121 research outputs found

    sistema server-side di acquisizione forense di contenuti web asincroni

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    La presente tesi nasce dalla sentita necessità, proveniente dal mondo dell'informatica forense (anche detta “digital forensics”), di riuscire a catturare in modo completo, attendibile e affidabile tutte quelle prove digitali (e-evidence) veicolate a mezzo del Web moderno e della sua relativa evoluzione asincrona. Scopo del progetto di tesi sarà quindi quello di creare uno strumento forense di acquisizione di contenuti Web asincroni e/o comunque di articolata fruizione, in grado di aggiungersi al panorama presente (sia forense che tecnologico) potendo offrire caratteristiche ad oggi ancora inespresse da altri prodotti con intenti simili

    Trends of Medicinal Plant Use over the Last 2000 Years in Central Europe

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    Medicinal plant knowledge in Central Europe can be traced back from the present to antiquity, through written sources. Approximately 100 medicinal plant taxa have a history of continuous use. In this paper, we focus on use patterns over time and the link between historical and traditional uses with the current scientific evidence. We discuss our findings against the backdrop of changing eras and medicinal concepts. Based on use-records from totally 16 historical, popular and scientific herbals, we analyze how use categories of 102 medicinal plant taxa developed over time. Overall, 56 of the 102 taxa maintained continuous use throughout all time periods. For approximately 30% of the continuous uses, scientific evidence supporting their use exists, compared to 11% for recently added uses and 6% for discontinuous uses. Dermatology and gastroenterology are use categories that are relevant across all time periods. They are associated with a high diversity of medicinal taxa and continuously used medicinal species with scientific evidence. Antidotes, apotropaic (protective) magic, and humoral detoxification were important use categories in the past. New applications reflecting biomedical progress and epidemiological challenges are cardiovascular and tonic uses. Changes in medicinal concepts are mirrored in plant use and specifically in changes in the importance of use categories. Our finding supports the concept of social validation of plant uses, i.e., the assumption that longstanding use practice and tradition may suggest efficacy and safety

    Trends of Medicinal Plant Use over the Last 2000 Years in Central Europe

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    Medicinal plant knowledge in Central Europe can be traced back from the present to antiquity, through written sources. Approximately 100 medicinal plant taxa have a history of continuous use. In this paper, we focus on use patterns over time and the link between historical and traditional uses with the current scientific evidence. We discuss our findings against the backdrop of changing eras and medicinal concepts. Based on use-records from totally 16 historical, popular and scientific herbals, we analyze how use categories of 102 medicinal plant taxa developed over time. Overall, 56 of the 102 taxa maintained continuous use throughout all time periods. For approximately 30% of the continuous uses, scientific evidence supporting their use exists, compared to 11% for recently added uses and 6% for discontinuous uses. Dermatology and gastroenterology are use categories that are relevant across all time periods. They are associated with a high diversity of medicinal taxa and continuously used medicinal species with scientific evidence. Antidotes, apotropaic (protective) magic, and humoral detoxification were important use categories in the past. New applications reflecting biomedical progress and epidemiological challenges are cardiovascular and tonic uses. Changes in medicinal concepts are mirrored in plant use and specifically in changes in the importance of use categories. Our finding supports the concept of social validation of plant uses, i.e., the assumption that longstanding use practice and tradition may suggest efficacy and safety

    Tailored treatment for signet ring cell gastric cancer

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    Gastric cancer with Laur\ue8n diffuse types is increasing in the West. The raising trend is more evident when considering signet ring cells (SRC) histology. However, to control the biologic potential of this GC subtype, some hypotheses of tailored therapeutic strategies for SRC cancers have been made. A review of the literature was performed using the key words "signet ring cells" AND "gastric cancer". Results of literature review were descriptively reported. Endoscopic submucosal dissection (ESD), according to the Japanese extended criteria, could be a therapeutic option for early SRC tumours. However, according to the evidences from more recent studies, indications for ESD to these tumours types should be carefully considered. Concerning the optimal surgical treatment, considering the high lymphotropism and infiltrating behaviour of SRC histotype, the extension of gastric resection should be wider than for intestinal type cancer and laparoscopic surgery should be performed carefully. Moreover, D3 lymphadenectomy could provide a benefit in diffuse-type and SRC histology. The role of surgery in gastric cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis is still debated and studies on this topic should stratify the good results according to GC histotype. Finally, despite the evidences of chemoresistance in SRC, ongoing randomized trials suggest that multimodal therapy could be the best treatment. Based on the assumption that SRC tumours have specific features, they deserve a specific multimodal treatment. However, a preliminary step to generate strong evidences in this field is the standardization of terminology used to define signet ring cells carcinoma

    Gradient approach for the evaluation of the fatigue limit of welded structures under complex loading

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    Welded ‘T-junctions’ are tested at different load ratio for constant and variable amplitude loading. Fatigue results are analyzed through the type of fatigue mechanisms depending on the loading type. A gradient approach (WSG: Welded Stress Gradient) is used to evaluate the fatigue limit and the comparison with experimental results shows a relative good agreement. Nonlinear cumulative damage theory is used to take into account the variable amplitude loading

    Effects of pre-harvest gibberellic acid spraying on gene transcript accumulation during peach fruit development.

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    In order to understand early molecular events associated with increase in fruit size and woolliness prevention induced by pre-harvest gibberellic acid (GA3) spraying, differential transcript accumulation of genes encoding proteins putatively involved in protein folding and protection, cell wall metabolism, and endomembrane transport was studied during fruit development of ?ChiripaÂŽ? peach. Woolliness occurrence reached 100% in untreated peach, was reduced by 15% with GA3 spraying at the end of the pit hardening stage and was significantly reduced (by 78%) in peaches treated at the beginning of the pit hardening stage despite a significantly increased fruit size. Low incidence of woolliness after cold storage and fruit size increase in early GA3 treated peach was correlated with high transcript accumulation of genes encoding proteins putatively involved in protein folding, and protection of the endoplasmic reticulum (heat shock proteins?HSP40 er) and chloroplast (HSP17.8 ch), endomembrane transport (GTPase), as well as genes involved in cell wall loosening (expansins?Exp1, Exp2, Exp3, Exp4)


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    Ethnobotanik, Ethnopharmakologie, Ethnomedizin, EthnoveterinĂ€rmedizin – vermutlich ist diese Liste unvollstĂ€ndig. Gemeinsam ist all diesen Forschungsfeldern die wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung mit Wissen und TĂ€tigkeiten von Menschen, die aus einer gewissen Erfahrung entspringen. Es bleibt dabei manchmal unklar, ob diese Erfahrung einer langen vielleicht seit vielen Generationen mĂŒndlich ĂŒbertragenen Tradition entspringt oder einer (immer wieder) neuen Erfahrung einzelner Menschen [1, 2]. Nichtsdestotrotz, die oben genannten Forschungsgebiete sind eine wesentliche Wissens- und Ideenbasis der modernen Phytotherapie, sofern die medizinische Intention des Einsatzes von sekundĂ€rstoffreichen Pflanzen oder Arzneipflanzen dokumentiert wird. Diverse Kommentare zu verschiedenen Publikationen

    Inhibition of platelet aggregation by olive oil phenols via cAMP-phosphodiesterase

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    The aim of the present study was to confirm that olive oil phenols reduce human platelet aggregability and to verify the hypothesis that cAMP- and cGMP- phosphodiesterases (PDE) could be one of the targets of the biological effect. Four extracts from oils characterized by a high phenol content (HPE), and low phenol levels (LPE) were prepared and analyzed quali- and quantitatively by HPLC-UV and electrospray ionization–MS/MS. Human washed platelets stimulated with thrombin were used for the aggregation assay. Human platelet cAMP-PDE and recombinant PDE5A1 were used as enzyme source. Platelet aggregation and enzyme activity were assayed in the presence of HPE, LPE and individual phenols. The phenol content of HPE ranged between 250 and 500 mg/kg, whereas the LPE content was 46 mg/kg. The compounds identified were hydroxytyrosol (HT), tyrosol (TY), oleuropein aglycone (OleA) and the flavonoids quercetin (QU), luteolin (LU) and apigenin (AP). OleA was the most abundant phenol (range 23·3 to 37·7 %) and LU was the most abundant flavonoid in the extracts. Oil extracts inhibited platelet aggregation with an 50% inhibitory concentration interval of 1·23–11·2 ÎŒg/ml. The inhibitory effect of individual compounds (10 ÎŒm) including homovanillyl alcohol (HVA) followed this order: OleA>LU>HT = TY = QU = HVA, while AP was inactive. All the extracts inhibited cAMP-PDE, while no significant inhibition of PDE5A1 (50ÎŒg/ml) was observed. All the flavonoids and OleA inhibited cAMP-PDE, whereas HT, TY, HVA (100 ÎŒm) were inactive. Olive oil extracts and part of its phenolic constituents inhibit platelet aggregation; cAMP-PDE inhibition is one mechanism through which olive oil phenols inhibit platelet aggregation

    Genome-wide analysis of the AP2/ERF superfamily in apple and transcriptional evidence of ERF involvement in scab pathogenesis

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    The APETALA2 (AP2)/ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR (ERF) superfamily of transcriptional regulators is involved in several growth, development and stress responses processes in higher plants. Currently, the available information on the biological roles of AP2/ERF genes is derived from Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present work, we have investigated genomic and transcriptional aspects of AP2/ERF genes in the economically important perennial species, Malus ×domestica. We have identified 259 sequences containing at least one ERF domain in apple genome. The vast majority of the putative proteins display predicted nuclear localization, compatible with a biological role in transcription regulation. The AP2 and ERF families are greatly expanded in apple. Whole-genome analyses in other plant species have identified a single genomic sequence with divergent ERF, whereas in apple seven soloists are present. In the apple genome, the most noteworthy expansion occurred in sub-groups V, VIII and IX of the ERF family. Expression profiling analyses have revealed the association of ripening-involved ERF genes to scab (Venturia inequalis) pathogenesis in the susceptible Gala cultivar, indicating that gene expansion processes were accompanied by functional divergence. The presented analyses of AP2/ERF genes in apple provide evidences of shared ethylene-mediated signaling pathways in ripening and disease responses

    Genome-wide analysis of the AP2/ERF superfamily in apple and transcriptional evidence of ERF involvement in scab pathogenesis.

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    The APETALA2 (AP2)/ETHYLENE RESPONSE FACTOR (ERF) superfamily of transcriptional regulators is involved in several growth, development and stress responses processes in higher plants. Currently, the available information on the biological roles of AP2/ERF genes is derived from Arabidopsis thaliana. In the present work, we have investigated genomic and transcriptional aspects of AP2/ERF genes in the economically important perennial species, Malus × domestica. We have identified 259 sequences containing at least one ERF domain in apple genome. The vast majority of the putative proteins display predicted nuclear localization, compatible with a biological role in transcription regulation. The AP2 and ERF families are greatly expanded in apple. Wholegenome analyses in other plant species have identified a single genomic sequence with divergent ERF, whereas in apple seven soloists are present. In the apple genome, the most noteworthy expansion occurred in subgroups V, VIII and IX of the ERF family. Expression profiling analyses have revealed the association of ripeninginvolved ERF genes to scab (Venturia inequalis) pathogenesis in the susceptible Gala cultivar, indicating that gene expansion processes were accompanied by functional divergence. The presented analyses of AP2/ERF genes in apple provide evidences of shared ethylenemediated signaling pathways in ripening and disease responses
