474 research outputs found


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    This study was conducted to determine the effect of cognitive flexibility of athletes on Person-Organization Fit. With this, it was aimed to determine the levels of cognitive flexibility and Person-Organization Fit of athletes and to show their differences according to their descriptive characteristics. This research was restricted to amateur soccer players and the athletes who played in amateur football teams in Kilis, Niğde, Karaman and Konya. A total of 269 athletes were given a personal information form, a cognitive flexibility scale and a Person-Organization Fit scale. It has been determined that cognitive flexibility in work is a determinant of individual organizational alignment. When the cognitive flexibility sub-dimensions are examined, it is determined that the ability to control cannot be related to the individual organization fit, and that the alternative solution making team influences the individual's organization fit. Also in the study, cognitive flexibility and Person-Organization Fit did not differ according to the descriptive characteristics of the athletes, and the result was that the athletes were at similar level.  Article visualizations

    The effects of financial liberalization on Turkish economy

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, 1980 yılından itibaren Türkiye’de uygulanmaya başlayan finansal serbestleşme politikalarının, Türkiye ekonomisinde meydana getirdiği değişiklikleri incelemektir. 1980 yılında başlayan ve etkilerini 1989 yılından itibaren daha çok gösteren finansal serbestleşme, iki hakim görüş tarafından değişik şekillerde yorumlanmış ve literatüre girmiştir. Bretton Woods sisteminin çökmesinden sonra uzun sürmeyen bir refah döneminin ardından ekonomik kriz sürecine girilmiştir. Girilen ekonomik kriz sürecinden çıkmak için ortaya atılan çözüm reçeteleri, iki uç politikayı içermiştir. Bu politikalardan biri, kriz sürecinin atlatılmasında ancak devletin aktif bir rol almasıyla mümkün olacağını vurgulamıştır. Diğer politika ise kriz sürecinin atlatılabilmesinde, serbest politikaların uygulanmasının faydalı olacağını savunmuştur. Geçerli olan görüş ikinci politika olan serbestleşme politikası olmuş ve atılan adımlar bu yönde gelişme göstermiştir. Genel olarak üç bölümden oluşan çalışmanın birinci bölümünde serbestleşme tanım ve türleri verilerek, finansal serbestleşme teorilerinden bahsedilmiştir. Çalışmanın ikinci bölümünde finansal serbestleşmenin Türkiye ekonomisine girmesi ile birlikte oluşan geçiş süreci anlatılmıştır. Ayrıca yine ikinci bölümde finansal serbestleşmenin Türkiye’deki sektörel yapıyı, ekonomik krizleri ve makro değişkenler üzerindeki etkileri incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın üçüncü ve son bölümünde ise finansal serbestleşme sonrası, büyüme oranı ve sermaye girişi arasındaki ilişki ekonometrik olarak analiz edilmiştir. Ekonometrik testlerden elde edilen bulgular teorik ve literatür çerçevesinde yorumlanmıştır.The objective of this study is to examine the changes on Turkish economy caused by financial liberalisation policies that has started to be applied in Turkey since 1980.Financial Liberalisation having begun in 1980 and demonstared effects more since 1989,has been remarked by two main views and entered into literature.Having collapsed Bretton Woods system, after a short lasting relief period,an economical crisis period occured.Resolution Formula that was suggested for getting away from the crisis included two opposite policies.One of these policies highlighted that getting rid of this crisis period is only by means of an active role by the state.The other policy advocated that application of the free policies in escaping from the crisis period will be effective.The valid view was the second one that was a liberalisation policy, so the studies demonstrated an improved in this way. In the first part of the study which consists of 3 different parts in general,explanation and kinds of liberalisation were given and liberalisation theories were mentioned. In the second part the transition process that occured after the liberalisation took part in Turkish economy was told.In addition,the effects of financial liberalisation in Turkey over the sectorel construction,economic crisis and macro variables were analized.In the third part,after financial liberalisation,the rate of improvement and supply of fund were analized in an econometric way.The findings provided from the econometric tests were examined in theorical and literatural perspective


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    This study is done in order to examine the relation among the levels of athlete’s self- sufficiency that interest in the barbell, wrestling and boxing which are individual sports. The study consists of 135 athletes who are 126 men, 9 women and also are selected randomly from the branches of barbell, wrestling and boxing in Ankara. A scale form is used as data collection tool in study. The scale forms consist of 2 different parts. In first part, there are some questions about personal characteristics. In second part, there are some questions about the level of self- sufficiency. The findings obtained are collected with the scale of self-sufficiency. The reliability and validity of scale forms are calculated as 0.716 Cronbach alpha value. According to these criteria, the scale is reliable. The data are evaluated in detail by analyzing in SPSS 20.0 programme. In analysis, the analysis of correlation, t test of independent sample, one-way analysis of variance and Tukey test are used. There are no meaningful differences in terms of the levels of women and men participants’ self-sufficiency in research findings. Also, the level of self- sufficiency doesn’t differ according to the age and branch of sport. Given the influence of general self-sufficiency on the attitudes and performance of sportsmen, it is extremely important to know and develop methods for increasing general self-efficacy levels. Athletes' self-efficacy beliefs are an important element in increasing motivation for level of spore participation and success. As people's perception of general self-efficacy increases, so does the interest in the places.  Article visualizations

    Consistency measurement using the artificial neural network of the results obtained with fuzzy topsis method for the diagnosis of prostate cancer

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    In recent years great attention has been paid to studies on artificial intelligence since it can be applied easily to several areas like medical diagnosis, engineering and economics, among others. In this paper we present an example in medicine which aims to diagnose the patients with high prostate cancer risk using a multi-criteria decision making method.Our datas set is prostate specific antigen (PSA), free prostate specific antigen (fPSA), prostate volume (PV) and age factors of 78 patients from Necmettin Erbakan University Meram Medicine Faculty. An artificial neural network related to the consistency of convergence coefficients calculated by the Fuzzy TOPSIS method [32] is established.Thus, we understand the accuracy of the results from the Fuzzy TOPSIS method.Publisher's Versio

    Tetkik: Akan veri kümeleme algoritmalarını çalıştırma ve karşılaştırma

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    12th Turkish National Software Engineering Symposium, UYMS 2018; Istanbul; Turkey; 10 September 2018 through 12 September 2018Recently, clustering data streams have become an incredibly important research area for knowledge discovery as applications produce more and more unstoppable streaming data. In this paper we introduce clustering, streams and data streaming clustering algorithms, as well as discussions of the most important stream clustering algorithms, considering their structure. As an additional contribution of our work and differently from review and survey papers in stream clustering, we offer the practical part of the most known stream clustering algorithms, namely: (i) CluStream; (ii) DenStream; (iii) D-Stream; and (iv) ClusTree, showing their experimental results along with some performance metrics computation of for each, depending on MOA framework.Son zamanlarda, veri akışlarını kümelemek uygulamalar daha fazla durdurulamaz veri akışı üretirken bilgi keşfi için inanılmaz derecede önemli bir araştırma alanı haline gelmiştir.Bu makalede, kümeleme, akışlar ve veri akışlarını kümeleme algoritmalarını en önemli akım kümeleme algoritmalarının irdelenmesini yapılarını da göz önünde bulundurarak tanıtıyoruz. Çalışmamızın ek bir katkısı ve akış kümeleme alanında yapılmış tetkit ve gözden geçirme makalelerinden farklı olarak en bilinen akış kümeleme algoritmalarının Pratik kısmını, yani: (i) CluStream; (ii) DenStream; (iii) D-Stream; and (iv) ClusTree, MOA Java çerçevesine bağlı olarak, her biri için bazı performans metriklerinin hesaplanmasıyla birlikte deney sonuçlarını göstererek sunuyoruz

    Rapidly predicting Kohn–Sham total energy using data-centric AI

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    Predicting material properties by solving the Kohn-Sham (KS) equation, which is the basis of modern computational approaches to electronic structures, has provided significant improvements in materials sciences. Despite its contributions, both DFT and DFTB calculations are limited by the number of electrons and atoms that translate into increasingly longer run-times. In this work we introduce a novel, data-centric machine learning framework that is used to rapidly and accurately predicate the KS total energy of anatase TiO 2 nanoparticles (NPs) at different temperatures using only a small amount of theoretical data. The proposed framework that we call co-modeling eliminates the need for experimental data and is general enough to be used over any NPs to determine electronic structure and, consequently, more efficiently study physical and chemical properties. We include a web service to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach. © 2022, The Author(s)

    Investigation of apoptotic, cytotoxic, and antioxidant effects of Juglans regia against MDA-MB-231 and A549 cell lines

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    Cancer is one of the most common pathologies in the world, which for centuries has led to a decline in the standard of living and even death of many people. In short, cancer is a disease that occurs when mutations in genes that limit and regulate cell proliferation, survival, and movement are reflected in somatic cells. In recent years, there have been many new and promising developments in the world of science for cancer treatment. However, due to the side effects of some treatments, the cost of others, and the fact that some drugs are still in the trial phase, it has not yet reached the expected level of treatment and success. This has encouraged the scientific community to investigate natural agents due to their lower cost and limited side effects. Juglans regia L., popularly known as walnut, is a plant containing many natural compounds that have been used both as a foodstuff and for various medicinal purposes from past to present. As a result of the literature review, it is known that walnut has many medicinal and biological properties, especially anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiallergic properties. In this study, the outer shells of J. regia were used and the components of these shells were extracted with three different solvents: methanol, ethanol, and hexane. These extracts were used in cytotoxic activity and antioxidant activity assays. The antioxidant activity of the extract was determined using a DPPH assay. Cytotoxic activity was determined by MTT assay using a breast cancer cell line (MDA-MB-231). J. regia extracts were found to have significant cytotoxic activity on the MDA-MB-231 cell line. It has been observed that the outer bark of J. regia showed more potent anticancer effects than antioxidant activity. According to the results obtained from the study, the antioxidant and cytotoxic effect of the outer bark of J. regia is thought to contribute significantly to the identification of new active substances for cancer treatment. Therefore, further studies are needed to fully determine the effects of the outer bark of J. regia

    A profile on the methodology courses at the ELT departments of the education faculties in Turkey

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    Ankara : Institute of Economics and Social Sciences, Bilkent Univ., 1996.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1996.Includes bibliographical references leaves 78-80In this study, the methodology courses at ELT departments in Turkey were examined in terms of design, content and delivery. In order to collect data, sample ELT Departments of the Education Faculties in Turkey were chosen from different parts of Turkey. Data were collected through questionnaires administered to two groups of respondents, 2 methodology instructors and 20 final year students that were chosen randomly from sample ELT Departments. A total of 11 methodology instructors from 6 ELT Departments and 115 final year students from these institutions responded to the questionnaires. The findings were analyzed according to frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. The findings indicated that the methodology courses were offered for three or more semesters in five of the sample universities. However, neither the instructors nor the students found the number of the courses adequate. Among the course activities, lectures and assigments were reported to be the most common and textbooks were the most widely used course materials. The students rarely attended professional ELT activities such as workshops, seminars or conferences while the instructors sometimes found opportunities to attend such activities. An interesting finding was that the students stated that they were quite familiar with the English Language Teaching approaches and methods. Equipment such as video-camera, video-player and computers were rarely used in the courses and other equipment such as tape-recorders were not used very often. When they were asked their opinions about the courses in their institutions respondents answered that the amount of practice in the methodology course and the length of the practicum course itself should be increased. Since the number of the students was high in some institutions, some activities such as microteaching or demonstrations could not be performed as much as necessary. Based on the above findings of the study, several recommendations can be made. First of all, the success of the methodology courses can be increased by providing sufficient course materials and classroom conditions. The number of the students should be limited since in a crowded class the activities such as microteaching, group discussions or demonstrations cannot be performed successfully and finally the amount of practice within the courses should be increased. Since methodology is closely related to practicum, the practicum course should be integrated with the methodology courses.Dalkılıç, NilüferM.S

    Yabancı Dil Olarak Rusçanın Öğreniminde İstisnalar

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    Türkiye’de özellikle son yıllarda oldukça popülaritesi artan bir dil olan Rusça, dildeki sözcük sayısı açısından zengin, kelimelerin sahip olduğu sözlük anlamlarındaki çok çeşitlik bakımından ise çok yönlü bir dildir. Bu çok yönlülük dilin gramer, sentaks ve sözvarlığına belirgin olarak yansımaktadır. Bilhassa ise Rusçanın morfolojik yapısının kullanım açısından çok yönlülüğü ve çeşitliliği, dilin tüm kategorilerine etki eden ismin hal çekim durumlarında belirgin olarak hissedilmektedir. Bu çok yönlülüğün hissedildiği bir diğer durum ise dilin morfolojik yapısında görülen istisnai durumların çokluğudur. Anadili Rusça olan konuşucuların bile kullanırken şüpheye düştüğü, üniversiteye giriş sınavlarında sınav sorusu olarak sorulan bu istisnai durumlar, Türkiye’de Rus dilini yabancı dil olarak öğrenen Türk öğrencileri için çok daha zorlu ve anlaşılmaz olabilmektedir. Bunun temel sebeplerinden en belirgini, istisnaların kural dışı kullanım olarak dilde yer etmelerinin yanı sıra, dil eğitimde çokça üzerinde durulmamasıdır. Bu çalışmanın amacı istisnalar dili olarak anılan Rusçayı söz konusu perspektiften sunarak dili öğrenen ve öğretenler için bu konuya dikkat çekmektir. Böylece dildeki istisnai kullanımların gramer yapısının sınırları dâhilinde ele alınıp morfolojik açıdan zorlukların ortaya konması hedeflenmektedir