6,921 research outputs found

    Stress approach by media art

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    With a background in conceptual art and media art, and the relations between science and art, we tried to approach the concept of stress through art. Stress is a recent problem of people in several countries, and could be caused by external factors, such as social pressure, or be derived from internal factors, such as the requirement that the subject puts himself. Stress had a negative impact at several organs of the human body, but heart is the main one. Taking into account all of these aspects, and from photos of two drawings of the heart ...setup program EDIUS, that integrate all the images and sounds planned to perform the stress.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Gesture based interface for image annotation

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    Dissertação apresentada para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática pela Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências e TecnologiaGiven the complexity of visual information, multimedia content search presents more problems than textual search. This level of complexity is related with the difficulty of doing automatic image and video tagging, using a set of keywords to describe the content. Generally, this annotation is performed manually (e.g., Google Image) and the search is based on pre-defined keywords. However, this task takes time and can be dull. In this dissertation project the objective is to define and implement a game to annotate personal digital photos with a semi-automatic system. The game engine tags images automatically and the player role is to contribute with correct annotations. The application is composed by the following main modules: a module for automatic image annotation, a module that manages the game graphical interface (showing images and tags), a module for the game engine and a module for human interaction. The interaction is made with a pre-defined set of gestures, using a web camera. These gestures will be detected using computer vision techniques interpreted as the user actions. The dissertation also presents a detailed analysis of this application, computational modules and design, as well as a series of usability tests

    Greedy techniques for magnetic resonance fingerprinting

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    In this manuscript, we show four main results in the context of Magnetic Resonance Fingerprinting (MRF): • A memory efficient method to explore the manifold of fingerprints. • A method that allows super-resolution reconstructions relying on spatial regularisation. • An extension to partial volumes and a greedy approximate projection algorithm. • An extension to Self-Calibration and Imaging. In quantitative Magnetic Resonance Imaging, traditional methods suffer from the so-called Partial Volume Effect (PVE) due to spatial resolution limitations. As a consequence of PVE, the parameters of the voxels containing more than one tissue are not correctly estimated. MRF is not an exception. The existing methods addressing PVE are neither scalable nor accurate. We propose to formulate the recovery of multiple tissues per voxel as a non-convex constrained least-squares minimisation problem. To solve this problem, we develop a memory efficient, greedy approximate projected gradient descent algorithm, dubbed GAP-MRF. Our method adaptively finds the regions of interest on the manifold of fingerprints defined by the MRF sequence. We generalise our method to compensate for phase errors appearing in the model, using an alternating minimisation approach. We show, through simulations on synthetic data with PVE, that our algorithm outperforms state-of-the-art methods in reconstruction quality. Our approach is validated on the EUROSPIN phantom and on in vivo datasets. Coil sensitivity calibration is a crucial step in the reconstruction process to obtain accurate results. Usual MRI self-calibration methods, reconstructing independently the time acquisitions, are not suitable for highly undersampled MRF data. In this work, leveraging recent developments in non-convex optimisation, we propose the first self-calibration method for MRF, exploiting the correlation in the time acquisitions, the spatial regularity of the magnetisation images and the smoothness of the coil sensitivity maps

    Triggering of intracellular aggregation and cytotoxicity by immature forms of human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide

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    Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disease with increasing numbers worldwide. Pancreatic deposits of human Islet Amyloid Polypeptide (hIAPP) represent the major histopathological hallmark of type 2 diabetes. IAPP is a hormone produced by β-cells, which is released upon glucose stimulation concomitantly with insulin, acting on gastric emptying and glycemic control. It is synthesized as preproIAPP (ppIAPP) hormone that is first processed to proIAPP (pIAPP) and finally to its mature form (matIAPP). Impairment in IAPP processing seems to be associated with the accumulation of immature IAPP forms, leading to the formation of toxic intracellular aggregates, which have been associated with β-cell dysfunction and loss. Currently, IAPP proteotoxicity is not fully understood. The main goals of this study were to investigate the pathological role of immature IAPP forms involved in intracellular aggregation and to test the potential protective activity of tauroursodeoxycholic acid (TUDCA) towards IAPP-induced cytotoxicity. To this end, Saccharomyces cerevisiae models recapitulating IAPP intracellular aggregation were characterized. Expression of human ppIAPP, pIAPP, and matIAPP fusions with green fluorescent protein (GFP) induced toxicity in yeast cells, with ppIAPP exerting the most deleterious effect on yeast growth and cell viability. Moreover, the expression of all IAPP constructs led to the formation of intracellular aggregates with different biochemical features. The first steps on generating a pancreatic β-cell line (INS-1) stably expressing hIAPP were also conducted. Overall, the data obtained suggest that the accumulation of immature hIAPP forms triggers the formation of highly cytotoxic intracellular aggregates. Although TUDCA has been shown to overcome proteotoxicity induced by amyloid proteins, neither TUDCA nor ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA) were able to protect yeast cells against the toxic effects of hIAPP aggregates. These novel yeast models represent powerful tools for future research focused on IAPP-induced toxicity and to screen for compounds mitigating the deleterious effects caused by IAPP aggregation

    O ensino de enfermagem na Universidade de Évora: tradução de regulamentos da Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. João de Deus

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    O presente Relatório de Estágio centra-se na tradução para língua inglesa de sete Regulamentos da Escola Superior de Enfermagem S. João de Deus, a qual se constitui como unidade orgânica de ensino politécnico desta Universidade, para além da tradução do Regulamento Escolar Interno da Universidade de Évora. As questões suscitadas pelos vários textos-fonte são ilustradas e problematizadas não só à luz de conceitos advenientes dos Estudos de Tradução, como também à luz da especificidade discursiva que lhes subjaz; Abstract: The Teaching of Nursing at the University of Évora: A translation of Regulations of the Higher School of Nursing São João de Deus. This Internship Report focuses on the translation to the English language of the Academic Internal Regulation of the University of Évora and of seven Regulations of the Higher School of Nursing São João de Deus, which is an organic unit of polytechnic teaching of this University. The questions which arose from the source-texts are illustrated and discussed through some concepts from Translation Studies but also taking into consideration the specificity of the discourse in which they occur

    Literacia digital de professores: um estudo de caso em curso de licenciatura a distância no Tocantins, Brasil

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    Este trabalho apresenta dados parciais coletados na pesquisa de doutoramento em Educação da Universidade do Minho intitulada: “Formação de professores, Literacia Mediática e Inclusão Sociodigital: Estudo de caso em curso a distância da Universidade Federal do Tocantins” (UFT). Trata-se de um estudo de caso realizado com professores que são estudantes de licenciatura a distância numa universidade pública no interior do Brasil. O estudo teve como objetivo investigar se o fato destes professores estudarem na modalidade a distância contribui para o desenvolvimento da literacia digital na sua vida social, práticas cotidianas e/ou na sua prática docente. Este trabalho apresenta dados coletados na aplicação de questionários online enviados aos participantes. O total de alunos frequentes do curso de licenciatura em estudo é de 32 alunos, destes, 25 (78%) participaram. Os resultados revelam um baixo nível de literacia digital dos participantes nas questões relacionadas com o cotidiano e nas aplicações pedagógicas das tecnologias. O estudo aponta para a necessidade de investimento na formação dos professores voltada para a literacia digital em contextos educativos.This paper presents partial data collected in the PhD in Education at the University of Minho research entitled: "Teacher training, literacy and inclusion sociodigital Mediatic: Ongoing Case study the distance from the Federal University of Tocantins" (UFT). It is a case study with teachers who are undergraduate students the distance in a public university in the interior of Brazil. The study aimed to investigate whether the fact that these teachers study in the distance contributes to the development of digital literacy in their social life, daily practices and / or in their teaching practice. This paper presents data collected in applying online questionnaires sent to the participants. Total students frequent the degree of ongoing study is 32 students, of whom 25 (78%) participated. The results show a low level of digital literacy of the participants on issues related to the daily life and the educational applications of technology. The study points to the need for investment in the training of teachers turned to digital literacy in educational settings.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    FIPELD- Integrated, Permanent and Evolutionary Training for Digital Literacy: a proposal for teacher training focused on digital literacy

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    Este artigo apresenta uma proposta de formação de professores com foco na literacia digital. A Formação Integrada, Permanente e Evolutiva para a Literacia Digital – FIPELD, foi elaborada a partir das reflexões e constatações da pesquisa de doutoramento na Universidade do Minho intitulada Formação de professores, Literacia Digital e Inclusão Sociodigital: Estudo de caso em curso a distância da Universidade Federal do Tocantins. O estudo teve como objetivo investigar os impactos dos cursos de formação a distância de professores sobre as suas habilidades e competências para o uso das tecnologias digitais no seu cotidiano e práticas pedagógicas.This article presents a proposal for teacher training focused on digital literacy. The Integrated, Permanent and Evolutionary Training for Digital Literacy - FIPELD, was elaborated from the reflections and findings of the doctoral research at the University of Minho entitled Teacher Training, Digital Literacy and Sociodigital Inclusion: A case study in progress at a distance from the University Federal do Tocantins. The objective of this study was to investigate the impact of distance learning courses on teachers' abilities and competences for the use of digital technologies in their everyday life and pedagogical practices.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Proposal for teacher training focusing on digital literacy

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    A possibilidade de apresentar uma proposta de modelo de formação de professores com foco na literacia digital se reforçou durante a vertente empírica da pesquisa de doutoramento Formação de professores, Literacia Digital e Inclusão Sociodigital: Estudo de caso em curso a distância da Universidade Federal do Tocantins (ALVES, 2017). O estudo parte do pressuposto que a formação de professor, que desenvolve habilidades para a literacia digital, o introduz na sociedade em rede e por consequência gera sua inclusão sociodigital. Neste sentido, realizou-se um estudo de caso, de cunho qualitativo, com professores da rede pública em formação num curso de licenciatura a distância em instituição pública. Os instrumentos metodológicos foram questionários (sondagem do perfil de uso de tecnologias no campo cotidiano e na prática pedagógica) e entrevistas semiestruturadas com o objetivo de compreender mais profundamente as percepções dos professores em relação às tecnologias nos dois campos. A investigação constatou um baixo nível de literacia digital do grupo de professores participantes de uma formação a distância.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Percepções e atitudes de professores frente às TDIC no cotidiano e na ação docente: estudo de caso com professores cursistas de formação a distância no Brasil

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    Este trabalho tem como objetivo aprofundar as questões discutidas no artigo Literacia digital de professores: um estudo de caso em curso de licenciatura a distância no Tocantins, Brasil (Alves & Silva, 2015). Ambos trabalhos apresentam dados da pesquisa de doutoramento em educação intitulada Formação de professores, Literacia Mediática e Inclusão Sociodigital: estudo de caso em curso a distância na Universidade Federal do Tocantins em processo de conclusão na Universidade do Minho. Esta pesquisa, cujos participantes são professores da rede pública que são cursistas de uma formação a distância, teve o objetivo investigar se o fato destes professores estudarem na modalidade a distância contribuiu para o desenvolvimento da literacia digital na sua vida social, práticas cotidianas e na sua prática docente. No presente artigo apresentamos a análise e discussão dos dados levantados nas entrevistas com os participantes. As entrevistas proporcionaram um aprofundamento sobre a percepção que os participantes têm da presença das tecnologias na vida cotidiana e na prática pedagógica. Os resultados indicam uma tendência para o uso das tecnologias de forma elementar e instrumental no dia-dia dos participantes. Quanto a presença dos dispositivos móveis com Internet nas mãos dos alunos em sala de aula, constatou-se que uma resistência dos professores e que estes tiram pouco proveito do potencial das TDIC na prática pedagógica. O estudo aponta a formação voltada para a literacia digital como uma necessidade urgente na preparação dos professores para lidar com a crescente presença das tecnologias na vida social e profissional.This paper aims to deepen the issues discussed in the article Digital Literacy of Teachers: an ongoing case study of distance education in Tocantins, Brazil (Alves & Silva, 2015). Both papers present data from the PhD research In education entitled Teacher Training, Media Literacy and Sociodigital Inclusion: a case study underway at a distance at the Federal University of Tocantins, in the process of completion at the University of Minho. This research, whose participants are public school teachers who are distance learning students, had the objective of investigating whether the fact that these teachers study in the distance modality contributed to the development of digital literacy in their social life, daily practices and in their practice. In the present article we present the analysis and discussion of the data collected in the interviews with the participants. The interviews provided a deepening of participants' perception of the presence of technologies in everyday life and pedagogical practice. The results indicate a tendency for the use of the technologies of elementary and instrumental form in the day-day of the participants. As for the presence of mobile devices with Internet in the hands of students in the classroom, it was found that resistance of teachers and that they take little advantage of the potential of the TDIC in pedagogical practice. The study points to training in digital literacy as an urgent need to prepare teachers to deal with the growing presence of technologies in social and professional life.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    O novo quadro-negro nas mãos dos estudantes: desafios emergentes para a educação

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    O cenário de mudanças na área das tecnologias avança numa velocidade acelerada e a escola, uma instituição tradicional, ainda encontra resistência em acompanhar a dinâmica das reconfigurações que as tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação (TDIC) causam nos âmbitos sociais, econômico, político e educacional. Assim, muda-se a forma de aprender e ensinar, modifica-se o papel do professor e altera-se a finalidade da escola. Este artigo apresenta reflexões sobre as mudanças ocorridas na educação com a inserção das tecnologias digitais em contraponto com a resistência da escola em se adaptar a estas mudanças por manterem o modelo pedagógico e de infraestrutura do século XIX. A primeira seção descreve este cenário antagônico de tecnologias subestimadas enquanto a concepção de pedagogia da transmissão predomina no contexto escolar. A segunda seção apresenta propostas inovadoras de integração das TDIC no cenário em que os tablets e smartphones são o novo quadro-negro nas mãos dos alunos.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio