90 research outputs found


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    الوظيفة الدينية للزيوت في مصر القديمةِ [ Ar] يكشف البحث عن أهمية «الزيوت السبعة المقدسة» من خلال الطقوس الدينية التي كانت تجري في معابد الآلهة و الطقوس الجنائزية التي كانت تجري للمتوفي لاستدعاء الروح. فقد كانت الزيوت السبعة المقدسة أعلي مكانة من سائر القرابين؛ فقد تم مساواتها بعين حورس المقدسة التي عظم شأنها علي مدار الحضارة المصرية القديمة. كما يبرز البحث العلاقة بين الزيوت المقدسة و الثعبان الملحق بالتاج الملكي و الآلهة و مركب أوزيريس (نشمت). قسم البحث إلي ثلاثة أجزاء: ففي الجزء الأول يتحدث البحث عن الزيوت النباتية الشائعة فى مصر القديمة، و ذلك من خلال مشاهد قوائم تخزين الزيوت و كذلك من خلال النصوص التابعة لمشهد «وحدة تخزين الزيوت« في مقبرتي حيسيرع» و «ني-عنخ-خنوم و خنوم –حتب» في سقارة. أما الجزء الثاني من البحث فهو يذكر أسماء «الزيوت السبعة المقدسة» التي عرفت منذ عصر ما قبل الأسرات و العصر العتيق، ثم وثقت هذه الزيوت العطرية المقدسة بوضوح منذ عهد الأسرة الثالثة من خلال مشهد الزيوت لمقبرة «حيسيرع» بسقارة. ثم ذكرت «الزيوت السبعة المقدسة» في المشاهد الجنائزية الخاصة بقوائم القرابين المرتبطة بطقسة «فتح الفم». كما تعد« نصوص الأهرامات» المصدر الديني الرئيسي لأسماء «الزيوت السبعة المقدسة» ووظيفتها الدينية. يلي ذلك عرض للطقوس الدينية التي تتم من خلال دهن جبهة تمثال المعبود في قدس الاقداس لاستدعاء روح الاله أو روح المتوفي. الأمر الثاني هو حدث تجلي المتوفي من خلال دهن جبهته في طقسة «فتح الفم» لتحويل روح المتوفي إلي «نور». الأمر الثالث هو مساواة «الزيوت المقدسة» الأساسية مع عين حورس التي عملت ضد قوى الشر والتي تتمثل في المعبود «سيث». يتم تحضير هذه «الزيوت المقدسة» في مختبرات المعابد بتوجيه من الإله تحوت. فقد كانت تعاويذ الإله «تحوت» هي التي تمنح الطاقة الفعالة للزيوت المقدسة المستخدمة في الطقوس الدينية. أما عن الجزء الثالث من البحث، فهو يتحدث عن طقسة دهن الحية (Uraeus) المرتبطة بتاج الملوك والآلهة. إن التمثيل الجداري الأساسي لمعبد دندرة (قاعة حورسماتاوي) الذي يصور «زهرة اللوتس» داخل مركب أوزوريس «نشمت» مع الثعبان السام (Uraeus) الخارج من «زهرة اللوتس» والإله الصقر حورس يشير إلى وحدة إلهية لاهوتية يعمل ضد قوى الشر. فيهدف البحث إلى الكشف عن الأهمية الدينية «للزيوت المقدسة» على وجه التحديد و العلاقة بينها وبين جنات أوزيريس. [En] This paper explores the significance of the «Seven-Sacred-oils» and burning incense in religious and funerary rituals. The sacred Oils were more frequent than all other offerings. They were divine and equated with the «Eye-of-Horus». The first part of this research indicates that common vegetable oils were included in the tomb\u27s oil-storage lists. The second part mentions the names of the Seven Sacred Oils. The Pyramid Texts are the main source of the names of the «Seven-Sacred-Oils» and their religious function. The Offering lists related to the «Opening-of-the-Mouth» ritual are recorded as well. Cult rituals were performed in the temple-sanctuary, which involved anointing the forehead of the cult-image. This ritual was prominent among the religious rituals. A transfiguration of the deceased happened through the anointment of his forehead in the «Opening-of-the-Mouth» ritual. These sacred oils had been prepared in the temple laboratories under the directions of the god Thoth. The spells of Thoth consecrated the sacred oils that were used in religious rituals. The third part of the research clarifies the anointment of the serpent (Uraeus) attached to the crown of the kings and gods. A mural in the chamber of (1r-4mA-6Awy) at Denderah temple depicts the fragrant «Lotus Bloom» inside the «Neshmet-bark of Osiris», with the poisonous serpent (Uraeus) coming out of the «Lotus-flower» and the falcongod Horus. This image indicates a divine unit that functions against the evil powers of Seth\u27s realm. This research aims to reveal the prominent religious importance and divinity of the sacred-oils

    Awareness of Healthier Lifestyle Change among Patients with Coronary Artery Diseases

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    AbstractObjective: presented study aimed to assess the awareness of healthier lifestyle change among patient with coronary artery disease. Methodology: descriptive design study was conducted at Coronary Care Unit in Marjan hospital in Hillia city, data was gathered by using a questionnaire form the period (June15. 2012 to August 20.2012) . Results:  the results shows that the higher percentage of the sample (53.7%) were male most of   them were smoker 61.1%, and 38% of the sample were hypertensive; most of them didn't applied any change in their lifestyle pattern.Conclusion: Most of the convenient sample of the study was male, illiterate, housewives and city resident. Most of the sample were overweight, with hypertension, smoker, and related to alcohol consuming they were not alcoholicRecommendation: the researchers recommended that there is a serious need to health education, which properly structured to promote patient education in order to enhance their lifestyle pattern, by improving knowledge and bring about a change in attitudes.Key Words: Awareness, Lifestyle, Coronary Artery Disease ,Diet ,physical activitie

    Transformational Leadership and Employee Attributes

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    In the present age of innovation and technology diffusion, many organizations employ a diversified workforce. Past research suggests that a transformational leadership style is needed for managing a diversified workforce. This study examines the impact of transformational leadership on employee engagement, employee performance, self-efficacy, organizational commitment, job satisfaction and employee creativity in the banking sector of Pakistan. The valid sample size for the study was 92, with a response rate of 92%. The questionnaire was adopted from earlier studies. The results indicate that transformational leadership does not have a statistically significant influence on self-efficacy and organizational commitment. On the contrary, transformational leadership has a strong effect on employee engagement (R2 = .61), employee performance (R2 = .57), employee creativity (R2 = .52) and job satisfaction (R2 = .52).Keywords: Transformational Leadership, Employee Performance, Job Satisfaction, Employee Engagement, Organizational Commitment, Employee Creativity, Self-Efficacy

    Political Participation in Jordan in light of the Royal Discussion Papers

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    Effective political participation plays a key role in promoting good democratic governance and the rule of law in order to achieve transparency and the principle of accountability, which contribute mainly to the process of political, economic and social development. This study aims to define political participation and its application forms, and to identify democratic practices and the elements of political participation in Jordan in light of the political reform process and the royal discussion papers. The study also tackles the role of the means of communication and media as a major factor in this process and discusses the opportunities of achieving democratic empowerment in Jordan. The study found that democratic empowerment is only achieved through social, economic, cultural and political relations harmony in society by realizing the rule of law and institutions. Political, economic and social reform that aims at enhancing popular participation in decision-making is carried out through constitutional amendments and legislations that ultimately lead to parliamentary government, as indicated in the royal discussion papers. The study followed the descriptive-analytical approach, and the systemic analysis approach

    Activity Based Costing (ABC) to Calculate the Cost of Training Students in School of Management and Medical Information Sciences

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    Introduction: Public higher education is competing for limited public funds. Activity-basedcosting (ABC) provides detailed evidence that higher education administrators and policymakerscan be employed to allocate scare resources more effectively and better understandwhat education centers do. Conducting context-specific studies on ABC and budgeting foreducational systems is the crux of the matter for cost containment and making decisions. Thepresent study was undertaken with the aim of determining the costs of training undergraduateand postgraduate students.Methods: This is a descriptive-analytic and applied study. The costs incurred by 7 differentdisciplines and degrees including bachelor (n=2), master (n=4), and PhD (n=1) in the Schoolof Management and Medical Information Sciences of the Shiraz University of MedicalScience in the academic year 2015-16 were examined and costs of training undergraduate andpostgraduate students were totaled by ABC method. The total number of students in includeddisciplines was 269; of them, 71% were studying in the bachelor, 26% in the master, and 3%in PhD programs. Since the primary purpose of our study was to calculate the total sum ofcost per student, no sampling was done. After identifying the activity centers and incurredcosts per activity center, the proportion of the schools’ costs to the university headquarter wastraced. In the school level, the costs of non-faculty staff by the deputies of education, research,support, and cultural-student affairs were estimated. Moreover, other costs, namely energycosts, rentals, consumables, depreciation, and missions were determined and assigned basedon the number of students. Data management and analysis were performed using Excel 2007.Results: The cost of training undergraduate students in the disciplines of health servicesmanagement and health information technology was 24413±2891and24413±2891 and 24286±2926,respectively. The maximum cost of schooling a student in the master degree belonged to thediscipline of medical informatics. The total cost of training a PhD student in the academicyear 2014-2015 was $95303±16106.Conclusion: In an era of resource scarcity, the ability to recognize the gaps between resourcesand academic goals and redirect the resources into programs which maximize the valueadded is crucial for all higher education institutes

    MutLα heterodimers modify the molecular phenotype of Friedreich ataxia

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    This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund.Background: Friedreich ataxia (FRDA), the most common autosomal recessive ataxia disorder, is caused by a dynamic GAA repeat expansion mutation within intron 1 of FXN gene, resulting in down-regulation of frataxin expression. Studies of cell and mouse models have revealed a role for the mismatch repair (MMR) MutS-heterodimer complexes and the PMS2 component of the MutLα complex in the dynamics of intergenerational and somatic GAA repeat expansions: MSH2, MSH3 and MSH6 promote GAA repeat expansions, while PMS2 inhibits GAA repeat expansions. Methodology/Principal Findings: To determine the potential role of the other component of the MutLα complex, MLH1, in GAA repeat instability in FRDA, we have analyzed intergenerational and somatic GAA repeat expansions from FXN transgenic mice that have been crossed with Mlh1 deficient mice. We find that loss of Mlh1 activity reduces both intergenerational and somatic GAA repeat expansions. However, we also find that loss of either Mlh1 or Pms2 reduces FXN transcription, suggesting different mechanisms of action for Mlh1 and Pms2 on GAA repeat expansion dynamics and regulation of FXN transcription. Conclusions/Significance: Both MutLα components, PMS2 and MLH1, have now been shown to modify the molecular phenotype of FRDA. We propose that upregulation of MLH1 or PMS2 could be potential FRDA therapeutic approaches to increase FXN transcription. © 2014 Ezzatizadeh et al.This article has been made available through the Brunel Open Access Publishing Fund

    HelmCoP: An Online Resource for Helminth Functional Genomics and Drug and Vaccine Targets Prioritization

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    A vast majority of the burden from neglected tropical diseases result from helminth infections (nematodes and platyhelminthes). Parasitic helminthes infect over 2 billion, exerting a high collective burden that rivals high-mortality conditions such as AIDS or malaria, and cause devastation to crops and livestock. The challenges to improve control of parasitic helminth infections are multi-fold and no single category of approaches will meet them all. New information such as helminth genomics, functional genomics and proteomics coupled with innovative bioinformatic approaches provide fundamental molecular information about these parasites, accelerating both basic research as well as development of effective diagnostics, vaccines and new drugs. To facilitate such studies we have developed an online resource, HelmCoP (Helminth Control and Prevention), built by integrating functional, structural and comparative genomic data from plant, animal and human helminthes, to enable researchers to develop strategies for drug, vaccine and pesticide prioritization, while also providing a useful comparative genomics platform. HelmCoP encompasses genomic data from several hosts, including model organisms, along with a comprehensive suite of structural and functional annotations, to assist in comparative analyses and to study host-parasite interactions. The HelmCoP interface, with a sophisticated query engine as a backbone, allows users to search for multi-factorial combinations of properties and serves readily accessible information that will assist in the identification of various genes of interest. HelmCoP is publicly available at: http://www.nematode.net/helmcop.html

    Benign external hydrocephalus: a review, with emphasis on management

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    Benign external hydrocephalus in infants, characterized by macrocephaly and typical neuroimaging findings, is considered as a self-limiting condition and is therefore rarely treated. This review concerns all aspects of this condition: etiology, neuroimaging, symptoms and clinical findings, treatment, and outcome, with emphasis on management. The review is based on a systematic search in the Pubmed and Web of Science databases. The search covered various forms of hydrocephalus, extracerebral fluid, and macrocephaly. Studies reporting small children with idiopathic external hydrocephalus were included, mostly focusing on the studies reporting a long-term outcome. A total of 147 studies are included, the majority however with a limited methodological quality. Several theories regarding pathophysiology and various symptoms, signs, and clinical findings underscore the heterogeneity of the condition. Neuroimaging is important in the differentiation between external hydrocephalus and similar conditions. A transient delay of psychomotor development is commonly seen during childhood. A long-term outcome is scarcely reported, and the results are varying. Although most children with external hydrocephalus seem to do well both initially and in the long term, a substantial number of patients show temporary or permanent psychomotor delay. To verify that this truly is a benign condition, we suggest that future research on external hydrocephalus should focus on the long-term effects of surgical treatment as opposed to conservative management