
Human rights based approach to ecosystem services in rural Timor-Leste


Land and water are the main supporters of almost every ecosystem on earth, either natural or semi-natural, including the traditional land use systems developed by human beings. The multidimensional services supplied by the different land uses are essential resources for the great majority of the population in developing countries. Besides the economic value associated with those services, land services have also historical, cultural and sacred values that should not be ignored as they have shaped over time the social organization of communities. Recognizing the multidimensional character of the services provided by nature in general, and land in particular is precisely the essence of a human rights approach to development. According to the United Nations Organization (UN), a human-rights based approach to development is a conceptual framework for the process of human development that is normatively based on international human rights standards and operationally directed to promoting and protecting them. In its essence, a human rights-based approach integrates the norms, standards and principles of the international human rights system into the plans, policies and processes of development. In this article, specific emphasis will be placed on the relationship between well-being and land use, through physical, economic, social and cultural connections. Our primary concern is to show that human development, in rural areas cannot be measured 2 by the simple production and consumption of commodities sourced in what is conventionally called the primary sector but of a more complex relationship involving mobilization as much as preservation of resources, and material consumption as much as spiritual fulfillment. While carrying out this purpose we will pay special attention to conflicting land uses that may impair population’s well being. First, we will present East Timor and the concept of ecosystem services. Indeed, human well-being is dependent upon multiple and often interrelated ecosystem services contributing each of them to more than one component of well-being. Furthermore, there is interconnectedness of the well-being components and ecosystem services are dynamic and context-dependent. Second, we will discuss the human rights approach to development with special emphasis on cultural freedom, which can be defined as the freedom of people to choose their identities and to lead the lives they value, without being excluded from other choices important to them. Third, we will examine land use patterns in East Timor and its relation to the well being of rural East Timor. In this part we will show how services provided by nature are at least both economic and cultural, and that despite the fact that there may be conflicting uses, a human rights approach must take both services into consideration and value them equally

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