1,428 research outputs found

    The VLT-FLAMES survey of massive stars: observations in the Galactic clusters NGC3293, NGC4755 and NGC6611

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    We introduce a new survey of massive stars in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds using the Fibre Large Array Multi-Element Spectrograph (FLAMES) instrument at the Very Large Telescope (VLT). Here we present observations of 269 Galactic stars with the FLAMES-Giraffe Spectrograph (R ~ 25,000), in fields centered on the open clusters NGC 3293, NGC 4755 and NGC 6611. These data are supplemented by a further 50 targets observed with the Fibre-Fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph (FEROS, R = 48,000). Following a description of our scientific motivations and target selection criteria, the data reduction methods are described; of critical importance the FLAMES reduction pipeline is found to yield spectra that are in excellent agreement with less automated methods. Spectral classifications and radial velocity measurements are presented for each star, with particular attention paid to morphological peculiarities and evidence of binarity. These observations represent a significant increase in the known spectral content of NGC 3293 and NGC 4755, and will serve as standards against which our subsequent FLAMES observations in the Magellanic Clouds will be compared.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figures (reduced size). Accepted for publication in A&A. A copy with full res. figures is available from http://www.ing.iac.es/~cje/flames_mw.ps.gz. Minor changes following correction of proof

    Generalized Chaplygin gas model: Cosmological consequences and statefinder diagnosis

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    The generalized Chaplygin gas (GCG) model in spatially flat universe is investigated. The cosmological consequences led by GCG model including the evolution of EoS parameter, deceleration parameter and dimensionless Hubble parameter are calculated. We show that the GCG model behaves as a general quintessence model. The GCG model can also represent the pressureless CDM model at the early time and cosmological constant model at the late time. The dependency of transition from decelerated expansion to accelerated expansion on the parameters of model is investigated. The statefinder parameters rr and ss in this model are derived and the evolutionary trajectories in srs-r plane are plotted. Finally, based on current observational data, we plot the evolutionary trajectories in srs-r and qrq-r planes for best fit values of the parameters of GCG model. It has been shown that although, there are similarities between GCG model and other forms of chaplygin gas in statefinder plane, but the distance of this model from the Λ\LambdaCDM fixed point in srs-r diagram is shorter compare with standard chaplygin gas model.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, accepted in Astrophys Space Sci. (2011

    Horava-Lifshitz Dark Energy

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    We formulate Horava-Lifshitz cosmology with an additional scalar field that leads to an effective dark energy sector. We find that, due to the inherited features from the gravitational background, Horava-Lifshitz dark energy naturally presents very interesting behaviors, possessing a varying equation-of-state parameter, exhibiting phantom behavior and allowing for a realization of the phantom divide crossing. In addition, Horava-Lifshitz dark energy guarantees for a bounce at small scale factors and it may trigger the turnaround at large scale factors, leading naturally to cyclic cosmology.Comment: 17 pages, no figures, version published at EJP

    RsmV, a small noncoding regulatory RNA in Pseudomonas aeruginosa that sequesters RsmA and RsmF from target mRNAs

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    The Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa has distinct genetic programs that favor either acute or chronic virulence gene expression. Acute virulence is associated with twitching and swimming motility, expression of a type III secretion system (T3SS), and the absence of alginate, Psl, or Pel polysaccharide production. Traits associated with chronic infection include growth as a biofilm, reduced motility, and expression of a type VI secretion system (T6SS). The Rsm posttranscriptional regulatory system plays important roles in the inverse control of phenotypes associated with acute and chronic virulence. RsmA and RsmF are RNA-binding proteins that interact with target mRNAs to control gene expression at the posttranscriptional level. Previous work found that RsmA activity is controlled by at least three small, noncoding regulatory RNAs (RsmW, RsmY, and RsmZ). In this study, we took an in silico approach to identify additional small RNAs (sRNAs) that might function in the sequestration of RsmA and/or RsmF (RsmA/RsmF) and identified RsmV, a 192-nucleotide (nt) transcript with four predicted RsmA/RsmF consensus binding sites. RsmV is capable of sequestering RsmA and RsmF in vivo to activate translation of tssA1, a component of the T6SS, and to inhibit T3SS gene expression. Each of the predicted RsmA/RsmF consensus binding sites contributes to RsmV activity. Electrophoretic mobility shifts assays show that RsmF binds RsmV with > 10-fold higher affinity than RsmY and RsmZ. Gene expression studies revealed that the temporal expression pattern of RsmV differs from those of RsmW, RsmY, and RsmZ. These findings suggest that each sRNA may play a distinct role in controlling RsmA and RsmF activity

    Generalized Second Law of Thermodynamics in Quintom Dominated Universe

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    In this paper we will investigate the validity of the Generalized Second Law of thermodynamics for the Quintom model of dark energy. Reviewing briefly the quintom scenario of dark energy, we will study the conditions of validity of the generalized second law of thermodynamics in three cases: quintessence dominated, phantom dominated and transition from quintessence to phantom will be discussed.Comment: 8 pages, no figure

    Interacting Generalised Cosmic Chaplygin gas in Loop quantum cosmology: A singularity free universe

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    In this work we investigate the background dynamics when dark energy is coupled to dark matter with a suitable interaction in the universe described by Loop quantum cosmology. Dark energy in the form of Generalised Cosmic Chaplygin gas is considered. A suitable interaction between dark energy and dark matter is taken into account in order to at least alleviate (if not solve) the cosmic coincidence problem. The dynamical system of equations is solved numerically and a stable scaling solution is obtained. A significant attempt towards the solution of the cosmic coincidence problem is taken. The statefinder parameters are also calculated to classify the dark energy model. Graphs and phase diagrams are drawn to study the variations of these parameters. It is seen that the background dynamics of Generalised Cosmic Chaplygin gas is completely consistent with the notion of an accelerated expansion in the late universe. From the graphs, generalised cosmic Chaplygin gas is identified as a dark fluid with a lesser negative pressure compared to Modified Chaplygin gas, thus supporting a 'No Big Rip' cosmology. It has also been shown that in this model the universe follows the power law form of expansion around the critical point, which is consistent with the known results. Future singularities that may be formed in this model as an ultimate fate of the universe has been studied in detail. It was found that the model is completely free from any types of future singularities.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1109.1481, arXiv:1102.275

    Functional analyses of the RsmY and RsmZ small noncoding regulatory RNAs in Pseudomonas aeruginosa

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a Gram-negative opportunistic pathogen with distinct acute and chronic virulence phenotypes. Whereas acute virulence is typically associated with expression of a type III secretion system (T3SS), chronic virulence is characterized by biofilm formation. Many of the phenotypes associated with acute and chronic virulence are inversely regulated by RsmA and RsmF. RsmA and RsmF are both members of the CsrA family of RNA-binding proteins and regulate protein synthesis at the posttranscriptional level. RsmA activity is controlled by two small noncoding regulatory RNAs (RsmY and RsmZ). Bioinformatic analyses suggest that RsmY and RsmZ each have 3 or 4 putative RsmA binding sites. Each predicted binding site contains a GGA sequence presented in the loop portion of a stem-loop structure. RsmY and RsmZ regulate RsmA, and possibly RsmF, by sequestering these proteins from target mRNAs. In this study, we used selective 2'-hydroxyl acylation analyzed by primer extension and mutational profiling (SHAPE-MaP) chemistry to determine the secondary structures of RsmY and RsmZ and functional assays to characterize the contribution of each GGA site to RsmY/RsmZ activity. Our data indicate that RsmA has two preferential binding sites on RsmY and RsmZ, while RsmF has one preferential binding site on RsmY and two sites on RsmZ. Despite RsmF and RsmA sharing a common consensus site, RsmF binding properties are more restrictive than those of RsmA

    Survey of nucleon electromagnetic form factors

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    A dressed-quark core contribution to nucleon electromagnetic form factors is calculated. It is defined by the solution of a Poincare' covariant Faddeev equation in which dressed-quarks provide the elementary degree of freedom and correlations between them are expressed via diquarks. The nucleon-photon vertex involves a single parameter; i.e., a diquark charge radius. It is argued to be commensurate with the pion's charge radius. A comprehensive analysis and explanation of the form factors is built upon this foundation. A particular feature of the study is a separation of form factor contributions into those from different diagram types and correlation sectors, and subsequently a flavour separation for each of these. Amongst the extensive body of results that one could highlight are: r_1^{n,u}>r_1^{n,d}, owing to the presence of axial-vector quark-quark correlations; and for both the neutron and proton the ratio of Sachs electric and magnetic form factors possesses a zero.Comment: 43 pages, 17 figures, 12 tables, 5 appendice

    tbWt \to b W in NonCommutative Standard Model

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    We study the top quark decay to b quark and W boson in the NonCommutative Standard Model (NCSM). The lowest contribution to the decay comes from the terms quadratic in the matrix describing the noncommutative (NC) effects while the linear term is seen to identically vanish because of symmetry. The NC effects are found to be significant only for low values of the NC characteristic scale.Comment: 11 page Latex file containing 2 eps figures (redrawn). More discussion included. To appear in PR