90 research outputs found

    Developing Strategy Knowledge for Vocabulary Learning in Speaking English as Second Language

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    Learners of English as a second language would like to learn all the language and master its four skills. Many learners may not know from where to start. Many learners may ask such questions; what should I do to learn English? How can I start? If ESL teachers followed effective strategies for teaching vocabulary, they could facilitate students’ proficiency in the four skills of English. Strategies of learning are many and various, but the more important is to raise the awareness of learners about these strategies. Developing of the metacognition of learners about strategies can lead to effective independent learning. Teachers can use developing learners’ awareness to put students at the centre of the learning process. From this point of view, it is important for teachers to prepare a good plan to develop students’ awareness of such useful strategies. Knowing the strategies of learning is an important thing for learners because they will raise their awareness about the best and the more useful ways of learning. This paper emphasizes the need to take into account the impact of developing strategy knowledge on developing the ability of the learners in memorising and learning vocabulary. It also aims to find ways which are useful for students to follow in developing their ability in defining the suitable strategies for learning, and to develop speaking skill and vocabulary specifically. The choice of this topic was according to the analysis of 28 students’ speech in their first year in the university. The results show a weakness in the field of vocabulary in speaking and suggest some ways of developing strategy knowledge in teaching vocabulary that lead to develop the ability of the learners to perform better in their learning

    Evaluating The Satisfaction of Social And Emotional Needs of Gifted Students: A Field Study for Gifted of Students in Jordan ( Retracted )

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    This manuscript was withdrawn from publication in the journal after the editorial board found that the results of the research were extracted from a master\u27s thesis (stealing from the self) without reference to this in the body of the research submitted to the journal

    Experimental Study to Enhance the Performance of Heat Transfer in Fire Tube Boilers

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    This paper deals with experimental study which is a fixed the corrugated strip plate inside fire box tube (furnace duct), in order to enhanced the performance of heat transfer between the hot gases inside tubes and water outside the tube.As well as to prevent furnace walls by making the combustion hot gases is homogenous hot gases inside the furnace which is cases the high thermal stress. Upon the furnace wall. The results of experimental work gives good indications, this agreement enhance the heat transfer gives long life time and reduce the madding cost of the boiler

    The Impact of the Application of International Accounting Standard 34 (IAS 34) on the Industrial Public Shareholding Companies’ Sector in Jordan

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    This study aims at identifying the extent to which IAS 34 (Interim financial reporting) is applied in the Jordanian public shareholding companies, along with highlighting the impact of its application on individual investors at these companies. Study population consists of all Jordanian public shareholding industrial companies (45 companies) listed at Amman Stock Exchange. Due to the large number of the study population, preparers of financial statements (employees of companies), and individual investors, we have selected a simple random sample. The total number of preparers of financial statements (employees), and individual investors were (500) individuals who were selected for the sample. The results showed that all companies are committed to issue and publish interim financial reports within the period specified for that purpose. There is a statistically significant relationship between the variables relevant to the company including (the firm's nature, profitability, and age) and the compliance with issuing the reports and the information content of the financial statements. Moreover there are statistically significant differences in the extent to which IAS 34 is applied in the Jordanian public shareholding companies. These differences arise due to the personal and occupational characteristics of the preparers of financial statements (gender, age, qualification, position, and experience)

    Mapping the contribution in research productivity of Colleges of Applied Medical Sciences affiliated with universities of Saudi Arabia published in PubMed indexed journals during the period 2009 - 2018.

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    Aim: The aim of this study is, to calculate the publications published in PubMed Indexed journals by authors participated as the first or as a participatory author associated with Colleges of Applied Medical Sciences, affiliated with universities of Saudi Arabia. Methods: The data was retrieved and collected from the PubMed/Medline database to tabulate in Microsoft Excel 2010 year and subject wise, annual growth of publications, a pattern of authorship and frequency of journals from the period 2009 - 2018. Results: This study showed that n=1652; 165.2 per annum and 75 articles per university were published during the period of 2009 - 2018. The year 2018 produced n=431; 183.4% higher than the year 2009. King Saud University place its share in research and produced n=785; 47.5% articles followed by Qassim University with n=109; 6.6% articles. While eight universities contributed in n=460; 27.8% articles as minimum 53 and maximum 80 articles as a participator in research productivity. A multi-authorship is visible in this study as a majority, which contributes n=1519; 92% articles. Subject Physiotherapy takes attention of researcher and they produced n=209; 12.6% articles. Another 12 subjects participated in n=1130; 68.6% articles. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences facilitated in the publication of n=36; 2.1% articles out of 1151 journals which indexed in PubMed database. Conclusion: Significant participation of authors and institutes in the production of publications published in PubMed Indexed journals reveals the culture of research pertained in the colleges affiliated with 22 universities of Saudi Arabia. Every year they produced qualitative and quantitative manuscripts which strengthen the objectives of policymakers in the development of the research environment among academics

    Assessment of Total Procollagen Type 1 Intact N-terminal Propeptide, C-telopeptide of type 1 collagen, Bone Mineral Density and its Relationship to Body Mass Index in Men with Type 2 Diabetes

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    Background: Type 2 diabetes negatively affects the biochemical parameters of bone turnover more than obesity and is associated with an increased risk of osteoporosis and fragility fractures. Obesity and type 2 diabetes (T2DM) are linked to increased fracturing risk; however, the effect of obesity on diabetes-related bone deficit is unknown. Objective: The goal of this research is to compare the indications, bone density, and bone turnover in T2DM men and a control group, and to investigate the effect of body mass index on bone turnover levels. Subjects, Material and Method: This case-control study was conducted on 120 men whose ages were from 40 - 69 years. They were grouped into two categories: T2DM (n=80) and healthy control (n=40). Serum samples from both groups were analyzed for blood glucose, Calcium and Albumin, by using (Cobas c111), PTH by (Cobas e 411), P1NP and CTX-1 levels in the serum using ELISA kits. Participants underwent (DEXA) measuring Bone Mass Density (BMD) at the lumbar spine. Results: The control (obese and non-obese) participants had statistically significant higher levels of CTX-1 and P1NP than the patients (obese and non-obese) (P-value = 0.000). There was no significant differences in Spine BMD, T-score (p-value = 0.27 and 0.37 respectively). Conclusion: Men with T2DM had a low bone turnover level and deteriorated bone quality compared to controls. The obese healthy controls can maintain healthy bone metabolism if T2DM is prevented.

    Infection among renal transplant patients in the Kingdom of Bahrain: A ten year retrospective study ( 2004-2014)

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    Introduction:  Kidney transplantation is the process of transplanting the organ to a patient with end stage renal disease. Complications with transplant can be encountered during or for a varying period post operatively. As graft survival and immunosuppressant regimens have improved, infection of grafts have become a leading concern. The diagnosis of infection in such patients is challenging too due to the lack of the typical infection indicators like fever as the patients are immunocompromised. The focus of our study is to study the extent of infection on the transplanted patients. The research will look into the type of microorganisms encountered, their management and outcome. Methods  & Materials: A retrospective study was carried out between the periods of 1st of January 2004 to 31st of December of the same year 2014. All renal transplant patients admitted during this period were segregated according to the reason of admission. Only those with impression of infection were enrolled.   Results: A total of 108 patients admitted between the period of 1st of January 2004 and 31st of December 2014 with impression of infection post renal transplant. Some of the patients had recurrent history during those ten years for infectious purposes. From the 108 patients, 74 of them received transplant from living donors (68.52%). The diagnosis on admission was limited to certain differentials. 35.19% patients were admitted with the impression of urinary tract infection. Pneumonia was diagnosed in 10.19%.  patients.  Majority of patient (89.96%) were on maintenance dose of steroids. That was followed by MMF, Tacrolimus and cyclosporine with a percentage of 81.48%, 46.3% and 25.93% respectively. Regarding the antibiotics, 86.11% of the admitted patient were started on single antibiotic on admission including those with recurrent admission. Conclusion: Fever is a common presenting symptom in our population of transplant recipients which reflects the possibility of infection. The majority responded to a single antibiotic use.  The limitation of our study is the small number of the transplanted patients. &nbsp

    Morphofunctional ecology of 15 seedlings species from an Atlantic Rainforest of Sergipe, Brazil

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    Atlantic Rainforest of Sergipe State is now fragmented and reduced to only 9% of its original cover. The knowledge of seedlings’ morphofunctional ecology in this ecosystem is essential to taxonomic, forestry and ecological purposes, since the ability to recognize seedlings on field is required to understand the natural regeneration and plant succession dynamics. In this study, the germination and seedlings morphology of 15 species of aSergiperemanescentForestwere described and illustrated. Besides, relationship among seed biometry, seedling morphology and ecological traits were analyzed. From the total of species analyzed 40% was classified as phanerocotylar epigeal with foliaceous cotyledons, 26.7% as cryptocotylar hypogeal with reserve storage cotyledons, 26.7% as phanerocotylar epigeal with reserve storage cotyledons and 6.6% as phanerocotylar hypogeal with reserve storage cotyledons. The relationships among seed biometry, seedling morpho-functional type and species ecological attributes found in species analyzed are similar to those obtained in other tropical forests. This result suggests that the morphology of seedlings is strongly driven by species regeneration niche.Em Sergipe a Floresta Atlântica encontra-se hoje fragmentada e reduzida a apenas 9% da sua cobertura original. O estudo da ecologia morfofuncional de plântulas nesse ecossistema é importante para a taxonomia, silvicultura e ecologia, possibilitando a identificação das plântulas no campo, requisito necessário para o entendimento da regeneração e sucessão vegetal. Neste estudo, foram descritas a germinação e a morfologia de plântulas de 15 espécies de um remanescente florestal sergipano, sendo também analisadas as relações entre biometria das sementes, morfologia das plântulas e outros atributos ecológicos. Do total de espécies analisadas 40% foram classificadas como fanero-epígeo-foliáceas, 26,7%, como cripto-hipógeo-armazenadoras, 26,7% como fanero-epígeo-armazenadoras e 6,6% como fanero-hipógeo-armazenadoras. A existência de relações entre a biometria da semente, o tipo morfofuncional de plântula e os atributos ecológicos das espécies analisadas corroborou os resultados obtidos em outras florestas tropicais, indicando que a morfologia da plântula é fortemente direcionada pelas características do nicho de regeneração.São Cristóvão, S

    Fortunella margarita Transcriptional Reprogramming Triggered by Xanthomonas citri subsp. citri

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Citrus canker disease caused by the bacterial pathogen <it>Xanthomonas citri </it>subsp. <it>citri (</it>Xcc) <it>has </it>become endemic in areas where high temperature, rain, humidity, and windy conditions provide a favourable environment for the dissemination of the bacterium. Xcc is pathogenic on many commercial citrus varieties but appears to elicit an incompatible reaction on the citrus relative <it>Fortunella margarita </it>Swing (kumquat), in the form of a very distinct delayed necrotic response. We have developed subtractive libraries enriched in sequences expressed in kumquat leaves during both early and late stages of the disease. The isolated differentially expressed transcripts were subsequently sequenced. Our results demonstrate how the use of microarray expression profiling can help assign roles to previously uncharacterized genes and elucidate plant pathogenesis-response related mechanisms. This can be considered to be a case study in a citrus relative where high throughput technologies were utilized to understand defence mechanisms in <it>Fortunella </it>and citrus at the molecular level.</p> <p>Results</p> <p><b>cDNAs from sequenced kumquat libraries (ESTs) made from subtracted RNA populations, healthy vs. infected, were used to make this microarray</b>. Of 2054 selected genes on a customized array, 317 were differentially expressed (P < 0.05) in Xcc challenged kumquat plants compared to mock-inoculated ones. This study identified components of the incompatible interaction such as reactive oxygen species (ROS) and programmed cell death (PCD). Common defence mechanisms and a number of resistance genes were also identified. In addition, there were a considerable number of differentially regulated genes that had no homologues in the databases. This could be an indication of either a specialized set of genes employed by kumquat in response to canker disease or new defence mechanisms in citrus.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Functional categorization of kumquat Xcc-responsive genes revealed an enhanced defence-related metabolism as well as a number of resistant response-specific genes in the kumquat transcriptome in response to Xcc inoculation. Gene expression profile(s) were analyzed to assemble a comprehensive and inclusive image of the molecular interaction in the kumquat/Xcc system. This was done in order to elucidate molecular mechanisms associated with the development of the hypersensitive response phenotype in kumquat leaves. These data will be used to perform comparisons among citrus species to evaluate means to enhance the host immune responses against bacterial diseases.</p

    Contribution by Polymorphonucleate Granulocytes to Elevated Gamma-Glutamyltransferase in Cystic Fibrosis Sputum

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    Background: Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disorder characterized by a chronic neutrophilic airways inflammation, increasing levels of oxidative stress and reduced levels of antioxidants such as glutathione (GSH). Gammaglutamyltransferase (GGT), an enzyme induced by oxidative stress and involved in the catabolism of GSH and its derivatives, is increased in the airways of CF patients with inflammation, but the possible implications of its increase have not yet been investigated in detail. Principal Findings: The present study was aimed to evaluate the origin and the biochemical characteristics of the GGT detectable in CF sputum. We found GGT activity both in neutrophils and in the fluid, the latter significantly correlating with myeloperoxidase expression. In neutrophils, GGT was associated with intracellular granules. In the fluid, gel-filtration chromatography showed the presence of two distinct GGT fractions, the first corresponding to the human plasma b-GGT fraction, the other to the free enzyme. The same fractions were also observed in the supernatant of ionomycin and fMLPactivated neutrophils. Western blot analysis confirmed the presence of a single band of GGT immunoreactive peptide in the CF sputum samples and in isolated neutrophils. Conclusions: In conclusion, our data indicate that neutrophils are able to transport and release GGT, thus increasing GGT activity in CF sputum. The prompt release of GGT may have consequences on all GGT substrates, including major inflammatory mediators such as S-nitrosoglutathione and leukotrienes, and could participate in early modulation of inflammatory response
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