1,864 research outputs found

    Intercultural Mediation in Conflict Situations: A Didactic-Methodological Conception for Tourist Guides

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    This study investigates the treatment of conflict situations of an intercultural nature in the professional framework of tour guides Intercultural competence is considered not sufficiently studied within the framework of the postgraduate improvement of the language for professional purposes in the Cuban tourism sector The objective is focused on developing a didactic-methodological conception and the creation of a conceptual framework towards the development of intercultural competence in tour guides by making use of the theory of mediation The article focused on a new definition of intercultural competence and analyzed some reflections on the creation of a conceptual platform to evaluate this competence In the development of this study the conceptual model of the Macro Intercultural Competence Coping is presented suitable to base the intercultural components through the treatment of conflict situations Its application will facilitate a greater awareness of the characteristics of one s own culture the reactivation of cultural knowledge and the development of critical thinking for mediation in conflict situation

    Motricidad y cognición. Un estudio empírico

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    Esta tesis es un intento de clarificar diversos aspectos sobre las dimensiones que abarca la Educación. La motricidad y la cognición son dos de estas dimensiones educativas sobre las cuales existe un amplio debate, tanto en su definición como en su posible interdependencia. Este trabajo no se centra en debates teóricos, sino que intenta aportar datos empíricos sobre dicha realidad. Dichos datos se aportan a partir de 3 estudios sobre población escolar, en cada uno de ellos la muestra se segmenta a partir del tipo de actividad física desarrollada: En el primer estudio se aplican un total de 6 pruebas a 487 sujetos de entre 9 y 16 años. Los ámbitos a los que pertenecen las pruebas son: perceptivo-motor, expresión gráfica y rendimiento académico. La segmentación de la muestra más interesante que se realiza en este estudio es la distinción entre los individuos que realizan actividades extraescolares y los que no. El segundo estudio se realiza también con población escolar, pero en este caso son 241 individuos que practican deporte de alto rendimiento. Las pruebas aplicadas son las mismas que en el estudio anterior pero añadiendo dos pruebas del ámbito técnico-táctico. El tercer estudio es un trabajo meramente estadístico, ya que la muestra corresponde a los dos anteriores, en el que se realiza una comparación sobre los datos más relevantes. Posteriormente, en el apartado de conclusiones y discusión, se ofrecen aportaciones que giran alrededor de los vínculos que se pueden establecer entre los di­ferentes ámbitos y la implicación que tiene el tipo de práctica física desarrollada en relación con las pruebas analizadas. En concreto, se confirma una evolución de los resultados de todas las pruebas en consonancia con el aumento de la edad de los sujetos. No queda definida la relación entre la operatividad en tareas que implican a la motricidad global y las que implican a la motricidad fina. El ámbito de la motricidad está vinculado con el ámbito cognitivo a partir de la motricidad fina y no tanto a través de la motricidad global. Por último se concluye con que la práctica intensiva de actividad física no aumenta el rendimiento perceptivo-motor ni cognitivo, en cambio, sí que ocurre con una actividad física moderada, por otro lado, se pone en evidencia que el fenómeno de la táctica está influenciado por elementos diferentes al resto de conductas

    La infancia en debate: entre derechos y necesidades

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    La infancia en debate: entre derechos y necesidade


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    Companies as organizations focused on the fulfillment of particular objectives direct and maximizing limited resources in the function of satisfying needs in society, however, motivated by profit and rarely conceived of their investors as sufficient, causing neglect and distancing from the commitment to ethical and responsible management of resources, oriented by market orders, under policies more concerned with their profits than with operational practices that, in addition to improving their competitiveness, help to improve social conditions in a reactivation process after the pandemic experienced, contribute to the quality of life in general in the communities involved in their production processes, in other words, the generation of shared value (SV). The results of a study that sought to identify, through the perception delivered by students and graduates of an administration program of a public university, the level of perception of learning that allows contributing to the culture in the generation of shared value in organizations. It is a population that, due to its formation, challenges them with the transfer of knowledge that contributes to the economic reactivation, as well as to the generation of SV in the organizations. The study is based on Porter's and Kramer's ideas on preconceiving a) products and markets, b) redefining productivity in the value chain, and c) building support clusters. The methodology implemented for the analysis was mixed, using the survey as a data collection instrument. The results show that the students and graduates of the program observed show that there is a medium-low environment in the three concepts evaluated, with a medium level of 40%, a low level of 35% and a high level of only 24%

    Learning For The Generation Of Shared Value: Challenge Of The Management Program Of A Public University

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    Companies as organizations focused on the fulfillment of particular objectives direct and maximizing limited resources in the function of satisfying needs in society, however, motivated by profit and rarely conceived of their investors as sufficient, causing neglect and distancing from the commitment to ethical and responsible management of resources, oriented by market orders, under policies more concerned with their profits than with operational practices that, in addition to improving their competitiveness, help to improve social conditions in a reactivation process after the pandemic experienced, contribute to the quality of life in general in the communities involved in their production processes, in other words, the generation of shared value (SV). The results of a study that sought to identify, through the perception delivered by students and graduates of an administration program of a public university, the level of perception of learning that allows contributing to the culture in the generation of shared value in organizations. It is a population that, due to its formation, challenges them with the transfer of knowledge that contributes to the economic reactivation, as well as to the generation of SV in the organizations. The study is based on Porter's and Kramer's ideas on preconceiving a) products and markets, b) redefining productivity in the value chain, and c) building support clusters. The methodology implemented for the analysis was mixed, using the survey as a data collection instrument. The results show that the students and graduates of the program observed show that there is a medium-low environment in the three concepts evaluated, with a medium level of 40%, a low level of 35% and a high level of only 24%

    Dekonstruksi Benturan Peradaban Barat Dan Islam Melalui Kajian Kehidupan Sehari-Hari Masyarakat Muslim Indonesia Kontemporer

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    The purpose of this research is to deconstruct the thesis of The clash of civilizations through the study of the representations of Islam by contemporary Indonesian Muslims on an everyday life basis. The research methodology is mixed since it is based on the analysis of determined texts about the representations of the clash of Western and Islamic civilizations, as conceived entities in a geographical imagination, where Islam has historically been misrepresented by some Western peoples; and on the application of surveys based on what the researcher has observed about the Islamic way of life perceived by Indonesian Muslims, which is antithetical towards the ways has been conceived by these Western peoples. However, the ways has been perceived the Islamic way of life by Indonesian Muslim peoples may not mean they are following, in reality, Islam as a way of life, since the impact of (Western) modernization on an everyday life basis questions the true meaning of Islam for this present time, considering the fact it is a way of life that is ought to cover all aspects of life. The resulting contradicting representations held by some Western peoples and Muslim peoples about Islam, implies that to reach a mutual understanding may not be limited in a traditional dialectical way, where either the ways of conceiving Islam by some Western people or the ways of perceiving Islam by Muslim peoples are the “ultimate truth,” but by mediation under a trialectical way, in the sense that these two confronted entities are mediated by a third one. The results of this research are headed towards an experiencing process of mediation by mutual learning, which is pedagogical by nature, since it attempts to change the situatedness of mankind in a civilizational path for the present time, under Islamic principles

    GOLVEN peptide signalling through RGI receptors and MPK6 restricts asymmetric cell division during lateral root initiation

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    During lateral root initiation, lateral root founder cells undergo asymmetric cell divisions that generate daughter cells with different sizes and fates, a prerequisite for correct primordium organogenesis. An excess of the GLV6/RGF8 peptide disrupts these initial asymmetric cell divisions, resulting in more symmetric divisions and the failure to achieve lateral root organogenesis. Here, we show that loss-of-function GLV6 and its homologue GLV10 increase asymmetric cell divisions during lateral root initiation, and we identified three members of the RGF1 INSENSITIVE/RGF1 receptor subfamily as likely GLV receptors in this process. Through a suppressor screen, we found that MITOGEN-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE6 is a downstream regulator of the GLV pathway. Our data indicate that GLV6 and GLV10 act as inhibitors of asymmetric cell divisions and signal through RGF1 INSENSITIVE receptors and MITOGEN-ACTIVATED PROTEIN KINASE6 to restrict the number of initial asymmetric cell divisions that take place during lateral root initiation. The authors demonstrate the negative role of GOLVEN peptides during lateral root initiation in Arabidopsis, at the very early stage of the first asymmetric cell division of lateral root founder cells, and identify the receptors for these peptides


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    We aimed to analyse and compare the race components of national (47) and regional (158) male swimmers taking part in 50 m freestyle short course event. The relative contribution of each component, the split differences and relative splits were considered. A swimming race analysis system and an automatic swimming performance analysis (ASPA) were applied in the study. National male swimmers obtained significantly shorter times than regional: T10, 3.65 ± 0.14 s vs 4.56 ± 0.43 s; T15, 6.11 ± 0.18 s vs 7.47 ± 0.62 s; TTV15m, 6.99 ± 0.22 s vs 8.42 ± 0.71 s; T50, 23.25 ± 0.57 s vs 27.70 ± 2.16 s; higher SR (cyc•min-1) 60.2 ± 4.13 vs 57.6 ± 5.51; longer SL(m) 1.97 ± 0.15 vs 1.78 ± 0.15; and higher SI(m2•s-1) 3.89 ± 0.36 vs 3.011 ± 0.37. Differences in performances between national and regional Spanish groups were explained by the absolute split times, stroke length and stroke index. These differences were not found analysing the relative splits and indicates a similar race strategy regardless of the swimmers level