16 research outputs found

    Evidence for rapid disc formation and reprocessing in the X-ray bright tidal disruption event candidate AT 2018fyk

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    We present optical spectroscopic and Swift UVOT/XRT observations of the X-ray and UV/optical bright tidal disruption event (TDE) candidate AT 2018fyk/ASASSN-18ul discovered by ASAS-SN. The Swift light curve is atypical for a TDE, entering a plateau after similar to 40d of decline from peak. After 80d the UV/optical light curve breaks again to decline further, while the X-ray emission becomes brighter and harder. In addition to broad H, He, and potentially O/Fe lines, narrow emission lines emerge in the optical spectra during the plateau phase. We identify both high-ionization (Oiii) and low-ionization (Feii) lines, which are visible for similar to 45d. We similarly identify Feii lines in optical spectra of ASASSN-15oi 330 d after discovery, indicating that a class of Fe-rich TDEs exists. The spectral similarity between AT 2018fyk, narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies, and some extreme coronal line emitters suggests that TDEs are capable of creating similar physical conditions in the nuclei of galaxies. The Feii lines can be associated with the formation of a compact accretion disc, as the emergence of low-ionization emission lines requires optically thick, high-density gas. Taken together with the plateau in X-ray and UV/optical luminosity this indicates that emission from the central source is efficiently reprocessed into UV/optical wavelengths. Such a two-component light curve is very similar to that seen in the TDE candidate ASASSN-15lh, and is a natural consequence of a relativistic orbital pericentre

    Accreting Black Holes

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    This chapter provides a general overview of the theory and observations of black holes in the Universe and on their interpretation. We briefly review the black hole classes, accretion disk models, spectral state classification, the AGN classification, and the leading techniques for measuring black hole spins. We also introduce quasi-periodic oscillations, the shadow of black holes, and the observations and the theoretical models of jets.Comment: 41 pages, 18 figures. To appear in "Tutorial Guide to X-ray and Gamma-ray Astronomy: Data Reduction and Analysis" (Ed. C. Bambi, Springer Singapore, 2020). v3: fixed some typos and updated some parts. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1711.1025

    Accretion disc cooling and narrow absorption lines in the tidal disruption event AT2019dsg

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    We present the results of a large multiwavelength follow-up campaign of the tidal disruption event (TDE) AT2019dsg, focusing on low to high resolution optical spectroscopy, X-ray, and radio observations. The galaxy hosts a super massive black hole of mass (5.4 ± 3.2) ×106M⊙  and careful analysis finds no evidence for the presence of an active galactic nucleus, instead the TDE host galaxy shows narrow optical emission lines that likely arise from star formation activity. The transient is luminous in the X-rays, radio, UV, and optical. The X-ray emission becomes undetected after ∼100 d, and the radio luminosity density starts to decay at frequencies above 5.4 GHz by ∼160 d. Optical emission line signatures of the TDE are present up to ∼200 d after the light-curve peak. The medium to high resolution spectra show traces of absorption lines that we propose originate in the self-gravitating debris streams. At late times, after ∼200 d, narrow Fe lines appear in the spectra. The TDE was previously classified as N-strong, but after careful subtraction of the host galaxy's stellar contribution, we find no evidence for these N lines in the TDE spectrum, even though O Bowen lines are detected. The observed properties of the X-ray emission are fully consistent with the detection of the inner regions of a cooling accretion disc. The optical and radio properties are consistent with this central engine seen at a low inclination (i.e. seen from the poles).</p

    A tidal disruption event coincident with a high-energy neutrino

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    Cosmic neutrinos provide a unique window into the otherwise hidden mechanism of particle acceleration in astrophysical objects. The IceCube Collaboration recently reported the likely association of one high-energy neutrino with a flare from the relativistic jet of an active galaxy pointed towards the Earth. However a combined analysis of many similar active galaxies revealed no excess from the broader population, leaving the vast majority of the cosmic neutrino flux unexplained. Here we present the likely association of a radio-emitting tidal disruption event, AT2019dsg, with a second high-energy neutrino. AT2019dsg was identified as part of our systematic search for optical counterparts to high-energy neutrinos with the Zwicky Transient Facility. The probability of finding any coincident radio-emitting tidal disruption event by chance is 0.5%, while the probability of finding one as bright in bolometric energy flux as AT2019dsg is 0.2%. Our electromagnetic observations can be explained through a multizone model, with radio analysis revealing a central engine, embedded in a UV photosphere, that powers an extended synchrotron-emitting outflow. This provides an ideal site for petaelectronvolt neutrino production. Assuming that the association is genuine, our observations suggest that tidal disruption events with mildly relativistic outflows contribute to the cosmic neutrino flux

    A NICER discovery of a low-frequency quasi-periodic oscillation in the soft-intermediate state of MAXI J1535–571

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    We present the discovery of a low-frequency ≈5.7 Hz quasi-periodic oscillation (QPO) feature in observations of the black hole X-ray binary MAXI J1535-571 in its soft-intermediate state, obtained in 2017 September-October by the Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer. The feature is relatively broad (compared to other low-frequency QPOs; quality factor Q ≈ 2) and weak (1.9% rms in 3-10 keV), and is accompanied by a weak harmonic and low-amplitude broadband noise. These characteristics identify it as a weak Type A/B QPO, similar to ones previously identified in the soft-intermediate state of the transient black hole X-ray binary XTE J1550-564. The lag-energy spectrum of the QPO shows increasing soft lags toward lower energies, approaching 50 ms at 1 keV (with respect to a 3-10 keV continuum). This large phase shift has similar amplitude but opposite sign to that seen in Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer data for a Type B QPO from the transient black hole X-ray binary GX 339-4. Previous phase-resolved spectroscopy analysis of the Type B QPO in GX 339-4 pointed toward a precessing jet-like corona illuminating the accretion disk as the origin of the QPO signal. We suggest that this QPO in MAXI J1535-571 may have the same origin, with the different lag sign depending on the scale height of the emitting region and the observer inclination angle

    Unusual Hard X-Ray Flares Caught in NICER Monitoring of the Binary Supermassive Black Hole Candidate AT2019cuk/Tick Tock/SDSS J1430+2303

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    Abstract The nuclear transient AT2019cuk/Tick Tock/SDSS J1430+2303 has been suggested to harbor a supermassive black hole (SMBH) binary near coalescence. We report results from high-cadence NICER X-ray monitoring with multiple visits per day from 2022 January to August, as well as continued optical monitoring during the same time period. We find no evidence of periodic/quasiperiodic modulation in the X-ray, UV, or optical bands; however, we do observe exotic hard X-ray variability that is unusual for typical active galactic nuclei (AGN). The most striking feature of the NICER light curve is repetitive hard (2–4 keV) X-ray flares that result in distinctly harder X-ray spectra compared to the nonflaring data. In its nonflaring state, AT2019cuk looks like a relatively standard AGN, but it presents the first case of day-long, hard X-ray flares in a changing-look AGN. We consider a few different models for the driving mechanism of these hard X-ray flares, including (1) corona/jet variability driven by increased magnetic activity, (2) variable obscuration, and (3) self-lensing from the potential secondary SMBH. We prefer the variable corona model, as the obscuration model requires rather contrived timescales and the self-lensing model is difficult to reconcile with a lack of clear periodicity in the flares. These findings illustrate how important high-cadence X-ray monitoring is to our understanding of the rapid variability of the X-ray corona and necessitate further high-cadence, multiwavelength monitoring of changing-look AGN like AT2019cuk to probe the corona-jet connection.</jats:p

    The Tidal Disruption Event AT2021ehb: Evidence of Relativistic Disk Reflection, and Rapid Evolution of the Disk-Corona System

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    Abstract We present X-ray, UV, optical, and radio observations of the nearby (≈78 Mpc) tidal disruption event AT2021ehb/ZTF21aanxhjv during its first 430 days of evolution. AT2021ehb occurs in the nucleus of a galaxy hosting a≈107 M ⊙ black hole (M BH inferred from host galaxy scaling relations). High-cadence Swift and Neutron Star Interior Composition Explorer (NICER) monitoring reveals a delayed X-ray brightening. The spectrum first undergoes a gradual soft → hard transition and then suddenly turns soft again within 3 days at δ t≈272 days during which the X-ray flux drops by a factor of 10. In the joint NICER+NuSTAR observation (δ t = 264 days, harder state), we observe a prominent nonthermal component up to 30 keV and an extremely broad emission line in the iron K band. The bolometric luminosity of AT2021ehb reaches a maximum of 6.0 − 3.8 + 10.4 % L Edd when the X-ray spectrum is the hardest. During the dramatic X-ray evolution, no radio emission is detected, the UV/optical luminosity stays relatively constant, and the optical spectra are featureless. We propose the following interpretations: (i) the soft → hard transition may be caused by the gradual formation of a magnetically dominated corona; (ii) hard X-ray photons escape from the system along solid angles with low scattering optical depth (∼a few) whereas the UV/optical emission is likely generated by reprocessing materials with much larger column density—the system is highly aspherical; and (iii) the abrupt X-ray flux drop may be triggered by the thermal–viscous instability in the inner accretion flow, leading to a much thinner disk.</jats:p