554 research outputs found

    Transcription of brain natriuretic peptide and atrial natriuretic peptide genes in human tissues

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    We have compared the expression of atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) genes in various human tissues using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction technique. Tissues of three human subjects, obtained at autopsy, were analyzed. BNP transcripts could be detected in the central nervous system, lung, thyroid, adrenal, kidney, spleen, small intestine, ovary, uterus, and striated muscle. ANP transcripts could also be demonstrated in various human extracardiac tissues including several endocrine organs. In all peripheral tissues, the level of both natriuretic peptide transcripts was approximately 1-2 orders of magnitude lower than in cardiac ventricular tissues. This distribution is in marked contrast to the much lower level of ANP and BNP transcripts present in extracardiac rat tissues (generally less than 1/1000 of ventricles). These data suggest differential expression of the two natriuretic peptide genes in cardiac and extracardiac tissues in man. Furthermore, the presence of local synthesis of ANP and BNP in various peripheral organs suggests paracrine and/or autocrine function of these natriuretic peptides

    Transcription of Brain Natriuretic Peptide and Atria1 Natriuretic Peptide Genes in Human Tissues.

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    We have compared the expression of atria1 natriuretic peptide (ANP) and brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) genes in various human tissues using a quantitative polymerase chain reaction technique. Tissues of three human subjects, obtained at autopsy, were analyzed. BNP transcripts could be detected in the central nervous system, lung, thyroid, adrenal, kidney, spleen, small intestine, ovary, uterus, and striated muscle. ANP transcripts could also be demonstrated in various human extracardiac tissues including several endocrine organs. In all periphera1 tissues, the level of both natriuretic peptide transcripts was approximately l-2 orders of magnitude lower than in cardiac ventricular tissues. This distribution is in marked contrast to the much lower level of ANP and BNP transcripts present in extracardiac rat tissues (generally less than l/1000 of ventricles). These data suggest differential expression of the two natriuretic peptide genes in cardiac and extracardiac tissues in man. Furthermore, the presence of local synthesis of ANP and BNP in various peripheral organs su gests paracrine and/or autocrine function of these natriuretic peptides

    A formalism for specification of Java API interfaces

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    Symmetry breaking in small rotating cloud of trapped ultracold Bose atoms

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    We study the signatures of rotational and phase symmetry breaking in small rotating clouds of trapped ultracold Bose atoms by looking at rigorously defined condensate wave function. Rotational symmetry breaking occurs in narrow frequency windows, where the ground state of the system has degenerated with respect to the total angular momentum, and it leads to a complex wave function that exhibits vortices clearly seen as holes in the density, as well as characteristic vorticity. Phase symmetry (or gauge symmetry) breaking, on the other hand, is clearly manifested in the interference of two independent rotating clouds.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Vortex nucleation in mesoscopic Bose superfluid and breaking of the parity symmetry

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    We analyze vortex nucleation in mezoscopic 2D Bose superfluid in a rotating trap. We explicitly include a weakly anisotropic stirring potential, breaking thus explicitly the axial symmetry. As the rotation frequency passes the critical value Ωc\Omega_c the system undergoes an extra symmetry change/breaking. Well below Ωc\Omega_c the ground state is properly described by the mean field theory with an even condensate wave function. Well above Ωc\Omega_c the MF solution works also well, but the order parameter becomes odd. This phenomenon involves therefore a discrete parity symmetry breaking. In the critical region the MF solutions exhibit dynamical instability. The true many body state is a strongly correlated entangled state involving two macroscopically occupied modes (eigenstates of the single particle density operator). We characterize this state in various aspects: i) the eligibility for adiabatic evolution; ii) its analytical approximation given by the maximally entangled combination of two single modes; and finally iii) its appearance in particle detection measurements.Comment: 14 pages, 27 figure

    Content Analysis and Social Network Analysis: a Two-phase Methodology in Obtaining Fundamental Concepts of Coopetition

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    This study introduces a two-phase methodology in obtaining fundamental concepts from literature. Content analysis performed in the first phase leads to the most frequent concepts scholars used in scrutinizing a theme. Social networkanalysis in the second phase results a network of the relationships between concepts and examines the importance of every concept in the network. To elucidate the advantage of the methodology, the study applies the methodology onCoopetition – to cooperate and compete simultaneously – literature. Ten most frequent concepts occur in the coopetition literature are: Competition, Cooperation, Coopetition, Knowledge, Market, Network, Relationships, Resources, Strategy and Value. Under the social network analysis terms, the importance of every concept in the network is denoted in degree, closeness and betweenness centrality measures. Ranging from the most important concepts to the least are Relationships, Strategy, Resources, Competition, Cooperation, Coopetition, Market, Network, Value and Knowledge.Keywords: content analysis, social network analysis, coopetitio

    Relationships between phenotypic plasticity and environmental variables.

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    To understand the relations between environment and phenotypic plasticity is important to forecast any possible adaptation of plants to climate change. We tested for any difference between central and marginal (Mediterranean and Alpine). Study was performed on 20 populations chosen on the basis of their distance from niche optimum.In Mediterranean marginal populations : \u2022 wide flowers display corolla, \u2022 short stamen, inducing more investment in attractiveness than in seed maturation \u2022 lower pollen production and seed set. Our results suggestthat: Largest floral display and lowest allocation of resources for seeds production in Mediterranean populations may be due to the highest competition for resources (pollinators, water and soil nutrient) together with the lowest resource availability. Future climate change will probably bring about: extinction of low altitudes populations the upward shift of other

    Management of an invasive plant in a Mediterranean Protected Area: the experience of Senecio deltoideus in Italy

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    Biological invasions are one of the most serious threats to global biodiversity and ecosystem integrity. The problem is growing year by year and a large number of protected areas worldwide are today invaded by at least one exotic species. In this study, we tested the eco-friendly and cost-effective weeding control of Senecio deltoideus in a Regional Protected Area in the North Mediterranean region. During a two years experiment, four techniques compatible with the local laws on protected areas (natural-herbicide, flame-weeding, mulching and mowing) were applied five times a season on sixty plots, compared with fifteen untreated controls. All techniques were effective in reducing Senecio covering: after the first year the maximum covering was limited to 37.93% (flame weeding) with a mean value of 10%; after second year the covering was further reduced (17.02% max; 2% mean). Interestingly, during the second year all plots submitted to a one-year treatment showed an enduring control of S. deltoideus covering (40.73% max; 20% mean). Taking into account feasibility and their impact on the environment, the weeding control recommendable for S. deltoideus is mowing. In a long-time management strategy, the selected treatment could be applied every two years with a drastic reduction in costs for the manager of the protected area

    Ordered structures in rotating ultracold Bose gases

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    The characterization of small samples of cold bosonic atoms in rotating microtraps has recently attracted increasing interest due to the possibility to deal with a few number of particles per site in optical lattices. We analyze the evolution of ground state structures as the rotational frequency Ω\Omega increases. Various kinds of ordered structures are observed. For N<10N<10 atoms, the standard scenario, valid for large sytems, is absent, and only gradually recovered as NN increases. The vortex contribution to the total angular momentum LL as a function of Ω\Omega ceases to be an increasing function of Ω\Omega, as observed in experiments of Chevy {\it et al.} (Phys. Rev. Lett. 85, 2223 (2000)). Instead, for small NN, it exhibits a sequence of peaks showing wide minima at the values of Ω\Omega, where no vortices appear.Comment: 35 pages, 17 figure

    Reproductive traits of the invasive species Acacia dealbata Link. in the northern Mediterranean basin

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    Among the many exotic plants introduced in the last two centuries in Northern Mediterranean Basin Acacia dealbata Link. is one of the most invasive. Despite its presence in the region since many years, it has not yet been investigated how the species has established itself and has formed small forests. In this study, we aimed to gather data on reproductive trait of the invasive species A. dealbata at the northern limit of the Mediterranean bioclimatic region. In six naturalized populations, fruit and seed set were estimated and seed germination was tested in laboratory. Two out of the six populations failed to set fruits, and the fruit set was always low as observed in other invaded areas of the world. Only three populations produced germinating seeds whose rates were comparable to other invasive areas. The seeds may constitute a long-lasting seed bank that may favour the colonization of the species in areas disturbed by external factors. In conclusion, the reproductive system may contributes only partially to the spread and invasiveness of the species in the Northern Mediterranean basin, while the plant to spread itself adopts also other vegetative strategies
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