411 research outputs found

    Spectral analysis of a large sample of BeppoSAX Seyfert spectra with Comptonization models: Preliminary results

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    We present preliminary results of the spectral analysis of a large sample of Seyfert galaxies observed by BeppoSAX. The only selection criterium was a sufficiently large S/N ratio (>10) in the PDS band (12-200 keV) to allow good detection up to the highest energy. The resulting sample is composed of 28 objects (17 Seyfert 1, 11 Seyfert 2) and 50 observations. Our main effort here is to adopt Comptonization models to fit the different spectra on a truly broad band basis (0.1-200 keV). We use two distinct disc-corona configurations, an anisotropic slab and an isotropic spherical one. We discuss the distributions of the physical parameters, like temperature and optical depth of the corona and the reflection component, among this sample. We also discussed the existence (or inexistence) of correlations between these parameters.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Proc. of the meeting: "The Restless High-Energy Universe" (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), E.P.J. van den Heuvel, J.J.M. in 't Zand, and R.A.M.J. Wijers Ed

    CIV and CIII] reverberation mapping of the luminous quasar PG 1247+267

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    So far the masses of about 50 active galactic nuclei have been measured through the reverberation mapping technique (RM). Most measurements have been performed for objects of moderate luminosity and redshift, based on Hβ\beta, which is also used to calibrate the scaling relation which allows single-epoch (SE) mass determination based on AGN luminosity and the width of different emission lines. The SE mass obtained from CIV(1549A˚)(1549 {\rm\AA}) line shows a large spread around mean values, due to complex structure and gas dynamics of the relevant emission region. Direct RM measures of CIV exist for only 6 AGNs of low luminosity and redshift, and only one luminous quasar (Kaspi et al 2007). We have collected since 2003 photometric and spectroscopic observations of PG1247+267, the most luminous quasar ever analyzed for RM. We provide light curves for the continuum and for CIV(1549A˚)(1549 {\rm\AA}) and CIII](1909A˚)(1909{\rm\AA}), and measures of the reverberation time lags based on the SPEAR method (Zu et al. 2011). The sizes of the line emission regions are in a ratio RCIII]/RCIV∼2R_{CIII]}/R_{CIV}\sim 2, similar to the case of Seyfert galaxies, indicating for the first time a similar ionization stratification in a luminous quasar and low luminosity nuclei. Due to relatively small broad line region size and relatively narrow line widths, we estimate a small mass and an anomalously high Eddington ratio. We discuss the possibility that either the shape of the emission region or an amplification of the luminosity caused by gravitational lensing may be in part responsible of the result.Comment: 10 pagese, 6 figures, 3 tables, Accepted for publication in Ap

    IRAS 13197-1627 has them all: Compton-thin absorption, photo-ionized gas, thermal plasmas, and a broad Fe line

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    We report results from the XMM-Newton observation of IRAS 13197-1627, a luminous IR galaxy with a Seyfert 1.8 nucleus. The hard X-ray spectrum is steep and is absorbed by Compton-thin neutral gas. We detect an Fe emission line at 6.4 keV, consistent with transmission through the absorber. The most striking result of our spectral analysis is the detection of a dominant X-ray reflection component and broad Fe line from the inner accretion disc. The reflection-dominated hard X-ray spectrum is confirmed by the strong Compton hump seen in a previous BeppoSAX observation and could be the sign that most of the primary X-rays are radiated from a compact corona (or e.g. base of the jet) within a few gravitational radii from the black hole. We also detect a relatively strong absorption line at 6.81 keV which, if interpreted as Fe xxv resonant absorption intrinsic to the source, implies an outflow with velocity of about 5000 km/s. In the soft energy band, the high-resolution RGS and the CCD-resolution data show the presence of both photo-ionized gas and thermal plasma emission, the latter being most likely associated with a recent starburst of 15-20 solar masses per year.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    X-ray imaging of the ionisation cones in NGC 5252

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    The physical conditions of the gas forming the narrow line regions (NLR) in active galactic nuclei (AGN) have been extensively studied in the optical band. We take advantage of the spectacular extension (∼\sim15") of the NLR in the type II Seyfert galaxy NGC 5252 and of the complementary characteristics of XMMXMM--NewtonNewton and ChandraChandra to investigate the physical conditions of the gas in this galaxy. The X-ray data from XMMXMM--NewtonNewton are used to define the spectral properties of the ionising nuclear source. The ChandraChandra data are used to trace the spatial characteristics of the soft X-ray emission. This information is then compared to the HST characteristics. The X-ray spectrum of the nucleus of NGC 5252 is intrinsically flat and absorbed by neutral gas with a column density N~1022^{22} cm−2^{-2}. Below 1 keV a soft excess is detected. The high-resolution spectrum obtained with the XMM-Newton RGS shows the presence, in the 0.2-1.5 keV range, of emission lines which strongly indicate that the soft X-ray component is due to ionised gas. Moreover, the soft X-ray emission is spatially resolved around and well overlaps the images obtained in narrow [OIII] optical band. The [OIII]/soft-X flux ratios along the ionisation cones is basically constant. This indicates that the electron density does not significantly deviates from the r−2^{-2} law (constant ionisation parameter). This result combined with previous optical studies suggest two plausible but different scenarios in the reconstruction of the last 30000 years history of the central AGN. The most promising one is that the source is indeed a "quasar relic" with steady and inefficient energy release from the accretion of matter onto the central super-massive black-hole. This scenario is suggested also by the flat nuclear X-ray spectrum that suggests an advection dominate accretion flow (ADAF) like emission mechanism.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Have we detected the most luminous ULX so far?

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    We report the XMM-Newton detection of a moderately bright X-ray source superimposed on the outer arms of the inactive spiral galaxy MCG-03-34-63 (z=0.0213). It is clearly offset from the nucleus (by about 19'') but well within the D25 ellipse of the galaxy, just along its bar axis. The field has also been observed with the HST enabling us to compute a lower limit of > 94 on the X-ray to optical flux ratio which, together with the X-ray spectrum of the source, argues against a background AGN. On the other hand, the detection of excess X-ray absorption and the lack of a bright optical counterpart argue against foreground contamination. Short-timescale variability is observed, ruling out the hypothesis of a particularly powerful supernova. If it is associated with the apparent host galaxy, the source is the most powerful ULX detected so far with a peak luminosity of 1.35x10^41 erg/s in the 0.5-7 keV band. If confirmed by future multi-wavelength observations, the inferred bolometric luminosity (about 3x10^41 erg/s) requires a rather extreme beaming factor (larger than 115) to accommodate accretion onto a stellar-mass black hole of 20 solar masses and the source could represent instead one of the best intermediate-mass black hole candidate so far. If beaming is excluded, the Eddington limit implies a mass of >2300 solar masses for the accreting compact object.Comment: MNRAS Letters in press; minor correction at the end of Section
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