4,834 research outputs found


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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. Direito.O presente trabalho tem por objetivo estudar a aplicação da guarda compartilhada como regra, a partir da vigência da Lei n. 13.058/2014, como garantia da igualdade parental. Utiliza-se o método de procedimento monográfico, o método de abordagem indutivo e a técnica de pesquisa indireta, com pesquisa bibliográfica, documental e jurisprudencial. Apresenta-se, inicialmente, os tipos de guarda existentes no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Após, trata-se especificamente da Lei n. 13.058/14, delimitando quais os princípios constitucionais que ela efetivamente assegura e as principais reflexões quanto à alienação parental e aos alimentos. Em seguida, analisa-se o compartilhamento de guarda como sendo necessariamente instituto de aplicação casuística. Por fim, fez-se pesquisa jurisprudencial no Tribunal de Justiça catarinense com análise de como a referida lei foi recepcionada, verificando se foram observados os parâmetros da doutrina especializada.This monograph aims to study the application of the joint custody/shared parenting as rule, after the Law n. 13.058/2014 came into force guaranteeing parental equality. It uses the method of monographic procedure, the inductive approach method and the indirect research technique, with bibliography, documentary and jurisprudential study. Initially, it presents the custody types existint in brazilian law. Afterwards, the study relies specificly on Law n. 13.058/2014, specifying which constitucionals principles are assured by its arrival and the most important reflexions that it brings: parental alienation and obligation of maintenance. Following, the joint custody/shared parenting is examined as being necessarily applied casuistically. At last, it was delved how Santa Catarina's Court was applying the new law, verifying if the lessons of the very best researchers were respected

    Brazilian conservation program for Animal Genetic Resources

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    Effective STEM project management: a research study on best practices and strategies

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    Project management is a multifaceted subject that encompasses a multitude of areas of knowledge, gathered together to move towards accomplishing a goal. This work aims to identify good practices and strategies in project management that will be implemented and that have been achieving satisfactory results in a European Project funded by the Horizo Europe program at the Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), Portugal, which aims to enhance and increase IPB’s capabilities within the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Mathematics and Engineering) together with EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusion). Through a series of surveys, assessments, measurement and comparison of internal key performance indicators this case study was made possible. Within this work, a data acquisition standard was defined and tailored for the particular project together with a risk assessment framework for monitoring, controlling and steering the project’s activities according to its performance. A group of actions and strategies were developed in order to equip the team for future project iterations, based on the enhancements identified through the initial outcomes. In conclusion, this work shall serve as a useful source of enlightenment, benchmarking foundation for future projects with similar environments and final targets such as the ones here entailed

    Validation d'un banc d'essais reproduisant les rafales de vent sur véhicule terrestre. Caractérisation de l'écoulement par TR-PIV

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    Les phénomènes aérodynamiques instationnaires apparaissant autour de véhicules terrestres lors de rafales latérales, demeurent encore mal connus de par les difficultés, tant expérimentales que numériques, à reproduire fidèlement ces situations en laboratoire. L’ISAE a développé un banc d'essai, inspiré des travaux de Ryan et Dominy (Ryan et Dominy [2000]), dans lequel le déferlement de la rafale sur la maquette automobile est reproduit par un jet latéral mobile longitudinalement. L’écoulement généré par ce dispositif est validé PIV résolue en temps dans ce présent document. L’angle de dérapage obtenu lors d’une simulation de rafale présente une évolution temporelle proche du créneau avec un plateau compris voisin de 25°

    Plano de negócios: análise de viabilidade mercadológica e financeira para a abertura da EasyVisa

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio Econômico, Curso de Administração.Um plano de negócio é um documento que auxilia o empreendedor a desenvolver seu empreendimento, realizando um planejamento e organizando todos os dados e ideias que darão vida a essa nova empresa. Dessa forma, este trabalho tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de um plano de negócio para a EasyVisa, focando em identificar tanto a viabilidade mercadológica quanto a financeira do empreendimento. A EasyVisa é uma empresa que se propõe a facilitar o processo de solicitação e emissão de vistos e passaportes, disponibilizando as informações de maneira mais clara e intuitiva a seus clientes. Este plano de negócio se inicia apresentando o problema de pesquisa que determina a oportunidade sobre a qual o negócio será desenvolvido, juntamente com os objetivos e as justificativas, visando orientar o desenvolvimento do mesmo. Em seguida é apresentado o referencial teórico, que dá embasamento para a elaboração desse trabalho. Posteriormente é evidenciada a metodologia utilizada durante o estudo, focando na coleta de dados para a realização da análise. Na sequência é elaborado um sumário executivo, que detalha os principais pontos do negócio, juntamente com uma descrição dos empreendedores. Logo depois é apresentada uma análise de mercado, seguida dos planos de marketing, operacional e financeiro da organização, e finalizando com uma conclusão referente a viabilidade do empreendimento. Por fim, foi possível concluir que a criação do negócio é viável, se tornando lucrativo já em seu primeiro ano de operação.A business plan, is a document that helps an entrepreneur to work on his entreprise, developing a plan and organizing the data and the ideas that will give birth to this new business. Considering this, the study at hand has as its main objective the development of a business plano for EasyVisa, focusing on identifying the Market and financial viability of the enterprise. EasyVisa is a company that has as its goal facilitating the process os requesting visas and passports, by providing the information needed in the easiest and most intuitive way possible to its customers. This business plan starts by presenting the research problem that determing the oportunity on which the enterprise will be developed, along with the objectives and justifications, to try and oriente the development of the business plan. Foremost, is presented the bibliographical references that support this study. After that is shown the methodology used during the business plan, focusing on the data collect used for the analysis. Then comes the executive sumary, that details the main points of the enterprise, along with a description of the entrepreneurs. Nest, it is presented the maket analysis, with the marketing, operational e financial plans, finalizing with a conclusion about the viability of the business. In the end, it was concluded that the development of the enterprise is viable and will be lucrative at the end of its first year

    Ten Years Later: a Comparison between the Results of Early Simulation Scenarios and the Sustainability of a Small-Scale Agro-Industry Development Program

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    Agro-industrialization promotion is a policy option to aggregate value to a primary product and increase revenues for small farmers. However, experience has shown the vulnerability of small-scale agro-industries (SSAI) when facing a competitive environment with technological, institutional and managerial bottlenecks. A system dynamics model was built to simulate the financial behavior of agrifood processing enterprises promoted by Brazilian SSAI development programs after the mid 1990’s. Ten years after the modeling exercise, an assessment of selected enterprises supported by distinct programs largely confirmed the simulation results. Modelling suggested conditions for long-term SSAI sustainability were corroborated and the importance of the promotion programs was further evidenced


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    It is known that different types of land use and occupation (urban, industrial, rural, forest) alter the balance of energy between the surface and the atmosphere. The comparison between surface and sub-altitude climatology data in urban and rural areas has still been few studied. In this way, the proposed study aims to analyze and compare the values of temperature and relative humidity of the air near the surface (1.5m high) and at different heights (50m and 190m of the surface) in urban and rural areas in São Carlos (SP), during nighttime in winter episodes, by means of  termo-hygrometer coupled in a quadricopter (four propellers) Remotely-Piloted Aircraft (RPA/Drone). The flight in the urban area was carried out on 07/13/2018 and in the rural area on 07/26/2018 between 19:30 and 20:30. The results showed that in the urban area at night time the temperature and relative humidity of the air are higher near the surface in relation to the sub-altitude data. In the rural area at night time the air temperature is lower and the relative air humidity is higher to the surface compared to the sub-altitude data

    Ten Years later: A Comparison of Results of Simulation Scenarios under a Systems Dynamic Approach and the Actual Economic Performance of Small-Scale Agro-industries Supported by Brazilian Agro-industrial Development Programs

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    Agro-industrialization promotion is a policy option to aggregate value to a primary product and increase revenues for small farmers. However, experience has shown the vulnerability of small-scale agro-industries (SSAI) when facing a competitive environment under the constraints of several technological, institutional and managerial bottlenecks. A system dynamics model was built to simulate the financial performance of agrifood processing enterprises promoted by Brazilian SSAI development programs after the mid 1990s. Under different optimistic, conservative and pessimistic hypotheses related to SSAI operations and their business environment, model simulations allowed the identification of conditions for long-term financial sustainability. Ten years after the modeling exercise, the results of this analysis could be confirmed through a comparative assessment of the financial performance of selected enterprises supported by two of the promotion programs. The results of the original SD model could be mostly corroborated by the comparison between simulations and the observed enterprise performance. The relatively high SSAI survival rate over the ten-year period analyzed suggests the strong potential of these programs for agribusiness development promotion