250 research outputs found

    Preliminary Inventory of Boats and Gears in Manila Bay

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    Recent information about the number and types of boats and gears used in Manila Bay is lacking. Here we discuss the results of the initial boat and gear inventory conducted in Manila Bay from May 2015 to October 2016. The survey was done in the coastal barangays of Cavite, Bataan, Bulacan, Pampanga, and Metro Manila. A total of 3,659 fishing boats were recorded from 84 coastal barangays or about 40% out of the 212 coastal barangays in Manila Bay. About 94.45% of the boats are municipal fishing boats and only 5.55% are commercial boats and the highest number of boats recorded was in Cavite (1,461 boats). 91.04% of the fishing boats are motorized and only 8.96% are non-motorized. The average fisher to boat ratio for the five provinces is 3.0:1, which is higher compared to the 2.4:1 result of MADECOR and National Museum Assessment (1995). There are 25 types of fishing gears recorded during the survey with a total of4, 946 units. Gillnet, specifically bottom gillnet, is the most dominant gear being used in Manila Bay

    A quantitative benefit-risk analysis of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vac-cine among people under 60 in Italy

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    The Oxford-AstraZeneca ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 is a vaccine against the COVID-19 infection that was granted a conditional marketing authorization by the European Commission in January 2021. However, following a report from the Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) of European Medicines Agency, which reported an association with thrombo-embolic events (TEE), in particular disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST), many European countries either limited it to individuals older than 55–60 years or suspended its use. We used publicly available data to carry out a quantitative benefit–risk analysis of the vaccine among people under 60 in Italy. Specifically, we used data from PRAC, Eudravigilance and ECDC to estimate the excess number of deaths for TEE, DIC and CVST expected in vaccine users, stratified by age groups. We then used data from the National Institute of Health to calculate age-specific COVID-19 mortality rates in Italy. Preventable deaths were calculated assuming a 72% vaccine efficacy over an eight-month period. Finally, the benefit–risk ratio of ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccination was calculated as the ratio of preventable COVID-19 deaths to vaccine-related deaths, using Monte-Carlo simulations. We found that among subjects aged 20–29 years the benefit–risk (B-R) ratio was not clearly favorable (0.70; 95% Uncertainty Interval (UI): 0.27–2.11). However, in the other age groups the benefits of vaccination largely exceeded the risks (for age 30–49, B-R ratio: 22.9: 95%UI: 10.1–186.4). For age 50–59, B-R ratio: 1577.1: 95%UI: 1176.9–2121.5). Although many countries have limited the use of the ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 vaccine, the benefits of using this vaccine clearly outweigh the risks in people older than 30 years. Study limitations included risk of underreporting and that we did not provide age-specific estimates. The use of this vaccine should be a strategic and fundamental part of the immunization campaign considering its safety and efficacy in preventing COVID-19 and its complications

    Species Composition, Distribution, Biomass Trends and Exploitation of Dominant Fish Species in Manila Bay using Experimental Trawl Survey

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    An experimental trawl fishing survey was conducted in Manila Bay from March 2014 to October 2015 at sixteen (16) pre-established dragging stations adapted from an earlier study (MADECOR, 1995). Using a commercial otter trawl, the average trawling speed during fishing operations was 6-7 km/hour. Analysis of catches focused on biomass trends, species composition, distribution and exploitation of dominant species. A total of 146 fish and invertebrate species belonging to 48 families were recorded during the survey period wherein most of the catches were dominated by small pelagic species such as anchovies and sardines. Exploitation rates (E) for the six (6) dominant species (Sardinella gibbosa, Sardinella fimbriata, Valamugil seheli, Mugil cephalus, Encrasicholina devisi and Stolephorous commersonnii) shows signs of overfishing. The estimated demersal fish biomass of the bay revealed that the relative decline was about 90% from the 1947 baseline study

    Anomalous Breaking of Anisotropic Scaling Symmetry in the Quantum Lifshitz Model

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    In this note we investigate the anomalous breaking of anisotropic scaling symmetry in a non-relativistic field theory with dynamical exponent z=2. On general grounds, one can show that there exist two possible "central charges" which characterize the breaking of scale invariance. Using heat kernel methods, we compute these two central charges in the quantum Lifshitz model, a free field theory which is second order in time and fourth order in spatial derivatives. We find that one of the two central charges vanishes. Interestingly, this is also true for strongly coupled non-relativistic field theories with a geometric dual described by a metric and a massive vector field.Comment: 26 pages; major revision (results were unaffected), published versio

    Radiation from a D-dimensional collision of shock waves: first order perturbation theory

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    We study the spacetime obtained by superimposing two equal Aichelburg-Sexl shock waves in D dimensions traveling, head-on, in opposite directions. Considering the collision in a boosted frame, one shock becomes stronger than the other, and a perturbative framework to compute the metric in the future of the collision is setup. The geometry is given, in first order perturbation theory, as an integral solution, in terms of initial data on the null surface where the strong shock has support. We then extract the radiation emitted in the collision by using a D-dimensional generalisation of the Landau-Lifschitz pseudo-tensor and compute the percentage of the initial centre of mass energy epsilon emitted as gravitational waves. In D=4 we find epsilon=25.0%, in agreement with the result of D'Eath and Payne. As D increases, this percentage increases monotonically, reaching 40.0% in D=10. Our result is always within the bound obtained from apparent horizons by Penrose, in D=4, yielding 29.3%, and Eardley and Giddings, in D> 4, which also increases monotonically with dimension, reaching 41.2% in D=10. We also present the wave forms and provide a physical interpretation for the observed peaks, in terms of the null generators of the shocks.Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures; v2 some corrections, including D dependent factor in epsilon; matches version accepted in JHE

    Immunodepletion of high-abundant proteins from acute and chronic wound fluids to elucidate low-abundant regulators in wound healing

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The process of wound healing consists of several well distinguishable and finely tuned phases. For most of these phases specific proteins have been characterized, although the underlying mechanisms of regulation are not yet fully understood. It is an open question as to whether deficits in wound healing can be traced back to chronic illnesses such as diabetes mellitus. Previous research efforts in this field focus largely on a restricted set of marker proteins due to the limitations detection by antibodies imposes. For mechanistic purposes the elucidation of differences in acute and chronic wounds can be addressed by a less restricted proteome study. Mass spectrometric (MS) methods, e.g. multi dimensional protein identification technology (MudPIT), are well suitable for this complex theme of interest. The human wound fluid proteome is extremely complex, as is human plasma. Therefore, high-abundant proteins often mask the mass spectrometric detection of lower-abundant ones, which makes a depletion step of such predominant proteins inevitable.</p> <p>Findings</p> <p>In this study a commercially available immunodepletion kit was evaluated for the detection of low-abundant proteins from wound fluids. The dynamic range of the entire workflow was significantly increased to 5-6 orders of magnitude, which makes low-abundant regulatory proteins involved in wound healing accessible for MS detection.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The depletion of abundant proteins is absolutely necessary in order to analyze highly complex protein mixtures such as wound fluids using mass spectrometry. For this the used immunodepletion kit is a first but important step in order to represent the entire dynamic range of highly complex protein mixtures in the future.</p

    Charged excitons, Auger recombination and optical gain in CdSe/CdS nanocrystals.

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    CdSe/CdS colloidal nanocrystals are members of a novel class of light-emitting nanoparticles with remarkable optical properties such as suppressed fluorescence blinking and enhanced emission from multiexciton states. These properties have been linked to the suppression of non-radiative Auger recombination. In this work we employ ultrafast spectroscopy techniques to identify optical signatures of neutral and charged excitonic and multiexcitonic states. We show that Auger recombination of biexcitons is not suppressed, while we observe optical gain and amplified spontaneous emission from multiexciton states and from long-lived charged-exciton states

    Non-linear Representations of the Conformal Group and Mapping of Galileons

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    There are two common non-linear realizations of the 4D conformal group: in the first, the dilaton is the conformal factor of the effective metric \eta_{\mu\nu} e^{-2 \pi}; in the second it describes the fluctuations of a brane in AdS_5. The two are related by a complicated field redefinition, found by Bellucci, Ivanov and Krivonos (2002) to all orders in derivatives. We show that this field redefinition can be understood geometrically as a change of coordinates in AdS_5. In one gauge the brane is rigid at a fixed radial coordinate with a conformal factor on the AdS_5 boundary, while in the other one the brane bends in an unperturbed AdS_5. This geometrical picture illuminates some aspects of the mapping between the two representations. We show that the conformal Galileons in the two representations are mapped into each other in a quite non-trivial way: the DBI action, for example, is mapped into a complete linear combination of all the five Galileons in the other representation. We also verify the equivalence of the dilaton S-matrix in the two representations and point out that the aperture of the dilaton light-cone around non-trivial backgrounds is not the same in the two representations.Comment: 16 pages. v2: typos corrected (notably eq 4.5), matches JHEP versio

    The gravitino coupling to broken gauge theories applied to the MSSM

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    We consider gravitino couplings in theories with broken gauge symmetries. In particular, we compute the single gravitino production cross section in W+ W- fusion processes. Despite recent claims to the contrary, we show that this process is always subdominant to gluon fusion processes in the high energy limit. The full calculation is performed numerically; however, we give analytic expressions for the cross section in the supersymmetric and electroweak limits. We also confirm these results with the use of the effective theory of goldstino interactions.Comment: 26 pages, 4 figure
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