19 research outputs found

    The calcium activated nucleotidases: A diverse family of soluble and membrane associated nucleotide hydrolyzing enzymes

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    It has long been known that the salivary glands of hematophagous (blood-feeding) arthropods secrete soluble apyrases, which are potent nucleotide hydrolyzing enzymes capable of hydrolyzing extracellular ATP and ADP, the latter being a major agonist contributing to platelet aggregation. Only recently, however, has the identification of proteins homologous to these apyrases been reported in non-blood-feeding organisms such as rodents and humans. In this review, we present an overview of the diverse family of apyrases first described in the blood-feeding arthropods, including the identification and characterization of the soluble and membrane-bound vertebrate enzymes homologous to these arthropod apyrases. We also describe the enzymatic properties and nucleotide specificities of the expressed enzymes, and insights gained into the structure and function of this calcium activated nucleotidase (CAN) family from biophysical, mutagenesis and crystallography studies. The potential therapeutic value of these proteins is also discussed

    Breast cancer risk variants at 6q25 display different phenotype associations and regulate ESR1, RMND1 and CCDC170.

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    We analyzed 3,872 common genetic variants across the ESR1 locus (encoding estrogen receptor α) in 118,816 subjects from three international consortia. We found evidence for at least five independent causal variants, each associated with different phenotype sets, including estrogen receptor (ER(+) or ER(-)) and human ERBB2 (HER2(+) or HER2(-)) tumor subtypes, mammographic density and tumor grade. The best candidate causal variants for ER(-) tumors lie in four separate enhancer elements, and their risk alleles reduce expression of ESR1, RMND1 and CCDC170, whereas the risk alleles of the strongest candidates for the remaining independent causal variant disrupt a silencer element and putatively increase ESR1 and RMND1 expression.This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Nature Publishing Group via http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/ng.352

    Proline residues link the active site to transmembrane domain movements in human nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 3 (NTPDase3)

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    The active sites of the membrane-bound nucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (NTPDases) regulate and are regulated by coordinated and spatially distant movements of their transmembrane helices, modulating enzyme activity, and substrate specificity. Using site-directed mutagenesis, the roles of the conserved proline residues (N-terminal: P52 and P53; C-terminal: P472, P476, P481, P484, and P485) of human NTPDase3, located in the “linker regions” that connect the N- and C-terminal transmembrane helices with the extracellular active site, were examined. Single cysteine substitutions were strategically placed in the transmembrane domain (N-terminal helix: V42C; C-terminal helix: G489C) to serve as cross-linking “sensors” of helical interactions. These “sensor” background mutant proteins (V42C and G489C NTPDase3) are enzymatically active and are cross-linked by copper phenanthroline less efficiently in the presence of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Proline to alanine substitutions at P53, P481, P484, and P485 in the V42C background, as well as P53, P481, and P484 in the G489C background, exhibited decreased nucleotidase activities. More importantly, alanine substitutions at P53 and P481 in the V42C background and P481 in the G489C background no longer exhibited the ATP-induced decrease in transmembrane cross-linking efficiency. Interestingly, the P485A mutation abolished oxidative cross-linking at G489C both in the presence and absence of ATP. Taken together, these results suggest a role for proline residues 53 and 481 in the linker regions of human NTPDase3 for coupling nucleotide binding at the enzyme active site to movements and/or rearrangements of the transmembrane helices necessary for optimal nucleotide hydrolysis

    Distribution of NTPDase5 and NTPDase6 and the regulation of P2Y receptor signalling in the rat cochlea

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    Membrane-bound ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolases (E-NTPDases) in the inner ear regulate complex extracellular purinergic type-2 (P2) receptor signalling pathways through hydrolysis of extracellular nucleoside 5′-triphosphates and diphosphates. This study investigated the distribution of NTPDase5 and NTPDase6, two intracellular members of the E-NTPDase family, and linked this to regulation of P2 receptor signalling in the adult rat cochlea. These extracellular ectonucleotidases preferentially hydrolyse nucleoside 5′-diphosphates such as UDP and GDP. Expression of both enzymes at mRNA and protein level was detected in cochlear tissues and there was in vivo release of soluble NTPDase5 and 6 into cochlear fluids. Strong NTPDase5 immunostaining was found in the spiral ganglion neurones and supporting Deiters’ cells of the organ of Corti, while NTPDase6 was confined to the inner hair cells. Upregulation of NTPDase5 after exposure to loud sound indicates a dynamic role for NTPDase5 in cochlear response to stress, whereas NTPDase6 may have more limited extracellular roles. Noise-induced upregulation of co-localised UDP-preferring P2Y6 receptors in the spiral ganglion neurons further supports the involvement of NTPDase5 in regulation of P2Y receptor signalling. Noise stress also induced P2Y14 (UDP- and UDP-glucose preferring) receptor expression in the root processes of the outer sulcus cells, but this was not associated with localization of the E-NTPDases

    The predictive ability of the 313 variant-based polygenic risk score for contralateral breast cancer risk prediction in women of European ancestry with a heterozygous BRCA1 or BRCA2 pathogenic variant.

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    Purpose To evaluate the association between a previously published 313 variant-based breast cancer (BC) polygenic risk score (PRS313) and contralateral breast cancer (CBC) risk, in BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic variant heterozygotes.Methods We included women of European ancestry with a prevalent first primary invasive BC (BRCA1 = 6,591 with 1,402 prevalent CBC cases; BRCA2 = 4,208 with 647 prevalent CBC cases) from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1/2 (CIMBA), a large international retrospective series. Cox regression analysis was performed to assess the association between overall and ER-specific PRS313 and CBC risk.Results For BRCA1 heterozygotes the estrogen receptor (ER)-negative PRS313 showed the largest association with CBC risk, hazard ratio (HR) per SD = 1.12, 95% confidence interval (CI) (1.06-1.18), C-index = 0.53; for BRCA2 heterozygotes, this was the ER-positive PRS313, HR = 1.15, 95% CI (1.07-1.25), C-index = 0.57. Adjusting for family history, age at diagnosis, treatment, or pathological characteristics for the first BC did not change association effect sizes. For women developing first BC 313 5th and 95th percentile 10-year CBC risks were 22% and 32% for BRCA1 and 13% and 23% for BRCA2 heterozygotes, respectively.Conclusion The PRS313 can be used to refine individual CBC risks for BRCA1/2 heterozygotes of European ancestry, however the PRS313 needs to be considered in the context of a multifactorial risk model to evaluate whether it might influence clinical decision-making

    Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange Mass Spectrometry for Protein Higher-Order Structure Characterization

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