12 research outputs found

    Monitoring Algal Blooms with Complementary Sensors on Multiple Spatial and Temporal Scales

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    Climate change, and other human-induced impacts, are severely increasing the intensity and occurrences of algal blooms in coastal regions (IPCC, 2022). Ocean warming, marine heatwaves, and eutrophication promote suitable conditions for rapid phytoplankton growth and biomass accumulation. An increase in such primary producers provides food for marine organisms, and phytoplankton play an important global role in fixing atmospheric carbon dioxide and producing much of the oxygen we breathe. But harmful algal blooms (HABs) can also form, and they may adversely affect the ecosystem by reducing oxygen availability in the water, releasing toxic substances, clogging fish gills, and diminishing biodiversity. Understanding, forecasting, and ultimately mitigating HAB events could reduce their impact on wild fish populations, help aquaculture producers avoid losses, and facilitate a healthy ocean. Phytoplankton respond rapidly to changes in the environment, and measuring the distribution of a bloom and its species composition and abundance is essential for determining its ecological impact and potential for harm. Satellite remote sensing of chlorophyll concentration has been used extensively to observe the development of algal blooms. Although this tool has wide spatial and temporal (nearly daily) coverage, it is limited to surface ocean waters and cloud-free days. Microscopic analyses of water and net samples allow much closer examination of the species present in a bloom and their abundance, but this is a time-consuming process that collects only discrete point samples, sparsely distributed in space and time. Neither of these methods alone captures the rapid evolution of algal blooms, the spatial and temporal patchiness of their distributions, or their high local variability. In situ optical devices and imaging sensors mounted on mobile platforms such as autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) and uncrewed surface vehicles (USVs) capture fine-scale temporal trends in plankton communities, while uncrewed aerial vehicles (UAVs) complement satellite remote sensing. Use of such autonomous platforms offers the flexibility to react to local conditions with adaptive sampling techniques in order to examine the marine environments in real time. Here we present an integrated approach to observing blooms—an “observational pyramid”—that includes both classical and newer, complementary observation methods (Figure 1). We aim to identify trends in phytoplankton blooms in a region with strong aquaculture activity on the Atlantic coast of mid-Norway. Field campaigns were carried out in consecutive springs (2021 and 2022) in Frohavet, an area of sea sheltered by the Froan archipelago (Figure 2). The region is a shallow, highly productive basin with abundant fishing and a growing aquaculture industry. Typically, there are one or more large algal blooms here during the spring months. We use multi-instrumentation from macro- to a microscale perspectives, combined with oceanographic modeling and ground truthing, to provide tools for early algal bloom detection

    Design and experimental validation of a control architecture for a wave-propelled USV: From system design to ocean studies

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    In a time of unprecedented anthropogenic pressures on the oceans, preserving the health of underwater ecosystems is of the uttermost importance. Since the beginning of human exploration of the oceans, ship-based ocean monitoring methodologies have dominated the stage, providing the ability to gather isolated point measurements mostly biased by poor scalability and continuity in space and time. The advent of robotic platforms has revolutionized ocean observation practices, enabling measurements on scales logistically and technologically impossible using traditional techniques. Wave-propelled unmanned surface vehicles (USVs) constitute a very unique class of marine robots that, unlike common platforms, are not constrained by onboard energy limitations since their propulsion is entirely due to waves. This makes them capable of performing long-duration operations and, therefore, of observing oceanographic phenomena at more appropriate spatio-temporal scales. The glaring advantages that, from a scientific point of view, come along with this class of USVs are however hindered by numerous navigation and control challenges. As their propulsion and heading rely on the environment, stable course-over-ground (COG) control can be a challenging task when environmental forces and forward propulsion are in the same order of magnitude. Moreover, navigation performances are likely to deteriorate when hostile sea conditions arise, to a point in which maneuverability is reduced and, eventually, controlling the vehicle is no longer possible. The principal contribution of this thesis relates to the design of a navigation control system that robustly governs the course of the commercially available, wavepropelled vehicle AutoNaut, when the environment generates drift forces acting on its body. In particular, the control design relies on extensive analysis of the nonlinearities appearing in the USV’s steering dynamics model, mainly caused by the low speed relative to water and to ground observed when environmental drift forces and the force due to wave propulsion are in the same order of magnitude. Additional contributions of this work are related to i) the design, implementation and experimental validation of the hardware and software onboard architectures, and ii) showcasing two applications in which the proposed system is employed in ocean studies

    Design and Validation of a Course Control System for a Wave-Propelled Unmanned Surface Vehicle

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    Unlike common marine vessels, wave-propelled vehicles cannot directly control their speed, but rely instead on the forces exerted by the environment to navigate as intended. The unique navigation capabilities of such vehicles motivate the study of control solutions that adapt the vehicle heading to the prevailing environmental conditions and ensure robust course-keeping performances across different sea states, winds, and currents over extended periods of time. This article presents the design and experimental validation of a path following and course control system for an underactuated, wave-propelled unmanned surface vehicle (USV). The major focus and novelty of this work stands in the analysis of the model nonlinearities that appear when the vehicle propulsion force does not prevail on the wind and sea current forces generated by the environment. In these situations, low maneuverability is experienced depending on the magnitude of counteracting forces and, in some cases, loss of controllability is a risk. Initial investigation of the vehicle’s nonlinear dynamics is followed by derivation of a simplified quasilinear mathematical model that isolates the major source of nonlinearity. This provides a basis for the control design, the theory of which is supported and validated by extensive field experiments. In particular, when the USV’s ground speed is close to zero, the theory shows singularities in the model that lead to instabilities and loss of controllability of the course over ground that is experienced in the field. Our test results verify that an effective solution is to switch to heading control when the ground speed is small

    Evaluation of school-based interventions including homework to promote healthy lifestyles: a systematic review with meta-analysis

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    Aim It is important to promote healthy lifestyles in youth through initiatives in school, which is a preferred setting to implement health-related interventions also targeted at families to be more effective. This study aimed to synthesise school-based interventions including homework and extracurricular activities for the promotion of healthy lifestyles, especially healthy nutrition and physical activity, in children and adolescents.Methods This systematic review was conducted according to the PRISMA guidelines. Quality assessment was performed using the Cochrane Tool for Quality Assessment for randomized and non-randomized control trials, while the STROBE (Strengthening the Reporting of Observational studies in Epidemiology) guidelines were used for observational studies.Results From the 1356 studies identified, eight were included. Across studies, a significant effect was found in increasing fruit and vegetable consumption and reducing snack and sugar intake, while no effect was found for moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) unless for light PA (LPA) and step counts. The results of BMI and waist circumference are still unclear after performing a meta-analysis of three studies.Conclusion School-based interventions including homework and extracurricular activities were shown to improve nutritional behaviour, step counts, and LPA. Despite some statistically significant results, the effects of BMI and waist circumference are still unclear. Further studies are needed to demonstrate that these intervention s can represent an effective strategy for obesity prevention

    A Satellite-USV System for Persistent Observation of Mesoscale Oceanographic Phenomena

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    Traditional tools and methodologies for mesoscale observation of oceanographic phenomena are limited by under-sampling and data latency. In this article we evaluate three different scenario variants of an architecture for how heterogeneous sensor nodes can be integrated with satellite remote sensing. Independent space and marine sensing platforms are interconnected either directly or by means of a ground-based mission control center responsible for data processing, relay, and coordination of the assets. A wave-propelled unmanned surface vehicle (USV) persistently collects in situ data of the targeted phenomenon. In two variants of the architecture, a dedicated small satellite acts as a sensor node, a data processing facility and a communication node. We have used a System-of-Systems (SoS) modeling approach coupled with operational simulations in different locations on Earth, in order to support the proposed methodology and investigate quantitatively the reduction the data latency to end-users. Through a combination of field experiments and simulations we estimate how the different scenarios perform with respect to providing remote sensing data that are used to create a measurement and navigation plan for the autonomous vessel

    Promoção de hábitos saudáveis nas escolas: projeto EUmove

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    Más información del proyecto EUMove (Movemos Europa) en https://eumoveproject.eu/?lang=es, coordinado por David Sánchez Oliva de la Universidad de ExtremaduraLa inactividad física es uno de los grandes problemas de salud del siglo XXI y un factor de riesgo principal para el sobrepeso y la obesidad. A pesar de los reconocidos beneficios de la actividad física (AF), un alto porcentaje de los jóvenes europeos no cumplen las pautas recomendadas de al menos 60 minutos de AF diaria de moderada a vigorosa. Para paliar este problema de salud pública, el entorno escolar proporciona un entorno ideal para promover estilos de vida saludables entre los jóvenes, ya que las iniciativas pueden dirigirse a toda la comunidad escolar. El Proyecto EUMOVE es un proyecto Erasmus + concedido en la convocatoria de Erasmus+ Sport en 2020. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es diseñar e implementar un conjunto de estrategias y recursos que permitan a la comunidad educativa promover estilos de vida saludables con el fin de reducir los factores de riesgo de enfermedades no transmisibles. El proyecto tiene una duración de 3 años, y es desarrollado por 14 instituciones académicas y no gubernamentales de España, Portugal, Francia, Italia y Reino Unido. Mediante este libro electrónico, se pretender compartir con la comunidad educativa alguno de los recursos generados a partir del proyecto. Concretamente, el libro está dividido en cuatro capítulos. A través del primer capítulo se exponen un conjunto de estrategias para el fomento de recreos activos en los centros escolares, así como recomendaciones generales para su implementación. Por otro lado, este capítulo también ofrece recomendaciones para el fomento de la práctica de actividad física mediante la modificación del ambiente físico del centro educativo. El segundo capítulo se centra en la promoción del desplazamiento active hacia/desde el centro educativo. De esta forma, se incluyen una serie de recomendaciones a realizar por parte de los centros, del profesorado, de los padres/madres y de las autoridades, con el objetivo de que los estudiantes utilicen formas de desplazamiento activas. Mediante el tercer capítulo, se han desarrollado un conjunto de unidades de aprendizaje para fomento de hábitos saludables en el periodo extraescolar. Estas unidades están divididas en función de etapa educativa, primaria o secundaria, y están encaminadas al fomento de actividad física, a la reducción del tiempo sedentario y la optimización de los patrones alimenticios y el tiempo de sueño. Por último, el cuarto capítulo está dirigido a los padres/madres. En este capítulo se ofrecen una serie de recomendaciones para el fomento de hábitos saludables por parte de los padres/madres. El capítulo está dividido en diferentes apartados para abordar la actividad física, el sedentarismo, la dieta y el sueño, en el que se explican las recomendaciones establecidas en torno a esos comportamientos, así como estrategias prácticas para que los hijos/as cumplan las recomendaciones. En definitiva, este libro ofrece una serie de recursos prácticos para el fomento de hábitos saludables desde los centros educativos en los diferentes momentos de la jornada escolar. El conjunto de estrategias está basado en la evidencia científicas, y son recomendaciones generales que deben ser adaptadas al contexto específicos de cada país/localidad.Physical inactivity is a worldwide public challenge and a leading risk factor for weight gain and obesity. Despite the well-recognized benefits of physical activity (PA), only 29% of European youth meet recommended guidelines of at least 60 minutes of daily moderate-to-vigorous PA. The school setting provides an ideal environment to promote healthy lifestyles among young people as initiatives can target all students and the whole school community. The EUMOVE project is an Erasmus+ Project awarded under the Erasmus+ Sports 2020 call for proposals. The main goal of the EUMOVE project is to design and implement a comprehensive set of strategies and resources to enable the educational community to promote healthy lifestyles in order to reduce risk factors for noncommunicable diseases . This is a 3-year project delivered by a collaboration between 14 academic and nongovernmental institutions from Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland). Through this e-book, the aim is to share with the educational community some of the resources generated from the project. Specifically, the book is divided into four chapters. The first chapter presents a set of strategies for the promotion of active recess in schools, as well as general recommendations for their implementation. This chapter also offers recommendations for the promotion of physical activity through the modification of the physical environment of the school. The second chapter focuses on the promotion of active travel to/from school. This includes a series of recommendations for schools, teachers, parents, and authorities to encourage students to use active forms of travel. In the third chapter , a set of learning units have been developed to promote healthy habits in the out-of-school period. These units are divided according to educational stage; primary or secondary, and are aimed at promoting physical activity, reducing sedentary time, and optimizing eating patterns and sleep time. Finally, chapter 4 is specifically for parents. This chapter offers a series of recommendations for the promotion of healthy habits by parents. The chapter is divided into different sections that address physical activity, sedentary lifestyles, diet, and sleep. Established recommendations for these behaviours are explained and practical strategies that will help children comply with the recommendations are provided. In short, this book offers a series of practical resources for the promotion of healthy habits in schools at different times of the school day. All strategies are based on scientific evidence. The general recommendations provided should be adapted to the specific context of each country/locality.A inatividade física é um dos principais desafios de saúde pública no século XXI e um dos principais fatores de risco para o excesso de peso e obesidade. Embora sejam amplamente reconhecidos os benefícios da prática regular de atividade física (AF), uma elevada percentagem dos jovens europeus não cumpre as suas recomendações, que consistem na prática de, pelo menos, 60 minutos diários de AF moderada a vigorosa. Para colmatar este problema de saúde pública, a escola situa-se como um local ideal para promover estilos de vida saudáveis nas crianças e jovens, uma vez que as iniciativas aí desenvolvidas poderão chegar a todos os alunos e ser extensíveis a toda a comunidade escolar. O projeto EUMOVE trata-se de um projeto financiado pelo programa Erasmus+, tendo sido atribuído no seguimento da convocatória Erasmus+ Sport 2020. O principal objetivo deste projeto é conceber e implementar um conjunto de estratégias e recursos de apoio à comunidade educativa para a promoção de estilos de vida saudáveis, a fim de reduzir os fatores de risco das doenças não transmissíveis . O desenvolvimento do projeto teve a duração de 3 anos, resultando da colaboração de 14 instituições académicas e não governamentais de Espanha, Portugal, França, Itália, Bélgica e Reino Unido. Através do presente e-book pretende-se partilhar com a comunidade educativa parte dos recursos educativos desenvolvidos ao longo do projeto. O livro encontra-se dividido em quatro capítulos. O primeiro capítulo apresenta um conjunto de estratégias para a promoção de pausas ativas nas escolas e identifica recomendações gerais para a sua implementação. Este contém também recomendações para a promoção da AF através da alteração da configuração espacial e material da escola. O segundo capítulo centra-se na promoção do transporte ativo de e para a escola. Este inclui diversas recomendações para os diretores, professores, pais e encarregados de educação e autoridades locais para encorajar os alunos a utilizarem formas ativas de se deslocarem para a escola. No terceiro capítulo foi desenvolvido um vasto conjunto de unidades de aprendizagem para promover hábitos saudáveis após as aulas (atividade letiva). As unidades de aprendizagem são divididas de acordo com o ciclo de escolaridade dos alunos e destinam-se a promover o aumento da prática de AF, reduzir o tempo passado em comportamento sedentário, melhorar os hábitos alimentares e otimizara quantidade e qualidade do sono. Finalmente, o capítulo 4 é dirigido aos pais e encarregados de educação. Este capítulo contempla diversas recomendações para a promoção de hábitos saudáveis pelos pais e encarregados de educação. O capítulo encontra-se dividido em secções, abordando a AF, o comportamento sedentário, os hábitos alimentares e o sono, nas quais são explicadas as recomendações estabelecidas em torno destes comportamentos, bem como apresentadas estratégias práticas para que as crianças cumpram as recomendações para cada um deles. Em suma, o livro dispõe de diversos recursos educativos práticos para a promoção de hábitos saudáveis nas escolas ao longo do dia-a-dia escolar. As estratégias apresentadas têm fundamento em evidência científica e são recomendações gerais, pelo que devem ser adaptadas ao contexto específico de cada país, localidade, agrupamento de escolas e respetiva escola.Erasmus +Programme of the European Unio

    Promoción de hábitos saludables desde los centros educativos: Proyecto EUmove

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    Más información del proyecto EUMove (Movemos Europa) en https://eumoveproject.eu/?lang=es, coordinado por David Sánchez Oliva de la Universidad de ExtremaduraLa inactividad física es uno de los grandes problemas de salud del siglo XXI y un factor de riesgo principal para el sobrepeso y la obesidad. A pesar de los reconocidos beneficios de la actividad física (AF), un alto porcentaje de los jóvenes europeos no cumplen las pautas recomendadas de al menos 60 minutos de AF diaria de moderada a vigorosa. Para paliar este problema de salud pública, el entorno escolar proporciona un entorno ideal para promover estilos de vida saludables entre los jóvenes, ya que las iniciativas pueden dirigirse a toda la comunidad escolar. El Proyecto EUMOVE es un proyecto Erasmus + concedido en la convocatoria de Erasmus+ Sport en 2020. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es diseñar e implementar un conjunto de estrategias y recursos que permitan a la comunidad educativa promover estilos de vida saludables con el fin de reducir los factores de riesgo de enfermedades no transmisibles. El proyecto tiene una duración de 3 años, y es desarrollado por 14 instituciones académicas y no gubernamentales de España, Portugal, Francia, Italia y Reino Unido. Mediante este libro electrónico, se pretender compartir con la comunidad educativa alguno de los recursos generados a partir del proyecto. Concretamente, el libro está dividido en cuatro capítulos. A través del primer capítulo se exponen un conjunto de estrategias para el fomento de recreos activos en los centros escolares, así como recomendaciones generales para su implementación. Por otro lado, este capítulo también ofrece recomendaciones para el fomento de la práctica de actividad física mediante la modificación del ambiente físico del centro educativo. El segundo capítulo se centra en la promoción del desplazamiento active hacia/desde el centro educativo. De esta forma, se incluyen una serie de recomendaciones a realizar por parte de los centros, del profesorado, de los padres/madres y de las autoridades, con el objetivo de que los estudiantes utilicen formas de desplazamiento activas. Mediante el tercer capítulo, se han desarrollado un conjunto de unidades de aprendizaje para fomento de hábitos saludables en el periodo extraescolar. Estas unidades están divididas en función de etapa educativa, primaria o secundaria, y están encaminadas al fomento de actividad física, a la reducción del tiempo sedentario y la optimización de los patrones alimenticios y el tiempo de sueño. Por último, el cuarto capítulo está dirigido a los padres/madres. En este capítulo se ofrecen una serie de recomendaciones para el fomento de hábitos saludables por parte de los padres/madres. El capítulo está dividido en diferentes apartados para abordar la actividad física, el sedentarismo, la dieta y el sueño, en el que se explican las recomendaciones establecidas en torno a esos comportamientos, así como estrategias prácticas para que los hijos/as cumplan las recomendaciones. En definitiva, este libro ofrece una serie de recursos prácticos para el fomento de hábitos saludables desde los centros educativos en los diferentes momentos de la jornada escolar. El conjunto de estrategias está basado en la evidencia científicas, y son recomendaciones generales que deben ser adaptadas al contexto específicos de cada país/localidad.Physical inactivity is a worldwide public challenge and a leading risk factor for weight gain and obesity. Despite the well-recognized benefits of physical activity (PA), only 29% of European youth meet recommended guidelines of at least 60 minutes of daily moderate-to-vigorous PA. The school setting provides an ideal environment to promote healthy lifestyles among young people as initiatives can target all students and the whole school community. The EUMOVE project is an Erasmus+ Project awarded under the Erasmus+ Sports 2020 call for proposals. The main goal of the EUMOVE project is to design and implement a comprehensive set of strategies and resources to enable the educational community to promote healthy lifestyles in order to reduce risk factors for noncommunicable diseases . This is a 3-year project delivered by a collaboration between 14 academic and nongovernmental institutions from Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland). Through this e-book, the aim is to share with the educational community some of the resources generated from the project. Specifically, the book is divided into four chapters. The first chapter presents a set of strategies for the promotion of active recess in schools, as well as general recommendations for their implementation. This chapter also offers recommendations for the promotion of physical activity through the modification of the physical environment of the school. The second chapter focuses on the promotion of active travel to/from school. This includes a series of recommendations for schools, teachers, parents, and authorities to encourage students to use active forms of travel. In the third chapter , a set of learning units have been developed to promote healthy habits in the out-of-school period. These units are divided according to educational stage; primary or secondary, and are aimed at promoting physical activity, reducing sedentary time, and optimizing eating patterns and sleep time. Finally, chapter 4 is specifically for parents. This chapter offers a series of recommendations for the promotion of healthy habits by parents. The chapter is divided into different sections that address physical activity, sedentary lifestyles, diet, and sleep. Established recommendations for these behaviours are explained and practical strategies that will help children comply with the recommendations are provided. In short, this book offers a series of practical resources for the promotion of healthy habits in schools at different times of the school day. All strategies are based on scientific evidence. The general recommendations provided should be adapted to the specific context of each country/locality.Erasmus +Programme of the European Unio

    Promotion d'un mode de vie sains dans les écoles: le project EUmove

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    Más información del proyecto EUMove (Movemos Europa) en https://eumoveproject.eu/?lang=es, coordinado por David Sánchez Oliva de la Universidad de ExtremaduraLa inactividad física es uno de los grandes problemas de salud del siglo XXI y un factor de riesgo principal para el sobrepeso y la obesidad. A pesar de los reconocidos beneficios de la actividad física (AF), un alto porcentaje de los jóvenes europeos no cumplen las pautas recomendadas de al menos 60 minutos de AF diaria de moderada a vigorosa. Para paliar este problema de salud pública, el entorno escolar proporciona un entorno ideal para promover estilos de vida saludables entre los jóvenes, ya que las iniciativas pueden dirigirse a toda la comunidad escolar. El Proyecto EUMOVE es un proyecto Erasmus + concedido en la convocatoria de Erasmus+ Sport en 2020. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es diseñar e implementar un conjunto de estrategias y recursos que permitan a la comunidad educativa promover estilos de vida saludables con el fin de reducir los factores de riesgo de enfermedades no transmisibles. El proyecto tiene una duración de 3 años, y es desarrollado por 14 instituciones académicas y no gubernamentales de España, Portugal, Francia, Italia y Reino Unido. Mediante este libro electrónico, se pretender compartir con la comunidad educativa alguno de los recursos generados a partir del proyecto. Concretamente, el libro está dividido en cuatro capítulos. A través del primer capítulo se exponen un conjunto de estrategias para el fomento de recreos activos en los centros escolares, así como recomendaciones generales para su implementación. Por otro lado, este capítulo también ofrece recomendaciones para el fomento de la práctica de actividad física mediante la modificación del ambiente físico del centro educativo. El segundo capítulo se centra en la promoción del desplazamiento active hacia/desde el centro educativo. De esta forma, se incluyen una serie de recomendaciones a realizar por parte de los centros, del profesorado, de los padres/madres y de las autoridades, con el objetivo de que los estudiantes utilicen formas de desplazamiento activas. Mediante el tercer capítulo, se han desarrollado un conjunto de unidades de aprendizaje para fomento de hábitos saludables en el periodo extraescolar. Estas unidades están divididas en función de etapa educativa, primaria o secundaria, y están encaminadas al fomento de actividad física, a la reducción del tiempo sedentario y la optimización de los patrones alimenticios y el tiempo de sueño. Por último, el cuarto capítulo está dirigido a los padres/madres. En este capítulo se ofrecen una serie de recomendaciones para el fomento de hábitos saludables por parte de los padres/madres. El capítulo está dividido en diferentes apartados para abordar la actividad física, el sedentarismo, la dieta y el sueño, en el que se explican las recomendaciones establecidas en torno a esos comportamientos, así como estrategias prácticas para que los hijos/as cumplan las recomendaciones. En definitiva, este libro ofrece una serie de recursos prácticos para el fomento de hábitos saludables desde los centros educativos en los diferentes momentos de la jornada escolar. El conjunto de estrategias está basado en la evidencia científicas, y son recomendaciones generales que deben ser adaptadas al contexto específicos de cada país/localidad.L’inactivité physique est l'un des principaux problèmes de santé du XXIe siècle et un facteur de risque majeur de surpoids et d'obésité. Malgré les bienfaits reconnus de l'activité physique (AP), un pourcentage élevé de jeunes Européens ne respecte pas les recommandations d'au moins 60 minutes d'AP modérée à intense par jour. Pour remédier à ce problème de santé publique, l'environnement scolaire constitue un cadre idéal pour promouvoir des modes de vie sains auprès des jeunes, car les initiatives peuvent viser l'ensemble de la communauté scolaire. Le projet EUMOVE est un projet Erasmus+ attribué dans le cadre de l'appel Erasmus+ Sport 2020. L'objectif principal de ce projet est de concevoir et de mettre en oeuvre un ensemble de stratégies et de ressources qui permettent à la communauté éducative de promouvoir des modes de vie sains afin de réduire les facteurs de risque des maladies non transmissibles . Le projet a une durée de 3 ans et est développé par 14 institutions académiques et non gouvernementales d'Espagne, du Portugal, de France, d'Italie et du Royaume-Uni. L'objectif de ce livre électronique est de partager avec la communauté éducative certaines des ressources générées par le projet. Plus précisément, le livre est divisé en quatre chapitres. Le premier chapitre présente une série de stratégies pour la promotion des pauses actives dans les écoles, ainsi que des recommandations générales pour leur mise en oeuvre. D'autre part, ce chapitre propose également des recommandations pour la promotion de l'activité physique par la modification de l'environnement physique de l'école. Le deuxième chapitre porte sur la promotion des déplacements actifs vers et depuis l'école. Il comprend une série de recommandations à l'intention des écoles, des enseignants, des parents et des autorités pour encourager les élèves à utiliser des modes de déplacement actifs. Dans le troisième chapitre , un ensemble d'unités d'apprentissage a été développé pour promouvoir des habitudes saines pendant la période extrascolaire. Ces unités sont réparties selon le niveau d'enseignement, primaire ou secondaire, et visent à promouvoir l'activité physique, à réduire le temps de sédentarité et à optimiser les habitudes alimentaires et le temps de sommeil. Enfin, le chapitre 4 s'adresse aux parents. Ce chapitre propose une série de recommandations pour la promotion d'habitudes saines par les parents. Le chapitre est divisé en différentes sections pour aborder l'activité physique, la sédentarité, l'alimentation et le sommeil, dans lesquelles sont expliquées les recommandations établies autour de ces comportements, ainsi que des stratégies pratiques pour que les enfants respectent ces recommandations. En résumé, ce livre offre une série de ressources pratiques pour la promotion d'habitudes saines dans les écoles à différents moments de la journée scolaire. L'ensemble des stratégies est basé sur des preuves scientifiques et constitue des recommandations générales qui doivent être adaptées au contexte spécifique de chaque pays/localité.Physical inactivity is a worldwide public challenge and a leading risk factor for weight gain and obesity. Despite the well-recognized benefits of physical activity (PA), only 29% of European youth meet recommended guidelines of at least 60 minutes of daily moderate-to-vigorous PA. The school setting provides an ideal environment to promote healthy lifestyles among young people as initiatives can target all students and the whole school community. The EUMOVE project is an Erasmus+ Project awarded under the Erasmus+ Sports 2020 call for proposals. The main goal of the EUMOVE project is to design and implement a comprehensive set of strategies and resources to enable the educational community to promote healthy lifestyles in order to reduce risk factors for noncommunicable diseases . This is a 3-year project delivered by a collaboration between 14 academic and nongovernmental institutions from Spain, Portugal, France, Italy, Belgium, and the United Kingdom (Northern Ireland). Through this e-book, the aim is to share with the educational community some of the resources generated from the project. Specifically, the book is divided into four chapters. The first chapter presents a set of strategies for the promotion of active recess in schools, as well as general recommendations for their implementation. This chapter also offers recommendations for the promotion of physical activity through the modification of the physical environment of the school. The second chapter focuses on the promotion of active travel to/from school. This includes a series of recommendations for schools, teachers, parents, and authorities to encourage students to use active forms of travel. In the third chapter , a set of learning units have been developed to promote healthy habits in the out-of-school period. These units are divided according to educational stage; primary or secondary, and are aimed at promoting physical activity, reducing sedentary time, and optimizing eating patterns and sleep time. Finally, chapter 4 is specifically for parents. This chapter offers a series of recommendations for the promotion of healthy habits by parents. The chapter is divided into different sections that address physical activity, sedentary lifestyles, diet, and sleep. Established recommendations for these behaviours are explained and practical strategies that will help children comply with the recommendations are provided. In short, this book offers a series of practical resources for the promotion of healthy habits in schools at different times of the school day. All strategies are based on scientific evidence. The general recommendations provided should be adapted to the specific context of each country/locality.Erasmus +Programme of the European Unio