342 research outputs found

    The role of traditional land use systems in the well-being of rural Timor-Leste

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    Natural ecosystems and traditional land use systems have an important role in the life and well being of the rural population of Timor-Leste. Our objectives are: 1) to analyse the different functions that natural ecosystems and land use systems supply to the rural populations of Timor-Leste, identifying the goods and services produced and their economic value; 2) to relate the services produced by land use patterns with Timor-Leste rural population well being; and 3) to discuss the impacts of the present situation and to foresee changes on the well being of rural Timor-Leste. This paper is based on a multidisciplinary approach incorporating contributions from several fields of knowledge, and uses documentary sources, field observations and interviews. The land use patterns identified in Timor-Leste are: natural and semi-natural ecosystems, subsistence agriculture, sacred, housing, basic infrastructures and industries and services. These land use patterns produce a set of goods and which are essential for the survival and well-being of Timor-Leste rural communities. Key-words: Timor-Leste, natural ecosystems, land, well being, developmen


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    There are few groups’ followers of the matrilineal system in the world but they are present in all continents, except in Europe. In Timor-Leste, the matrilineal organization social system is found among 3 ethno-linguistic groups and seems that, in spite of their resilience, some changes have been taken place in recent years due to some economic, socio and cultural changes. Two different kinship/social systems coexist in Timor-Leste, one patrilineal in force in the majority of the territory and one matrilineal in the regions with dominance of Búnaque, Tetum-Terik and Galoli ethno-linguistic groups. The idea behind this paper is to identify those features related to land that have been characterizing the matrilineal system of the Búnaque in Timor-Leste. To achieve its goals, this paper through, secondary and empirical data collected, analyses women’s reality in the Bunaque communities, relating land tenure with the gender roles performed

    Price discrimination in-store, in mobility and in real-time

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    This dissertation focuses on the concepts of Mobility, Real-time Marketing and Price Discrimination, analyzing why it makes sense to study them together. Boosted by the success of personalized offers in the e-commerce, the goal of this research is to understand if the market is prepared for real-time price discrimination by using smartphones. A survey was conducted in order to gain some empirical knowledge, and the collected data was characterized regarding the research question and by using some descriptive statistics and cross tabulations. The results showed that in the observed sample, customers are willing to use the mobile channel through a product barcode scanning process in order to get a discount. These findings contribute with further insights into understanding how the mobile channel can be used by retail stores in order to bring additional sales for companies by reaching the most price sensitive customers

    The Role of Traditional Land Use Systems in the Well-being of Rural Timor-Leste

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    Natural ecosystems and traditional land use systems have an important role in the life and well being of the rural population of Timor-Leste. Land, the support of natural ecosystems and subsistence agriculture of rural populations of Timor Leste, is the main focus of this research. The objectives are: 1) to identify the different land use patterns of Timor-Leste; 2) to identify the goods and services produced; and, 3) to relate the goods and services produced by land use patterns with the well-being of Timor-Leste rural population. This paper is based on a multidisciplinary approach incorporating contributions from several fields of knowledge, and uses documentary sources, field observations and interviews conducted in 2003, 2009 and 2010. The main land use patterns in Timor-Leste are: natural and semi-natural ecosystems, subsistence agriculture, sacred, housing, basic infrastructures and industries and services. These land use patterns produce a set of goods and services classified as supporting, provisioning, regulating and cultural which are essential for the survival and well-being of Timor-Leste rural communities

    Percepção a respeito da qualidade na prestação de serviços de segurança, manutenção, infraestrutura, limpeza e patrimônio : um estudo realizado na Universidade de Brasília

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    Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Planaltina, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Gestão Pública, 2021.A presente dissertação está dividida e organizada em dois artigos no formato multipaper, que investigam a percepção dos servidores da Universidade de Brasília (UnB) acerca da qualidade dos serviços de segurança, manutenção, infraestrutura, limpeza e patrimônio, mais conhecidos como atividades-meio. Especificamente, esta pesquisa busca apresentar, por meio da percepção dos servidores da UnB, um estudo empírico da qualidade dos serviços tidos como essenciais dentro da Universidade de Brasília, com vistas a entender sua relevância para o ensino, a pesquisa e a extensão. O primeiro artigo tem como objetivo buscar evidências a respeito da percepção dos servidores da UnB acerca da qualidade dos serviços relacionados à segurança, manutenção, infraestrutura, limpeza e patrimônio da UnB. Para tanto, foi utilizado, para a coleta de dados, um questionário de pesquisa, aplicado entre os docentes e técnicos administrativos da UnB. Os indicadores basearam-se na escala Likert para mensurar a qualidade percebida pelos servidores na prestação dos serviços denominados atividades-meio na instituição e no uso de Regressão Linear pelo método dos Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO). Os resultados apontaram que a UnB necessita criar mecanismos concretos para melhorar seus serviços, os quais, na percepção dos servidores, não atendem a um padrão de qualidade aceitável. O segundo artigo tem como objetivo analisar, na percepção dos servidores docentes e técnicos administrativos da UnB, quais fatores impactam diretamente na qualidade dos serviços de segurança, manutenção, infraestrutura, limpeza e patrimônio da UnB. Para tanto, fez-se uso das respostas dos participantes da pesquisa e, utilizando uma metodologia qualitativa, foi feita uma pré-análise do conteúdo, organizando os dados mais frequentes das respostas para, em seguida, realizar o tratamento dos resultados com a devida interpretação. Os dados revelaram que o número insuficiente de colaboradores, questões orçamentárias, necessidade de uma política de gestão para reestruturação, entre outros fatores, impactam diretamente na percepção da qualidade das atividades-meio da UnB.This dissertation is divided and organized into two articles in multipaper format, which investigate the perception of the University of Brasilia (UnB) servers about the quality of security, maintenance, infrastructure, cleaning and heritage services, better known as middle activities. Specifically, this research seeks to present, through the perception of UnB's employees, an empirical study of the quality of services considered essential within the University of Brasilia, in order to understand its relevance for teaching, research and extension. The first article aims to seek evidence regarding the perception of UnB's servers about the quality of services related to UnB's security, maintenance, infrastructure, cleaning and assets. To this end, a research questionnaire was used for data collection, applied among UnB professors and administrative technicians. The indicators were based on the Likert scale to measure the quality perceived by the servants in the provision of services called middle activities in the institution and in the use of Linear Regression by the method of Ordinary Least Squares (OLS). The results showed that UnB needs to create concrete mechanisms to improve its services, which, in the perception of the servers, do not meet an acceptable quality standard. The second article aims to analyze, in the perception of UnB's teaching staff and administrative technicians, which factors directly impact the quality of UnB's security, maintenance, infrastructure, cleaning and heritage services. For this purpose, the responses of the research participants were used and, using a qualitative methodology, a preanalysis of the content was made, organizing the most frequent data of the responses, and then carrying out the treatment of the results with the proper interpretation. The data revealed that the insufficient number of employees, budgetary issues, the need for a management policy for restructuring, among other factors, directly impact the perception of the quality of UnB's core activities

    Recent changes and growth of alentejan farming systems

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    Positive Mathematical Programming: an instrument for calibration and prescription of agricultural supply models

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    Neste artigo avalia-se a capacidade de calibração e de prescrição de resultados de um modelo de oferta agrícola da Região Alentejo. A capacidade de calibração é analisada para o regime de preços e de ajudas agrícolas em vigor no ano 2000, comparando os resultados de diferentes formas de especificação da função dos custos variáveis totais do modelo de programação matemática positiva com os resultados do modelo tradicional de programação linear e com os dados estatísticos observados. Depois de calibrado, o modelo de programação matemática positiva é utilizado na prescrição dos resultados relativos ao cenário de preços e ajudas em vigor no ano de 2004. Conclui-se que a programação matemática positiva para além de ser um eficaz instrumento de calibração dos modelos de oferta agrícola, constitui também uma forma de prescrição de resultados futuros

    Human rights based approach to ecosystem services in rural Timor-Leste

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    Land and water are the main supporters of almost every ecosystem on earth, either natural or semi-natural, including the traditional land use systems developed by human beings. The multidimensional services supplied by the different land uses are essential resources for the great majority of the population in developing countries. Besides the economic value associated with those services, land services have also historical, cultural and sacred values that should not be ignored as they have shaped over time the social organization of communities. Recognizing the multidimensional character of the services provided by nature in general, and land in particular is precisely the essence of a human rights approach to development. According to the United Nations Organization (UN), a human-rights based approach to development is a conceptual framework for the process of human development that is normatively based on international human rights standards and operationally directed to promoting and protecting them. In its essence, a human rights-based approach integrates the norms, standards and principles of the international human rights system into the plans, policies and processes of development. In this article, specific emphasis will be placed on the relationship between well-being and land use, through physical, economic, social and cultural connections. Our primary concern is to show that human development, in rural areas cannot be measured 2 by the simple production and consumption of commodities sourced in what is conventionally called the primary sector but of a more complex relationship involving mobilization as much as preservation of resources, and material consumption as much as spiritual fulfillment. While carrying out this purpose we will pay special attention to conflicting land uses that may impair population’s well being. First, we will present East Timor and the concept of ecosystem services. Indeed, human well-being is dependent upon multiple and often interrelated ecosystem services contributing each of them to more than one component of well-being. Furthermore, there is interconnectedness of the well-being components and ecosystem services are dynamic and context-dependent. Second, we will discuss the human rights approach to development with special emphasis on cultural freedom, which can be defined as the freedom of people to choose their identities and to lead the lives they value, without being excluded from other choices important to them. Third, we will examine land use patterns in East Timor and its relation to the well being of rural East Timor. In this part we will show how services provided by nature are at least both economic and cultural, and that despite the fact that there may be conflicting uses, a human rights approach must take both services into consideration and value them equally

    Assessing the prediction capacity of an agricultural supply positive mathematical programming model

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    In this paper, the calibration and prediction capacity of a supply response positive mathematical programming model (PMP) for the Alentejo region are evaluated. The model is calibrated with prices and agricultural subsidies of the base year (2000), using the specification rules of the cost function standard, Paris standard, average cost and exogenous elasticities. Then, the model is utilised for prediction of crop and livestock supply with prices and subsidies of 2004. Model results for 2000 and 2004 agricultural price and subsidies are compared, with available data, regarding optimal combination of activities to test model’s capacity to reproduce Alentejo agricultural sector behaviour in response to the changes in prices and agricultural policy. Results showed that the PMP model reproduces exactly the observed activity levels on the base year, whatever the rule used to specify the cost function, and that PMP is an efficient instrument to predict agricultural supply, mainly using the exogenous elasticities specification rule


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    Neste trabalho temos o intuito de expor parte dos resultados de uma pesquisa, em que fizemos um estudo histórico bibliográfico das obras produzidas por um matemático e poeta italiano do século XVIII, a saber Lorenzo Mascheroni (1750 – 1800). Para tanto, nos apoiamos em elementos da pesquisa qualitativa do tipo bibliográfica, assim como, nos valemos de seus instrumentos e procedimentos. Desse modo, realizamos levantamento em livros e artigos de referência no tema, os traduzimos confrontando diferentes versões e analisamos seu conteúdo tendo em vista o anseio de entender e revelar as contribuições matemáticas de Mascheroni.  Assim, iniciamos o presente texto com uma apresentação bibliográfica do autor mostrando sua carreira acadêmica dentro e fora da Itália e, na continuidade,  apresentamos uma lista de publicações matemáticas de Lorenzo Mascheroni com intenção de divulgar fontes históricas primarias e/ou secundárias, particularmente sobre a matemática do século XVIII, para que outros pesquisadores e/ou professores da educação básica e superior possam utiliza-se de tais obras para elaboração de materiais voltados para o ensino de matemática, a exemplo da intenção original da principal obra de Mascheroni, Problemas para agrimensores com varias soluções, que foi incluída como livro didático utilizado nas aulas do curso de matemática elementar da universidade de Pavia. Como resultado, além de revelar a Geometria feita só com compasso, também chegamos a publicações de Mascheroni relacionadas a outros campos e níveis de ensino, como por exemplo, os textos que caminham por estudos do cálculo diferencial e integral, no estudo do cálculo infinitesimal e ainda temos obras como a coletânea de problemas destinados ao estudo para agrimensores. Portanto, concluímos que sua vasta produção abarca vários aspectos da matemática e sua relação com o ensino que aliás teve reconhecimentos. De fato, temos em uma das obras a apresentação da constante de Euler-Mascheroni, fato que foi reconhecido por sua fundamental contribuição na área da análise matemática, porém seus estudos não se limitam ao estudo do cálculo infinitesimal já que também tratam de Geometria