368 research outputs found

    Trichoceridae aus Bayern nebst Beschreibung einer neuen Art (Diptera: Nematocera).

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    Neben der Bearbeitung einiger Trichoceridae aus Oberbayern erfolgt die Beschreibung von Trichocera mutica sp. n.Nomenklatorische Handlungenmutica Dahl, 1966 (Trichocera), spec. n.Some Trichoceridae from Upper Bavaria are dealt with, and Trichocera mutica sp. n. is described. Nomenclatural Actsmutica Dahl, 1966 (Trichocera), spec. n

    Developing Intelligent Space Systems: A Survey and Rubric for Future Missions

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    Space exploration continues to inspire the development of advanced technologies to explore the universe. From moon landings and the Mars rovers to the recent successful deployment of the James Webb Telescope, space exploration continues to push the limits of what is possible in both science and technology and to pave new ways for the discovery of our galaxy. While we have seen great advancements and barriers broken, we remain limited in our ability to optimize science discovery without onboard intelligent capabilities to enable complex system missions. In this paper, we focus on AI technologies and cross-disciplinary directions for sparking research and development for space applications. This paper attempts to bridge two disparate fields of research, to enhance the development of intelligent space systems by providing a comprehensive survey of existing technologies and showcasing a strategic rubric for future advancements

    The Case for Policy in Developing Offshore Wind: Lessons from Norway

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    Offshore wind (OSW) has the potential to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and halt damaging climate change. However, policies to foster an OSW industry in Norway have long been small and scarce. Recent events suggest that this is changing, as the state-owned enterprise Enova decided to grant a record NOK 2.3 bn to build the world’s largest floating offshore wind farm in 2019, the Hywind Tampen project. Based on previous work by the corresponding author, we summarize the political development of OSW in Norway to distil generalisable lessons. The corresponding author employed interviews, document analysis and process tracing, using a theory of policy change to characterise the observed political change. She found that the main obstacle for early OSW deployment has been that environmental and visibility concerns have exacerbated energy–political ones that are created by a longstanding lack of local energy demands. As the green energy demand on a global scale is soaring, the lack of OSW deployment for exports implies that climate–political objectives have been subordinated to energy–political ones, in the formulation of Norwegian OSW policies. This hierarchy of goals was not deemed to have changed, despite the recent political developments in the policy area of Norwegian OSW. Hence, the Norwegian case demonstrates the role of context and national sectoral policies in deciding the pace of sustainable energy transitions. It is suggested that future research considers how policy best practices for renewable energy deployment could be adjusted across varying national contexts to overcome political hurdles to the sustainable transition.publishedVersio

    Periodic outburst floods from an ice-dammed lake in East Greenland

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    Abstract We report evidence of four cycles of outburst floods from Catalina Lake, an ice-dammed lake in East Greenland, identified in satellite imagery between 1966–2016. The lake measures 20–25 km2, and lake level drops 130–150 m in each event, corresponding to a water volume of 2.6–3.4 Gt, and a release of potential energy of 1016 J, among the largest outburst floods reported in historical times. The drainage cycle has shortened systematically, and the lake filling rate has increased over each cycle, suggesting that the drainage pattern is changing due to climate warming with possible implications for environmental conditions in Scoresbysund fjord

    Sammenhengen mellom erfarte problemer med endring og de individuelle utfallene jobbengasjement og behov for restitusjon: Psykososialt sikkerhetsklima som mulig moderator. En kvantitativ flernivĂĽstudie

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    Det høye endringstempoet som kjennetegner arbeidsmarkedet i dag, har vist seg å kunne være belastende for de ansatte. Hensikten med denne studien var å undersøke sammenhengen mellom erfarte problemer med endring og de individuelle utfallene jobbengasjement og behov for restitusjon. I tillegg ønsket vi i studien å undersøke om et psykososialt sikkerhetsklima (PSC) modererte disse sammenhengene. Studiens overordnede teoretiske rammeverk er jobbkrav-ressurs-teorien, der erfarte problemer med endring blir ansett som et hindrende jobbkrav. Resultatene fra flernivåanalysene støttet antakelsen om at erfarte problemer med endring har en negativ sammenheng med ansattes jobbengasjement, samt en positiv sammenheng med ansattes NFR. Videre viste resultatene at sammenhengen mellom erfarte problemer med endring og utfallene jobbengasjement og NFR ikke modereres av PSC. Resultatene støttet dermed ikke antakelsen om at PSC reduserer den negative sammenhengen mellom erfarte problemer med endring og jobbengasjement, samt den positive sammenhengen mellom erfarte problemer med endring og NFR. Nøkkelord: problemer med organisasjonsendring, psykososialt sikkerhetsklima, jobbengasjement, behov for restitusjon, flernivådesignThe high pace of change that characterizes the labor market today has proven to be a liability for the employees involved. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between experienced problems with change and the individual outcomes work engagement and need for recovery (NFR). In addition, we wanted to find out whether a psychosocial safety climate (PSC) moderated these relationships. The study's overall theoretical framework is the job demands-resources theory, where experienced problems with change are considered a hindrance demand. The results from the multi-level analyzes supported the assumption that experienced problems with change have a negative relationship with the employees’ work engagement, as well as a positive relationship with employees’ NFR. Furthermore, the results showed that the relationships between experienced problems with change and the individual outcomes work engagement and NFR were not moderated by PSC. That is, the results did not support the assumption that PSC reduces the negative relationship between experienced problems with change and work engagement, as well as the positive relationship between experienced problems with change and NFR. Keywords: problems with organizational change, psychosocial safety climate, work engagement, need for recovery, multilevel modelingMasteroppgave i arbeids- og organisasjonspsykologiMAPSYK345MAPS-PSY

    The relationship between chronic pain and health-related quality of life in long-term social assistance recipients in Norway

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    PurposeThe purposes of this study were to compare the health-related quality of life (HRQOL) of long-term social assistance recipients (LTRs) with and without chronic pain and determine the effect of select demographic, social, pain, alcohol, and illicit drug use characteristics on the physical and mental components of their HRQOL.MethodsIn this cross-sectional study, which is part of a larger study that evaluated the health and functional abilities of LTRs in Norway, 405 LTRs of which 178 had chronic pain were recruited from 14 of 433 municipalities.ResultsLTRs with chronic pain were older (P < .001), more often married (P = .002), feeling more lonely, (P = .048), and had more problems with alcohol (P = .035). The final regression model explained 41.2% (P < .001) of the variance in PCS scores and 32.2% (P < .001) of the variance in MCS scores. Being in chronic pain (29.7%), being older (4.7%), and never married (2%) predicted worse PCS scores. Feeling lonely (11.9%), having problems with illicit drug use (5.9%), and being in chronic pain (2.9%) predicted worse MCS scores.ConclusionLTRs with chronic pain rated both the physical and mental components of HRQOL lower than LTRs without chronic pain. The MCS score in both groups was negatively effected

    Normativity assumptions in the design and application of social robots forautistic children

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    Social robots interact with human beings and are used for a variety of therapeutic purposes, for example in interaction with children with neurodevelopmental disorders. A key ethical issue related to the application of social robots in these contexts is the idea of normativity, involved in both the design of social robots, i.e., the use of such robots to portray or mimic what is normal and to identify deviant behaviour or development. The article presents the beginnings of a framework for incorporating divergent opinions of normal social functioning, particularly neurodiversity, into the design and application of social robots.publishedVersio

    Facilitation of a workplace learning intervention in a fluctuating context: An ethnographic, participatory research project in a nursing home in Norway

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    Background: This single-site nursing home study is part of a larger cluster-randomised controlled trial that aimed to reduce staff use of restraint. The cluster-RCT study involved 24 nursing homes, and investigated the effect of a standardised education intervention to reduce restraint in dementia care with a person-centred care approach. This article draws on empirical data from one of the nursing homes in the control group of the trial, at which the education intervention was tailored to better account for contextual circumstances. Aim: To explore how a tailored education intervention can reduce the use of restraint in a nursing home. The study aims to investigate what local contextual circumstances influenced the process of facilitation of the intervention. Methods: The study was theoretically informed by the Promoting Action Research Implementation in Health Services (PARiHS) framework, with practice development principles to address local learning needs and contextual issues. External facilitators tailored the education intervention in collaboration with the nursing home leader and staff. A participatory design with data collection based on principles of critical ethnography was used to evaluate the intervention. Results: Fluctuation emerged as the core theme from the evaluation: fluctuating enthusiasm among staff, fluctuating nursing home culture and fluctuating responses by care home residents. Conclusion: The study offers insights into the interplay between a tailored facilitation intervention and fluctuating contextual circumstances in a nursing home. Implications for practice: A successful education intervention requires facilitators who can take into consideration and adapt to fluctuations in the context Facilitation skills must include the ability to value team experiences, recognise learning needs, provide feedback and participate in finding solutions in the moment Flexibility is important in terms of how new knowledge can be used in person-centred ways, notably in attempts to reduce the use of restraint in dementia care8pubpub2 [Article: 4

    Arkeologisk og botanisk undersøkelse av hus i Bergevik. Berge gnr. 37 bnr. 1, Forsand kommune, Rogaland.

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    Oppdragsgiver: Forsand Byggservice ASPü bakgrunn av planlagt boligutbygging pü Berge gnr. 37 bnr. 1. i Forsand kommune ble det i 2013 gjennomført en utgraving av Arkeologisk museum, UiS. Det ble üpnet opp et areal pü 4220 m² fordelt pü to felt pü ei stor terrasseflate med vid utsikt over innløpet av Lysefjorden. I tillegg ble det anlagt søkesjakter i hellinga ned mot Bergevik for ü avklare om det fantes bevarte spor etter steinalderboplasser. Alle bosettingsspor var avgrenset til den store terrasseflata. 859 stolpehull, 80 groper, 18 staurhull, 18 kokegroper, 15 ildsteder, ti grøfter, fem steinansamlinger, tre kullkonsentrasjoner, ei veggrøft og et dyretrükk tolkes som spor etter ni bygninger fra bronse- og jernalder
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