729 research outputs found

    Charge transfer in buried-channel charge-coupled devices

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    A detailed numerical simulation of the charge-transfer process in buried-channel CCDs will be presented. The limitations on the device performance due to incomplete free charge transfer, device parameters and clocking waveforms will be discussed

    Wastewater Characteristics From Tofu Processing Facilities in Banda Aceh

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    Tofu is a very favorite food in Asian countries such Indonesia, and is gaining popularity among west countries as well, due to the associated health benefits and its acceptable price. Tofu which is produced by grinding of soy bean produces high of amount wastewater, and is considered as one of the most polluting food-industrial effluent due to its high values of organic pollutants. This paper analyzed some pollutants parameter discharged from tofu industries in Banda Aceh. The parameter of BOD, COD, MLSS, PO4-P NH3-N, Turbidity and pH were analyzed based on the standard method for the examination of water and wastewater, approved by the EPA. The COD and BOD of wastewater from tofu processing facilities in Banda Aceh is ranging from 5000-8500 and 3500-4500 mg/L, respectively. Site investigation showed that in Banda Aceh city, the tofu waste has been disposed into the environment without any treatment, causing bad odours and pollution of the surface, ground water and rive

    The influence of interface states on incomplete charge transfer in overlapping gate charge-coupled devices

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    A simple and accurate model is used to estimate the incomplete charge transfer due to interface states trapping in the overlapping gate charge-coupled devices. It is concluded that trapping in the interface states under the edges of the gates parallel to the active channel limits the performance of the devices at moderate and low frequencies. The influence of the device parameters, dimensions, and clocking waveforms on the signal degradation is discussed. It is shown that increasing the clock voltages, reduces the incomplete charge transfer due to interface state trapping

    Temperature-Dependence of Magnetically-Active Charge Excitations in Magnetite across the Verwey Transition

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    We have studied the electronic structure of bulk single crystals and epitaxial films of magnetite Fe3_3O4_4. Fe 2p2p core-level spectra show clear differences between hard x-ray (HAX-) and soft x-ray (SX-) photoemission spectroscopy (PES), indicative of surface effects. The bulk-sensitive spectra exhibit temperature (TT)-dependent charge excitations across the Verwey transition at TVT_V=122 K, which is missing in the surface-sensitive spectra. An extended impurity Anderson model full-multiplet analysis reveals roles of the three distinct Fe-species (A-Fe3+^{3+}, B-Fe2+^{2+}, B-Fe3+^{3+}) below TVT_V for the Fe 2p2p spectra, and its T−T-dependent evolution. The Fe 2p2p HAXPES spectra show a clear magnetic circular dichroism (MCD) in the metallic phase of magnetized 100-nm-thick films. The model calculations also reproduce the MCD and identify the magnetically distinct sites associated with the charge excitations. Valence band HAXPES shows finite density of states at EFE_F for the polaronic metal with remnant order above TVT_V, and a clear gap formation below TVT_V. The results indicate that the Verwey transition is driven by changes in the strongly correlated and magnetically active B-Fe2+^{2+} and B-Fe3+^{3+} electronic states, consistent with resistivity and bulk-sensitive optical spectra.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures Accepted in Physical Review Letter

    Final stage of the charge-transfer process in charge-coupled devices

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    The final stages of transfer of charge from under a storage gate is formulated analytically including both fringing-field induced drift and diffusion. Analytic solutions to these equations are presented for constant fringing fields, and a system of equations for spatially varying fields is developed. Approximate solutions for spatially varying fringing fields, when combined with a lumped-parameter model of the self-induced field effects, are shown to give a reasonably accurate representation of the free-charge transfer process

    Stress-Dependent Opioid And Adrenergic Modulation Of Newly Retrieved Fear Memory

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    Recent studies on the effect of stress on modulation of fear memory in our laboratory have uncovered endogenous opioid and adrenergic based modulation systems, working in concert, that limit the strengthening or weakening of newly acquired fear memory during consolidation under conditions of mild or intense stress, respectively. The present study sought to determine if similar stress-dependent modulation, mediated by endogenous opioid and adrenergic systems, occurs during reconsolidation of newly retrieved fear memory. Rats underwent contextual fear conditioning followed 24 h later by reactivation of fear memory; a retention test was administered the next day. Stress was manipulated by varying duration of recall of fear memory during reactivation. In the first experiment, vehicle or the opioid-receptor blocker naloxone was administered immediately after varied durations (30 or 120 s) of reactivation. The results indicate that (1) reactivation, in the absence of drug, has a marked effect on freezing behavior-as duration of reactivation increases from 30 to 120 s, freezing behavior and presumably fear-induced stress increases and (2) naloxone, administered immediately after 30 s (mild stress) or 120 s (intense stress) of reactivation, enhances or impairs retention, respectively, the next day. In the second experiment, naloxone and the g-adrenergic blocker propranolol were administered either separately or in combination immediately after 120 s (intense stress) reactivation. The results indicate that separate administration of propranolol and naloxone impairs retention, while the combined administration fails to do so. Taken together the results of the two experiments are consistent with a protective mechanism, mediated by endogenous opioid and adrenergic systems working in concert, that limits enhancement and impairment of newly retrieved fear memory during reactivation in a stress-dependent manner. (C) 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved

    Electron-Like Fermi Surface and Remnant (pi,0) Feature in Overdoped La1.78Sr0.22CuO4

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    We have performed an angle-resolved photoemission study of overdoped La1.78Sr0.22CuO4, and have observed sharp nodal quasiparticle peaks in the second Brillouin zone that are comparable to data from Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+d. The data analysis using energy distribution curves, momentum distribution curves and intensity maps all show evidence of an electron-like Fermi surface, which is well explained by band structure calculations. Evidence for many-body effects are also found in the substantial spectral weight remaining below the Fermi level around (pi,0), where the band is predicted to lie above EF.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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