1,863 research outputs found

    Scale invariant distribution functions in quantum systems with few degrees of freedom

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    Scale invariance usually occurs in extended systems where correlation functions decay algebraically in space and/or time. Here we introduce a new type of scale invariance, occurring in the distribution functions of physical observables. At equilibrium these functions decay over a typical scale set by the temperature, but they can become scale invariant in a sudden quantum quench. We exemplify this effect through the analysis of linear and non-linear quantum oscillators. We find that their distribution functions generically diverge logarithmically close to the stable points of the classical dynamics. Our study opens the possibility to address integrability and its breaking in distribution functions, with immediate applications to matter-wave interferometers.Comment: 8+10 pages. Scipost Submissio

    Non equilibrium phase transitions and Floquet Kibble-Zurek scaling

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    We study the slow crossing of non-equilibrium quantum phase transitions in periodically-driven systems. We explicitly consider a spin chain with a uniform time-dependent magnetic field and focus on the Floquet state that is adiabatically connected to the ground state of the static model. We find that this {\it Floquet ground state} undergoes a series of quantum phase transitions characterized by a non-trivial topology. To dinamically probe these transitions, we propose to start with a large driving frequency and slowly decrease it as a function of time. Combining analytical and numerical methods, we uncover a Kibble-Zurek scaling that persists in the presence of moderate interactions. This scaling can be used to experimentally demonstrate non-equilibrium transitions that cannot be otherwise observed.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, Supplemental Material. (In this last version, the one published in EPL, we provide a better discussion of the Floquet adiabatic theorem, the construction of the Floquet ground state as an adiabatic continuation and the nature of the phase transitions.

    Jóvenes trabajadores mendocinos : trayectorias laborales y su condicionante familiar

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    Fil: Dalla Torre, Julieta. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnica

    Kultura katolicka i kino w latach 30. Na przykładzie L’Illustrazione Vaticana

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    This essay talks about the magazine L’Illustrazione Vaticana, edited by the newspaper L’Osservatore Romano during the Thirties. It’s an ad­ vanced magazine for that period and one of the field of his topics is cinema. From the pages of this magazine, the catholic culture stars to study cinema: analyzing it, criticizing it and encouraging it. It’s im­ portant to say that the attitude of catholic culture isn’t only a difensive attitude, but also a proactive. It’s in the Thirties that was born a first important catholic film critic.Artykuł omawia magazyn L’Illustrazione Vaticana, publikowany przez wydawców L’Osservatore Romano w latach trzydziestych XX w. W tamtym okresie był dobrze rozwiniętym periodykiem, którego jed­ nym z istotnych tematów było kino. Znaczące osobistości katolickiego życia kulturalnego na tych łamach dyskutowały, analizowały, krytyko­ wały i inspirowały dzieła filmowe. Trzeba zaznaczyć, że opieranie się na kulturze katolickiej nie było w żadnym razie jedynie formą kultu­ rowej obrony, była to także postawa proaktywna. W związku z tym, lata 30. XX w. jawią się jako dekada, która obrodziła pierwszą znaczą­ cą kinematograficzną krytykę katolicką

    Complete characterization of spin chains with two Ising symmetries

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    Spin chains with two Ising symmetries are the Jordan-Wigner duals of one-dimensional interacting fermions with particle-hole and time-reversal symmetry. From earlier works on Majorana chains, it is known that this class of models has 10 distinct topological phases. In this paper, we analyze the physical properties of the correspondent 10 phases of the spin model. In particular, thanks to a set of two non-commuting dualities, we determine the local and non-local order parameters of the phases. We find that 4 phases are topologically protected by the Ising symmetries, while the other 6 break at least one symmetry. Our study highlights the non-trivial relation between the topological classifications of interacting bosons and fermions.Comment: 7 page

    Considerazioni sul problema della libertà religiosa nel magistero di Gregorio XVI.

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