61 research outputs found

    Design and characterisation of metallic glassy alloys of high neutron shielding capability

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    This paper reports the design, making and characterisation of a series of Fe-based bulk metallic glass alloys with the aim of achieving the combined properties of high neutron absorption capability and sufficient glass forming ability. Synchrotron X-ray diffraction and pair distribution function methods were used to characterise the crystalline or amorphous states of the samples. Neutron transmission and macroscopic attenuation coefficients of the designed alloys were measured using energy resolved neutron imaging method and the very recently developed microchannel plate detector. The study found that the newly designed alloy (Fe48Cr15Mo14C15B6Gd2 with a glass forming ability of Ø5.8 mm) has the highest neutron absorption capability among all Fe-based bulk metallic glasses so far reported. It is a promising material for neutron shielding applications

    Metastable austenite driven work-hardening behaviour in a TRIP-assisted dual phase steel

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    The mechanically-induced transformation behaviour of the metastable austenite phase in a high-strength industrial TRIP-assisted Dual Phase steel was monitored in situ using high-energy synchrotron diffraction under uniaxial loading. This allowed direct quantification of the impact of the transformation of the metastable austenite phase (16 vol %), embedded in a ferrite-bainite-martensite matrix, on the work hardening behaviour of this steel. Our results show that the mechanically induced transformation of austenite does not begin until the onset of matrix yielding. We provide experimental evidence which demonstrates for the first time that the austenite transformation increases the work-hardening contribution, σw thereby supporting a driving force approach to transformation induced plasticity. The transformation work required leads to an increase in the macroscopic work-hardening rate after matrix yielding and continues to offset the decrease in the work-hardening rate in the ferrite and martensite phases up to the UTS. Further we show conclusively that martensite yielding does not occur until the completion of the mechanically induced transformation of austenite. Plastic deformation of martensite is immediately followed by local plastic instability leading to necking and ultimate failure of this material

    High-pressure melting behavior of tin up to 105 GPa

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    The melting curve of Sn initially rises steeply as a function of pressure but exhibits a decrease in slope (dTm/dP) above 40 GPa to become nearly flat above 50 GPa. Previous studies have argued that a body-centered tetragonal (bct) to cubic (bcc) phase transition occurs in this range at room temperature. However, our investigations have shown that the phase behavior is more complex in this region with orthorhombic (bco) splitting of reflections occurring in the x-ray diffraction pattern above 32 GPa and coexisting diffraction signatures of bco and bcc structures are observed between 40 and 70 GPa. Here we have documented the simultaneous presence of bco and bcc reflections up to the melting point, negating the possibility that their coexistence might indicate a kinetically hindered first-order phase transformation. In this paper we have extended the observation of Sn melting relations into the megabar (P>100 GPa) range using the appearance of liquid diffuse scattering in x-ray diffraction patterns and discontinuities during thermal signal processing to diagnose the occurrence of melting. Both techniques yield consistent results that indicate the melting line maintains the same low slope up to the highest pressure examined and does not flatten. The results below approximately 40 GPa agree well with the melting relations produced recently using a multiphase equation of state fitted to available or assumed data. Above this pressure the experimental melting points lie increasingly below the predicted crystal-liquid phase boundary, but above the flat melting from past studies, indicating that the thermodynamic properties of the body-centered “γ”-Sn structure remain to be clarified

    A Synchrotron X-ray diffraction deconvolution method for the measurement of residual stress in thermal barrier coatings as a function of depth

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    The average residual stress distribution as a function of depth in an air plasma-sprayed yttria stabilized zirconia top coat used in thermal barrier coating (TBC) systems was measured using synchrotron radiation X-ray diffraction in reflection geometry on station I15 at Diamond Light Source, UK, employing a series of incidence angles. The stress values were calculated from data deconvoluted from diffraction patterns collected at increasing depths. The stress was found to be compressive through the thickness of the TBC and a fluctuation in the trend of the stress profile was indicated in some samples. Typically this fluctuation was observed to increase from the surface to the middle of the coating, decrease a little and then increase again towards the interface. The stress at the interface region was observed to be around 300 MPa, which agrees well with the reported values. The trend of the observed residual stress was found to be related to the crack distribution in the samples, in particular a large crack propagating from the middle of the coating. The method shows promise for the development of a nondestructive test for as-manufactured samples

    Pressure-induced reconstructive phase transition in Cd3As2

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    Cadmium arsenide Cd3As2 hosts massless Dirac electrons in its ambient-conditions tetragonal phase. We report X-ray diffraction and electrical resistivity measurements of Cd3As2 upon cycling pressure beyond the critical pressure of the tetragonal phase and back to ambient conditions. We find that at room temperature the transition between the low- and high-pressure phases results in large microstrain and reduced crystallite size both on rising and falling pressure. This leads to non-reversible electronic properties including self-doping associated with defects and a reduction of the electron mobility by an order of magnitude due to increased scattering. Our study indicates that the structural transformation is sluggish and shows a sizable hysteresis of over 1 GPa. Therefore, we conclude that the transition is first-order reconstructive, with chemical bonds being broken and rearranged in the high-pressure phase. Using the diffraction measurements we demonstrate that annealing at ~200 deg. C greatly improves the crystallinity of the high-pressure phase. We show that its Bragg peaks can be indexed as a primitive orthorhombic lattice with a_HP = 8.68 Å, b_HP = 17.15 Å and c_HP = 18.58 Å. The diffraction study indicates that during the structural transformation a new phase with another primitive orthorhombic structure may be also stabilized by deviatoric stress, providing an additional venue for tuning the unconventional electronic states in Cd3As2

    Comparative structural evolution under pressure of powder and single crystals of the layered antiferromagnet FePS3

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    FePS3 is a layered magnetic van der Waals compound that undergoes a Mott insulator-metal transition under applied pressure. The transition has an associated change in the crystal symmetry and magnetic structure. Understanding the underlying physics of these transitions requires a detailed understanding of the crystal structure as a function of pressure. Two conflicting models have previously been proposed for the evolution of the structure with pressure. To settle the disagreement, we present a study of the pressure-dependent crystal structures using both single-crystal and powder x-ray diffraction measurements. We show unambiguously that the highest-pressure transition involves a collapse of the interplanar spacing, along with an increase in symmetry from a monoclinic to a trigonal space group, to the exclusion of other models. Our collected results are crucial for understanding high-pressure behavior in these materials and demonstrate a clear and complete methodology for exploring complex two-dimensional material structures under pressure

    Pressure induced electronic and structural phase evolution in Van der Waals compound FePS3_3

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    Two-dimensional materials have proven to be a prolific breeding ground of new and unstudied forms of magnetism and unusual metallic states, particularly when tuned between their insulating and metallic phases. In this paper we present work on a new metal to insulator transition system FePS3 . This compound is a two-dimensional van-der-Waals antiferromagnetic Mott insulator. Here we report the discovery of an insulator-metal transition in FePS3, as evidenced by x-ray diffraction and electrical transport measurements, using high pressure as a tuning parameter. Two structural phase transitions are observed in the x-ray diffraction data as a function of pressure and resistivity measurements show evidence of the onset of a metallic state at high pressures. We propose models for the two new structures that can successfully explain the x-ray diffraction patterns