5,487 research outputs found

    Teachersa Roles in Autonomous learning

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    As Little described learners autonomy has been a new term in the field of applied linguistics It has become one of the objectives of education now This paper reviews definition and some misunderstanding of learners autonomy and discuss the roles of teachers in autonom

    How Perspectives on Language Development Affect English as a Foreign Langage Teaching

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    Based on the review of three perspectives of language development this paper is aimed to focus on interactionalist s position and provides insights into the influences of it on English as a foreign language teaching EFL


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    Latar belakang : penggunaan blok saraf perifer sebagai pilihan anestesi memiliki keuntungan antara lain penderita tetap sadar selama operasi, managemen nyeri paska operasi lebih baik. Penggunaan Fascia Illiaca compartement Block (FICB) memiliki resiko yang sangat rendah oleh karena lokasi injeksi jauh dari pembuluh darah, mengurangi resiko injeksi intravaskular sehingga toksisitas anestesi lokal rendah dan kerusakan mekanik juga rendah. Penelitian ini membandingkan efektifitas Fascia Illiaca Compartement Block dan blok skiatik dengan blok femoral dan blok skiatik untuk operasi ekstremitas bawah. Metode : penelitian ini bersifat eksperimental post test only control group design. Penelitian dibagi kedalam 2 grup, grup A mendapat blok FICB dan skiatik dan grup B mendapat blok femoral dan skiatik, tiap grup berjumlah 8 orang. Setelah dilakukan blok, dinilai Bromage skor, pink prick tes, tekanan darah, nadi, saturasi oksigen dan efek samping. Selama operasi berlangsung di ukur tekanan darah, nadi, saturasi. Paska operasi diukur VAS jam 1,3 dan 24. Hasil: hasil penelitian secara statistik, tidak ada perbedaan bermakna perbandingan efektifitas kombinasi FICB dan skiatik dengan femoral dan skiatik. Didapatkan bromage skor dan pink prick tes yang sama untuk kedua grup. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna untuk tekanan darah, nadi, saturasi untuk kedua grup. Tidak ditemukan efek samping pada kedua grup. VAS paska operasi ringan . Kesimpulan : kombinasi FICB dan skiatik dapat digunakan sebagai salah satu alternatif anestesi untuk operasi ekstremitas bawa

    Representative Names of Computing Degree Programs Worldwide

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    Through the auspices of ACM and with support from the IEEE Computer Society, a task group charged to prepare the IT2017 report conducted an online international survey of computing faculty members about their undergraduate degree programs in computing. The purpose of this survey was to clarify the breadth of and disparities in nomenclature used by diverse communities in the computing field, where a word or phrase can mean different things in different computing communities. This paper examines the English-language words and phrases used to name the computing programs of almost six hundred survey respondents, and the countries in which those names are used. Over eight hundred program names analysed in this paper reveal six program names that together account for more than half of all program names. The paper goes on to consider possible correspondence between reported program names and the five areas of computing identified by the ACM. Names such as computer science and information technology appear to dominate, but with different meanings, while the names of other computing disciplines show clear geographic preferences. Convergence towards a very small number of highly representative program names in computing education worldwide might be deceptive. The paper calls for further examination and international collaborations to align program names with program curriculum content

    Examining the Use of Social Media in Customer Co-Creation: A Blog Mining Study

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    Social media have been used by some companies to support customer co-creation in recent years. However, few academic studies have been done to investigate the use of social media for customer co-creation. To understand the current state-of-the-art and future trends about the use of social media for customer co-creation, we conducted a blog mining study to analyze relevant posts on blogs. This blog study reveals some interesting patterns, themes and future trends in this specific area

    Conterminous United States Crop Field Size Quantification from Multi-temporal Landsat Data

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    Agricultural field size is indicative of the degree of agricultural capital investment, mechanization and labor intensity, and it is ecologically important. A recently published automated computational methodology to extract agricultural crop fields from weekly 30 m Web Enabled Landsat data (WELD) time series was refined and applied to a year of Landsat 5 Thematic Mapper (TM) and Landsat 7 Enhance Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM +) acquisitions for all of the conterminous United States (CONUS). For the first time, spatially explicit CONUS field size maps and derived information are presented. A total of 4,182,777 fields were extracted with mean and median field sizes of 0.193 km2 and 0.278 km2, respectively. The CONUS field size histogram was skewed; 50% of the extracted fields had sizes greater than or smaller than 0.361 km2, and there were four distinct peaks that corresponded closely to sizes equivalent to fields with 0.25 × 0.25 mile, 0.25 × 0.5 mile, 0.5 × 0.5 mile, and 0.5 × 1 mile side dimensions. There were discernible patterns between field size and the majority crop type as defined by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) cropland data layer (CDL) classification. In general, larger field sizes occurred where a greater proportion of the land was dedicated to agriculture, predominantly in the U.S. Wheat Belt and Corn Belt, and in regions of irrigated agriculture. The results were validated by comparison with field boundaries manually digitized from Landsat 5 and Google-Earth high resolution imagery. The validation was undertaken at 48 approximately 7.5 × 7.5 km sites selected across a gradient of field sizes in each of the top 16 harvested cropland areas in U.S. states that together cover 76% of harvested U.S. cropland. Conventional per-pixel confusion matrix based measures that assess pixel level thematic mapping accuracy, and object extraction accuracy measures, were derived. The overall per-pixel crop field classification accuracy was 92.7% and the overall crop field producer\u27s and user\u27s accuracies were 93.7% and 94.9%. Comparing all the reference and extracted field objects, 81.4% were correctly matched and the extracted field sizes were on average underestimated by 1.2% relative to the reference field objects

    Automated Crop Field Extraction from Multi-Temporal Web Enabled Landsat Data

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    An automated computational methodology to extract agricultural crop fields from 30 m Web Enabled Landsat data (WELD) time series is presented. The results for three 150 × 150 kmWELD tiles encompassing rectangular, circular (center-pivot irrigation) and irregularly shaped fields in Texas, California and South Dakota are presented and compared to independent United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) cropland data layer (CDL) classifications. Coherent fields that are visually apparent were extracted with relatively limited apparent errors of omission or commission compared to the CDL classifications. This is due to several factors. First, the use ofmulti-temporal Landsat data, as opposed to single Landsat acquisitions, that enables crop rotations and inter-annual variability in the state of the vegetation to be accommodated for and provides more opportunities for cloud-free, non-missing and atmospherically uncontaminated surface observations. Second, the adoption of an object-based approach, namely the variational region-based geometric active contour method that enables robust segmentation with only a small number of parameters and that requires no training data. Third, the use of a watershed algorithmto decompose connected segments belonging to multiple fields into coherent isolated field segments and a geometry-based algorithm to detect and associate parts of circular fields together. A preliminary validation is presented to gain quantitative insights into the field extraction accuracy and to prototype a validation protocol including new geometric measures that quantify the accuracy of individual field objects. Implications and recommendations for future research and large-area applications are discussed

    Rohphosphatmobilisierung von Sommerweizen, Weißlupine und Ackerbohne in einer Fruchtfolge

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    In organic farming rock phosphate is used as a mineral P fertilizer, although the agronomic efficiency is limted. The objective of this study was to investigate in field and pot experiments the mobilization of rock phosphate by P-efficient plants (white lupin and faba bean) and the P availability for P-inefficient plants (spinach and maize) during a crop rotation in 2002/2003 and 2003/2004. The P uptake of spinach was higher in a crop rotation with white lupin and faba bean than in a crop rotation with summer wheat. In pot experiments the application of new basic slag phosphate (CaHPO4) resulted to a higher P uptake of the plants than rock phosphate

    Mechanistic studies on the Cerium Catalyzed Belousov-Zhabotinsky Reaction

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