106 research outputs found

    Exploiting Cationic Vacancies for Increased Energy Densities in Dual-Ion Batteries

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Dual-ion Li–Mg batteries offer a potential route to cells that combine desirable properties of both single-ion species. To maximize the energy density of a dual-ion battery, we propose a strategy for achieving simultaneous intercalation of both ionic species, by chemically modifying the intercalation host material to produce a second, complementary, class of insertion sites. We show that donor-doping of anatase TiO2 to form large numbers of cationic vacancies allows the complementary insertion of Li+ and Mg2+ in a dual-ion cell with a net increase in cell energy density, due to a combination of an increased reversible capacity, an increased operating voltage, and a reduced polarization. By tuning the lithium concentration in the electrolyte, we achieve full utilization of the Ti4+/Ti3+ redox couple with excellent cyclability and rate capability. We conclude that native interstitial sites preferentially accommodate Li+ ions, while Mg2+ ions occupy single-vacancy sites. We also predict a narrow range of electrochemical conditions where adjacent vacancy pairs preferentially accommodate one ion of each species, i.e., a [LiTi ​+ ​MgTi] configuration. These results demonstrate the implementation of additional host sites such as cationic sites as an effective approach to increase the energy density in dual-ion batteries

    Impact of Anion Vacancies on the Local and Electronic Structures of Iron-Based Oxyfluoride Electrodes

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    The properties of crystalline solids can be significantly modified by deliberately introducing point defects. Understanding these effects, however, requires understanding the changes in geometry and electronic structure of the host material. Here we report the effect of forming anion vacancies, via dehydroxylation, in a hexagonal-tungsten-bronze–structured iron oxyfluoride, which has potential use as a lithium-ion battery cathode. Our combined pairdistribution function and density-functional–theory analysis indicates that oxygen vacancy formation is accompanied by a spontaneous rearrangement of fluorine anions and vacancies, producing dual pyramidal (FeF4)–O–(FeF4) structural units containing five-fold–coordinated Fe atoms. The addition of lattice oxygen introduces new electronic states above the top of the valence band, with a corresponding reduction in the optical band gap from 4.05 eV to 2.05 eV. This band gap reduction relative to the FeF3 parent material is correlated with a significant improvement in lithium insertion capability relative to defect-free compound

    Controlled hydroxy-Fluorination Reaction of Anatase to Promote Mg<sup>2+</sup> Mobility in Rechargeable Magnesium Batteries

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    International audienceIn anatase TiO2, substituting oxide anions with singly charged (F,OH) anions allows the controlled formation of cation vacancies, which act as reversible intercalation sites for Mg2+. We show that ion-transport (diffusion coefficients) and intercalation (reversible capacity) properties are controlled by two critical parameters: the vacancy concentration and the local anionic environment. Our results emphasise the complexity of this behaviour, and highlight the potential benefits of chemically controlling cationic-defects in electrode materials for rechargeable multivalent-ion batteries

    A Reversible Phase Transition for Sodium Insertion in Anatase TiO<sub>2</sub>

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    Anatase TiO2 is a potential negative electrode for sodium-ion batteries. Thesodium storage mechanism is, however, still under debate, yet its comprehension is required to optimize the electrochemical properties. To clarify the sodium storage mechanism occurring in anatase, we have used both electrochemical and chemical routes from which we obtained similar trends. During the first discharge, an irreversible plateau region is observed which corresponds to the insertion of Na+ within the interstitial sites of anatase and is accompanied by a drastic loss of the long-range order as revealed by X-ray diffraction, high resolution of high angle annular dark-field scanning transmission electron microscope (HAADF-STEM), and pair distribution function (PDF) analysis. Further structural analysis of the total scattering data indicates that the sodiated phase displays a layered-like rhombohedral R3m structure built from the stacking of Ti and Na slabs. Because of the initial 3D network of anatase, the reduced phase shows strong disorder due to cationic intermixing between the Ti and Na slabs and the refined chemical formula is (Na0.43Ti0.57)3a□0.22Na0.39Ti0.39)3bO2, where □ refers to vacancy. The presence of high valence Ti ions in the Na layers induces a contraction of the c-parameter as compared to the ordered phase. Upon desodiation, the structure further amorphized and the local structure probed by PDF is shown to be similar to the anatase TiO2, suggesting that the 3D network is recovered. The reversible sodium insertion/deinsertion is thus attributed to the rhombohedral active phase formed during the first discharge, and an oxidized phase featuring the local structure of anatase. Due to the amorphous nature of the two phases, the potential-composition curves are characterized by a sloping curve. Finally, a comparison between the intercalation of lithium and sodium into anatase TiO2 performed by DFT calculations confirmed that, for the sodiated phase, the rhombohedral structure is more stable than the tetragonal phase observed during the lithiation of nanoparticles

    Impact of Solution Chemistry on Growth and Structural Features of Mo-Substituted Spinel Iron Oxides

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    The effect of crystallizing solution chemistry on the chemistry of subsequently as-grown materials was investigated for Mo-substituted iron oxides prepared by thermally activated co-precipitation. In the presence of Mo ions, we find that varying the oxidation state of the iron precursor from Fe(II) to Fe(III) causes a progressive loss of atomic long-range order with the stabilization of 2-4 nm particles for the sample prepared with Fe(III). The oxidation state of the Fe precursor also affects the distribution of Fe and Mo cations within the spinel structure. Increasing the Fe precursor oxidation state gives decreased Fe-ion occupation and increased Mo-ion occupation of tetrahedral sites, as revealed by the extended X-ray absorption fine structure. The stabilization of Mo within tetrahedral sites appears to be unexpected, considering the octahedral preferred coordination number of Mo(VI). The analysis of the atomic structure of the sample prepared with Fe(III) indicates a local ordering of vacancies and that the occupation of tetrahedral sites by Mo induces a contraction of the interatomic distances within the polyhedra as compared to Fe atoms. Moreover, the occupancy of Mo into the thermodynamic site preference of a Mo dopant in Fe2O3 assessed by density functional theory calculations points to a stronger preference for Mo substitution at octahedral sites. Hence, we suggest that the synthetized compound is thermodynamically metastable, that is, kinetically trapped. Such a state is suggested to be a consequence of the tetrahedral site occupation by Mo ions. The population of these sites, known to be reactive sites enabling particle growth, is concomitant with the stabilization of very small particles. We confirmed our hypothesis by using a blank experiment without Mo ions, further supporting the impact of tetrahedral Mo ions on the growth of iron oxide nanoparticles. Our findings provide new insights into the relationships between the Fe-chemistry of the crystallizing solution and the structural features of the as-grown Mo-substituted Fe-oxide materials. </p

    Impact of Solution Chemistry on Growth and Structural Features of Mo-Substituted Spinel Iron Oxides

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    International audienceThe effect of crystallizing solution chemistry on the chemistry of subsequently as-grown materials was investigated for Mo-substituted iron oxides prepared by thermally activated co-precipitation. In the presence of Mo ions, we find that varying the oxidation state of the iron precursor from Fe(II) to Fe(III) causes a progressive loss of atomic long-range order with the stabilization of 2–4 nm particles for the sample prepared with Fe(III). The oxidation state of the Fe precursor also affects the distribution of Fe and Mo cations within the spinel structure. Increasing the Fe precursor oxidation state gives decreased Fe-ion occupation and increased Mo-ion occupation of tetrahedral sites, as revealed by the extended X-ray absorption fine structure. The stabilization of Mo within tetrahedral sites appears to be unexpected, considering the octahedral preferred coordination number of Mo(VI). The analysis of the atomic structure of the sample prepared with Fe(III) indicates a local ordering of vacancies and that the occupation of tetrahedral sites by Mo induces a contraction of the interatomic distances within the polyhedra as compared to Fe atoms. Moreover, the occupancy of Mo into the thermodynamic site preference of a Mo dopant in Fe2O3 assessed by density functional theory calculations points to a stronger preference for Mo substitution at octahedral sites. Hence, we suggest that the synthetized compound is thermodynamically metastable, that is, kinetically trapped. Such a state is suggested to be a consequence of the tetrahedral site occupation by Mo ions. The population of these sites, known to be reactive sites enabling particle growth, is concomitant with the stabilization of very small particles. We confirmed our hypothesis by using a blank experiment without Mo ions, further supporting the impact of tetrahedral Mo ions on the growth of iron oxide nanoparticles. Our findings provide new insights into the relationships between the Fe-chemistry of the crystallizing solution and the structural features of the as-grown Mo-substituted Fe-oxide materials

    Atomic Insights into Aluminium-Ion Insertion in Defective Anatase for Batteries

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    International audienceAluminium batteries constitute a safe and sustainable high‐energy‐density electrochemical energy‐storage solution. Viable Al‐ion batteries require suitable electrode materials that can readily intercalate high‐charge Al3+ ions. Here, we investigate the Al3+ intercalation chemistry of anatase TiO2 and how chemical modifications influence the accommodation of Al3+ ions. We use fluoride‐ and hydroxide‐doping to generate high concentrations of titanium vacancies. The coexistence of these hetero‐anions and titanium vacancies leads to a complex insertion mechanism, attributed to three distinct types of host sites: native interstitial sites, single vacancy sites, and paired vacancy sites. We demonstrate that Al3+ induces a strong local distortion within the modified TiO2 structure, which affects the insertion properties of the neighbouring host sites. Overall, specific structural features induced by the intercalation of highly polarising Al3+ ions should be considered when designing new electrode materials for polyvalent batteries

    The electrochemical storage mechanism in oxy-hydroxyfluorinated anatase for sodium-ion batteries

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    International audienceReplacing lithium ions with sodium ions as the charge carriers in rechargeable batteries can induce noticeable differences in the electrochemical storage mechanisms of electrode materials. Many material parameters, such as particle size, morphology, and the presence of defects, are known to further affect the storage mechanism. Here, we report an investigation of how the introduction of titanium vacancies into anatase TiO2 affects the sodium storage mechanism. From pair distribution function analysis, we observe that sodium ions are inserted into titanium vacancies at the early stage of the discharge process. This is supported by density functional theory calculations, which predict that sodium insertion is more favourable at vacancies than at interstitial sites. Our calculations also show that the intercalation voltage is sensitive to the anion coordination environment of the vacancy. Sodiation to higher concentrations induces a phase transition toward a disordered rhombohedral structure, similar to that observed in defect-free TiO2. Finally, we find that the X-ray diffraction pattern of the rhombohedral phase drastically changes depending on the composition and degree of disorder, providing further comprehension on the sodium storage mechanism of anatase

    The Director’s Method in Contemporary Visual Effects Film: The Influence of Digital Effects on Film Directing

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    The director’ s method – meant as the organisation of the filmmaking process – is usually characterised by common procedures such as work on the script, shot design and the actors’ performance. For films involving a large-scale use of digital effects, directors consistently approach such procedures with a particular attitude dictated by the digital pipeline, the step-by-step technical procedure through which computer-generated images are created. In light of this, the use of digital effects might influence the director’s method. This thesis aims to define what is considered to be a consensual methodological approach to direct films with no or few digital effects and then compares this approach to when such effects are conspicuously involved. This analysis is conducted through interviews with working directors, visual effects companies and practitioners, and integrated with the current literature. The frame of the research is represented by a large spectrum of contemporary films produced in western countries and which involve digital effects at different scales and complexity but always in interaction with live-action. The research focuses on commercial films and excludes computer-animated and experimental films. The research is intended to address an area in production studies which is overlooked. In fact, although the existent literature examines both digital effects and film directing as distinct elements, there is to date no detailed analysis on the influence that the former has on the latter. In light of this, this dissertation seeks to fill a gap in production studies. The research looks to argue that the director’s method has been changed by the advent of digital effects; it describes a common workflow for digital effects film and notes the differences between this method and the method applied when digital effects are not involved. This is of significant importance for a film industry which is heavily dependent on such effects, as the analysis on contemporary filmmaking reveal
