41 research outputs found

    VR-Decision : a Prototype for Experimenting the Benefits of Virtual Reality in Military Operations Planning

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    Le processus militaire de planification d’opĂ©rations subit une transformation : si aujourd’hui les experts sont pour la plupart du temps localisĂ©s au mĂȘme endroit, la rĂ©duction de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des structures physiques doit passer par leur Ă©clatement, en permettant la rĂ©partition des membres des Ă©tats-majors dans des lieux diffĂ©rents. Dans cette optique, la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle paraĂźt appropriĂ©e pour ouvrir la voie Ă  des dispositifs offrant de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s de visualisation, d’interaction et de collaboration synchrone Ă  distance. Le projet VR-Decision a pour objectif d’évaluer les apports de la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle pour une activitĂ© collaborative de planification militaire au niveau opĂ©ratif. Dans cet article, nous prĂ©sentons le prototype que nous dĂ©veloppons, ainsi que le processus ayant conduit Ă  sa conception.The military process of planning operations is undergoing a transformation: if today the experts are mostly located in the same place, the reduction of the vulnerability of the physical structures must pass by their splitting, by allowing the distribution of the members of the staff in different places. From this point of view, virtual reality seems appropriate to open the way to devices offering new possibilities of visualization, interaction and synchronous remote collaboration. The VR-Decision project aims at evaluating the contribution of virtual reality to a collaborative military planning activity at the operational level. In this article, we present the prototype we are developing, as well as the process that led to its conception

    Isotope Tracers to Investigate Reactive Zones in Stones from Built Cultural Heritage

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    AbstractThis work aims at identifying the reactive zones inside limestone used in monuments exposed to fog. The location of these zones and the depth of the water penetration front is of primary relevance to evaluate the transport of aggressive species and the influence of environmental conditions on alteration mechanisms and kinetics of limestone exposed to the atmosphere. We report herethe results of weathering experiments conducted in a deuterium-enriched environment and the characterization of reactive zones analyzedby NanoSIMS. It was determined that water penetrated several hundred micrometers inside the limestone and that only the first micrometerswere significantly altered

    VR-Decision: Conception d'un Prototype pour l'Évaluation des Apports de la RĂ©alitĂ© Virtuelle pour l’ActivitĂ© de Planification OpĂ©rationnelle Militaire

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    International audienceThe military process of planning operations is undergoing a transformation: if today the experts are mostly located in the same place, the reduction of the vulnerability of the physical structures must pass by their splitting, by allowing the distribution of the members of the staff in different places. From this point of view, virtual reality seems appropriate to open the way to devices offering new possibilities of visualization, interaction and synchronous remote collaboration. The VR-Decision project aims at evaluating the contribution of virtual reality to a collaborative military planning activity at the operational level. In this article, we present the prototype we are developing, as well as the process that led to its conception.Le processus militaire de planification d’opĂ©rations subit une transformation : si aujourd’hui les experts sont pour la plupart du temps localisĂ©s au mĂȘme endroit, la rĂ©duction de la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des structures physiques doit passer par leur Ă©clatement, en permettant la rĂ©partition des membres des Ă©tats-majors dans des lieux diffĂ©rents. Dans cette optique, la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle paraĂźt appropriĂ©e pour ouvrir la voie Ă  des dispositifs offrant de nouvelles possibilitĂ©s de visualisation, d’interaction et de collaboration synchrone Ă  distance. Le projet VR-Decision a pour objectif d’évaluer les apports de la rĂ©alitĂ© virtuelle pour une activitĂ© collaborative de planification militaire au niveau opĂ©ratif. Dans cet article, nous prĂ©sentons le prototype que nous dĂ©veloppons, ainsi que le processus ayant conduit Ă  sa conception

    16. Bilan des datations radiocarbone et cadre chrono-culturel du NĂ©olithique en Bourgogne

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    16.1. LE CORPUS ET SES LIMITES La base de données qui a été constituée comprend 303 dates radiocarbone qui documentent la plage chronologique du Néolithique en Bourgogne (cf. annexe 2, p. 259). Si on compare ce nombre à celui des sites identifiés ou fouillés pour cette période, ce corpus de dates est finalement relativament faible. 22 dates ont été écartées car elles correspondaient à des datations de séquences naturelles ou à des éléments trÚs isolés et non à des sites archéologiques caracté..

    Bilan des datations radiocarbones et cadre chrono-culturel du NĂ©olithique en Bourgogne

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    Use of Hydrogen Isotopes to Understand Stained Glass Weathering

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    International audienceIn order to assess the kinetic role of the alteration layers formed on stained glass windows weathered for several centuries, aspecific experiment was designed. An ancient stained glass sample was subjected to an artificial simulated fog doped indeuterium for 13 weeks. The aim was to trace the circulation of water through the alteration layer and to locate reactive zones.Results demonstrate that the solution rapidly circulates in the alteration layer via pores and cracks, so that transport (especiallythe supply of protons at the interface between pristine and altered glass) is not rate-limiting in the alteration process. Thealteration is rather controlled by the release of glass alkalis from ion exchange with protons at an estimated diffusion rate,consistent with the long-term apparent kinetics measured on medieval stained glasses

    Investigation of the Geochemical Preservation of ca. 3.0 Ga Permineralized and Encapsulated Microfossils by Nanoscale Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry

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    International audienceObservations of Archean organic-walled microfossils suggest that their fossilization took place through both encapsulation and permineralization. In this study, we investigated microfossils from the ca. 3.0 Ga Farrel Quartzite (Pilbara, Western Australia) using transmitted light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, Raman microspectrometry, and nanoscale secondary ion mass spectrometry (NanoSIMS) ion microprobe analyses. In contrast to previous studies, we demonstrated that permineralized microfossils were not characterized by the micrometric spatial relationships between Si and C-N as observed in thin sections. Permineralized microfossils are composed of carbonaceous globules that did not survive the acid treatment, whereas encapsulated microfossils were characterized due to their resistance to the acid maceration procedure. We also investigated the microscale relationship between the 12C14N- and 12C2- ion emission as a proxy of the N/C atomic ratio in both permineralized and encapsulated microfossils. After considering any potential matrix and microtopography effects, we demonstrate that the encapsulated microfossils exhibit the highest level of geochemical preservation. This finding shows that the chemical heterogeneity of the microfossils, observed at a spatial resolution of a few hundreds of micrometers, can be related to fossilization processes. Key Words: Carbonaceous matter—Farrel Quartzite—Fossilization—NanoSIMS—Nitrogen—Permineralization