582 research outputs found

    Innovación, cohesión social y desigualdades en Europa: un método poset-based

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    Programa de Doctorado en Ciencias SocialesLínea de Investigación: Cultura, Desarrollo, Género e Intervención SocialClave Programa: DSOCódigo Línea: 120This dissertation stems from a co-tutored doctoral project between the University of Modena and Reggio Emilia and the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville. The main objective consisted in the development of two complex topics related to innovation, social cohesion and inequalities in Europe in three different papers. The common thread consists in the methodology used: the partially ordered set (poset), a method based on the assumption that an object can be identified as "better" than another if and only if it has better results in all the indicators analysed in the comparison. We have chosen to use this methodology to propose a different data analysis capable of overcoming de issues of composite indicators, and to build rankings not based on the simple arithmetic mean of the normalised indicators. In the first two papers we focused on the vast theme of regional innovation, analysing the performance at the regional level of 220 regions in the first paper, and of 60 regions (those of the four greatest countries of southern Europe, namely Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain) in the second paper. For both papers, we used data from the Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2019, through which we built a ranking, dividing the regions analysed into different performance levels. The creation of clusters of similar regions combined with poset analysis, allowed us to identify differences between the ranking presented in this thesis and the ranking proposed by the Regional Innovation Scoreboard. In particular, it was possible to identify the indicators that have the greatest impact in determining the results, and consequently the movements of the regions in the ranking, making it possible to propose targeted policies based also on the country or cluster of regions analysed. In the analyses conducted, one of the most impacting indicators is Individual design applications per billion GDP (in purchasing power standards). Regarding the leaders of the analysis, we found that the majority are regions housing the capital city of the country. The third paper addressed the issue of gender inequalities in the digital economy by using the data of the Women in Digital Scoreboard 2020 concerning the 27 countries of the European Union and the United Kingdom. Also in this case, a ranking of countries split into four performance levels was obtained. The impact analysis of the indicators revealed that the most meaningful are: % of people with above basic digital skills in information, communication, problem solving and software for content creation; Graduates in STEM subjects per 1000 individuals aged 20-29; Gender pay gap in unadjusted form, considering all employees working in firms with ten or more employees. In this case, the sensitivity analysis performed on the indicators, made it possible to identify strengths and weaknesses of the individual countries. At the same time, the findings helped us to propose areas of intervention aimed at improving the results in the most critical indicators in order to increase the position in the ranking. The results also highlighted important differences between the different European macro-regions; in particular, nations belonging to southern and eastern Europe are clearly behind to those belonging to the north and a large part of western Europe.Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Departamento de Economía, Métodos Cuantitativos e Historia Económic

    The emotional benefits of the motor activity in developmental age

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    Introduction: Scanlan and Simons (1992), define the “enjoyment” in the sport as a positive affective answer toward the sporting experience. It is important to conceive the reasons of the pleasure in the motor activities, because this would help the researchers to elaborate strategies of intervention more and more effective that keeps in mind of the individuals. The objective of the search is to understand if the motor activity is appreciate by children and if it offers benefits. The intervention on the field is developed with the CSI (Centro Sportivo Italiano) of Cava de’ Tirreni (SA), that it has organized a project of motor activity, having involved children since 7 to 11 years old, among which also of the disabled persons. The search has been divided in three phases: Theoretical-practice phase, where a circle time has been organized to forming the children to the emotions, to differentiate and recognize them. Then, with a questionnaire, information are picked up respect the emotional state of departure: the children have individualized the image of the emotion that more it represented them. Practice phase, where the boys have developed motor activity (games, crossed motor). Conclusive phase, where they have been picked the impressions just tried by children respect the motor activity turn. The search is concluded administering the PACES test (Phisycal Activity Enjoyment Scale, Kendzierski & De Carlo, 1991), tool used for the evaluation of the motor activity. The result has been that following the motor activity the positive emotions are increased tried by children, while the negative emotions result redoubts and/or repressed. Examining the obtained data, the majority of the children appreciate the motor activity, has lived himself pleasantly and offers them positive benefits. From the search an objective for the future could be characterized: to induce the children to regularly practice motor activity because in degree to arouse positive emotions and to guarantee psycho-physical comfort

    Physical activities and special educational needs

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    The Ministerial Directive dated December 27, 2012 and the subsequent Circular dated March 6, 2013 for the identification of students with special educational needs (SEN), have planned a school that knows how to respond appropriately to all the difficulties of students by preventing them, in the perspective of a deeply inclusive school. Ianes & Cramerotti (2013) stated that in order to recognize the real needs of a student, it is necessary to understand their current and general situation of functioning; ICF (WHO, 2001), in fact, being fundamentally organic-psycho-social, obliges to consider the totality and complexity of the functionings of the people and not only organic and structural aspects. From this perspective, the didactic setting that is built during Physical Education and Sport, is an excellent valuation framework for the identification of SEN, because physical activity has always been recognized as a disciplinary area that allows students to express their personality, build dynamics of relationships, express motor behavior, etc. (IN 2012). The Personal Factors, in fact, were considered key elements for the construction of instruments with indicators and qualifiers, because according to the latest neuroscience research (Caruana & Borghi, 2013; Damasio, 2009; Gomez Paloma, 2013), they are particularly influencing into the learning process. The research involved 34 schools (2500 students) from four different regions. For data collection has been activated an online platform which allowed to the teachers to download the necessary tools for the assessment and enter the results at the end of the process. From the data analysis it was possible to understand that there is a significant and positive correlation between indicators encoded by ICF and indicators that detect situations, attitudes, behaviors and postures specially created for the identification of difficulties and special educational needs, affirming the validity and reliability of the tool and giving teachers the opportunity to apply strict criteria to identify pedagogically students and act in an inclusive way

    Educational ECS Un approccio “embodied cognitive” per le scuole

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    Emerging educational and development priorities highlight the need to improve the quality of educational services. Recent scientific discoveries and research in education and didactics do not always guarantee valid and systematic changes in the daily practices of teachers and educators, able to authentically improve children’s development and learning process, also in terms ofprevention of certain neurodevelopmental disorders and discomforts.For these reasons, a research was undertaken for developing a longitudinal curriculum model (0-14 years), starting from the transdisciplinary ECS (Embodied Cognitive Science) paradigm, and two pilot, multi-year experiences were carried out.The outcomes obtained so far are encouraging, both for research productsand for stakeholders’ satisfaction.Le priorità educative ed evolutive emergenti evidenziano la necessità di migliorare la qualità dei servizi per l’infanzia e degli istituti scolastici. Le recenti scoperte scientifiche e le ricerche in campo educativo e didattico non sempre attivano cambiamenti validi e sistematici nelle pratiche quotidiane di docenti ed educatori, in grado di migliorare autenticamente lo sviluppo e l’apprendimentodi tutti i bambini, anche in termini di prevenzione di alcuni disturbi del neurosviluppo e disagi socio-relazionali. È stata pertanto avviata una ricerca per l’elaborazione di un modello di curriculo longitudinale (0-14 anni), a partire dal paradigma transdisciplinare dell’ECS (Embodied Cognitive Science), e sono state condotte due esperienze pilota pluriennali. I risultati ottenutifinora sono incoraggianti, sia in termini di prodotti di ricerca sia di soddisfazione degli stakeholder

    “Dimensioni-ponte” tra neuroscienze, psicoanalisi ed ECS per favorire l’inclusione a scuola nella prospettiva transdisciplinare

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    The article presents some reflections and first conclusions relating to the study and researchconducted in recent years by the authors, work aimed at exploring recent contributions in thefield of neuroscience and Embodied Cognition, and identifying common foundational aspectsconsistent with the pedagogical and inclusive didactic perspective. More specifically, the contributionsexplored facilitate the understanding of the "neurodiverse" functioning profiles (Singer,1998; Silberman, 2016) and, at the same time, highlight essential mechanisms and dimensions,often still unknown, for the improvement of developmental and learning processes, andeveryone’s participation. In light of what has emerged, we outlined a transdisciplinary area —which makes use of the contributions of psychoanalysis and opens spaces for dialogue with pedagogyand teaching — for the identification of dimensions transversal to the disciplines involved(bridge dimensions), as a basis for knowledge and reflection, from which to attempt to rethinkand enrich the school curriculum. The transdisciplinary space opens up perspectives, proposinga new look that offers multiple, complex angles; therefore more representative of the complexityof current phenomena and contexts, including educational ones and didactic interaction

    Rugby Mixed Ability e Inclusione. Un’analisi di caso tra Sport, Pedagogia e Neuroscienze

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    The purpose of this contribution is to highlight the prospects of study andresearch in a hybrid and fruitful field border between sport, pedagogy andneuroscience aimed to stimulate inclusive processes.In this regard, is presented a case study of an experience of mixer ability inRugby in order to confirm the theorized by the paradigm of the embodiedcognition “extended”, for which the bodily dimension is put in relation withthe inclusive dimension.Lo scopo del presente contributo è quello di evidenziare le prospettive distudio e di ricerca in un campo, ibrido e fecondo, di confine tra sport, pedagogiae neuroscienze volte a stimolare processi inclusivi.A tal proposito, viene presentato un case study di un’esperienza di MixerAbility nello sport del Rugby al fine di confermare quanto teorizzato dalparadigma dell’Embodied Cognition “esteso”, per il quale la dimensionecorporea viene messa in relazione con la dimensione inclusiva