36 research outputs found

    Inclusion and Implementation of Socio-Economic Considerations in GMO Regulations: Needs and Recommendations

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    Socio-economic considerations are included in the regulatory frameworks on genetically modified organisms (GMOs) of many countries. This is a reflection of an increasing interest in and recognition of the necessity to consider a broader range of issues when conducting a GMO risk assessment. At the same time, there are discussions about how socio-economic considerations can be identified and how their assessment can be carried out. To provide an understanding of the advances achieved so far, we describe the state of the art of existing biosafety institutional frameworks, legislation and policies with provisions on socio-economic considerations. We analyse the scope of the socio-economic considerations that have been included, the methodological options taken and the role of participatory processes and stakeholders involvement in the GMO-related decision-making. Since many of the countries that have legislation for assessing socio-economic considerations lack implementation experience, we provide an analysis of how implementation has evolved in Norway with the intention to illustrate that the inclusion of socio-economic considerations might be based on a learning process. Norway was the first country to include broader issues in its GMO assessment process, and is at present one of the countries with the most experience on implementation of these issues. Finally, we emphasise that there is a great need for training on how to perform assessments of socio-economic considerations, as well as reflection on possible ways for inclusion of participatory processes

    Souvenir Purchase Motivations and Product Attribute Preferences among Arts and Design Students amidst Covid-19

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    Despite the onslaught of COVID-19, people still travel and tourism can only thrive further upon its end. Souvenir shopping has long been integral to the tourism business and one’s travel experience. This quantitative non-experimental descriptive correlational study aimed to determine the relationship between souvenir purchase motivations and product attribute preferences among the randomly selected 50 Grade 12 Arts and Design students in the University of San Carlos South Campus for the school year 2021-2022. Two standardized and reliable Likert-type survey tools were used to collect data. Results revealed that students acquire souvenirs for a variety of reasons before making their decision. Students also valued the portability, aesthetic value, and authenticity of an item when looking for a souvenir. Researchers found out that there is a high positive correlation between souvenir purchase motivations and product attribute preferences and the relationship between the two variables is found to be significant, r (48) = 0.547, p < 0.05. This means that students who go on trips have distinct motivations and it affects their decision-making towards purchasing souvenir items. This study recommends that the variables be tested in more settings post-pandemic, as travel restrictions ease worldwide

    Lived Experience of Special Education Teachers in Quaranteaching

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    The closure of schools is one of the most significant impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Teaching during the quarantine period presented unique challenges to special education teachers (SPED) who teach students with additional learning needs. This study described the lived experiences of special education teachers while teaching during the quarantine period using the qualitative phenomenology approach. Based on the findings of the study, the success of SPED teachers is defined by active communication and collaboration which help realize the implementation of quarantine teaching and learning. Moreover, four themes emerged for the challenges of SPED teachers, which include: lack of sufficient attention, support and resources from the administration; special education teachers’ technological skills must be improved; special education teachers encountered emotional flounders and uncertainties; and constraints in monitoring and assessing students’ learning and progress. Finally, the coping mechanisms of the SPED teachers are described in two themes: special education teachers adapt practices in the new teaching dynamics and special education teachers develop stress management strategies. Administrators should devise a strategy and distribute adequate funds to meet the needs of the SPED teachers and students in this era of quaranteaching

    Llegar juntos y a tiempo. Guía de creación de asociaciones de familias y personas con daño cerebral, federaciones autonómicas y fundaciones de apoyo al daño cerebral

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    Documento práctico y visual que servirá de ayuda para las personas y familias que quieran crear una asociación, una federación autonómica o una fundación de apoyo al daño cerebral

    Actividades físico-deportivas y daño cerebral adquirido

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    El presente documento recoge el resumen y las conclusiones de un taller sobre actividades físico-deportivas y daño cerebral adquirido (DCA). También para las personas con DCA, la práctica de actividades deportivas puede constituir un importante factor de integración por su componente lúdico, de participación e incluso rehabilitador. Desde la especificidad del DCA, los/as profesionales de las asociaciones participantes en el taller, han puesto en común la práctica llevada a cabo en su entorno y se han avanzado propuestas adaptadas que permitirán la extensión de las prácticas deportivas entre las personas con DCA

    Desigualdades territoriales en atención al daño cerebral en España

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    Con este informe la Federación Española de Daño Cerebral (FEDACE) pretende analizar las desigualdades territoriales en la atención al Daño Cerebral considerando las fases del proceso de atención (aguda, subaguda y crónica). La herramienta fundamental para la elaboración del presente informe monográfico ha sido la consulta dirigida a las entidades que forman parte de FEDACE, cuya aportación informativa se ha complementado mediante la revisión de fuentes secundarias

    Actividades físico-deportivas y daño cerebral adquirido

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    El presente documento recoge el resumen y las conclusiones de un taller sobre actividades físico-deportivas y daño cerebral adquirido (DCA). También para las personas con DCA, la práctica de actividades deportivas puede constituir un importante factor de integración por su componente lúdico, de participación e incluso rehabilitador. Desde la especificidad del DCA, los/as profesionales de las asociaciones participantes en el taller, han puesto en común la práctica llevada a cabo en su entorno y se han avanzado propuestas adaptadas que permitirán la extensión de las prácticas deportivas entre las personas con DCA

    Desigualdades territoriales en atención al daño cerebral en España

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    Con este informe la Federación Española de Daño Cerebral (FEDACE) pretende analizar las desigualdades territoriales en la atención al Daño Cerebral considerando las fases del proceso de atención (aguda, subaguda y crónica). La herramienta fundamental para la elaboración del presente informe monográfico ha sido la consulta dirigida a las entidades que forman parte de FEDACE, cuya aportación informativa se ha complementado mediante la revisión de fuentes secundarias

    Cuaderno técnico. Defensa de derechos de las personas con daño cerebral y sus familias

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    Las personas con daño cerebral y sus familias en ocasiones ven vulnerados sus derechos ante la falta de información sociosanitaria y ante la existencia limitada de recursos especializados en el ámbito educativo, sanitario o laboral; entre otros. Es por eso por lo que esta publicación busca dar herramientas para defender las cuestiones relativas al derecho privado y a la capacidad jurídica de las personas con daño cerebral y sus familias