SubMillimeter Galaxies. Major mergers with high fractions of cold turbulent gas are also characterized by highly dissipative gas collapse to the center of mass, with the stellar component following in a global contraction. The final galaxies are early-type with relatively small radii and high Sersic indices, like high-redshift compact spheroids. The mass fraction in a disk component that survives or re-forms after a merger is severely reduced compared to models with stabilized gas, and the formation of a massive disk component would require significant accretion of external baryons afterwards. Mergers thus appear to destroy extended disks even when the gas fraction is high, and this lends further support to smooth infall as the main formation mechanism for massive disk galaxies.Comment: ApJ accepte

    Simulations numériques de collisions de galaxies et l'importance de la physique du gaz aux petites échelles

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    Les interactions et les fusions de galaxies sont des événements clés dans l'histoire de notre Univers. Chacun d'eux la morphologie des galaxies, leur masse et leur taux de formation stellaire de manière drastique. Les processus physiques qui interviennent à petite échelle jouent un rôle crucial pendant les fusions de galaxies. Par le passé, le manque de résolution et d'un modèle thermodynamique réaliste pour le gaz du milieu interstellaire constituait le principal défaut des simulations. Le but de cette thèse est d'étudier l'effet des collisions de galaxies sur les processus physiques à petites échelles par le biais de simulations numériques haute-résolution. Le code AMR hydrodynamique RAMSES utilisé dans ces travaux est décrit dans le chapitre 3, ainsi que les modules additionnels que j'ai développés pour mes besoins spécifiques. Dans le chapitre 4, je présenterai une simulation haute-résolution de la collision des galaxies des Antennes (NGC4038/39). Dans cette étude numérique, l'utilisation d'un modèle thermodynamique "pseudo-refroidissement" a mené a une flambée de formation stellaire en amas induite par la fusion qui est en très bon accord avec les observations astronomiques. Le chapitre 5 se focalisera sur la formation d'un système binaire de trous noirs supermassifs consécutif à la fusion de deux galaxies. L'effet de la friction dynamique dû au gaz sur les trous noirs est correctement résolu jusqu'aux échelles sub-parsec dans cette simulation. Enfin, un nouveau module de traitement de données et de visualisation (PyMSES) que j'ai co-développé spécifiquement pour les données de RAMSES est présenté dans le chapitre 6.PARIS7-Bibliothèque centrale (751132105) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Boosting I/O and visualization for exascale era using Hercule: test case on RAMSES

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    International audienceIt has been clearly identified that I/O is one of the bottleneck to extend application for the exascale era. New concepts such as ‘in transit’ and ‘in situ’ visualization and analysis have been identified as key technologies to circumvent this particular issue. A new parallel I/O and data management library called Hercule, developed at CEA-DAM, has been integrated to Ramses, an AMR simulation code for self-gravitating fluids. Splitting the original Ramses output format in Hercule database formats dedicated to either checkpoints/restarts (HProt format) or post-processing (HDep format) not only improved I/O performance and scalability of the Ramses code but also introduced much more flexibility in the simulation outputs to help astrophysicists prepare their DMP (Data Management Plan). Furthermore, the very lightweight and purpose-specific post-processing format (HDep) will significantly improve the overall performance of analysis and visualization tools such as PyMSES 5. An introduction to the Hercule parallel I/O library as well as I/O benchmark results will be discussed