10,959 research outputs found

    Global MHD simulation of flux transfer events at the high-latitude magnetopause observed by the cluster spacecraft and the SuperDARN radar system

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    A global magnetohydrodynamic numerical simulation is used to study the large-scale structure and formation location of flux transfer events (FTEs) in synergy with in situ spacecraft and ground-based observations. During the main period of interest on the 14 February 2001 from 0930 to 1100 UT the Cluster spacecraft were approaching the Northern Hemisphere high-latitude magnetopause in the postnoon sector on an outbound trajectory. Throughout this period the magnetic field, electron, and ion sensors on board Cluster observed characteristic signatures of FTEs. A few minutes delayed to these observations the Super Dual Auroral Radar Network (SuperDARN) system indicated flow disturbances in the conjugate ionospheres. These “two-point” observations on the ground and in space were closely correlated and were caused by ongoing unsteady reconnection in the vicinity of the spacecraft. The three-dimensional structures and dynamics of the observed FTEs and the associated reconnection sites are studied by using the Block-Adaptive-Tree-Solarwind-Roe-Upwind-Scheme (BATS-R-US) MHD code in combination with a simple open flux tube motion model (Cooling). Using these two models the spatial and temporal evolution of the FTEs is estimated. The models fill the gaps left by measurements and allow a “point-to-point” mapping between the instruments in order to investigate the global structure of the phenomenon. The modeled results presented are in good correlation with previous theoretical and observational studies addressing individual features of FTEs

    Electrical Properties of Carbon Fiber Support Systems

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    Carbon fiber support structures have become common elements of detector designs for high energy physics experiments. Carbon fiber has many mechanical advantages but it is also characterized by high conductivity, particularly at high frequency, with associated design issues. This paper discusses the elements required for sound electrical performance of silicon detectors employing carbon fiber support elements. Tests on carbon fiber structures are presented indicating that carbon fiber must be regarded as a conductor for the frequency region of 10 to 100 MHz. The general principles of grounding configurations involving carbon fiber structures will be discussed. To illustrate the design requirements, measurements performed with a silicon detector on a carbon fiber support structure at small radius are presented. A grounding scheme employing copper-kapton mesh circuits is described and shown to provide adequate and robust detector performance.Comment: 20 pages, 11 figures, submitted to NI

    Crater Morphometry and Scaling in Coarse, Rubble-Like Targets: Insights from Impact Experiments

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    Spacecraft images reveal that the asteroids Itokawa, Ryugu, and Bennu are covered with coarse, boulder-rich material [13]. Impactors that collide with these bodies encounter a target with extreme physical heterogeneity. Other bodies can also possess significant physical heterogeneity (e.g., megaregolith, layering, etc.). Such heterogeneities establish free surfaces and impedance contrasts that can affect shock propagation and attenuation. Therefore, such heterogeneities may also affect crater formation and excavation [4], melt generation [57] and crater scaling [4]. As described by [8,9], the extent to which target heterogeneity affects crater formation likely depends on how the length scale, d, of the heterogeneity (e.g., boulder size on a rubble-pile asteroid) compares to the width of the shock, w, generated by impact. Here we further test this hypothesis using impact experiments across a broad range of impact velocities and target grain sizes to systematically vary the ratio between the width of the shock and the diameter of target grains

    Family History of Cancer and Tobacco Exposure in Index Cases of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma

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    Aim. To examine interaction between history of cancer in first-degree relatives and tobacco smoking in index patients of pancreatic adenocarcinoma. Methods. We carried out a case-control involving 113 patients with pancreatic adenocarcinoma and 110 controls over a 12-month period at the Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. They were all administered a detailed tobacco exposure questionnaire and a family history questionnaire. We calculated cumulative tobacco exposure and risk for pancreas cancer. Results. Both smokers (OR 3.01 (95% CI: 1.73 to 5.24)) and those with a family history of malignancy (OR 1.98 (95% CI: 1.15–3.38)) were more likely to develop pancreatic cancer. Having more than one first-degree relative with cancer did not significantly further increase the risk of pancreatic cancer. Amongst pancreatic cancer cases, cumulative tobacco exposure was significantly decreased (P = .032) in the group of smokers (current and ex-smokers) who had a family history of malignancy [mean (SD): 30.00 (24.77) pack-years versus 44.69 (28.47) pack-years with no such history]. Conclusions. Individuals with a family history of malignancy are at an increased risk of pancreatic cancer. Furthermore, individuals with a family history of malignancy and who smoke appear to require a lesser degree of tobacco exposure for the development of pancreatic cancer

    The Concept of Sustainable Development and Its Impact on the Shaping of Modern International Relations through Global Agreements

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    The goal of this article is a depiction of the process of the molding of the concept of sustainable development as well as a look at the influence that this concept has exerted on contemporary international politics, especially taking into account agreements of worldwide scope. This article is also an effort at demonstrating that the foundations of the concept of sustainable development can be traced to certain economic theories. The final section of this article is devoted to the characteristics of individual conferences initiated by the United Nations in order to promote enduring and sustainable development on a world scale. Also presented are the achievements of the individual conferences and their roles in demarcating universally obligatory principles and standards of sustainable development.Celem niniejszego artykułu jest scharakteryzowanie genezy kształtowania się Koncepcji Zrównoważonego Rozwoju, a także wskazanie, jaki wpływ miała ona na ukształtowanie się stosunków międzynarodowych w zakresie ochrony środowiska i rozwiązywania problemów społecznych. Przedmiotem analizy są także teorie ekonomiczne, które stały się fundamentem dla wykrystalizowania się koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju. Poniższy artykuł jest także próbą wykazania, iż konferencje organizowane przez ONZ na rzecz trwałego i zrównoważonego rozwoju, stały się siła napędową do rozpowszechnienia tej koncepcji w skali światowej

    The Highly Miniaturised Radiation Monitor

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    We present the design and preliminary calibration results of a novel highly miniaturised particle radiation monitor (HMRM) for spacecraft use. The HMRM device comprises a telescopic configuration of active pixel sensors enclosed in a titanium shield, with an estimated total mass of 52 g and volume of 15 cm3^3. The monitor is intended to provide real-time dosimetry and identification of energetic charged particles in fluxes of up to 108^8 cm2^{-2} s1^{-1} (omnidirectional). Achieving this capability with such a small instrument could open new prospects for radiation detection in space.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figure

    I loved you the first time I met you

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    Gift of Dr. Mary Jane Esplen.Piano vocal 1st ten. 2nd ten. bari. bass [instrumentation]Fate is the cause of our sorrow [first line]You are to me like the sunshine [first line of refrain]E flat [key]Andante moderato [tempo]Popular song [form/genre]Portrait of woman wearing hairband [illustration]EH Pfeiffer [graphic artist]Publisher's advertisement on back cover [note]Male quartette on inside back cover [note

    Thermocurrents and their Role in high Q Cavity Performance

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    Over the past years it became evident that the quality factor of a superconducting cavity is not only determined by its surface preparation procedure, but is also influenced by the way the cavity is cooled down. Moreover, different data sets exists, some of them indicate that a slow cool-down through the critical temperature is favourable while other data states the exact opposite. Even so there where speculations and some models about the role of thermo-currents and flux-pinning, the difference in behaviour remained a mystery. In this paper we will for the first time present a consistent theoretical model which we confirmed by data that describes the role of thermo-currents, driven by temperature gradients and material transitions. We will clearly show how they impact the quality factor of a cavity, discuss our findings, relate it to findings at other labs and develop mitigation strategies which especially addresses the issue of achieving high quality factors of so-called nitrogen doped cavities in horizontal test

    Development of PARcific Approach: Participatory Action Research Methodology for Collectivist Health Research.

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    This article explores the evolution of a novel approach designed to advance qualitative methods in cross-cultural health research. This methodology was developed by synthesising several research methods and involved in-depth stakeholder consultation with participants of a Pacific-based nursing and midwifery health leadership program. Many of these participants played a crucial role in creating, exploring and evaluating several research methods and implementing and evaluating this co-designed research methodology. Starting with a Participatory Action Research framework, the research methodology evolved as it was informed by the local Pacific methodologies (in particular Talanoa and Kakala frameworks), where researchers, co-researchers and participants alike, working from within their own collectivist/individualist paradigms, negotiated cultural differences. Finally, a methodological framework of 'best practice' for future health research methods was developed for use with capacity building research. The new methodology could provide a foundation for future co-designed cross-cultural research in collectivist cultures