1,374 research outputs found

    The visual representation of texture

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    This research is concerned with texture: a source of visual information, that has motivated a huge amount of psychophysical and computational research. This thesis questions how useful the accepted view of texture perception is. From a theoretical point of view, work to date has largely avoided two critical aspects of a computational theory of texture perception. Firstly, what is texture? Secondly, what is an appropriate representation for texture? This thesis argues that a task dependent definition of texture is necessary, and proposes a multi-local, statistical scheme for representing texture orientation. Human performance on a series of psychophysical orientation discrimination tasks are compared to specific predictions from the scheme. The first set of experiments investigate observers' ability to directly derive statistical estimates from texture. An analogy is reported between the way texture statistics are derived, and the visual processing of spatio-luminance features. The second set of experiments are concerned with the way texture elements are extracted from images (an example of the generic grouping problem in vision). The use of highly constrained experimental tasks, typically texture orientation discriminations, allows for the formulation of simple statistical criteria for setting critical parameters of the model (such as the spatial scale of analysis). It is shown that schemes based on isotropic filtering and symbolic matching do not suffice for performing this grouping, but that the scheme proposed, base on oriented mechanisms, does. Taken together these results suggest a view of visual texture processing, not as a disparate collection of processes, but as a general strategy for deriving statistical representations of images common to a range of visual tasks

    Efficient transduction of primary vascular cells by the rare adenovirus serotype 49 vector

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    Neointima formation and vascular remodelling through vascular smooth muscle cell migration and proliferation can limit the long term success of coronary interventions, for example in coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG). Ex vivo gene therapy has the potential to reduce unnecessary cell proliferation and limit neointima formation in vascular pathologies. To date the species C adenovirus serotype 5 (Ad5) has been commonly used for pre-clinical gene therapy, however its suitability is potentially limited by relatively poor tropism for vascular cells and high levels of pre-existing immunity in the population. To avoid these limitations, novel species of adenovirus are being tested; here we investigate the potential of adenovirus 49 (Ad49) for use in gene therapy. Transduction of primary human vascular cells by a range of adenovirus serotypes was assessed; Ad49 demonstrated highest transduction of both vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells. Gene transfer with Ad49 in vascular smooth muscle and endothelial cells was possible following short exposure times (*lt;1hr) and with low MOI which is clinically relevant. Ex vivo delivery to surplus CABG tissue showed efficient gene transfer with Ad49, consistent with the in vitro findings. Luminal infusion of Ad49GFP into intact CABG samples ex vivo resulted in efficient vessel transduction. In addition, no seroprevelance rates to Ad49 were observed in a Scottish cohort of patients from cardiovascular clinics, thus circumventing issues with pre-existing immunity. Our results show Ad49 has tropism for vascular cells in vitro and ex vivo and demonstrate Ad49 may be an improved vector for local vascular gene therapy compared to current alternatives

    The role of crowding in contextual influences on contour integration

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    Dakin and Baruch (2009) investigated how context influences contour integration, specifically reporting that near-perpendicular surrounding-elements reduced the exposure-duration observers required to localize and determine the shape of contours (compared to performance with randomly oriented surrounds) while near-parallel surrounds increased this time. Here, we ask if this effect might be a manifestation of visual crowding (the disruptive influence of "visual clutter" on object recognition). We first report that the effect generalizes to simple contour-localization (without explicit shape-discrimination) and influences tolerance to orientation jitter in the same way it affects threshold exposure-duration. We next directly examined the role of crowding by quantifying observers' local uncertainty (about the orientation of the elements that comprised our contours), showing that this largely accounts for the effects of context on global contour integration. These findings support the idea that context influences contour integration at a predominantly local stage of processing and that the local effects of crowding eventually influence downstream stages in the cortical processing of visual form

    Maternal obesity has little effect on the immediate offspring but impacts on the next generation

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    Maternal obesity during pregnancy has been linked to an increased risk of obesity and cardiometabolic disease in the offspring, a phenomenon attributed to developmental programming. Programming effects may be transmissible across generations through both maternal and paternal inheritance, although the mechanisms remain unclear. Using a mouse model, we explored the effects of moderate maternal diet-induced obesity (DIO) on weight gain and glucose-insulin homeostasis in first-generation (F1) and second-generation offspring. DIO was associated with insulin resistance, hyperglycemia and dyslipidemia before pregnancy. Birth weight was reduced in female offspring of DIO mothers (by 6%, P = .039), and DIO offspring were heavier than controls at weaning (males by 47%, females by 27%), however there were no differences in glucose tolerance, plasma lipids, or hepatic gene expression at 6 months. Despite the relative lack of effects in the F1, we found clear fetal growth restriction and persistent metabolic changes in otherwise unmanipulated second-generation offspring with effects on birth weight, insulin levels, and hepatic gene expression that were transmitted through both maternal and paternal lines. This suggests that the consequences of the current dietary obesity epidemic may also have an impact on the descendants of obese individuals, even when the phenotype of the F1 appears largely unaffected

    Manipulating adenovirus hexon hypervariable loops dictates immune neutralisation and coagulation factor X-dependent cell interaction in vitro and in vivo

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    Adenoviruses are common pathogens, mostly targeting ocular, gastrointestinal and respiratory cells, but in some cases infection disseminates, presenting in severe clinical outcomes. Upon dissemination and contact with blood, coagulation factor X (FX) interacts directly with the adenovirus type 5 (Ad5) hexon. FX can act as a bridge to bind heparan sulphate proteoglycans, leading to substantial Ad5 hepatocyte uptake. FX “coating” also protects the virus from host IgM and complement-mediated neutralisation. However, the contribution of FX in determining Ad liver transduction whilst simultaneously shielding the virus from immune attack remains unclear. In this study, we demonstrate that the FX protection mechanism is not conserved amongst Ad types, and identify the hexon hypervariable regions (HVR) of Ad5 as the capsid proteins targeted by this host defense pathway. Using genetic and pharmacological approaches, we manipulate Ad5 HVR interactions to interrogate the interplay between viral cell transduction and immune neutralisation. We show that FX and inhibitory serum components can co-compete and virus neutralisation is influenced by both the location and extent of modifications to the Ad5 HVRs. We engineered Ad5-derived HVRs into the rare, native non FX-binding Ad26 to create Ad26.HVR5C. This enabled the virus to interact with FX at high affinity, as quantified by surface plasmon resonance, FX-mediated cell binding and transduction assays. Concomitantly, Ad26.HVR5C was also sensitised to immune attack in the absence of FX, a direct consequence of the engineered HVRs from Ad5. In both immune competent and deficient animals, Ad26.HVR5C hepatic gene transfer was mediated by FX following intravenous delivery. This study gives mechanistic insight into the pivotal role of the Ad5 HVRs in conferring sensitivity to virus neutralisation by IgM and classical complement-mediated attack. Furthermore, through this gain-of-function approach we demonstrate the dual functionality of FX in protecting Ad26.HVR5C against innate immune factors whilst determining liver targeting

    Vestibular contributions to lateral stabilization are bilaterally dependent during split belt walking

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    Vestibular information is critical for maintaining balance during locomotion, and is known to be attenuated with increasing locomotor velocity and cadence. This attenuation is muscle and phase dependent, and is thought to reflect the functional contribution of each muscle to balance control during each stride of the gait cycle. Bilaterally, the vestibular coupling is mirrored relative to the gait cycle as each leg undergoes similar modulation with variation in phase, velocity and cadence. Here, we asked whether the modulation of the vestibular contribution to each limb is bilaterally dependent. By using a split-belt treadmill with asymmetric belt speeds, we can control the locomotion properties of each leg and compare the vestibular modulation to symmetric conditions. We hypothesized that bilaterally symmetric vestibular modulation would indicate leg independent vestibular influence while bilaterally asymmetric vestibular modulation would indicate leg dependent vestibular influence. Subjects were exposed to binaural bipolar stochastic vestibular stimulation (0-25 Hz) during symmetric and asymmetric walking conditions. Symmetric trials were performed at belt speeds of 0.4 and 0.8 m/s and for 10 min. The asymmetric trial was performed at belt speeds of 0.4 and 0.8 m/s for 16 min. Subjects walked with a cadence of 78 steps/min which was easily maintained in both limbs. EMG of the bilateral medial gastrocnemii and three-dimensional ground reaction force and torques were collected. Only the last 340 strides (~ 9 min of data) were used in the analysis to avoid the adaptation that typically occurs within the first 250 strides (~ 6 min) of asymmetric walking. Significant muscle activity and lateral ground reaction forces (P < 0.01) were correlated to the input stimuli in all trials. Stimulus-EMG and -lateral ground reaction force correlations decreased at higher belt speeds during symmetric walking, as previously reported. During the split belt condition, the magnitude of correlations stimulus-EMG and -force were bilaterally asymmetric and different from their symmetric counterparts. During the asymmetric condition correlations decreased for the slow leg, but more closely resembled the responses observed during slow symmetric walking, and increased for the fast leg, but more closely resembled the responses observed during fast symmetric walking. These results indicate that the modulation of vestibular reflexes is dependent upon the specific kinematics of each leg but bilaterally linked to respond to the properties of the locomotion pattern

    Context integration in visual processing: a computational model of center-surround suppression in the visual system

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    [Poster presentation]. A dysfunction of GABAergic neurotransmission is hypothesized to be an important factor in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia [1], depression and anxiety disorders. Findings of decreased center-surround suppression (CSS, i.e. the mutual inhibition of a focal visual stimulus and its surrounding) have been interpreted in terms of GABAergic dysfunction [2]. Consistently, strongly decreased CSS is reported in schizophrenic patients [3]. However, the underlying mechanisms of this decrease remain unclearPeer reviewe