410 research outputs found

    Incommensurate spin resonance in URu2Si2

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    We focus on inelastic neutron scattering in URu2Si2URu_2Si_2 and argue that observed gap in the fermion spectrum naturally leads to the spin feature observed at energies ωres=4−6meV\omega_{res} = 4-6 meV at momenta at \bQ^* = (1\pm 0.4, 0,0). We discuss how spin features seen in URu2Si2URu_2Si_2 can indeed be thought of in terms of {\em spin resonance} that develops in HO state and is {\em not related} to superconducting transition at 1.5K. In our analysis we assume that the HO gap is due to a particle-hole condensate that connects nested parts of the Fermi surface with nesting vector Q∗\bf{Q}^* . Within this approach we can predicted the behavior of the spin susceptibility at \bQ^* and find it to be is strikingly similar to the phenomenology of resonance peaks in high-Tc_c and heavy fermion superconductors. The energy of the resonance peak scales with THOT_{HO} ωres≃4kBTHO\omega_{res} \simeq 4 k_BT_{HO}. We discuss observable consequences spin resonance will have on neutron scattering and local density of states.Comment: 8 pgaes latex, 4 fig

    X-ray and Synchrotron FTIR Studies of Partially Decomposed Magnesium Borohydride

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    Magnesium borohydride (Mg(BH4)(2)) is an attractive compound for solid-state hydrogen storage due to its lucratively high hydrogen densities and theoretically low operational temperature. Hydrogen release from Mg(BH4)(2) occurs through several steps. The reaction intermediates formed at these steps have been extensively studied for a decade. In this work, we apply spectroscopic methods that have rarely been used in such studies to provide alternative insights into the nature of the reaction intermediates. The commercially obtained sample was decomposed in argon flow during thermogravimetric analysis combined with differential scanning calorimetry (TGA-DSC) to differentiate between the H-2-desorption reaction steps. The reaction products were analyzed by powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD), near edge soft X-ray absorption spectroscopy at boron K-edge (NEXAFS), and synchrotron infrared (IR) spectroscopy in mid- and far-IR ranges (SR-FTIR). Up to 12 wt% of H-2 desorption was observed in the gravimetric measurements. PXRD showed no crystalline decomposition products when heated at 260-280 degrees C, the formation of MgH2 above 300 degrees C, and Mg above 320 degrees C. The qualitative analysis of the NEXAFS data showed the presence of boron in lower oxidation states than in (BH4)(-). The NEXAFS data also indicated the presence of amorphous boron at and above 340 degrees C. This study provides additional insights into the decomposition reaction of Mg(BH4)(2)

    Remarks on the tight-binding model of graphene

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    We address a simple but fundamental issue arising in the study of graphene, as well as of other systems that have a crystalline structure with more than one atom per unit cell. For these systems, the choice of the tight-binding basis is not unique. For monolayer graphene two bases are widely used in the literature. While the expectation values of operators describing physical quantities should be independent of basis, the form of the operators may depend on the basis, especially in the presence of disorder or of an applied magnetic field. Using the inappropriate form of certain operators may lead to erroneous physical predictions. We discuss the two bases used to describe monolayer graphene, as well as the form of the most commonly used operators in the two bases. We repeat our analysis for the case of bilayer graphene.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figure

    Effects of climatic factors on diarrheal diseases among children below 5 years of age at national and subnational levels in Nepal: an ecological study

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    INTRODUCTION: The incidence of diarrhea, a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in low-income countries such as Nepal, is temperature-sensitive, suggesting it could be associated with climate change. With climate change fueled increases in the mean and variability of temperature and precipitation, the incidence of water and food-borne diseases are increasing, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia. This national-level ecological study was undertaken to provide evidence linking weather and climate with diarrhea incidence in Nepal. METHOD: We analyzed monthly diarrheal disease count and meteorological data from all districts, spanning 15 eco-development regions of Nepal. Meteorological data and monthly data on diarrheal disease were sourced, respectively, from the Department of Hydrology and Meteorology and Health Management Information System (HMIS) of the Government of Nepal for the period from 2002 to 2014. Time-series log-linear regression models assessed the relationship between maximum temperature, minimum temperature, rainfall, relative humidity, and diarrhea burden. Predictors with p-values < 0.25 were retained in the fitted models. RESULTS: Overall, diarrheal disease incidence in Nepal significantly increased with 1 degrees C increase in mean temperature (4.4%; 95% CI: 3.95, 4.85) and 1 cm increase in rainfall (0.28%; 95% CI: 0.15, 0.41). Seasonal variation of diarrheal incidence was prominent at the national level (11.63% rise in diarrheal cases in summer (95% CI: 4.17, 19.61) and 14.5% decrease in spring (95% CI: -18.81, -10.02) compared to winter season). Moreover, the effects of temperature and rainfall were highest in the mountain region compared to other ecological regions of Nepal. CONCLUSION: Our study provides empirical evidence linking weather factors and diarrheal disease burden in Nepal. This evidence suggests that additional climate change could increase diarrheal disease incidence across the nation. Mountainous regions are more sensitive to climate variability and consequently the burden of diarrheal diseases. These findings can be utilized to allocate necessary resources and envision a weather-based early warning system for the prevention and control of diarrheal diseases in Nepal

    Relationship between natural occurrence of banana streak badnavirus and symptom expression, relative concentration of viral antigen, and yield characteristics of some micropropagated Musa spp.

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    Micropropagated plants of 36 Musa genotypes with diverse genetic backgrounds, including 14 tetraploid plantain (TMPx) and banana (TMBx) hybrids, were evaluated for their response to banana streak badnavirus (BSV) infection under three environments from 1995 to 1997 in Nigeria. The characteristics evaluated were the natural incidence of BSV based on symptoms and virus indexing, relative concentration of BSV antigens in leaf tissues determined by ELISA, and some growth and yield descriptors. Virus occurrence and symptom expression, as well as the relative concentration of BSV antigens, fluctuated greatly between seasons during the cropping cycle, being high during the rainy season and low or negligible during the hot dry season. The natural incidence of plants with symptoms and BSV-infected plants varied between genotypes. Incidence of BSV on most International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) TMPx hybrids and three Fundación Hondureòa de Investigación Agrìcola (FHIA) hybrids was high in the three environments, with some variation. Most landraces and some FHIA or Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria (EMBRAPA) hybrids were not BSV-infected under either environment at Onne. However, a few expressed some foliar symptoms at Ibadan and indexed BSV positive. The relative concentration of BSV antigens in leaf samples was also high in most TMPx and some FHIA hybrids, but low in most landraces. While BSV infection had no significant effect on most growth characteristics, it had a highly variable effect on bunch weight loss among the genotypes. There was no relationship between the natural incidence of BSV, concentration of viral antigen and bunch weight loss among the 11 TMPx hybrids, three FHIA hybrids and three plantain landraces. Despite the high natural BSV incidence and the high relative antigen concentration in their leaf tissue, TMPx 548-9, TMPx 2637-49, TMPx 7002-1 and FHIA 21 suffered less than 15% bunch weight loss, and TMPx 548-4 and FHIA 22 suffered no loss. These results suggest that under the conditions specified in this study, these hybrids could be tentatively classified as ‘field tolerant’ to BS

    Electronic properties of bilayer and multilayer graphene

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    We study the effects of site dilution disorder on the electronic properties in graphene multilayers, in particular the bilayer and the infinite stack. The simplicity of the model allows for an easy implementation of the coherent potential approximation and some analytical results. Within the model we compute the self-energies, the density of states and the spectral functions. Moreover, we obtain the frequency and temperature dependence of the conductivity as well as the DC conductivity. The c-axis response is unconventional in the sense that impurities increase the response for low enough doping. We also study the problem of impurities in the biased graphene bilayer.Comment: 36 pages, 42 figures, references adde

    Interdependency of subsurface carbon distribution and graphene-catalyst interaction.

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    The dynamics of the graphene-catalyst interaction during chemical vapor deposition are investigated using in situ, time- and depth-resolved X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and complementary grand canonical Monte Carlo simulations coupled to a tight-binding model. We thereby reveal the interdependency of the distribution of carbon close to the catalyst surface and the strength of the graphene-catalyst interaction. The strong interaction of epitaxial graphene with Ni(111) causes a depletion of dissolved carbon close to the catalyst surface, which prevents additional layer formation leading to a self-limiting graphene growth behavior for low exposure pressures (10(-6)-10(-3) mbar). A further hydrocarbon pressure increase (to ∼10(-1) mbar) leads to weakening of the graphene-Ni(111) interaction accompanied by additional graphene layer formation, mediated by an increased concentration of near-surface dissolved carbon. We show that growth of more weakly adhered, rotated graphene on Ni(111) is linked to an initially higher level of near-surface carbon compared to the case of epitaxial graphene growth. The key implications of these results for graphene growth control and their relevance to carbon nanotube growth are highlighted in the context of existing literature.R.S.W. acknowledges a Research Fellowship from St. John’s College, Cambridge. S.H. acknowledges funding from ERC grant InsituNANO (No. 279342) and EPSRC under grant GRAPHTED (Ref. EP/K016636/1). We acknowledge the Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin Electron storage ring BESSY II for provision of synchrotron radiation at the ISISS beamline and we thank the BESSY staff for continuous support of our experiments. This research was partially supported by the EU FP7 Work Programme under grant Graphene Flagship (No. 604391). PRK acknowledges funding the Cambridge Commonwealth Trust. H.A. and C.B. acknowledge J.-Y. Raty and B. Legrand for fruitful discussions.This is the final published version. It's also available from ACS at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ja505454v

    Properties and Evolution of the Redback Millisecond Pulsar Binary PSR J2129-0429

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    PSR J2129−0429 is a "redback" eclipsing millisecond pulsar binary with an unusually long 15.2 hr orbit. It was discovered by the Green Bank Telescope in a targeted search of unidentified Fermi gamma-ray sources. The pulsar companion is optically bright (mean m_R = 16.6 mag), allowing us to construct the longest baseline photometric data set available for such a system. We present 10 years of archival and new photometry of the companion from the Lincoln Near-Earth Asteroid Research Survey, the Catalina Real-time Transient Survey, the Palomar Transient Factory, the Palomar 60 inch, and the Las Cumbres Observatory Global Telescope. Radial velocity spectroscopy using the Double-Beam Spectrograph on the Palomar 200 inch indicates that the pulsar is massive: 1.74 ± 0.18 M_☉. The G-type pulsar companion has mass 0.44 ± 0.04 M_☉, one of the heaviest known redback companions. It is currently 95 ± 1% Roche-lobe filling and only mildly irradiated by the pulsar. We identify a clear 13.1 mmag yr^(−1) secular decline in the mean magnitude of the companion as well as smaller-scale variations in the optical light curve shape. This behavior may indicate that the companion is cooling. Binary evolution calculations indicate that PSR J2129−0429 has an orbital period almost exactly at the bifurcation period between systems that converge into tighter orbits as black widows and redbacks and those that diverge into wider pulsar–white dwarf binaries. Its eventual fate may depend on whether it undergoes future episodes of mass transfer and increased irradiation

    In situ observations of the atomistic mechanisms of Ni catalyzed low temperature graphene growth.

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    The key atomistic mechanisms of graphene formation on Ni for technologically relevant hydrocarbon exposures below 600 °C are directly revealed via complementary in situ scanning tunneling microscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. For clean Ni(111) below 500 °C, two different surface carbide (Ni2C) conversion mechanisms are dominant which both yield epitaxial graphene, whereas above 500 °C, graphene predominantly grows directly on Ni(111) via replacement mechanisms leading to embedded epitaxial and/or rotated graphene domains. Upon cooling, additional carbon structures form exclusively underneath rotated graphene domains. The dominant graphene growth mechanism also critically depends on the near-surface carbon concentration and hence is intimately linked to the full history of the catalyst and all possible sources of contamination. The detailed XPS fingerprinting of these processes allows a direct link to high pressure XPS measurements of a wide range of growth conditions, including polycrystalline Ni catalysts and recipes commonly used in industrial reactors for graphene and carbon nanotube CVD. This enables an unambiguous and consistent interpretation of prior literature and an assessment of how the quality/structure of as-grown carbon nanostructures relates to the growth modes.L.L.P. acknowledges funding from Area di Ricerca Scientifica e Tecnologica of Trieste and from MIUR through Progetto Strategico NFFA. C.A. acknowledges support from CNR through the ESF FANAS project NOMCIS. C.A. and C.C. acknowledge financial support from MIUR (PRIN 2010-2011 nº 2010N3T9M4). S.B. acknowledges funding from ICTP TRIL program. S.H. acknowledges funding from ERC grant InsituNANO (n°279342). R.S.W. acknowledges funding from EPSRC (Doctoral training award), and the Nano Science & Technology Doctoral Training Centre Cambridge (NanoDTC). The help of C. Dri and F. Esch (design) and P. Bertoch and F. Salvador (manufacturing) in the realization of the high temperature STM sample holder is gratefully acknowledged. We acknowledge the Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin Electron storage ring BESSY II for provision of synchrotron radiation at the ISISS beamline and we thank the BESSY staff for continuous support of our experiments.This is the accepted manuscript. The final version is available from ACS at http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/nn402927q

    High Effectiveness of Broad Access Direct-Acting Antiviral Therapy for Hepatitis C in an Australian Real-World Cohort: The REACH-C Study

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    Australia was one of the first countries with unrestricted access to government subsidized direct-acting antiviral (DAA) therapy for adults with chronic hepatitis C virus. This study assessed real-world DAA treatment outcomes across a diverse range of Australian clinical services and evaluated factors associated with successful treatment and loss to follow-up. Real-world Effectiveness of Antiviral therapy in Chronic Hepatitis C (REACH-C) consisted a national observational cohort of 96 clinical services including specialist clinics and less traditional settings such as general practice. Data were obtained on consecutive individuals who commenced DAAs from March 2016 to June 2019. Effectiveness was assessed by sustained virological response ≥12 weeks following treatment (SVR) using intention-to-treat (ITT) and per-protocol (PP) analyses. Within REACH-C, 10,843 individuals initiated DAAs (male 69%; ≥50 years 52%; cirrhosis 22%). SVR data were available in 85% (9,174 of 10,843). SVR was 81% (8,750 of 10,843) by ITT and 95% (8,750 of 9,174) by PP. High SVR (≥92%) was observed across all service types and participant characteristics. Male gender (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] 0.56, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.43-0.72), cirrhosis (aOR 0.52, 95% CI 0.41-0.64), recent injecting drug use (IDU; aOR 0.64, 95% CI 0.46-0.91) and previous DAA treatment (aOR 0.50, 95% CI 0.28-0.90) decreased the likelihood of achieving SVR. Multiple factors modified the likelihood of loss to follow-up including IDU ± opioid agonist therapy (OAT; IDU only: aOR 1.75, 95% CI 1.44-2.11; IDU + OAT: aOR 1.39, 95% CI 1.11-1.74; OAT only, aOR 1.36; 95% CI 1.13-1.68) and age (aOR 0.97, 95% CI 0.97-0.98). Conclusion: Treatment response was high in a diverse population and through a broad range of services following universal access to DAA therapy. Loss to follow-up presents a real-world challenge. Younger people who inject drugs were more likely to disengage from care, requiring innovative strategies to retain them in follow-up
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