21,067 research outputs found
Forrest Gump: comic representations of the recent American past
Mestrado em Línguas, Literaturas e Culturas - Estudos InglesesO presente trabalho propõe-se pesquisar a abordagem histórica das décadas de 50, 60 e 70 nas comédias americanas contemporâneas. Deste modo espero destacar os acontecimentos da história americana no passado recente que se prestaram a uma abordagem cinematográfica e foram retratados em comédias. As reacções a esses filmes permitem ainda reflectir sobre os valores culturais transmitidos nos filmes de comédia. Esta dissertação também aborda as características e funções da comédia enquanto género cinematográfico. Na fundamentação teórica também são abordadas algumas questões ligadas à adaptação cinematográfica. A vertente prática da dissertação centra-se no filme Forrest Gump, explorando a sua relevância histórica, e a adaptação ao cinema.
ABSTRACT: This dissertation is intended to research historical approaches to the fifties, sixties and seventies in contemporary comedy films. Doing so, I expect to cast some light on recent American events that have proved to be cinematic and likely to be explored in a comic perspective. Viewers´ response to these films is also to be analysed so as to reflect on the cultural values rendered in comedy forms. Moreover, this dissertation includes some thought on the narrative and generic features of comedy as a film genre. The theoretical section also covers some issues raised by film adaptation. The practical research section focuses on the film Forrest Gump, exploring both its historical significance, and the precise nature of this adaptation
The early days of the Euro debt crisis revisited: historical, legal and institutional overview of the role of the ECB in the context of an economic and monetary union in mutation
This paper seeks to shed some light on the different stages of what ended up
being a deep euro debt crisis of unforeseen proportions and the attempts of responses designed to
address it in the context of an EU, unprepared to face its outcomes and implications. Our
starting point is a quick overview of the historical, institutional and legal pathway that led to the
set-up of the EMU, seeking to provide a better understanding of the backdrop for the on-going
euro crisis and the several legal instruments put forward within and alongside the EMU
framework to tackle it. Particular attention is given to the functions and goals originally
attributed to the ECB and to some of the controversial steps this institution decided to take in
order to address the debt crisis at its different stages. Finally, some lines of reflexion are proposed
in light of the future challenges that we consider that an EMU in mutation inevitably entails.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Die Deutschen im Transit - ein Beispiel der Vertreibungsliteratur
Während und nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg sind über 12 Millionen Deutsche aus dem ehemaligen deutschen Osten geflohen und vertrieben worden. Der vorliegende Beitrag konzentriert sich darauf, wie diese dramatischen Vorgänge die Grenze zur Literatur überschritten haben und im Roman "Jokehnen oder Wie lange fährt man von Ostpreußen nach Deutschland?" des Schriftstellers Arno Surminski erzählt wurden. Schon im Titel des Werkes wurde ein deutlicher geographischer Hinweis auf den Schauplatz des Surminski-Romans gegeben. Diese Provinz Ostpreußens war ebenso wie Westpreußen, Schlesien, Pommern und Brandenburg, das östliche Teil des einstigen Ostdeutschlands. [...] Bei der Flucht und Vertreibung der Deutschen aus diesem historischen deutschen Osten, die von vielen Historikern als eine der größten Migrationen der Geschichte Europas angesehen wird, handelt es sich um einen sehr komplexen Prozess. Er kann grundsätzlich als eine ethnische Säuberung klassifiziert werden, da es sich um die gewaltsame Umsiedlung einer ethnischen Gruppe von einem Land in ein anderes Land handelt. Ein solches Phänomen war nicht keineswegs einmalig in der Geschichte des 20. Jahrhunderts. Man denke z.B. an die Deportationen der Armenier in den Jahren 1915 und 1916, oder an den Vertrag von Lausanne vom 24. Juli 1923, der die Flucht und Vertreibung von circa 1.200.000 Griechen und 400.000 Türken als ein Austausch der Religionen sanktionierte, und der unter Vernachlässigung seiner offensichtlichen negativen Konsequenzen später als Beispiel verwendet wurde, die Vertreibung der ostdeutschen Bevölkerung am Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs zu rechtfertigen. Der Schlüssel zum Verständnis des Prozesses liegt in der Geschichte, daher ist die historisch und politisch bedingte Motivation zu untersuchen, welche im Werk von Arno Surminski zur strafenden Vorgehensweise durch die nicht-deutsche Bevölkerung gegenüber den Deutschen führte, die damals die deutschen Ostgebiete bewohnten
(In the Science Museum’s Contact Zone)
UIDP/05021/2020This paper proposes an examination of the work of American art/activist collective Not an Alternative (NAA) as a third phase, or “phase change” – as defined by Brian Holmes – in relation to institutional critique in the arts. It locates their work within different the oretical approaches to socially engaged art pursuant to the domains of collaboration and participation, in relation to their artistic autonomy. The author contends that The Natural History Museum (TNHM), an ongoing NAA project, redefines the modus operandi of institutional critique through its establishment of temporary camps inside two major American science museums, targeting their museological contact zone and altering the museums’ functionality. Essential to NNA’s practice is their collaboration with the Native American Lummi Nation of the Pacific Northwest. The article is divided into three parts: first, theoretical contextualisation; second, past projects and relations with the Art Workers’ Coalition, Hans Haacke and activist art of New York City in the 1970s and 1980s; and, lastly, their emancipation from the museological contact zone.publishersversionpublishe
The Single Supervisory Mechanism in the context of a European Banking Union under construction: bridging the Euro debt crisis with defences designed for the future
Set up in the past few years under the shadow of the Euro debt crisis, the European
Banking Union (EBU) has been taking its first steps, aiming to prevent the dreaded repetition of
the recent shortcomings of the several components of the European Monetary Union (EMU). By
revisiting some specific events that led to the Euro crisis, this paper seeks to provide some insights on
the understanding of the set-up of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM), in the context of the
broader conjunction of the several instruments put forward to provide the EBU with the resilience
to prevent future crises. The text provides a brief background of the events that triggered the need
for setting up the EBU, followed by an overview of its different constitutive elements and, finally, a
critical analysis of the most prominent aspects of the SSM.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
Behavior of a mobile communication link in an urban environment: a test case
This paper presents practical and theoretical results. The practical were obtained during one test-drive made at Porto downtown (CBD), named Baixa. Practical results are compared with application of theoretical models. The urban parametrs was assumed to be position-independent. These results will be of importance for mobile cellular communication systems in macro and microcells scenarios at urban dense areas. Two models to
downtown are presented: Regression Line Fit (RLF) and Okumura Baseline Fit (OBF). Generated results confirm the good agreement to the zone under study, due lowest absolute mean
errors and standard deviations generated.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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