6 research outputs found

    The Effect of Balancing Selection on Population Differentiation: A Study with HLA Genes.

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    Balancing selection is defined as a class of selective regimes that maintain polymorphism above what is expected under neutrality. Theory predicts that balancing selection reduces population differentiation, as measured by FST. However, balancing selection regimes in which different sets of alleles are maintained in different populations could increase population differentiation. To tackle the connection between balancing selection and population differentiation, we investigated population differentiation at the HLA genes, which constitute the most striking example of balancing selection in humans. We found that population differentiation of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) at the HLA genes is on average lower than that of SNPs in other genomic regions. We show that these results require using a computation that accounts for the dependence of FST on allele frequencies. However, in pairs of closely related populations, where genome-wide differentiation is low, differentiation at HLA is higher than in other genomic regions. Such increased population differentiation at HLA genes for recently diverged population pairs was reproduced in simulations of overdominant selection, as long as the fitness of the homozygotes differs between the diverging populations. The results give insight into a possible "divergent overdominance" mechanism for the nature of balancing selection on HLA genes across human populations

    Nestedness across biological scales

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    This is the final published version. Available from Public Library of Science via the DOI in this record.All data sets are available for download in the repository https:// bitbucket.org/maucantor/unodf_analyses/src.Biological networks pervade nature. They describe systems throughout all levels of biological organization, from molecules regulating metabolism to species interactions that shape ecosystem dynamics. The network thinking revealed recurrent organizational patterns in complex biological systems, such as the formation of semi-independent groups of connected elements (modularity) and non-random distributions of interactions among elements. Other structural patterns, such as nestedness, have been primarily assessed in ecological networks formed by two non-overlapping sets of elements; information on its occurrence on other levels of organization is lacking. Nestedness occurs when interactions of less connected elements form proper subsets of the interactions of more connected elements. Only recently these properties began to be appreciated in one-mode networks (where all elements can interact) which describe a much wider variety of biological phenomena. Here, we compute nestedness in a diverse collection of one-mode networked systems from six different levels of biological organization depicting gene and protein interactions, complex phenotypes, animal societies, metapopulations, food webs and vertebrate metacommunities. Our findings suggest that nestedness emerge independently of interaction type or biological scale and reveal that disparate systems can share nested organization features characterized by inclusive subsets of interacting elements with decreasing connectedness. We primarily explore the implications of a nested structure for each of these studied systems, then theorize on how nested networks are assembled. We hypothesize that nestedness emerges across scales due to processes that, although system-dependent, may share a general compromise between two features: specificity (the number of interactions the elements of the system can have) and affinity (how these elements can be connected to each other). Our findings suggesting occurrence of nestedness throughout biological scales can stimulate the debate on how pervasive nestedness may be in nature, while the theoretical emergent principles can aid further research on commonalities of biological networks.Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoSão Paulo Research FoundationKillam TrustsThe Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education within the Ministry of Education of BrazilFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa e Inovação do Estado de Santa Catarin

    Impact of index hopping and bias towards the reference allele on accuracy of genotype calls from low-coverage sequencing

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    Abstract Background Inherent sources of error and bias that affect the quality of sequence data include index hopping and bias towards the reference allele. The impact of these artefacts is likely greater for low-coverage data than for high-coverage data because low-coverage data has scant information and many standard tools for processing sequence data were designed for high-coverage data. With the proliferation of cost-effective low-coverage sequencing, there is a need to understand the impact of these errors and bias on resulting genotype calls from low-coverage sequencing. Results We used a dataset of 26 pigs sequenced both at 2× with multiplexing and at 30× without multiplexing to show that index hopping and bias towards the reference allele due to alignment had little impact on genotype calls. However, pruning of alternative haplotypes supported by a number of reads below a predefined threshold, which is a default and desired step of some variant callers for removing potential sequencing errors in high-coverage data, introduced an unexpected bias towards the reference allele when applied to low-coverage sequence data. This bias reduced best-guess genotype concordance of low-coverage sequence data by 19.0 absolute percentage points. Conclusions We propose a simple pipeline to correct the preferential bias towards the reference allele that can occur during variant discovery and we recommend that users of low-coverage sequence data be wary of unexpected biases that may be produced by bioinformatic tools that were designed for high-coverage sequence data

    The wolf reference genome sequence (Canis lupus lupus) and its implications for Canis spp. population genomics

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    Background: An increasing number of studies are addressing the evolutionary genomics of dog domestication, principally through resequencing dog, wolf and related canid genomes. There is, however, only one de novo assembled canid genome currently available against which to map such data - that of a boxer dog (Canis lupus familiaris). We generated the first de novo wolf genome (Canis lupus lupus) as an additional choice of reference, and explored what implications may arise when previously published dog and wolf resequencing data are remapped to this reference. Results: Reassuringly, we find that regardless of the reference genome choice, most evolutionary genomic analyses yield qualitatively similar results, including those exploring the structure between the wolves and dogs using admixture and principal component analysis. However, we do observe differences in the genomic coverage of re-mapped samples, the number of variants discovered, and heterozygosity estimates of the samples. Conclusion: In conclusion, the choice of reference is dictated by the aims of the study being undertaken; if the study focuses on the differences between the different dog breeds or the fine structure among dogs, then using the boxer reference genome is appropriate, but if the aim of the study is to look at the variation within wolves and their relationships to dogs, then there are clear benefits to using the de novo assembled wolf reference genome.Carlsbergfondet grant CF14–0995 and Marie Curie grant 655732-Wherewolf to SG, Danish National Research Foundation grant DNRF94, Lundbeckfonden grant R52–5062 and ERC Consolidator Grant (681396-Extinction Genomics) (to MTPG) and the Swedish Research Council (to LD). LFKK is supported by an FPI fellowship associated to BFU2014–55090-P (FEDER). TMB is supported by MINECO BFU2014–55090-P (FEDER), Fundacio Zoo Barcelona and Secretaria d’Universitats i Recerca del Departament d’Economia i Coneixement de la Generalitat de Catalunya. GL was supported by a European Research Council grant (ERC-2013-StG-337574-UNDEAD) and Natural Environmental Research Council grants (NE/K005243/1 and NE/K003259/1)