1,608 research outputs found

    Quadratic Effective Action for QED in D=2,3 Dimensions

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    We calculate the effective action for Quantum Electrodynamics (QED) in D=2,3 dimensions at the quadratic approximation in the gauge fields. We analyse the analytic structure of the corresponding nonlocal boson propagators nonperturbatively in k/m. In two dimensions for any nonzero fermion mass, we end up with one massless pole for the gauge boson . We also calculate in D=2 the effective potential between two static charges separated by a distance L and find it to be a linearly increasing function of L in agreement with the bosonized theory (massive Sine-Gordon model). In three dimensions we find nonperturbatively in k/m one massive pole in the effective bosonic action leading to screening. Fitting the numerical results we derive a simple expression for the functional dependence of the boson mass upon the dimensionless parameter e^{2}/m .Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Relativistic Mean-Field Hadronic Models under Nuclear Matter Constraints

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    Relativistic mean-field (RMF) models have been widely used in the study of many hadronic frameworks because of several important aspects not always present in nonrelativistic models, such as intrinsic Lorentz covariance, automatic inclusion of spin, appropriate saturation mechanism for nuclear matter, causality and, therefore, no problems related to superluminal speed of sound. With the aim of identifying the models which best satisfy well known properties of nuclear matter, we have analyzed 263263 parameterizations of seven different types of RMF models under three different sets of constraints related to symmetric nuclear matter, pure neutron matter, symmetry energy, and its derivatives. One of these (SET1) is formed of the same constraints used in a recent work [M. Dutra et al., Phys. Rev. C 85, 035201 (2012)] in which we analyzed 240240 Skyrme parameterizations. The results pointed to 22 models consistent with all constraints. By using another set of constraints, namely, SET2a, formed by the updated versions of the previous one, we found 44 models approved simultaneously. Finally, in the third set, named SET2b, in which the values of the constraints are more restrictive, we found 33 consistent models. Another interesting feature of our analysis is that the results change dramatically if we do not consider the constraint regarding the volume part of the isospin incompressibility (Kτ,vK_{\tau,\rm v}). In this case, we have 3535 approved models in SET2a and 3030 in SET2b.Comment: 63 pages, 3 figures and 9 tables. Version accepted for publication in PR

    Unitary transformation approach for the trapped ion dynamics

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    We present a way of treating the problem of the interaction of a single trapped ion with laser beams based on successive aplications of unitary transformations onto the Hamiltonian. This allows the diagonalization of the Hamiltonian, by means of recursive relations, without performing the Lamb-Dicke approximation.Comment: 8 page

    Relativistic Mean-Field Models and Nuclear Matter Constraints

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    This work presents a preliminary study of 147 relativistic mean-field (RMF) hadronic models used in the literature, regarding their behavior in the nuclear matter regime. We analyze here different kinds of such models, namely: (i) linear models, (ii) nonlinear \sigma^3+\sigma^4 models, (iii) \sigma^3+\sigma^4+\omega^4 models, (iv) models containing mixing terms in the fields \sigma and \omega, (v) density dependent models, and (vi) point-coupling ones. In the finite range models, the attractive (repulsive) interaction is described in the Lagrangian density by the \sigma (\omega) field. The isospin dependence of the interaction is modeled by the \rho meson field. We submit these sets of RMF models to eleven macroscopic (experimental and empirical) constraints, used in a recent study in which 240 Skyrme parametrizations were analyzed. Such constraints cover a wide range of properties related to symmetric nuclear matter (SNM), pure neutron matter (PNM), and both SNM and PNM.Comment: 3 Pages, submitted for proceedings of XXXV Reuni\~ao de Trabalho sobre F\'isica Nuclear no Brasil 201


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    Ensuring oil production flow in offshore systems is a critical aspect of oil exploration operations. Any interruption in the production process, whether partial or complete, can result in significant financial losses and cause solid deposition in the production line. Such deposition is due to the crystallization of paraffin and hydrates, a common problem caused by low temperatures in deep waters. Among various mitigation strategies, the Pipe-in-Pipe (PIP) system with active heating is a technological solution to address this issue. This work aimed to perform a numerical simulation of the PIP system using the Finite Volume Method with an implicit formulation, considering the effect of temperature on fluid properties and the system's dynamic response. A control loop using a PI velocity algorithm was developed to maintain the temperature above the critical point. Such simulation studies were performed using the Python programming language in the Anaconda suite. The results showed that the fluid properties greatly influence the dynamic response. The PI control maintained the temperature in the desired condition, demonstrating its operational effectiveness in preventing solid deposition and delivering stable and low-oscillatory behavior. This research emphasizes the significance of taking temperature's impact on fluid properties into account when simulating offshore oil production systems and demonstrates the effectiveness of implementing feedback control

    Cosmological scenarios from multiquintessence

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    In this work we derive and analyse cosmological scenarios coming from multi-component scalar field models. We consider a direct sum of a sine-Gordon with a Z2 model, and also a combination of those with a BNRT model. Moreover, we work with a modified version of the BNRT model, which breaks the Z2 x Z2 symmetry of the original BNRT potential, coupled with the sine-Gordon and with the standard Z2 models. We show that our approach can be straightforwardly elevated to NN fields. All the computations are made analytically and some parameters restriction is put forward in order to get in touch with complete and realistic cosmological scenarios

    Germinação de sementes de plantas daninhas de pastagens cultivadas: Mimosa pudica e Ipomoea asarifolia.

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    Malícia (Mimosa pudica) e salsa (Ipomoea asarifolia) são importantes plantas daninhas que infestam áreas de pastagens cultivadas da região amazônica brasileira. Neste trabalho foram analisados os efeitos de fatores relacionados ao solo e clima na variação da germinação (percentual e índice de velocidade de germinação - IVG) de sementes dessas espécies. A germinação foi monitorada em um período de 15 dias, com contagens diárias e eliminação das sementes germinadas. Os resultados mostraram que os fatores de solo alumínio, pH, cálcio e magnésio não influenciam a germinação das duas espécies de plantas daninhas. A germinação das sementes de malícia e salsa pode ocorrer tanto na presença como na ausência de luz. A temperatura ótima de germinação (percentual e IVG) para ambas as espécies foi de 30oC contínua e 25-35oC alternada, embora as sementes de malícia tenham germinado satisfatoriamente em temperaturas contínuas superiores e inferiores a 30oC e em todas as combinações de temperaturas alternadas. Comparativamente, o índice de velocidade de germinação (IVG) foi mais sensível aos efeitos da temperatura do que o percentual de germinação. Ambas as espécies responderam negativamente ao aumento da salinidade, sendo a espécie malícia mais tolerante ao sal do que a sals

    Pré-compostagem de cadáveres de bovinos acometidos pelo botulismo.

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    Foram pré-compostados, em células individuais e isoladas, cinco cadáveres de bovinos acometidos pelo botulismo com a finalidade de monitorar a presença de esporos de Clostridium botulinum e de toxina botulínica antes e após o processo de decomposição em leira estática com fonte de carbono. O diagnóstico da intoxicação nos animais foi baseado nas características clínico-patológicas, epidemiológicas ou laboratoriais. Dos cinco bovinos com evolução clínica crônica de botulismo, cujos cadáveres foram pré-compostados, três foram acometidos pela toxina tipo D, um pelo complexo CD e um dos animais foi negativo na tentativa de detecção da toxina e de esporos da bactéria nas vísceras pelo bioensaio e neutralização em camundongo. O processo de pré-compostagem foi realizado em leira estática, com o uso de material carbonáceo umidificado como substrato e esquartejamento do animal, vedado individualmente com lona plástica e sem aeração por um período de 50 dias. A temperatura das leiras foi monitorada durante o período e oscilou de 40,5-52,4ºC. Após a abertura das leiras, pôde-se constatar a completa decomposição de todo material mole, com redução significativa do seu peso (de 26,5-44,5%), restando apenas os ossos. Não foi detectado esporo ou toxina botulínica no interior dos ossos (n=5 para cada cadáver). Nas 200 amostras examinadas do homogeneizado restante (n=40 para cada cadáver), em apenas duas amostras de uma leira foram detectados esporos de C. botulinum tipo C, enquanto que todas foram negativas para a tentativa de detecção da toxina botulínica pelo bioensaio em camundongo. Da forma como foi avaliado o processo de pré-compostagem de bovinos mortos pela intoxicação botulínica não contribuiu para a proliferação de C. botulinum. Five carcasses of cattle that died from botulism were composted in individual isolated beds with the purpose of monitoring the effect on spores of Clostridium botulinum and of botulinum toxin. The diagnosis of botulinum poisoning was based on clinical and pathological, epidemic and/or laboratorial characteristics. Of the five bovines with clinical signs of chronic botulism, three were affected by the type D toxin, one by the CD complex, and one was negative for toxin and spores of C. botulinum in the viscera using a mouse bioassay. The composting process was carried out in beds with carcasses cut up and mixed with sawdust as a carbon source. They were kept anaerobic under a plastic sheet for 50 days. The temperature of the beds was monitored during the period and oscillated from 40.5 to 52.4ºC. After this time, soft tissue had complete decomposed with a significant loss of weight (26.5-44.5%). The remaining bones no longer contained spores or botulinum toxin in the 5 samples taken from each carcass. Only 2 of the 200 samples of homogenized remaining (40 for each carcass) contained spores of C. botulinum type C. All samples were negative for botulinum toxin using the mouse bioassay. Composting carcasses of cattle that died from botulism eliminated botulinum spores and toxin from the remains

    Desaleitamento precoce e convencional de bezerras de origem leiteira no nordeste paraense.

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    Intervalo entre partos de vacas leiteiras em pastagem de capim-tobiatã sob níveis de suplementação de concentrado no Nordeste Paraense.

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