103 research outputs found

    Born to Speak and Sing: Musical Predictors of Language Development in Pre-schoolers

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    The relationship between musical and linguistic skills has received particular attention in infants and school-aged children. However, very little is known about pre-schoolers. This leaves a gap in our understanding of the concurrent development of these skills during development. Moreover, attention has been focused on the effects of formal musical training, while neglecting the influence of informal musical activities at home. To address these gaps, in Study 1, 3- and 4-year-old children (n = 40) performed novel musical tasks (perception and production) adapted for young children in order to examine the link between musical skills and the development of key language capacities, namely grammar and phonological awareness. In Study 2, we investigated the influence of informal musical experience at home on musical and linguistic skills of young pre-schoolers, using the same evaluation tools. We found systematic associations between distinct musical and linguistic skills. Rhythm perception and production were the best predictors of phonological awareness, while melody perception was the best predictor of grammar acquisition, a novel association not previously observed in developmental research. These associations could not be explained by variability in general cognitive functioning, such as verbal memory and non-verbal abilities. Thus, selective music-related auditory and motor skills are likely to underpin different aspects of language development and can be dissociated in pre-schoolers. We also found that informal musical experience at home contributes to the development of grammar. An effect of musical skills on both phonological awareness and language grammar is mediated by home musical experience. These findings pave the way for the development of dedicated musical activities for pre-schoolers to support specific areas of language development

    Music Agnosias: Selective Impairments of Music Recognition After Brain Damage

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    ABSTRACT Neuropsychological findings suggest that music is a special faculty (e.g., with respect to language) by being carried out by dedicated processes that are subserved by distinct anatomical brain structures. In the present paper, we review the evidence provided by brain-damaged patients who suffer from music agnosia, a selective impairment in music recognition. Three cases of music agnosia (C.N., G.L., and I.R.) without concomitant disorders and previously described independently are compared, with respect to the specificity issue

    Temporal malleability to auditory feedback perturbation is modulated by rhythmic abilities and auditory acuity

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    Auditory feedback perturbation studies have indicated a link between feedback and feedforward mechanisms in speech production when participants compensate for applied shifts. In spectral perturbation studies, speakers with a higher perceptual auditory acuity typically compensate more than individuals with lower acuity. However, the reaction to feedback perturbation is unlikely to be merely a matter of perceptual acuity but also affected by the prediction and production of precise motor action. This interplay between prediction, perception, and motor execution seems to be crucial for the timing of speech and non-speech motor actions. In this study, to examine the relationship between the responses to temporally perturbed auditory feedback and rhythmic abilities, we tested 45 adult speakers on the one hand with a temporal auditory feedback perturbation paradigm, and on the other hand with rhythm perception and production tasks. The perturbation tasks temporally stretched and compressed segments (onset + vowel or vowel + coda) in fluent speech in real-time. This technique sheds light on the temporal representation and the production flexibility of timing mechanisms in fluent speech with respect to the structure of the syllable. The perception tasks contained staircase paradigms capturing duration discrimination abilities and beat-alignment judgments. The rhythm production tasks consisted of finger tapping tasks taken from the BAASTA tapping battery and additional speech tapping tasks. We found that both auditory acuity and motor stability in finger tapping affected responses to temporal auditory feedback perturbation. In general, speakers with higher auditory acuity and higher motor variability compensated more. However, we observed a different weighting of auditory acuity and motor stability dependent on the prosodic structure of the perturbed sequence and the nature of the response as purely online or adaptive. These findings shed light on the interplay of phonological structure with feedback and feedforward integration for timing mechanisms in speech

    The Phonological Process of Batak Toba Language

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    Indonesia terkenal dengan kekayaan akan budaya yang diwariskan oleh nenek moyang. Bahasa daerah merupakan salah satu yang termasuk didalamnya. Sebagai bentuk penghargaan terhadap bahasa itu, maka sangat perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang apa saja unsur-unsur yang terkandung di dalamnya. Dalam kesempatan ini, penulis mengambil kesempatan untuk menganalisis sebuah bahasa daerah yaitu bahasa Batak Toba. Dimana status penulis sekaligus sebagai penutur asli bahasa Batak Toba telah memberikan kemudahan dalam melakukan penelitian. Penelitian ini ialah tentang analisis beberapa proses fonologis Bahasa Batak Toba. Tujuannya adalah mendeskripsikan jenis-jenis proses fonologis yang terdapat dalam bahasa Batak Toba. Penulis mengoleksi data dari sebuah Kamus Bahasa Batak Toba-Indonesia yang disusun oleh Drs. Richard Sinaga sebagai data utama dan kosakata di luar dari kamus tersebut sebagai data sekunder. Masalah yang dikaji fokus pada kosa kata bahasa Batak Toba yang ada di dalam kamus tersebut yaitu tentang pengklasifikasian kata berdasarkan jenis-jenis proses fonologis yang ada. Untuk menjawab masalah tersebut, penulis melakukan penelitian dengan metode penelitian deskriptif kualitatif. Dari hasil penelitian tersebut terdapat empat macam proses fonologis di dalam bahasa Batak Toba yaitu: assimilation, metathesis, addition dan reduction

    Auditory-Motor Rhythms and Speech Processing in French and German Listeners

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    Moving to a speech rhythm can enhance verbal processing in the listener by increasing temporal expectancies (Falk and Dalla Bella, 2016). Here we tested whether this hypothesis holds for prosodically diverse languages such as German (a lexical stress-language) and French (a non-stress language). Moreover, we examined the relation between motor performance and the benefits for verbal processing as a function of language. Sixty-four participants, 32 German and 32 French native speakers detected subtle word changes in accented positions in metrically structured sentences to which they previously tapped with their index finger. Before each sentence, they were cued by a metronome to tap either congruently (i.e., to accented syllables) or incongruently (i.e., to non-accented parts) to the following speech stimulus. Both French and German speakers detected words better when cued to tap congruently compared to incongruent tapping. Detection performance was predicted by participants' motor performance in the non-verbal cueing phase. Moreover, tapping rate while participants tapped to speech predicted detection differently for the two language groups, in particular in the incongruent tapping condition. We discuss our findings in light of the rhythmic differences of both languages and with respect to recent theories of expectancy-driven and multisensory speech processing

    About time:Ageing influences neural markers of temporal predictability

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    Timing abilities help organizing the temporal structure of events but are known to change systematically with age. Yet, how the neuronal signature of temporal predictability changes across the age span remains unclear. Younger (n = 21; 23.1 years) and older adults (n = 21; 68.5 years) performed an auditory oddball task, consisting of isochronous and random sound sequences. Results confirm an altered P50 response in the older compared to younger participants. P50 amplitudes differed between the isochronous and random temporal structures in younger, and for P200 in the older group. These results suggest less efficient sensory gating in older adults in both isochronous and random auditory sequences. N100 amplitudes were more negative for deviant tones. P300 amplitudes were parietally enhanced in younger, but not in older adults. In younger participants, the P50 results confirm that this component marks temporal predictability, indicating sensitive gating of temporally regular sound sequences.</p

    Spontaneous entrainment of running cadence to music tempo

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    Background: Since accumulating evidence suggests that step rate is strongly associated with running-related injuries, it is important for runners to exercise at an appropriate running cadence. As music tempo has been shown to be capable of impacting exercise performance of repetitive endurance activities, it might also serve as a means to (re)shape running cadence. The aim of this study was to validate the impact of music tempo on running cadence. Methods: Sixteen recreational runners ran four laps of 200 m (i.e. 800 m in total); this task was repeated 11 times with a short break in between each four-lap sequence. During the first lap of a sequence, participants ran at a self-paced tempo without musical accompaniment. Running cadence of the first lap was registered, and during the second lap, music with a tempo matching the assessed cadence was played. In the final two laps, the music tempo was either increased/decreased by 3.00, 2.50, 2.00, 1.50, or 1.00 % or was kept stable. This range was chosen since the aim of this study was to test spontaneous entrainment (an average person can distinguish tempo variations of about 4 %). Each participant performed all conditions. Results: Imperceptible shifts in musical tempi in proportion to the runner's self-paced running tempo significantly influenced running cadence (p < .001). Contrasts revealed a linear relation between the tempo conditions and adaptation in running cadence (p < .001). In addition, a significant effect of condition on the level of entrainment was revealed (p < .05), which suggests that maximal effects of music tempo on running cadence can only be obtained up to a certain level of tempo modification. Finally, significantly higher levels of tempo entrainment were found for female participants compared to their male counterparts (p < .05). Conclusions: The applicable contribution of these novel findings is that music tempo could serve as an unprompted means to impact running cadence. As increases in step rate may prove beneficial in the prevention and treatment of common running-related injuries, this finding could be especially relevant for treatment purposes, such as exercise prescription and gait retraining. Key Points: Music tempo can spontaneously impact running cadence. A basin for unsolicited entrainment of running cadence to music tempo was discovered. The effect of music tempo on running cadence proves to be stronger for women than for men

    Detrended fluctuation analysis of gait dynamics when entraining to music and metronomes at different tempi in persons with multiple sclerosis

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    In persons with multiple sclerosis (PwMS), synchronizing walking to auditory stimuli such as to music and metronomes have been shown to be feasible, and positive clinical effects have been reported on step frequency and perception of fatigue. Yet, the dynamic interaction during the process of synchronization, such as the coupling of the steps to the beat intervals in music and metronomes, and at different tempi remain unknown. Understanding these interactions are clinically relevant, as it reflects the pattern of step intervals over time, known as gait dynamics. 28 PwMS and 29 healthy controls were instructed to walk to music and metronomes at 6 tempi (0-10% in increments of 2%). Detrended fluctuation analysis was applied to calculate the fractal statistical properties of the gait time-series to quantify gait dynamics by the outcome measure alpha. The results showed no group differences, but significantly higher alpha when walking to music compared to metronomes, and when walking to both stimuli at tempi+8,+10% compared to lower tempi. These observations suggest that the precision and adaptation gain differ during the coupling of the steps to beats in music compared to metronomes (continuous compared to discrete auditory structures) and at different tempi (different inter-beat-intervals)
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