2,115 research outputs found

    Analysis of project management tools to support knowledge management

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    Knowledge Management is an essential element for the successful implementation of projects. Due to the temporary nature of the projects and the teams that participate in them, the transfer, integration, and management of knowledge among projects is vital to promote sharing best practices, and to avoid the repetition of previous mistakes, in order to increase the probability of success for the projects and the organization. For this reason, Project Management tools can play a significant role in supporting Knowledge Management. The goal of this paper is to analyze and evaluate the project management tools of the Gartner Leader quadrant (2019 Gartner Magic Quadrant) regarding their potential for the Capture, Storage, Sharing and Application of knowledge, according to the artifacts in the PMBOK [1], and determine which are the best options. Gartner's leader tools were compared to Confluence, referenced as a great choice for knowledge and project document management. For the development of the artifact was used the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology. The application that obtained the highest score was Targetprocess.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Tailoring: A case study on the application of the seventh principle of PMBOK 7 in a public institution

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    In the 7th edition of PMBOK the Tailoring process is legitimized as an essential ally in project management, since it makes several adjustments throughout the project's life cycle to provide the best possible environment to achieve the deliverables and the value added to the organization. Tailoring as a principle further highlights the unique nature of each project and the need to carry out this process continuously. Based on a unique case study, the beginning of the management functions in a sector of a public organization is discussed, as well as the adaptations made to optimize the workflow and productivity in the deliverables. From this investigation results the proposal of a framework adapted to the needs of the institution, as a starting point for the professionalization of project management.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The effect of the electric field on lag phase, β-galactosidase production and plasmid stability of a recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain growing on lactose

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    Ethanol and β-galactosidase production from cheese whey may significantly contribute to minimise environmental problems while producing value from lowcost raw materials. In this work, the recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae NCYC869-A3/pVK1.1 flocculent strain expressing the lacA gene (coding for β-galactosidase) of Aspergillus niger under ADHI promoter and terminator was used. This strain shows high ethanol and β-galactosidase productivities when grown on lactose. Batch cultures were performed using SSlactose medium with 50 gL−1 lactose in a 2-L bioreactor under aerobic and microaerophilic conditions. Temperature was maintained at 30 °C and pH 4.0. In order to determine the effect of an electric field in the fermentation profile, titanium electrodes were placed inside the bioreactor and different electric field values (from 0.5 to 2 Vcm−1) were applied. For all experiments, β-galactosidase activity, biomass, protein, lactose, glucose, galactose and ethanol concentrations were measured. Finally, lag phase duration and specific growth rate were calculated. Significant changes in lag phase duration and biomass yield were found when using 2 Vcm−1. Results show that the electric field enhances the early stages of fermentation kinetics, thus indicating that its application may improve industrial fermentations’ productivity. The increase in electric field intensity led to plasmid instability thus decreasing β-galactosidase production.The authors gratefully acknowledge Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal) for the scholarships SFRH/BD/11230/2002 and SFRH/BDP/63831/2009 granted to authors I. Castro and C. Oliveira, respectively

    Análise da variabilidade do IRI obtido por vários perfilómetros

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    A irregularidade longitudinal, caracterizada habitualmente pelo Índice Internacional de Irregularidade (IRI – International Roughness Index), é um dos parâmetros de estado dos pavimentos rodoviários cuja variabilidade pode ter consequências relevantes nas estratégias de reabilitação e, consequentemente, nos custos e na sua vida de serviço. Por esta razão, este artigo tem por principal objectivo proporcionar às entidades referidas informação útil no que respeita à variabilidade do IRI, calculado a partir de dados obtidos por vários perfilómetros. Assim, foram seleccionados cinco veículos do tipo”multifunções”, que pertencem quer a empresas de consultadoria quer a instituições de investigação, e três trechos de estrada com camadas de desgaste em betão betuminoso drenante, betão betuminosos rugoso e betão betuminoso “convencional”. Cada veículo percorreu cinco vezes cada trecho nos dois sentidos de tráfego. O espaçamento adoptado para o cálculo do IRI foi de 100 m. A média e o desvio padrão foram os parâmetros usados para estudar a variabilidade dos resultados. De uma forma geral verificou-se que o valor do desvio padrão do IRI é 20 a 30% do valor da média

    Monitorização óptica da evolução de deformações em edifícios históricos

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    As estruturas de património arquitectónico apresentam, pela sua natureza e história, um elevado desafio no campo da conservação. Para vencer esse desafio é indispensável combinar o conhecimento e experiência científico e cultural para o estudo exaustivo das melhores soluções a aplicar, quer no âmbito da análise e diagnóstico, quer no âmbito da intervenção e conservação. Com o objectivo de facultar meios de análise e diagnóstico adequados ao património arquitectónico, foram desenvolvidos e implementados sistemas ópticos para monitorização estrutural. Um dos sistemas tem por base o uso de sensores de fibra óptica baseados em redes de Bragg. Um outro sistema tem por base a medição laser de distâncias por diferença de fase

    Critical success factors during the implementation of ISO 22000:2018

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    Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to evaluate why companies still struggle with ISO 22000 implementation and maintenance, identifying which aspects are key for its success. Design/methodology/approach - A literature review was carried out based on Scientific articles and implementation guides collected from Google Scholar, ScienceDirect and ResearchGate. Findings - Nine aspects seem to have a broader impact on organizations maintenance of ISO 22000 and other FSMS. Furthermore, the empirical research reveals that having an efficient food safety management system is a prerequisite for companys competitiveness. Practical implications - The findings show that many of the critical success factors for a FSMS implementation are based on regular and adequate management of people inside the company. Originality/value - A novel model of segmenting critical success factors is presented, which has practical implications for ISO 22000 achievement.(undefined)info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Biomaterials as Tendon and Ligament Substitutes: Current Developments

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    Tendon and ligament have specialized dynamic microenvironment characterized by a complex hierarchical extracellular matrix essential for tissue functionality, and responsible to be an instructive niche for resident cells. Among musculoskeletal diseases, tendon/ligament injuries often result in pain, substantial tissue morbidity, and disability, affecting athletes, active working people and elder population. This represents not only a major healthcare problem but it implies considerable social and economic hurdles. Current treatments are based on the replacement and/or augmentation of the damaged tissue with severe associated limitations. Thus, it is evident the clinical challenge and emergent need to recreate native tissue features and regenerate damaged tissues. In this context, the design and development of anisotropic bioengineered systems with potential to recapitulate the hierarchical architecture and organization of tendons and ligaments from nano to macro scale will be discussed in this chapter. Special attention will be given to the state-of-the-art fabrication techniques, namely spinning and electrochemical alignment techniques to address the demanding requirements for tendon substitutes, particularly concerning the importance of biomechanical and structural cues of these tissues. Moreover, the poor innate regeneration ability related to the low cellularity and vascularization of tendons and ligaments also anticipates the importance of cell based strategies, particularly on the stem cells role for the success of tissue engineered therapies. In summary, this chapter provides a general overview on tendon and ligaments physiology and current conventional treatments for injuries caused by trauma and/or disease. Moreover, this chapter presents tissue engineering approaches as an alternative to overcome the limitations of current therapies, focusing on the discussion about scaffolds design for tissue substitutes to meet the regenerative medicine challenges towards the functional restoration of damaged or degenerated tendon and ligament tissues.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for the post-doctoral grant (SFRH/BPD/111729/2015) and for the projects Recognize (UTAP-ICDT/CTM-BIO/0023/2014) and POC I-01-0145-FEDER-007

    Padrões micrometeorológicos da plantação de cana-de-açúcar.

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    A indústria do etanol e açúcar cresceu como uma atividade agrícola muito relevante no Brasil, especialmente no estado de São Paulo. Entender a variabilidade temporal de troca de água e calor sobre plantações de cana-de-açúcar tornou-se um assunto bastante importante no contexto de mudanças climáticas regionais e globais. Este trabalho pretende discutir a variabilidade dos fluxos de radiação e fluxos turbulentos de energia sobre 3 tipos de manejo de plantação de cana-de-açúcar, no estado de São Paulo, entre 1997 e 2007. Os agroecossistemas foram manejados com diferentes sistemas de colheita e com diferenças de solo entre dois deles. A variabilidade dos fluxos dependeu em primeiro lugar da variabilidade climática sazonal, e finalmente notou-se a caracterização de padrões que refletiram o tipo de manejo e por conseguinte os diferentes estágios fenológicos das plantas em cada um deles