966 research outputs found

    Retrospective study of tumor and tumor like conditions of ovary from a rural hospital in Kerala

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    Background: Ovarian tumor and tumor like conditions are seen in women from early childhood to post-menopausal age. The ovaries are a pair of female sex glands responsible for the germ cell maturation, storage and release; cyclically. It also plays an important role in steroidogenesis. The ovaries are a totipotential structure and hence, neoplasms from all 3 germinal layers can be seen arising from it and manifesting clinically as ovarian tumors and tumor like conditions with its occurrence more during the late reproductive life. Ovarian tumors represent about 30% of all cancers of the female genital system. They manifesting in a wide spectrum of clinical, morphological and histological features.Methods: This is retrospective observational study where analysis of all cases which were encountered surgically during the period Mar 2012 to Mar 2017. The cases diagnosed as ovarian tumors were subjected to thorough investigation by CA125, ultrasound (USG) abdomen and pelvis and Computerised Tomography (CT) scan. Emergency presentations with twisted cysts were operated in emergency setting and histopathological examination (HPE) done to identify the nature of tumor. IHC was done wherever necessary to sub classify and confirm the histological diagnosis. Surgeries were done either by conventional laparotomy or by laparoscopy.Results: We have analyzed 175 cases retrospectively after histopathological diagnosis. The commonest lesions were ovarian cysts, out of which 63 cases (36%) were simple serous cyst adenomas followed by mucinous cyst adenomas 30 cases (17.14%). Germ cell tumors with struma ovarii were 34 cases (19.42%). The interesting part of the study was that we had a very high incidence of large endometriomas diagnosed as ovarian cysts before surgery 16 cases (9.4%). Two cases (1.14%) of ovarian malignancy were detected.Conclusions: The above study has revealed a spectrum of ovarian tumors over a wide age range from adolescent to late reproductive to menopausal and late menopausal age group. The incidence of malignancy was (1.14%)

    Evaluation de l’activité analgésique de l’extrait aqueux des feuilles de Mitracarpus scaber Zucc (Rubiacées), une plante médicinale de Côte d’Ivoire

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    Le recours constant et même grandissant par les populations économiquement faibles à la pharmacopée traditionnelle n’est plus discutable puisque de nombreuses recettes traditionnelles font et continuent de faire leurs preuves d’efficacité dans plusieurs pathologies comme le paludisme, les infections virales, le cancer, les infections bactériennes et fongiques. C’est dans ce but que notre équipe a étudié l’activité analgésique centrale et périphérique de l’extrait aqueux des feuilles de Mitracarpus scaber (EAMS) une plante utilisée en médecinetraditionnelle pour soulager des maux de tête et des douleurs des membres. Nous avons testé les concentrations suivantes : 10 mg/kg de poids corporel (PC); 1 mg/kg PC et 0,1 mg/kg PC du lyophilisat issu du macérât aqueux des feuilles de Mitracarpus scaber sur des souris de type Mus musculus par le test d’Amour et Smith et le writhing test à l’acide acétique. Les résultats obtenus montrent que l’extrait de feuilles de Mitracarpus scaber à la dose de 10 mg/kg PC possède d’une part une activité analgésique centrale comparable à celle de la morphine après administration aux souris, et d’autre part une activité analgésique périphérique supérieure à celle du ketoprofène dosé à 10 mg/kg PC. Nos résultats confirment l’utilisation traditionnelle des feuilles deMitracarpus scaber comme analgésique. © 2010 International Formulae Group. All rights reservedMots clés : Extrait de plante, douleur, souris

    Nonequilibrium brittle fracture propagation: Steady state, oscillations and intermittency

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    A minimal model is constructed for two-dimensional fracture propagation. The heterogeneous process zone is presumed to suppress stress relaxation rate, leading to non-quasistatic behavior. Using the Yoffe solution, I construct and solve a dynamical equation for the tip stress. I discuss a generic tip velocity response to local stress and find that noise-free propagation is either at steady state or oscillatory, depending only on one material parameter. Noise gives rise to intermittency and quasi-periodicity. The theory explains the velocity oscillations and the complicated behavior seen in polymeric and amorphous brittle materials. I suggest experimental verifications and new connections between velocity measurements and material properties.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett., 6 pages, self-contained TeX file, 3 postscript figures upon request from author at [email protected] or [email protected], http://cnls-www.lanl.gov/homepages/rafi/rafindex.htm

    Effects of Symmetry Breaking on the Strong and Electroweak Interactions of the Vector Nonet

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    Starting from a chiral invariant and quark line rule conserving Lagrangian of pseudoscalar and vector nonets we introduce first and second order symmetry breaking as well as quark line rule violating terms and fit the parameters, at tree level, to many strong and electroweak processes. A number of predictions are made. The electroweak interactions are included in a manifestly gauge invariant manner. The resulting symmetry breaking pattern is discussed in detail. Specifically, for the ``strong'' interactions, we study all the vector meson masses and V -> \phi \phi decays, including isotopic spin violations. In the electroweak sector we study the { rho^0 , omega , phi } -> e^+e^- decays, { pi^+ , K^+ , K^0 } ``charge radii'', K_{l3} ``slope factor'' and the overall e^+e^- -> pi^+ pi^- process. It is hoped that the resulting model may be useful as a reasonable description of low energy physics in the range up to about 1 GeV.Comment: 43 pages (LaTeX), 5 PostScript figures are included as uuencoded-compressed-tar file at the en

    Tau mesonic decays and strong anomaly of PCAC

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    Strong anomaly of the PCAC is found in τωππν\tau\rightarrow\omega \pi\pi\nu and ωρν\omega\rho\nu in the chiral limit. It originates in WZW anomaly. Theoretical result of τωππν\tau\rightarrow\omega\pi\pi\nu agrees with data well and the measurement of τωρν\tau\rightarrow\omega\rho\nu will confirm the strong anomaly of PCAC. The strong anomaly of PCAC is studied.Comment: 27 page

    Cs-Doped and Cs-S Co-Doped CuI p-Type Transparent Semiconductors with Enhanced Conductivity

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    One hindrance in transparent electronics is the lack of high-performance p-type transparent conductors (TCs). The state-of-the-art p-type TC, CuI, has a conductivity two orders of magnitude lower than n-type TCs like ITO. While doping strategies have shown promise in enhancing the hole carrier density in CuI, they often come at the expense of hole mobility. Therefore, understanding how extrinsic dopants affect the mobility of CuI is critical to further improve the performance of CuI-based TCs. Here the structural and electronic properties of Cs-doped CuI are investigated. It is demonstrated that ≈4 at.% Cs doping in CuI increases the carrier density from 2.1 × 1019 to 3.8 × 1020 cm−3 while preserving the film microstructure and local coordination of Cu, as confirmed by HRTEM and XAS analysis. Introducing S as a co-dopant in Cs:CuI boosts the carrier density to 8.2 × 1020 cm−3, reaching a stable conductivity of ≈450 S cm−1. In all cases, the enhanced carrier density negatively affects the hole mobility with ionized impurity scattering and increased Seebeck hole effective mass as mobility limiting mechanisms. Nonetheless, the new Cs, S co-doped CuI exhibits high p-type conductivity, Vis–NIR transparency, and stability, presenting an attractive candidate for future transparent electronic devices.</p

    The secondary KIT mutation p.Ala510Val in a cutaneous mast cell tumour carrying the activating mutation p.Asn508Ile confers resistance to masitinib in dogs

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    Background: Gain-of-function mutations in KIT are driver events of oncogenesis in mast cell tumours (MCTs) affecting companion animals. Somatic mutations of KIT determine the constitutive activation of the tyrosine kinase receptor leading to a worse prognosis and a shorter survival time than MCTs harbouring wild-type KIT. However, canine MCTs carrying KIT somatic mutations generally respond well to tyrosine kinase inhibitors; hence their presence represents a predictor of treatment effectiveness, and its detection allows implementing a stratified medical approach. Despite this, veterinary oncologists experience treatment failures, even with targeted therapies whose cause cannot be elucidated. The first case of an MCT-affected dog caused by a secondary mutation in the tyrosine kinase domain responsible for resistance has recently been reported. The knowledge of this and all the other mutations responsible for resistance would allow the effective bedside implementation of a deeply stratified and more effective medical approach. Case presentation: The second case of a canine MCT carrying a different resistance mutation is herein described. The case was characterised by aggressive behaviour and early metastasis unresponsive to both vinblastine- and masitinib-based treatments. Molecular profiling of the tumoural masses revealed two different mutations; other than the already known activating mutation p.Asn508Ile in KIT exon 9, which is tyrosine kinase inhibitor-sensitive, a nearly adjacent secondary missense mutation, p.Ala510Val, which had never before been described, was detected. In vitro transfection experiments showed that the secondary mutation did not cause the constitutive activation by itself but played a role in conferring resistance to masitinib. Conclusions: This study highlighted the importance of the accurate molecular profiling of an MCT in order to improve understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying tumourigenesis and reveal chemoresistance in MCTs for more effective therapies. The detection of the somatic mutations responsible for resistance should be included in the molecular screening of MCTs, and a systematic analysis of all the cases characterised by unexpected refractoriness to therapies should be investigated in depth at both the genetic and the phenotypic level

    Pion and Kaon Vector Form Factors

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    We develop a unitarity approach to consider the final state interaction corrections to the tree level graphs calculated from Chiral Perturbation Theory (χPT\chi PT) allowing the inclusion of explicit resonance fields. The method is discussed considering the coupled channel pion and kaon vector form factors. These form factors are then matched with the one loop χPT\chi PT results. A very good description of experimental data is accomplished for the vector form factors and for the ππ\pi\pi P-wave phase shifts up to s1.2\sqrt{s}\lesssim 1.2 GeV, beyond which multiparticle states play a non negligible role. In particular the low and resonance energy regions are discussed in detail and for the former a comparison with one and two loop χPT\chi PT is made showing a remarkable coincidence with the two loop χPT\chi PT results.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figs, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Electromagnetic Meson Form Factors in the Salpeter Model

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    We present a covariant scheme to calculate mesonic transitions in the framework of the Salpeter equation for qqˉq\bar{q}-states. The full Bethe Salpeter amplitudes are reconstructed from equal time amplitudes which were obtained in a previous paper\cite{Mue} by solving the Salpeter equation for a confining plus an instanton induced interaction. This method is applied to calculate electromagnetic form factors and decay widths of low lying pseudoscalar and vector mesons including predictions for CEBAF experiments. We also describe the momentum transfer dependence for the processes π0,η,ηγγ\pi^0,\eta,\eta'\rightarrow\gamma\gamma^*.Comment: 22 pages including 10 figure

    Factorial Design Experiment to Analyze the Response of a Luminescent Photoelastic Coating

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