17 research outputs found

    Införandet av IAS 41 : Hur har kapitalfördelningen mellan intressenter i den norska laxodlingsbranschen utvecklats?

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    Införandet av IAS 41 medförde att redovisningsprinciperna för vÀrderingen av ett företags biologiska tillgÄngar förÀndrades. Det finns forskning pÄ hur införandet av IAS 41 pÄverkat olika aktörer inom skogsindustrin men lite Àr skrivet om dess pÄverkan pÄ laxodlingsindustrin. Denna uppsats Àmnar undersöka hur kapitalfördelningen till intressenter utvecklats sedan införandet av IAS 41. Studien fokuserar pÄ intressenterna Àgare och anstÀllda. Vi har tillÀmpat en kvantitativ metod dÀr vÄr empiriska studie bygger pÄ numerisk sekundÀrdata. Dessa har samlats in frÄn Ärsredovisningar för de utvalda företagen. Resultatet frÄn vÄr undersökning Àr inte entydigt men visar att utdelningarna har ökat och sÄledes gynnat Àgare. Personalkostnaderna har ökat men inte i sÄdan utstrÀckning att det kan hÀrledas till införandet av IAS 41.

    Införandet av IAS 41 : Hur har kapitalfördelningen mellan intressenter i den norska laxodlingsbranschen utvecklats?

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    Införandet av IAS 41 medförde att redovisningsprinciperna för vÀrderingen av ett företags biologiska tillgÄngar förÀndrades. Det finns forskning pÄ hur införandet av IAS 41 pÄverkat olika aktörer inom skogsindustrin men lite Àr skrivet om dess pÄverkan pÄ laxodlingsindustrin. Denna uppsats Àmnar undersöka hur kapitalfördelningen till intressenter utvecklats sedan införandet av IAS 41. Studien fokuserar pÄ intressenterna Àgare och anstÀllda. Vi har tillÀmpat en kvantitativ metod dÀr vÄr empiriska studie bygger pÄ numerisk sekundÀrdata. Dessa har samlats in frÄn Ärsredovisningar för de utvalda företagen. Resultatet frÄn vÄr undersökning Àr inte entydigt men visar att utdelningarna har ökat och sÄledes gynnat Àgare. Personalkostnaderna har ökat men inte i sÄdan utstrÀckning att det kan hÀrledas till införandet av IAS 41.

    Does GRI contribute to sustainable development? : A study in state-owned companies

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    Sustainable development is a subject, which has increased in a major scale recently. Aspects such as increased population, pollution and corporate scandals have led to pressure from the society towards companies to make a change. This is to a very high degree of relevance when it comes to public organizations which duty is to contribute to social benefit. Because of this, there is a specification of requirement for public organizations to take the lead when it comes to sustainable development.  In 2007 the government established a directive regarding the public organizations obligation to produce sustainability reports in accordance with the well-known framework Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). The purpose of the study is to find out whether the work conducted after these guidelines have led towards an overall increased work with sustainable development. Given the purpose of the study, it has aimed to contribute with a higher grade of understanding of the concept of sustainable development and sustainability reporting and its various functions. The study has then led towards a discussion regarding GRI and other aspects which may have influenced the sustainable development within public organizations. The study has a qualitative approach where interviews were conducted with eleven different public organizations as well with the organization FAR.  The study proves that sustainable development is still something that is hard to describe but which have a considerable role to fill in companies of today. Sustainable development is increasingly integrated in daily activities. Because sustainable development is integrated in the companies’ activities the sustainability report has gotten a more considerable role as well. The sustainability report fills various functions both internally and externally. It is also explained in the study that corporate governance has had an impact on the sustainable development because the government contribute with specific goals regarding how the public organizations ought to work. Finally the study reaches a conclusion that GRI is one link in the chain towards an increased sustainability within public organizations

    A boundless work on selective terms

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    This is a qualitative study that includes municipal employed managers in the health and care sector in the region of SjuhÀrad. The aim of the study is to capture the managers experiences of their profession and their relationship towards the concept of work-life balance. The experiences of these respondents will be founded by subjective thoughts and analyzed to later be generalized into an overview of the terms municipal managers in the health and care sector have to work under. The study is constructed by a narrative form and seek for the respondent's experiences or thoughts rather than concrete answers. Karasek and Theorell(1990) theory of "Demand- Control- Support(DCS)" is the basis of the study and will be used as an approach towards the respondents answers as an interpretative. The employed managers has been interviewed and their answers have been categorized into three different themes - Demand, Control and Support. These categories serve as the purpose of clarifying and to find patterns of the respondents work-related situations. Later on, these categories and their content is used as a discussion point, were they become the basis for a comparison with Karasek and Theorells reasoning in their theory. The results showed that there are different kind of boundless conditions in the workplace that affect female municipal managers in the health and care sector. These conditions are often based in the managers strong connection to their control needs. Since these individuals work in so called human service organizations, it exists an element of unpredictability. This circumstance means that total control over their staff, clients or various tasks is something difficult to achieve. Therefore, to deal with the unpredictability the expectations and responsibilities experienced in the professional role comes with a great need for control that is difficult to fully satisfy, which may explain why managers choose to work without boundaries, on their own terms

    Införandet av IAS 41 : Hur har kapitalfördelningen mellan intressenter i den norska laxodlingsbranschen utvecklats?

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    Införandet av IAS 41 medförde att redovisningsprinciperna för vÀrderingen av ett företags biologiska tillgÄngar förÀndrades. Det finns forskning pÄ hur införandet av IAS 41 pÄverkat olika aktörer inom skogsindustrin men lite Àr skrivet om dess pÄverkan pÄ laxodlingsindustrin. Denna uppsats Àmnar undersöka hur kapitalfördelningen till intressenter utvecklats sedan införandet av IAS 41. Studien fokuserar pÄ intressenterna Àgare och anstÀllda. Vi har tillÀmpat en kvantitativ metod dÀr vÄr empiriska studie bygger pÄ numerisk sekundÀrdata. Dessa har samlats in frÄn Ärsredovisningar för de utvalda företagen. Resultatet frÄn vÄr undersökning Àr inte entydigt men visar att utdelningarna har ökat och sÄledes gynnat Àgare. Personalkostnaderna har ökat men inte i sÄdan utstrÀckning att det kan hÀrledas till införandet av IAS 41.

    Pilotförsök med membranbioreaktor för avloppsvattenrening

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    Det finns ett vĂ€xande intresse för kommunal avloppsvattenrening med membranteknik i Sverige. Fördelarna med membranteknik Ă€r att lĂ„ga utslĂ€pps- och partikelhalter kan uppnĂ„s pĂ„ en liten anlĂ€ggningsyta. Den största nackdelen Ă€r en ökad energi-förbrukning, pĂ„ grund av den ökade luftning för rengöring av membranen och stora recirkulationsflöden som innebĂ€r ökad pumpenergi. Stockholm Vatten har beslutat att införa membranteknik i befintliga volymer pĂ„ Henriksdal avloppsreningsverk. Detta för att klara bĂ„de framtida skĂ€rpta utslĂ€ppskrav och en ökad belastning (fördubblad till Ă„r 2040, jĂ€mfört med dagens belastning). Ökningen orsakas av avvecklingen av Bromma reningsverk i kombination med en allmĂ€n befolkningstillvĂ€xt. Försök med en MembranBioReaktor (MBR) har under ett Ă„r genomförts pĂ„ Hammarby Sjöstadsverk dĂ€r en skalenlig pilotanlĂ€ggning med membranteknik, Sjöstadsverkets Linje 1, har jĂ€mförts med en konventionell reningsanlĂ€ggning, Henriksdal. Flödena under försöket motsvarade prognosticerade flöden för Henriksdal Ă„r 2040. Fyra olika driftsfall studerades i pilotförsöken dĂ€r inflödet av avloppsvattnet varierade mellan: konstant medelflöde, dynamiskt medelflöde och maximalt flöde (förvĂ€ntad maximal veckobelastning Ă„r 2040). Följande slutsatser kunde dras: FörvĂ€ntade utslĂ€ppskrav, <0,2 mg/L Tot-P och <6 mg/L Tot-N, var möjliga att uppnĂ„ under minst en mĂ„nad för samtliga driftsfall. Vid maximalt flöde tillĂ€ts en högre dos av bĂ„de jĂ€rnsulfat och kolkĂ€lla. Vid normal dosering av jĂ€rnsulfat noterades ingen negativ effekt med fouling pĂ„ membranen. Det fanns inte heller nĂ„gra indikationer pĂ„ att förbrukningen av jĂ€rnsulfat, vid normal dosering, skilde sig i MBR-systemet jĂ€mfört med Henriksdal. Vid maximala belastningsfallet doserades en högre halt jĂ€rnsulfat vilket resulterade i lĂ„g utgĂ„ende fosfathalt kring 0,1 mg/L. Det fanns dock en indikation pĂ„ att förhĂ„llandet mellan avskild mĂ€ngd fosfor per doserad mĂ€ngd jĂ€rn försĂ€mrades vid den högre dosen. Membranen hade en hög medelpermeabilitet och robust avskiljning av partikulĂ€rt material under hela försöksĂ„ret. Slammets filtrerbarhet analyserades med tvĂ„ mĂ€tmetoder inom ett examensarbete. Filtrerbarheten förbĂ€ttrades under tiden som försöket pĂ„gick, och var god enligt mĂ€tmetodernas referensvĂ€rden. Membranen rengjordes med kemikalier, oxalsyra och natriumhypoklorit, vid fem tillfĂ€llen. Vid ett av dessa tillfĂ€llen analyserades halten klororganiska föreningar, AOX, i utgĂ„ende vatten. AOX ökade under det dygn som rengöringen genomfördes frĂ„n 0,03 till 0,6 mg/L i utgĂ„ende vatten. Efterföljande dygn var halterna Ă„ter 0,03 mg/L. Det var möjligt att hĂ„lla en hög slamhalt i Sjöstadsverket Linje 1, 4000 -10 000 mg/L, genom hela försöket. Även den totala slamĂ„ldern var hög jĂ€mfört med traditionella system; 15-50 dygn. En jĂ€mförelse mellan slammets aktivitet; nitrifikations- och denitrifikationshastighet, visade dock att aktiviteten var lĂ€gre i MBR-systemet Ă€n i Henriksdal. Nitrifikation noterades i MBR-reaktoren vid belastningstoppar av ammonium.  Detta gjorde att nitrifikationen, frĂ„n systemet i sin helhet, var fullstĂ€ndig under hela försöksĂ„ret.There is a growing interest for municipal wastewater treatment with membrane technology in Sweden. The advantages of membrane technology are a high effluent quality with very low concentrations of organics, nutrients and particles.  At the same time, the spatial footprint of the technology is much smaller compared to other systems. The main disadvantage is higher power consumption due to air use for membrane scouring and large recirculation flows due to pumping energy. Stockholm Water Company (Stockholm Vatten VA AB) has decided to implement membrane separation in existing volumes at the Henriksdal wastewater treatment plant (Henriksdal WWTP) to meet stricter effluent requirements and increased loads due to the shutdown of Bromma WWTP and combined with a general population growth. Tests with a membrane bioreactor (MBR) have been carried out for one year at the R&D-facility Hammarby Sjöstadsverk where a pilot-scale plant with membrane technology was compared with the conventional Henriksdal WWTP. The loads during the tests were according to predicted loads for Henriksdal WWTP in year 2040. Four different operating conditions were studied in which the inflow of wastewater ranged between: constant mean flow, dynamic mean flow and maximum flow (expected maximum weekly load in year 2040). The following main conclusions were drawn: Targeted effluent qualities of <0.2 mg/L Tot-P and <6 mg/L Tot-N, were possible to achieve at least during one month for all operating conditions. At maximum load a higher dose of both ferrous sulfate and carbon source was allowed. At normal dosage of ferrous sulfate no adverse effect of fouling of the membranes was noted. Further, the consumption of ferrous sulphate, with normal doses applied did not differ from Henriksdal WWTP. Under maximum load conditions, with higher iron sulfate doses, effluent phosphate concentrations of around 0.1 mg/L were achieved. However, there was an indication that the molar ratio between removed phosphorus and iron dosage was decreased at the higher doses. The membranes had a high average permeability and a robust separation of particulate material throughout the test period was achieved. Sludge filterability was analyzed by two methods as part of a master’s thesis, and improved while the tests were going on, and was satisfying considering the methods reference values. The membranes were cleaned with chemicals, oxalic acid and sodium hypochlorite, on five occasions. At one of these occasions the content of organochlorine compounds, AOX, was analyzed in the effluent. AOX increased during the day the cleaning was conducted from 0.03 to 0.6 mg/L. The following day, the levels returned 0.03 mg/L. It was possible to maintain a high level of suspended solids, 4000 -10 000 mg/L in the process throughout the whole study. The total sludge age was high compared to traditional systems, 15-50 days. A comparison between sludge activity; nitrification and denitrification, however, showed that the activity was lower in the MBR-system than in Henriksdal WWTP. At peak ammonium loads, nitrification was observed in the MBR-reactor, which for the system as a whole implied complete nitrification throughout the test period. This report is only availabe in Swedish

    Adjusted risks of wheeze from sex and smoking in ages 16–52 years by categorical analysis.

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    <p>Each graph displays the adjusted odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for wheeze from four mutually exclusive categories based on sex and smoking status. M: male; F: female; ES: ever smokers; CS: current smokers; + “yes”; − “no”. Multivariate models were obtained from <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0054137#pone-0054137-t003" target="_blank">table 3</a>, and the categorical variables were substituted for the interaction terms. Note the logarithmic Y axes, and the breaks between Y = 0 to Y = 0,7.</p