13 research outputs found

    Factors determining the vertical profile of dimethylsulfide in the Sargasso Sea during summer

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    14 pages,11 figuresThe major source of reduced sulfur in the remote marine atmosphere is the biogenic compound dimethylsulfide (DMS), which is ubiquitous in the world’s oceans and released through food web interactions. Relevant fluxes and concentrations of DMS, its phytoplankton-produced precursor, dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) and related parameters were measured during an intensive Lagrangian field study in two mesoscale eddies in the Sargasso Sea during July–August 2004, a period characterized by high mixed-layer DMS and low chlorophyll—the so-called ‘DMS summer paradox’. We used a 1-D vertically variable DMS production model forced with output from a 1-D vertical mixing model to evaluate the extent to which the simulated vertical structure in DMS and DMSP was consistent with changes expected from field-determined rate measurements of individual processes, such as photolysis, microbial DMS and dissolved DMSP turnover, and air–sea gas exchange. Model numerical experiments and related parametric sensitivity analyses suggested that the vertical structure of the DMS profile in the upper 60 m was determined mainly by the interplay of the two depth variable processes—vertical mixing and photolysis—and less by biological consumption of DMS. A key finding from the model calibration was the need to increase the DMS(P) algal exudation rate constant, which includes the effects of cell rupture due to grazing and cell lysis, to significantly higher values than previously used in other regions. This was consistent with the small algal cell size and therefore high surface area-to-volume ratio of the dominant DMSP-producing group—the picoeukaryotes.We gratefully acknowledge the financial assistance provided through NSF Biocomplexity funding (OPP-0083078) and an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant. We are grateful to the comments by D.J. Kieber. We recognize the participation and help of K. Bailey, J. Bisgrove, B. Blomquist, I. Forn, H. Harada, B. Huebert, D. Jones, L. Maroney, A. Neely, S. Riseman, C. Smith, J. Stefels, K. Tinklepaugh, M. Vila-Costa, G. Westby, H. Zemmelink and the R/V Seward Johnson crew. DiTullio et al., 2001; Simo ́ and Dachs, 2002; Simon and Azam, 1989; Zemmelink et al., 2005Peer reviewe

    Diagnostic modeling of dimethylsulfide production in coastal water west of the Antarctic Peninsula

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    14 pages, 10 figures, 3 tablesThe rate of gross biological dimethylsulfide (DMS) production at two coastal sites west of the Antarctic Peninsula, off Anvers Island, near Palmer Station, was estimated using a diagnostic approach that combined field measurements from 1 January 2006 through 1 March 2006 and a one-dimensional physical model of ocean mixing. The average DMS production rate in the upper water column (0–60 m) was estimated to be 3.1±0.6 nM d−1 at station B (closer to shore) and 2.7±0.6 nM d−1 at station E (further from shore). The estimated DMS replacement time was on the order of 1 d at both stations. DMS production was greater in the mixed layer than it was below the mixed layer. The average DMS production normalized to chlorophyll was 0.5±0.1 (nM d−1)/(mg m−3) at station B and 0.7±0.2 (nM d−1)/(mg m−3) at station E. When the diagnosed production rates were normalized to the observed concentrations of total dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSPt, the biogenic precursor of DMS), we found a remarkable similarity between our estimates at stations B and E (0.06±0.02 and 0.04±0.01 (nM DMS d−1)/(nM DMSP), respectively) and the results obtained in a previous study from a contrasting biogeochemical environment in the North Atlantic subtropical gyre (0.047±0.006 and 0.087±0.014 (nM DMS d−1)/(nM DMSP) in a cyclonic and anticyclonic eddy, respectively). We propose that gross biological DMS production normalized to DMSPt might be relatively independent of the biogeochemical environment, and place our average estimate at 0.06±0.01 (nM DMS d−1)/(nM DMSPt). The significance of this finding is that it can provide a means to use DMSPt measurements to extrapolate gross biological DMS production, which is extremely difficult to measure experimentally under realistic in situ conditions.This research was supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) Office of Polar Programs (OPP) under Grant OPP-0083078 to P.A. Matrai. Data from the Palmer LTER data archive were supported by NSF Grant OPP-0217282. Meteorological data were supported by NSF Grants OPP-0537827, OPP-0338147, and OPP-0230028. Surface solar radiation data were provided by the NSF UV Monitoring Network, operated by Biospherical Instruments Inc. under a contract from the NSF OPP via Raytheon Polar Services Company.Peer reviewe