3,083 research outputs found

    European Union Farm Policy for Citrus, Tomatoes, and Dairy

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    European Union (EU) consumers pay almost twice the competitive world price for many agricultural products. Agricultural subsidies accounted for almost half of the EU's total budget (US$ 40 billion on agriculture in 2000) although agriculture represented 1.7 percent of the EU's GDP and employs 4.3% of the EU's population. Domestic policies for citrus and tomatoes include export refunds, product withdraws from the market, intervention thresholds, and direct producer aid. Domestic policies for dairy include export refunds, intervention thresholds, aid for private storage, disposal aid, and milk quotas. The EU's intentions are to enhance agricultural competitiveness by setting product intervention as "a real safety net measure, allowing EU producers to respond to market signals while protecting them from extreme price fluctuations," and promoting market oriented, sustainable agriculture by finishing the transition from product support to producer support, by introducing a "decoupled system of payments per farm" which are not connected to production. The EU wishes to allow flexibility in production, but also guarantee income stability to producers. Within the last 10 years, the EU has reduced price supports and increased direct payments to tomato, dairy, and citrus farmers to compensate them for the reductions.Agricultural and Food Policy,

    Reconfigurable Systems: A Potential Solution to the von Neumann Bottleneck

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    The difficulty of overcoming the disparity between processor speeds and data access speeds, a condition known as the von Neumann bottleneck, has been a source of consternation for computer hardware developers for many years. Although a number of temporary solutions have been proposed and implemented in modern machines, these solutions have only managed to treat the major symptoms, rather than solve the root problem. As the number of transistors on a chip roughly doubles every two years, the von Neumann bottleneck has continued to tighten in spite of these solutions, prompting some computer hardware professionals to advocate a paradigm shift away from the von Neumann architecture into something entirely new. Many have begun advocating the relatively new technology of reconfigurable systems, popularly known as morphware. The difficulty with adopting a new architectural paradigm, however, is that developers on both sides of the software-hardware spectrum must start from scratch, creating entirely new operating systems, hardware peripherals, application software, and user interfaces, all of which must seem familiar to the end user, yet still take advantage of the improvements morphware has to offer. With this in mind, this thesis builds off of the fundamental theory and current implementations of morphware to describe the processes and products necessary to develop and deliver morphware to the average user as a viable alternative to current technology

    A Colleague\u27s Observation... Jerome Frank as Prophet: Courts on Trial Revisited

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    Exercise redox biochemistry:conceptual, methodological and technical recommendations

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    Exercise redox biochemistry is of considerable interest owing to its translational value in health and disease. However, unaddressed conceptual, methodological and technical issues complicate attempts to unravel how exercise alters redox homeostasis in health and disease. Conceptual issues relate to misunderstandings that arise when the chemical heterogeneity of redox biology is disregarded which often complicate attempts to use redox-active compounds and assess redox signalling. Further, that oxidised macromolecule adduct levels reflect formation and repair is seldom considered. Methodological and technical issues relate to the use of out-dated assays and/or inappropriate sample preparation techniques that confound biochemical redox analysis. After considering each of the aforementioned issues, we outline how each issue can be resolved and provide a unifying set of recommendations. We specifically recommend that investigators: consider chemical heterogeneity, use redox-active compounds judiciously, abandon flawed assays, carefully prepare samples and assay buffers, consider repair/metabolism, use multiple biomarkers to assess oxidative damage and redox signalling

    A randomised controlled trial of total hip arthroplasty versus resurfacing arthroplasty in the treatment of young patients with arthritis of the hip joint

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    Background: Hip replacement (arthroplasty) surgery is a highly successful treatment for patients with severe symptomatic arthritis of the hip joint. For older patients, several designs of Total Hip Arthroplasty have shown excellent results in terms of both function and value for money. However, in younger more active patients, there is approximately a 50% failure rate at 25 years for traditional implants. Hip resurfacing is a relatively new arthroplasty technique. In a recent review of the literature on resurfacing arthroplasty it was concluded that the short-term functional results appear promising but some potential early disadvantages were identified, including the risk of femoral neck fracture and collapse of the head of the femur. The aim of the current study is to assess whether there is a difference in functional hip scores at one year post-operation between Total Hip Arthroplasty and Resurfacing Arthroplasty. Secondary aims include assessment of complication rates for both procedures as well cost effectiveness. Methods/design: All patients medically fit for surgery and deemed suitable for a resurfacing arthroplasty are eligible to take part in this study. A randomisation sequence will be produced and administered independently. After consenting, all patients will be clinically reviewed and hip function, quality of life and physical activity level will be assessed through questionnaires. The allocated surgery will then be performed with the preferred technique of the surgeon. Six weeks post-operation hip function will be assessed and complications recorded. Three, six and 12 months post-operation hip function, quality of life and physical activity level will be assessed. Additional information about patients' out-of-pocket expenses will also be collected

    Valuing Catastrophic Citrus Losses

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    Courts are often required to estimate changes in welfare to agricultural operations from catastrophic events. For example, courts must assign damages in lawsuits, such as with pesticide drift cases, or determine "just compensation" when the government takes private land for public use, as with the removal of dairy farms from environmentally sensitive land or destruction of canker-contaminated citrus trees. In economics, the traditional method of quantifying producer losses is estimating changes in producer welfare, but courts rarely use this method. Instead, they turn to substitute valuation methods that may not fully capture welfare changes, such as changes in land value, tree replacement value, and total revenue. This study examines various measures for valuing the back-to-back catastrophic freezes that occurred in the Florida citrus industry in the 1980s. We first use the traditional method to determine the welfare change due to a freeze (1) for a citrus grove that loses one crop and is able to return to full production the next year, and (2) the lower measure of welfare loss due to a citrus grove that loses all of its trees and is abandoned or is replanted. The lower measure is used to simulate the legal doctrine of avoidable consequences. These measures are then compared to substitute valuation measures that have been used by courts to determine welfare changes. For case 1, total revenue overestimates losses by 35.6%. For case 2, total revenue overestimates losses by 55.3%, tree replacement value underestimates losses by 93.6%, and changes in land value underestimates losses by 13.2%.citrus, perennial crops, catastrophic loss, damages, freeze, Crop Production/Industries,
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