560 research outputs found

    Infrastructure dynamics: A selected bibliography

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    The term infrastructure is used to denote the set of life support and public service systems which is necessary for the development of growth of human settlements. Included are some basic references in the field of dynamic simulation, as well as a number of relevant applications in the area of infrastructure planning. The intent is to enable the student or researcher to quickly identify such applications to the extent necessary for initiating further work in the field

    A study of the manuscript Lawāmi‘ al-anwār al-qulūb, by Shaydhala (12th century): author, methodology and investigation strategies

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    هذه الدراسة تركز على تحليل مخطوطة "لوامع أنوار القلوب فى جوامع أسرار المحب والمحبوب" للفقيه الشافعي أبو المعالى عزيزي بن عبد الملك بن منصور الجيلي، المعروف بشَيذَلَة (القرن الثانى عشر الميلادى). هذه المخطوطة غير المنشورة والتى تتكون من عشرة فصول يجب تصنيفها فى الأدب العربى فى العصور الوسطى ضمن كتب الصوفية,فبعد دراسة البنية الداخلية للمخطوطة ,والترجمة للمؤلف وظروف حياته والتعرف على أسلوبه؛ تبيَّن أنَّ هذا العمل يركز بشكل أساسي على اللغة والمصطلحات والموضوعات والعناصر والسمات الممي زة لهذا النوع من الجنس الأدبى القاصد لوصف الحب الإلهي ,ومن بين هذه المسائل وغيرها؛ نستنتج أ ن هذه المخطوطة تُش كل حلقةً أخرى فى سلسلة كتب الأدب الصوفي الذى يقود إلى معانى الرقة المفرطة ,والمتعة,والمؤانسة,والنورانية ,والتقارب بين المرء وخالقه.Este estudio se centra en el análisis del manuscrito Lawāmi‘ al-anwār al-qulūb fī ŷawāmi‘ asrār al-muḥibb wa-l-maḥbūb (El brillo de las luces de los corazones en en el conjunto de los secretos del amante y el amado), del jurista šafi‘ī Abū l-Ma‘ālī ‘Azīzī b. ‘Abd al-Malik b. Manṣūr al-Ŷīlī, conocido como Šaydala (s. XII). Se trata de una obra inédita, de diez capítulos, que debe ser clasificada entre los libros de sufismo de la literatu-ra árabe medieval. Tras estudiar la estructura interna del manuscrito, al autor y su contexto, este trabajo se centra principalmente en el lenguaje, la terminología, los temas y los ele-mentos característicos de este tipo de género literario destinado a describir el amor divino. Entre otras cuestiones, se llega a la conclusión de que este manuscrito constituye un esla-bón más de la serie de libros de literatura sufí que apuntan al refinamiento, disfrute, socia-bilidad, iluminación y convergencia entre el hombre y su creador.This study analyzes the manuscript Lawāmi‘ al-anwār al-qulūb fī jawāmi‘ asrār al-muḥibb wa-l-maḥbūb (The brilliance of the lights of hearts in the series of secrets known by the lover and the beloved), by the jurist shafi‘ī Abū l-Ma‘ālī ‘Azīzī b. ‘Abd al-Malik b. Manṣūr al-Jīlī, known as Shaydhala (12th century). The manuscript is of an un-published work of ten chapters that must be classified alongside the Sufism books of me-dieval Arabic literature. After studying the work's internal structure, author and context, attention is given to the language, terminology, themes and the elements characteristic of this literary genre, the purpose of which was to describe divine love. Among other ques-tions, the paper reaches the conclusion that this manuscript represents yet another link in the series of books in Sufi literature that point to the refinement, enjoyment, sociability, enlightenment and convergence between man and his creator

    Estudio del manuscrito Lawāmi‘ al-anwār al-qulūb de Šaydala (s. XII): el autor, la metodología y las estrategias de investigación

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    This study analyzes the manuscript Lawāmi‘ al-anwār al-qulūb fī jawāmi‘ asrār al-muḥibb wa-l-maḥbūb (The brilliance of the lights of hearts in the series of secrets known by the lover and the beloved), by the jurist shafi‘ī Abū l-Ma‘ālī ‘Azīzī b. ‘Abd al- Malik b. Manṣūr al-Jīlī, known as Shaydhala (12th century). The manuscript is of an un- published work of ten chapters that must be classified alongside the Sufism books of me- dieval Arabic literature. After studying the work's internal structure, author and context, attention is given to the language, terminology, themes and the elements characteristic of this literary genre, the purpose of which was to describe divine love. Among other ques- tions, the paper reaches the conclusion that this manuscript represents yet another link in the series of books in Sufi literature that point to the refinement, enjoyment, sociability, enlightenment and convergence between man and his creator.Este estudio se centra en el análisis del manuscrito Lawāmi‘ al-anwār al-qulūb fī ŷawāmi‘ asrār al-muḥibb wa-l-maḥbūb (El brillo de las luces de los corazones en en el conjunto de los secretos del amante y el amado), del jurista šafi‘ī Abū l-Ma‘ālī ‘Azīzī b. ‘Abd al-Malik b. Manṣūr al-Ŷīlī, conocido como Šaydala (s. XII). Se trata de una obra inédita, de diez capítulos, que debe ser clasificada entre los libros de sufismo de la literatu- ra árabe medieval. Tras estudiar la estructura interna del manuscrito, al autor y su contexto, este trabajo se centra principalmente en el lenguaje, la terminología, los temas y los ele- mentos característicos de este tipo de género literario destinado a describir el amor divino. Entre otras cuestiones, se llega a la conclusión de que este manuscrito constituye un esla- bón más de la serie de libros de literatura sufí que apuntan al refinamiento, disfrute, sociabilidad, iluminación y convergencia entre el hombre y su creador

    Maternal Trauma and Psychopathology Symptoms Affect Refugee Children's Mental Health But Not Their Emotion Processing.

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    Refugee children's development may be affected by their parents' war-related trauma exposure and psychopathology symptoms across a range of cognitive and affective domains, but the processes involved in this transmission are poorly understood. Here, we investigated the impact of refugee mothers' trauma exposure and mental health on their children's mental health and attention biases to emotional expressions. In our sample of 324 Syrian refugee mother-child dyads living in Jordan (children's Mage=6.32, SD = 1.18; 50% female), mothers reported on their symptoms of anxiety and depression, and on their children's internalising, externalising, and attention problems. A subset of mothers reported their trauma exposure (n = 133) and PTSD symptoms (n = 124). We examined emotion processing in the dyads using a standard dot-probe task measuring their attention allocation to facial expressions of anger and sadness. Maternal trauma and PTSD symptoms were linked to child internalising and attention problems, while maternal anxiety and depression symptoms were associated with child internalising, externalising, and attention problems. Mothers and children were hypervigilant towards expressions of anger, but surprisingly, mother and child biases were not correlated with each other. The attentional biases to emotional faces were also not linked to psychopathology risk in the dyads. Our findings highlight the importance of refugee mothers' trauma exposure and psychopathology on their children's wellbeing. The results also suggest a dissociation between the mechanisms underlying mental health and those involved in attention to emotional faces, and that intergenerational transmission of mental health problems might involve mechanisms other than attentional processes relating to emotional expressions

    Effectiveness of a community-led shared book reading intervention in Syrian refugee children: a randomised controlled trial.

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    Community-led, shared book reading programs may help improve refugee children's reading abilities and attitudes towards reading. We Love Reading (WLR)-a light-touch, community-led, shared book reading program-was evaluated in a pre-registered, wait-listed, randomised controlled trial (AEARCTR-0006523). 322 Syrian refugee mother-child dyads (children: 4-8-year-olds, 50.0% female) in Jordan were tested at two timepoints, 15 weeks apart. WLR did not significantly affect child literacy or child-reported child attitudes toward reading (ps > 0.05). Mothers did report improved child attitudes toward reading from WLR (p = 0.046, η2 = 0.013). The intervention did not lead to improvements in family relationships (ps > 0.05). WLR may have promise in improving attitudes toward reading in forcibly displaced children but did not affect literacy or child-reported attitudes toward reading; these results provide insight into what changes are needed for effective shared book reading interventions in this population

    Predictors of Literacy and Attitudes Toward Reading Among Syrian Refugee Children in Jordan

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    Refugee children often face disruptions to their education before and during displacement. However, little is known about either levels or predictors of refugee children’s literacy or about their attitudes toward reading in low- or middle-income countries. To address this, we conducted in-home literacy assessments using the Holistic Assessment of Learning and Development Outcomes with 322 Syrian refugee mother–child dyads who lived in Jordan (child age range 4–8 years, M = 6.32 years, 50% female). Overall, the children had quite low levels of literacy, although they indicated a strong enthusiasm for reading. Child age, maternal education, and maternal ability to read all predicted child literacy, although maternal literacy predicted it only among children enrolled in school. Among those enrolled in school (64.9% of the total sample, 88.7% of those aged ≥ 6), students attending hybrid classes had better literacy than those attending either solely in-person or solely online, although the frequency of school attendance did not predict literacy. A less consistent pattern emerged for predicting children’s attitudes toward reading. Our results suggest an urgent need to improve literacy skills among refugee children in Jordan, as well as a need for validated measures of attitudes toward reading for use with Arabic-speaking youth. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s13158-022-00334-x

    COVID-19 Vaccination and Mental Stress within Diverse Sociodemographic Groups

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    In this study, we surveyed 635 participants to determine: (a) major causes of mental stress during the pandemic and its future impacts, and (b) diversity in public perception of the COVID-19 vaccination and its acceptance (specifically for children). Statistical results and intelligent clustering outcomes indicate significant associations between sociodemographic diversity, mental stress causes, and vaccination perception. For instance, statistical results indicate significant dependence between gender (we will use term ‘sex’ in the rest of the manuscript) and mental stress due to COVID-19 infection (p = 1.7 × 10−5). Over 25% of males indicated work-related stress compared to 35% in females, however, females indicated that they were more stressed (17%) due to relationships compared to males (12%). Around 30% of Asian/Arabic participants do not feel that the vaccination is safe as compared to 8% of white British and 22% of white Europeans, indicating significant dependence (p = 1.8 × 10−8) with ethnicity. More specifically, vaccination acceptance for children is significantly dependent with ethnicity (p = 3.7 × 10−5) where only 47% participants show willingness towards children’s vaccination. The primary dataset in this study along with experimental outcomes identifying sociodemographic information diversity with respect to public perception and acceptance of vaccination in children and potential stress factors might be useful for the public and policymakers to help them be better prepared for future epidemics, as well as working globally to combat mental health issues

    Group B Streptococcal Endocarditis in Obstetric and Gynecologic Practice

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    Background: We describe a case and review ten other instances of group B streptococcal endocarditis in the setting of obstetric and gynecologic practice reported since the last review in 1985. Case: Abortion remains a common antecedent event, but in contrast to earlier reports, most patients did not have underlying valvular disease, the tricuspid valve was most often involved, and mortality was low. Patients with tricuspid valve infection tended to have a subacute course, whereas those with aortic or mitral involvement typically had a more acute, fulminant course. Conclusion: Despite an improvement in mortality, morbidity remains high, with 8 of 11 patients having clinically significant emboli

    Immunohistochemical evaluation of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and estrogen and progesterone receptors in breast carcinoma in Jordan

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    INTRODUCTION: Although breast carcinoma (BC) is the most common malignancy affecting Jordanian females and the affected population in Jordan is younger than that in the West, no information is available on its biological characteristics. Our aims in this study are to evaluate the expression of estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR) and Her-2/neu overexpression in BC in Jordan, and to compare the expression of these with other prognostic parameters for BC such as histological type, histological grade, tumor size, patients' age, and number of lymph node metastases. METHOD: This is a retrospective study conducted in the Department of Pathology at Jordan University of Science and Technology. A confirmed 91 cases of BC diagnosed in the period 1995 to 1998 were reviewed and graded. We used immunohistochemistry to evaluate the expression of ER, PR, and Her-2. Immunohistochemical findings were correlated with age, tumor size, grade and axillary lymph node status. RESULTS: Her-2 was overexpressed in 24% of the cases. The mean age of Her-2 positive cases was 42 years as opposed to 53 years among Her-2 negative cases (p = 0.0001). Her-2 expression was inversely related to ER and PR expression. Her-2 positive tumors tended to be larger than Her-2 negative tumors with 35% overexpression among T3 tumors as opposed to 22% among T2 tumors (p = 0.13). Her-2 positive cases tended to have higher rates of axillary metastases, but this did not reach statistical significance. ER and PR positive cases were seen in older patients with smaller tumor sizes. CONCLUSION: Her-2 overexpression was seen in 24% of BC affecting Jordanian females. Her-2 overexpression was associated with young age at presentation, larger tumor size, and was inversely related to ER and PR expression. One-fifth of the carcinomas were Her-2 positive and ER negative. This group appears to represent an aggressive form of BC presenting at a young age with large primary tumors and a high rate of four or more axillary lymph node metastases