132 research outputs found

    HAADF-STEM block-scanning strategy for local measurement of strain at the nanoscale

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    Lattice strain measurement of nanoscale semiconductor devices is crucial for the semiconductor industry as strain substantially improves the electrical performance of transistors. High resolution scanning transmission electron microscopy (HR-STEM) imaging is an excellent tool that provides spatial resolution at the atomic scale and strain information by applying Geometric Phase Analysis or image fitting procedures. However, HR-STEM images regularly suffer from scanning distortions and sample drift during image acquisition. In this paper, we propose a new scanning strategy that drastically reduces artefacts due to drift and scanning distortion, along with extending the field of view. The method allows flexible tuning of the spatial resolution and decouples the choice of field of view from the need for local atomic resolution. It consists of the acquisition of a series of independent small subimages containing an atomic resolution image of the local lattice. All subimages are then analysed individually for strain by fitting a nonlinear model to the lattice images. The obtained experimental strain maps are quantitatively benchmarked against the Bessel diffraction technique. We demonstrate that the proposed scanning strategy approaches the performance of the diffraction technique while having the advantage that it does not require specialized diffraction cameras

    Relative Rates of Some Very Rapid Gaseous Bimolecular Reactions

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    The present paper describes a steady-state flow apparatus which permits the measurement of relative rates of rapid gas phase bimolecular association reactions at very low pressures. Using this apparatus, the relative reactivities of the methylamines with boron trifluoride were determined over the pressure range 0.009 to 0.04 mm Hg. Within the experimental error the ratio of rate constants, kCH3NH2/k(CH3)3N, was found to be pressure independent and to have a value of 1/12. A small number of experiments was made competing monomethylamine and dimethylamine for BF3; for this system the ratio of rate constants, kCH3NH2/k(CH3)2NH had an average value of 1/5. In addition to the above, experiments were made on various phenomena such as the sorption of BF3 on various surfaces, the selectivity of a diffusion pump, and the extent of base exchange reactions, insofar as these factors pertained to the understanding of the relative rate measurements

    Belajar Pola Kepemimpinan Paulus dalam Kasus Onesimus Bagi Penyelesaian Perselisihan Antar Majelis di Gereja Toraja Mamasa

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    Paul's profile and performance are one of the highlights of this study which is related to solving problems in the Toraja Mamasa Church. Paul was able to teach, educate, and change the attitude of someone ignorant (naughty) like Onesimus to become a faithful servant (Col. 4:9). This research aims to find solutions to problems between church assemblies with the frame and paradigm of the Paulus-Philemon-Onesimus relationship in solving problems for Philemon. This research uses a descriptive qualitative method with a literature study approach. The data is collected from selected literature that discusses Paul's leadership, and how to solve a problem in the community, especially the church. The result was that Paul's leadership should be emulated by every servant and God's servants in carrying out the mission of preaching the Gospel. Paul's leadership can interact with anyone he encounters in his life. Paul was able to lead, guide and direct the Congregation to do something good. In the application of leadership, a human resource management system is needed that supports it so that its implementation can run well to achieve goals in a company (organization). Leadership has principles, functions, and goal


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    Decentralization policy is aimed at realizing regional independence. Autonomous regional governments have the power to organize and manage the interests of local communities according to their own initiative based on the aspirations of the people. To implement autonomy, regional legislation should not conflict with the legal principles of a unitary state and society. Therefore, it is necessary that the DPRD to supervise it as a function of its supervision. The incidents of various corruption cases that one of the perpetrators is the State Apparatus indicate the absence of effective oversight of the DPRD in the handling of corruption committed by the State Civilian Apparatus. This is due to weak supervision from both the institution and the DPRD itself, so that the effectiveness of the DPRD oversight function in the handling of corruption conducted by the State Civil Apparatus is still weak or ineffective. Keywords: Decentralization and Regional Autonomy, Supervision, Supervision Function of District / City DPRD, Corruptio

    Tipificación del maltrato animal en el Estado de Hidalgo, México

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    En este artículo, el autor realiza un repaso de la tipificación del maltrato hacia los animales en México, para centrarse en la regulación de esta cuestión en el Estado de Hidalgo, a través del Decreto de 8 de agosto de 2016, que incorpora los delitos contra los animales al Código Penal de dicho Estado. El comentario hace referencia también al ejemplo del caso del perro "Capitán", cuyo maltratador fue sancionado por matar al animal con un machete.In this article, the author makes a review of the classification of animal abuse in Mexico, then focusing on the regulation of this issue in the State of Hidalgo, with reference to the example of the case of the dog called 'Captain', whose killer was sanctioned for kicking it to death with a animal with a machete

    Model Pembelajaran Group Investigation dengan Pendekatan 3N untuk Meningkatkan Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar Matematika

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    ABSTRAK Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan model Group Investigation (GI) dengan pendekatan 3N (Niteni, Nirokke, Nambahin) dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar matematika siswa Kelas X MM SMK Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian Tindakan kelas. Sampel penelitiannya siswa kelas X MM dengan jumlah 11 siswa. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah motivasi dan hasil belajar matematika, diperoleh dari pembelajaran matematika dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran GI dengan pendekatan 3N. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan model pembelajaran GI dengan pendekatan 3N, motivasi dan hasil belajar matematika meningkat dari pra siklus ke siklus I dan siklus II. Rata-rata persentase indikator motivasi pra siklus 73,41, siklus I 74,57 dan pada siklus II 79,59. Rata-rata nilai pra siklus  69,27, siklus I  78,71, dan 84,66 pada siklus II. Pada pra siklus KKM siswa mencapai 45.45% pada siklus I 63,64%, dan 81,82% pada siklus II. Sehingga model GI dengan pendekatan 3N dapat meningkatkan motivasi dan hasil belajar matematika.                            ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study is to describe the Group Investigation (GI) model with the 3N approach (Niteni, Nirokke, Nambahin) which can improve motivation and mathematics learning outcomes of class X MM SMK Pawiyatan Tamansiswa Yogyakarta. This research is a type of classroom action research. The research sample was students of class X MM with a total of 11 students. The objects in this study are the motivation and learning outcomes of mathematics, obtained from learning mathematics using the GI learning model with the 3N approach. The results of this study indicate that the GI learning model with the 3N approach, motivation and mathematics learning outcomes increased from pre-cycle to cycle I and cycle II. The average percentage of pre-cycle motivation indicators 73.41, 74.57 in first cycle and 79.59 in second cycle. The average pre-cycle value was 69.27, in the first cycle 78.71, and 84.66 in the second cycle. In the pre-cycle KKM students reached 45.45% in the first cycle 63.64%, and 81.82% in the second cycle. So that the GI model with the 3N approach can increase motivation and mathematics learning outcomes

    Justicia y vida silvestre : dos estudios de caso sobre ilícitos ambientales del orden federal asociados al jaguar en México

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    La presente obra aborda la protección del jaguar (Panthera onca) en el contexto normativo mexicano y se presentan dos estudios de caso sobre la defensa jurídica de esta especie afectada por la cacería antropogénica, en ambos casos se obtuvo una resolución sancionadora de la autoridad gubernamental ambiental. Concluimos que estas acciones sientan un precedente en la conservación del jaguar a través del derecho.This work addresses the protection of the jaguar (Panthera onca) in the Mexican normative context, and we present two case studies about the legal defense of this species affected by anthropogenic hunting, obtaining in both cases a sanctioning resolution from the environmental governmental authority. We conclude that these actions set a precedent in the jaguar conservation through the law

    Genealogía diacrónica del conflicto humano-jaguar

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    La presente obra no busca la aclamación de un público alienado de lo que quiere conocer. Este breve análisis es un elogio a la cientificidad histórico social que devela los fundamentos ocultos de la dominación humano-jaguar. El objetivo es aportar elementos críticos para comprender la aniquilación sistematizada y los procesos de cosificación de este felino en el mundo social. Optamos por un análisis que d(enuncia) este encubrimiento del binomio jaguar-sociedades oprimidas el cual, ejerce un efecto totalitario cerrado. Al visibilizar la construcción histórica sobre la que han cosificado y reducido a este felino quedan expuestos los intereses de los opresores.This piece does not seek the acclaim of a public alienated from what it wants to know. This brief analysis is in praise of the historical social science that reveals the hidden foundations of human-jaguar domination. The aim is to provide critical elements for understanding the systematised annihilation of and objectification processes towards this feline in the social world. We chose an analysis that (d)enunciates this concealment of the jaguar-oppressed societies binomial that has a close-minded, totalitarian effect. By making the historical construction upon which this feline has been objectified and reduced visible, the interests of the oppressors become exposed